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1Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Empty Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:59 am


Name: Celestial Bubble
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Crown Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: A glowing white magic seal forms underneath an opponent (if he is within 5m rage) and covers him/her in a bubble before it swiftly closes in on them and bursts, causing a small explosion that would cover a 3m area. This does D rank damage.

Name: Star Claws
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Crown magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: Charlotte’s right hand gains a white glow on them and she slashes the air with her hand. This sends a beam of celestial energy in the shape of a claw at the opponent (range being 5m). When used in melee range, the celestial energy in her hands can be used to strike an opponent directly(not through defenses) and do piercing D rank damage.

Last edited by Charlotte on Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Empty Re: Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:56 pm


You've already made 3/5 D ranks and 2/2 C rank spells which have been approved, so until you rank up, you can't be approved for more spells besides the 2 D ranks you have left, sorry.
Choose the ones you want to keep and save the rest for later, please.

Star Bullets
When splitting spells into multiple attacks, the effectiveness is split between each part. It's difficult to rationalize it when you don't split into even number of things. And seeing as this is a D rank spell, you'd be essentially making a spell which would make the attack deal damage equal to maybe at most the damage you'd incur from a gentle breeze of wind.

Star Claw
"to strike an opponent directly" na, please make it sound less like it hits through defenses

3Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Empty Re: Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:15 am


I was told that if I posted my spells before the end of 31, I would get to have 15 spells? If not, I'll remove the rest.

For star claw, I didn't mean it would hit someone through defenses. Just that if it was to strike someone in melee combat...but ok I'll word it better

4Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Empty Re: Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:49 am


Shinsei wrote:Spells: Now that you've gotten your magic approved in your character application you're going to need some spells. Each magic comes with the follow spell slots:

  • D-RANK: +5D, +2C (Total Spells: 5D, 2C)
  • C-RANK: +3C, +2B (Total Spells: 5D, 5C, 2B)
  • B-RANK: +3B, +2A (Total Spells: 5D, 5C, 5B, 2A)
  • A-RANK: +3A, +2S (Total Spells: 5D, 5C, 5B, 5A, 2S)
  • S-RANK: +3S, +2X (Total Spells: 5D, 5C, 5B, 5A, 5S, 2X)
  • X-RANK: +3X (Total Spells: 5D, 5C, 5B, 5A, 5S, 5X)
  • Z-RANK: +1Z (Total Spells: 5D, 5C, 5B, 5A, 5S, 5X, 1Z)

You're D rank so once you add 2 D rank spells, you'll be at the cap for this magic for your rank

5Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Empty Re: Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:18 am


But I thought you can train more spells? and the event was for auto training some more spells? Sorry if I'm wrong...I mean, if not, wasn't the event totally unfair for the lower ranks and new people?

6Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Empty Re: Celestial Magic Vol: 2 Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:35 pm



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