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1Sayuno's Sheet Empty Sayuno's Sheet Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:28 am



The Mad Princess

Character Application

Take Over: Daemon Soul
Spells (B) (3/5):

  • Basileus' Eyes
  • Basileus' Ears
  • Adamantium

Spells (A) (5/5):

  • Pandemonium
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Morior
  • War Cry
  • Bioß

Spells (S) (5/5):

  • Junai's Wings
  • Basileus' Wings
  • Seithr
  • Kokuten
  • Rea Bardo

Spells (X) (2/2):

  • Basileus (Species Spell)
  • Junai (Species Spell)

Swords & Beasts

Main Hand: Mizujin the Djinn Sword
Off Hand: Mizujin the Djinn Sword
Companion: Zaevos the Spectrana

Moneyz & Bitchez

  • The Greatest Heist: Sports Manager
  • The Greatest Heist: Sweets & Seduction
  • The Greatest Heist: Holy Cause
  • The Greatest Heist: Western Shootout

A-Rank Requests:

  • My Hero!
  • Mafia Raid
  • [url=url]name[/url]
  • [url=url]name[/url]

C-Rank Requests:

  • Spring Cleaning
  • [url=url]name[/url]

RP Threads
Adventures of a Sorceress

  • Streets of Lies, Tales of Deceit (Illiad Odyssey/Fiorano)
  • A Dream in Amber (Inzei Mishima/Fiorano)
  • To Crocus (Solo/Travel/Fiorano)
  • Wolf vs. Kitty (Hikaru Nakamura/Crocus)
  • The Biochemical Roots of Love (Inzei Mishima/Crocus)
  • A Place to Lose Your Fears (Inzei Mishima/Crocus)
  • Red (Kaelyn/Crocus)
  • [url=url]name (Who/Where)[/url]
  • [url=url]name (Who/Where)[/url]
  • [url=url]name (Who/Where)[/url]
  • [url=url]name (Who/Where)[/url]
  • [url=url]name (Who/Where)[/url]

Last edited by Sayuno on Fri May 20, 2016 5:11 pm; edited 9 times in total

2Sayuno's Sheet Empty Re: Sayuno's Sheet Fri May 06, 2016 3:56 pm



   Sayuno's Sheet Fr0j6mQ
  "There is so much beauty in destruction."

Name(s): Sayuno Yato
Nickname(s): Yuno
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Birthday: November, 11th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Rank: S
Guild: Pandora's Gate
Tattoo: sternum, in black
Face Claim: Zero - Drakengard 3


Height: 170cm
Weight: 54kg
Hair: white
Eyes: rose
Description: Delicate limbs, lovely curves, a lean build and porcelain skin complete the body of Sayuno--a hauntingly beautiful woman who stands slightly taller than the average female at 5’6’’. Distinctively sharp features and a grim expression are typical for the sorceress. With skin covered in faint scars, Sayuno has visibly suffered the consequences of a life full of hardships. Marked by vast dark circles carved deeply into her face, Sayuno’s red eyes are framed by thick, white lashes, thin black eyeliner on the upper lid as well as a pair of well-kept white eyebrows. Her hair, which is a composite of white and shimmering silver, is a silky long mane that cascades down the length of her body when left open and curls slightly at the tips.

Sayuno’s main attire resembles a full body costume kept in darker colors. Covering her skin completely up to her neck, its creation required different materials such as woven fabrics, dyed leather and different metals. Slightly see-through on some spots such as her abdomen, her décolleté, her thighs, and her upper arms, what remains of her appearance is covered in arm- and shin protectors, a metallic shoulder mantle, a tail skirt covering her rear as well as heeled ankle boots. A black cloak, thigh-high boots, gloves as well as skin-tight dresses seem to be among her favourite pieces of clothing as well



  • Penance: Sayuno’s sins are unforgiven. Belial and Basileus will always depend on human sacrifices and even after years of committing murderous crimes -- all of it behind the back of mankind -- Sayuno remains heartless and unrepentant. Cold, and without remorse, Sayuno hopes that one day she will be able to regain her feelings of guilt so she can do penance and achieve forgiveness.
  • Acceptance: Lacking what today’s society highly values, Sayuno’s bloodlust and the absence of benevolence have made it extremely difficult for the sorceress to find common ground with somebody. As a result Sayuno deeply craves social interaction with humans as well as their acceptance, although with her inability to trust and open up to people Sayuno’s wishes may remain beyond her reach forever.


  • Arachnids: For unknown reasons Sayuno harbors a deep, yet unreasonable fear of arachnids, mainly spiders. Most likely related to her childhood, the sorceress is unable to handle anything related to spiders--strangely enough in spite of her enormous magical power. Sayuno’s murderous intent dies off when faced with the 8-legged creatures and she has more than once dropped everything to flee the scene dramatically.
  • Belial: Belial outclasses any other demon Sayuno has ever encountered in terms of strength. She’s cold blooded, merciless and selfish. Sayuno’s a mere vessel to her and the sorceress believes that the demoness could take over any moment if she intended to. Belial lives for her own amusement--Sayuno is worried about what she will do when she gets bored with her.


  • Animals: With Sayuno’s ability to understand the language of animals, and vice versa, she’s able to communicate with them effortlessly. Sayuno’s love for animals has developed at young age and even now she’s still very fond of them.
  • Cooking: Strangely enough, and somehow completely out of character, Sayuno--who shows no household-related qualities otherwise--is an excellent cook and shows a lot of interest in culinary arts.
  • Intercourse: Intrigued by the other sex, Sayuno is drawn to and uninhibited by men of her taste. She rarely shows and admits to this side of hers, even less around males, unless she’s craving it and knows she won’t spend the night alone after hinting at her needs.


  • Transgender people: Wrong, unreasonable and obnoxious. Humans who claim to be born in the wrong body disgust Sayuno. Their apparent struggle is merely an absurd and irrational complaint, coming from someone who seeks attention. She has no sympathy for such people whatsoever.
  • Insects: Allergies and symptoms are entirely sufficient to justify Sayuno’s dislike towards insects. She eventually understood that, in spite of her small appearance and flying skill, insects were completely useless and even with her ability to talk to animals she would have no use for them.

Positive Characteristics (11):

  • Animal Tongue (+4): You are capable of speaking with animals.
  • Daunting Presence (+2): Players of lesser rank cannot initiate combat against you, but are capable of defending themselves.
  • High Society (+2): You are capable of having threads with nobles. Those without this feat cannot.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are able to blend into a crowd, and those entering threads cannot initiate conversation with you until you speak or state your presence in an obvious matter by doing something that draws the attention of others.

Negative Characteristics (11):

  • Allergies (-1): Whenever this allergy comes into play you must suffer the consequences. (Sayuno is allergic to insect bites. She suffers from symptoms like having trouble breathing, nausea and stomach cramps.)
  • Curiosity (-1): You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You must think about your dark secret at least one out of ten posts. When things that are relevant to the dark secret are brought up you can't stop thinking about it. (Sayuno is cursed with the insatiable desire to murder.)

  • Derangement/Insanity (-6):

    1. Compulsions: The character must do their compulsion, regardless of adverse affects--including bodily harm. (Sayuno can barely keep a conversation going without drinking alcohol or smoking a cigarette. It's worse with strangers.)
    2. Phobia: Character is unable to face anything that has it's fear. (Sayuno harbors a deep fear of spiders. Typical symptoms are increased heart rate, chest pain and the feeling of losing control.)

  • Intolerance (-1): You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play. (Sayuno is disgusted by transgender people as well as transvestites.)
  • Righteous (-1): Your beliefs guide you so strongly that you are willing to kill an entire village that's harboring a thief, if it kills the thief too.


Magic: Take Over: Daemon Soul
Type: Caster
Element: Darkness
Description: Take Over Magic allows the caster to take over the powers and abilities of particular creatures. Sayuno's Take Over specializes on demonic creatures and her chosen spirits are exclusively female. Her theme is reminiscent of succubi. It can increase the strength, speed or defense of the caster, sometimes adding a new skill, such as flying or swimming to it. Take Over also enables the caster to channel elemental magical skills through their body and unleash them upon their targets, making it a magic that is used for combat purposes. The element Sayuno is specialized in is darkness.
Weaknesses: Sayuno's type of Take Over Magic is weak to Demon Slayer Magic as well as Light Magic. Damage dealed by those is one rank higher than the usual.



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