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1Ace [DONE] Empty Ace [DONE] Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:23 pm


   Ace [DONE] Giphy
   “Keep your head up!You don't need to be a giant to stand tall!”


Name(s): Jacques "Jack" Beans  
Nickname(s): The Giant Slayer / Ace
Age: Looks 19
Gender: male
Birthday: January 1st
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: D
Guild: Dragon Maw
Tattoo: Jack doesn't have a tattoo instead he has the emblem burned on to his left shoulder
Face Claim: Luffy One Piece


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 pounds
Hair: Short and Black
Eyes: Black
Description: Jack is young man who stands at 5 feet 6 inches. He is always seen wearing his signature straw hat. Often times he wears a long red over coat over a black collared shirt, with blue jeans, slippers and a sash tied around his waist. His other attire is rolled up blue jeans and a red sleeveless vest. Other times he can be wearing a suit, with a red collard shirt. He is lightly tanned, and has a tribal tattoo located on his right arm. Under his left eye, Jack has a scar. Jack also has a X shaped scar right in the middle of his chest. He has a seemingly lean, and almost lanky build, but his body is actually very well built. His black hair is spiky, short and messy. Jack wears anything that is loose and comfortable to him, he's not particularity concerned about style and how he looks. On his back Jack has the Ace of Spades mark burned on his back.


Personality: Jack is an odd young man in many ways. At a glance he is childish, perverted, lazy, and carefree.  In reality he is far more complicated than he seems. His personality, his likes, his dislikes, love interests, and everything in general is contradicting. In many different angles he would be in lack of a better term, an enigma, to some extent the embodiment of hypocrisy. Many people in real life and in the game are extremely wary of him. This is probably due to his ability to change his personality and facade at a moments notice. The way he talks, the way he laughs. In a matter of seconds Jack could speak warm words filled with hope and joy, and the next moment speak words filled with pain and sorrow. This causes many people call him a fake, nothing more than a hollow soul that can easily sway from side to side with little to no worries or cares. 

Though his mysterious aura repels most people, Jack can't help but attract interesting folk. Fallen heroes, outcasts, failures, villains, people all sorts of odd natures seem to gravitate towards him. It is as if Jack was the center of all rejects and insignificant people. When surrounded by these underdogs, and fallen warriors, Jack a unforgettable bond is formed between himself and the unlikely allies and comrades he meets in his life. Though a lone wolf at heart, he often times would speak coldly and harshly to his comrades. It seems that he has a more consistent dark personality when around those he trusts. As a result he often times secludes himself but at the same time wishes to be surrounded by true friends and companions. 

Due to his odd nature Jack boasts about the most minuscule and insignificant victories, but hides his true accomplishments and many great feats he has done in life. This is why whenever a friend or an ally is in need, Jack would often make it seem that he has abandoned them. The truth is Jack would go off on his own often times risking his own life to provide assistance and help in the shadows. Thus making Jack a textbook example of an unsung hero. He has an easier time giving help rather than asking for it.

In battle Jack is an incredible tactician by himself. Ironically his great skill of a tactician does not come from keeping track of mp, hp and micro managing everything to perfection. Most of Jacks battle plans are made on the fly, and most times they make no sense whatsoever. In every way possible he plays in an unorthodox manner. It seems that the way he fights is much like a loose canon. This makes him incredibly deadly and a great adversary against other tacticians. Jack fights to find loop holes and weak points of every monster, or adversary, and even the environment. 

However in very seldom instances when Jack is playing in a party, he often times plays a passive role. His actions are usually dictated by the party. Jack isn't afraid of becoming the joke or the clown of the group. He knows to himself that there has to be a person to take all the heat and burn, often times he would take it upon himself to take all the blame. However when faced in dire situations, or when his fury is unleashed Jack is a force to be reckoned with. Jack would still use his unorthodox methods, how ever his tactics would be more safer and less wild so that he can ensure the safety of his comrades. When Jack gets “serious” his persona itself begins to change, to his friends and allies he is seen to be a charismatic leader, and unshakable pillar that holds the team together, a master not to be questioned or trifled with. Yet to his enemies they would only see a warlord, a beast out to quench his thirst for blood. When Jack gets “serious” he will not stop until the enemy is completely annihilated, he will not stop until his enemies regret that they crossed paths and dared to challenge him ...

- To be reunited with his clan

- To become a person who will be remembered throughout the ages

- To push beyond his limits and become stronger and stronger


- Running out of Toilet paper, especially after Taco Tuesdays

- Jack is deathly afraid of chickens

- Jack is afraid of not being strong enough when people need him the most

Likes: ]

- Fried Chicken, despite his fear, he's addicted to the crunchy goodness.

- Tea, its ambrosia to him, its like the drink of the gods

- ladies, as long as the damsel looks good


- Corruption, its one thing Jack cannot stand

- Inhumane treatment to other people, he will not stand to see people abused or oppressed

- Cocky people, he just can't stand them, especially if they can't back up their talk with their fists.  

Positive Characteristics:


Negative Characteristics:



Magic: Giants Rubbery Wrath
Type: Caster
Element: Rubber
Description: This magic allows the users body to become rubber so that they can stretch and inflate their bodies to the size of a Giant (Note this is obtained at a higher rank). The user is able to channel the weight, and massive mass of a Giants body and use it to perform devastating blows. The user is also able to channel their inner aura and project it onto their limbs, causing limb to turn pitch black and become harder than steel. This aura is called Ragnarok, a powerful technique used by the Giants themselves. Ragnarok allows the user to also hit inanimate objects that normal solid objects would usually phase through. Thanks to the users rubbery body, this magic allows immense versatility in combat and for everyday uses.  (Ragnarok is an advanced technique learned at higher ranks.)


History: Jack was orphaned at a young age, he knew not where he came from nor who his parents were. Even so this did not bother him, for he was raised in a village of giants. Though he was the smallest in the village, all the Giants treated him with respect and cared for him dearly. At a young age, Jack was taught the value of honor and the glory of battle. He often would sit and watch as his Giant friends would clash in the mountain arena of his village. The thundering clashing of giant steel against giant steel, the earth shattering force of each blows inspired Jack to become strong like his giant comrades. His adoptive father, Odin taught Jack how to fight, his adoptive mother Freya taught him how to read and write. Both of his parents raised Jack to be a fine scholar and warrior. He was also very close to his adoptive brothers Thor and Loki. Deep inside Jack felt weak and insecure, he felt that he would always be in the shadows of the giants.

That was until one day Jack met a wandering wizard, the wizard was blind and used large stick to assist him as he walked. The wandering wizard never gave his real name, instead he told Jack to call him Sticks. Sticks taught Jack the basic principles of magic. Jack would often sneak away from his village to rain and learn from Sticks. Soon enough Jack was able to develop a magic of his own, and Sticks mysteriously vanished from Jacks life. With his new found magic he was able to turn his body into rubber, it also enabled him to alter his mass and weight. Jack was finally able to fight side by side and exchange blows with his giant comrades. He was soon admitted into the villages elite warriors known as the Titans. Odin passed the responsibility to Thor and retired. Upon becoming Village chief, Thor led the village to prosperity, and soon the village became a city. Their numbers grew as Thor united the Giant clan with leadership, charisma, and military might. The untied clan became known as Valhalla.

The other races saw this as a threat and began plotting against the Giants. Soon enough war broke out, it seemed that the Giants where dominating the war. That was until the human joined together with the dragons. Both sides took many casualties. Thor became cold and hungry for power, Loki became distant and darker. It was only Jack who remained the same. He desperately wanted live in peace once again with his family. the war dragged on, and the giant clan finally fell to its knees when Loki betrayed the clan and sided with he humans. When all hope was lost, Sticks once again appeared. He gave jack magical beans and told Jack to lead the way to the great castle in the sky, a glorious place where not even dragons can reach. Jack trusted his old master, with his help Jack planted the beans and a Giant bean stalk appeared and shot to the sky piercing a humongous cloud. He spoke to Thor, Odin and Freya. His family reluctantly agreed to leave. The giants climbed up to the cloud to see a hug floating island. there they once again found peace and found a new home.

Yet peace did not last, Humanity grew greedy and turned their eyes to the castle in the sky. With Loki as their general they once again waged war. Yet before the humans and dragon army could reach the bean stalk. Odin and a army of 300 Titans stayed down on bellow to stall the enemy army. While Jack and 100 Titans  worked together and chopped down the bean stalk so that the Giant Clan would remain safe and unharmed. The bean stalk fell, and the immense cloud floated away. Jack joined in battle with his father, but it was too late. Odin was mortally wounded by Loki. In anger Jack fought his brother and slew him. By the end of the battle Jack was the last survivor left of the 400 giants. Jack escaped and hid his identity. After thousands of years later, the story of the Beanstalk Battle was dismissed as myth. Jack had wandered around many years. Thanks to his magic and rubber body Jack was able to preserve his youth and settle was able to down pretending to be a normal human. He soon Joined Dragon Maw due to his need of money and employment. Even so Jack still dreams to be reunited with Giant comrades in the great castle in the sky.

Last edited by ♠ on Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Ace [DONE] Empty Re: Ace [DONE] Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:53 am


bumpity bumpity bumpity bump

3Ace [DONE] Empty Re: Ace [DONE] Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:19 pm


- Dragon Maw is full at the moment, the maximum number of members a new guild can have with no upgrades is 5 members after the guildmaster. Please make an appropriate alteration by either becoming guildless for the time being, or by applying to another guild
- Your magic cannot use Luffy's gear third abilities, as they are too similar to titan magic, which is banned. As well, your application of haki within the magic, while an interesting take on the concept of haki, cannot be allowed in conjunction with the rubberization of your body (within the one magic). Please try and keep your magic stick to one fundamental concept.
- so, sorry, but you may have to fix your history to agree with these changes

4Ace [DONE] Empty Re: Ace [DONE] Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:22 pm


Ace [DONE] Happy_by_sherimur-d478zal
Hi! We haven't heard from you in a while!
Please bump this application within 7 days
if you plan on finishing it or else this will be archieved.

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