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1Casper Seiker [WIP] Empty Casper Seiker [WIP] Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:20 pm

Casper Seiker

   Casper Seiker [WIP] 6d84829df32d41069569f746a2cbc9d1
   “ I pretty?”


Name(s): Casper Daffodil Carnation Seiker
Nickname(s): The Broken Beauty, Phoenix, The White Rabbit
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 21st
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: D
Guild: Watcher's Eye
Tattoo: Indigo-Left Forearm
Face Claim: Touka- Tokyo Ghoul

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Hair: Short purple hair down to her neck

  • Normal: Ocean Blue
  • Ghoul:

Black with blood red pupils and red strain marks that grow from the pupil and through out the eye
Description: She looks like any normal human being with two sets of eyes, limbs, ears, and so forth. Though, with being half ghoul she is born with a different eye color. She is able to change it to look normal, but when her magic is activated her eyes change to the Black with blood red pupils.

In clothing wise, she normally wears a pair of gray shorts with a blue jacket with her white collared shirt underneath. With this outfit, she has black boots that are smooth and have a gloss to them. Sometimes she would wear a purple or blue skirt with her long gray sleeved shirt and a red ribbon as a tie with this she wears black stocking and pennyloafers. If she wanted to look fancy, she would wear a men's long seelved white collared shirt with a black vest and bow tie. A black shirt is show with black leggings and black fancy boots.


Personality: Casper is a lovely girl and like many young girls she is super sweet. She has a big heart and wants the world to know she means to harm. Though, this is covered by a tough, snappy girl with a chip on her shoulder. This also covers how shy she is around other human beings. This ghoul holds more secrets than a diary ever could. Due to her dark past, she holds a lot of her sins and who she is behind a believable mask.

Casper is dependent on her "uncle", Warren, for protection. Some of her earnings goes to help pay for the morgage or other expenses. She rather do things herself due to how she was raised. Her pride does make her a bit stubborn and hard headed. She does hold a rash personality due to having a double-shift of working to keep her identity a secret.

To protect those she loves and the people in her current life and past, she keeps her promise to protect them. Casper appears to be cold and dangerous to those who threaten her or around complete strangers, but she does soften up around those she trust with her secrets. Befriending her takes sometime, but once you gain her trust she slowly becomes warmer and a gentler person. In combat, she takes seriously and finds it a way to defend herself and her true identity.

Motivations: [list][*]Protecting her Identity: If someone were to find out about her dark secret as a ghoul, she maybe in a huge trouble and killed upon sight. This is something that all ghouls have to cover up all their lives. She is always on her toes about this and will not rest to protect her secret.
[*]Seikers: Little is known to her about her father's family, she had heard he was a guardian. Perhaps since she is half Seiker, this could give her a new meaning in life and somewhere where she could call home.
Fears: (What does your character fear? If you want silly fears, come up with at least three)
  • Singing: Casper loves to sing in private and all who hear her voice are touched. She can bring tears to her audience's eyes without trying. Its a way for her to express her pain, sorrow, and other emotions without risking her identity.

Dislikes: (What does your character dislike)
Positive Characteristics:

  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
    Explanation: Players have a C-rank endurance buff passively
  • Alertness (+4): You have finely tuned senses.
    Explanation: Passive D Rank hearing, sight, and smell buffs.
  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
    Explanation: Character can perform flashy moves such as back flips, cartwheels and various other moves when dodging an attack.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
    Explanation: Allows for 1 A-Rank spell to be shrugged off. Damage is still applied, but no pain is shown. Limit of once per battle.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
    Explanation: You can't communicate easily with non player characters. Somehow they've heard of you and the things they've heard weren't too good.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    Compulsions: Casper has to eat human flesh once per topic, drink coffee, or eat certain foods.
  • Dark Secret (-1) [Ghoul]: You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!
    Explanation: You must think about your dark secret at least one out of ten posts. When things that are relevant to the dark secret are brought up you can't stop thinking about it.
  • Dependent (-3): You have a ward or charge that depends on you, usually a young child or elderly relative that needs you to provide for them and devote at least part of your time to them. In money terms, this will cost you five percent of your jewels a month. You may also be required to stay near home often in case you are needed.
    Explanation: You will be placed on a list and at the end of the moment five percent of your jewels will be deducted.


Casper Seiker [WIP] Tumblr_notam3X1rA1r3maj7o1_500

Magic: Kurisutaruōra or Crystal Aura
Type: Caster
Element: Crystal
Description: Being half ghoul, she has the ability to learn this magic. It associates with one's spiritual energy and crystalizes it. Every ghoul is able to learn this magic and has the ability to crystallize spiritual energy. For every ghoul it looks different, this magic can liquidize the crystal into energy or turn them into hard rock.



Early Life

"  "

Born in the newly founded winters of Roncello, she was child of Hinita and Zeus Seiker. Her father was a full blooded human and Seiker as her mother was a pure blooded ghoul. Casper was born as a half-ling giving her both sides of two different worlds. Though, her ghoul side would be more dominate and take over her life as time went on. Her parents had to keep it a secret that her mother and herself were ghouls. Fiore didn't have a tolerant to ghouls and their ways as the image of ghoul was a cold blood murderer. Though, some were like that, her mother wasn't. They could eat a whole body and be fine for two months. Unlike full blooded ghouls, Casper didn't have this pleasure she would need more human meat in order to survive. Zeus was a skilled mage standing at S-rank as her mother was a B-rank. Her father was apart of a guild as so was her mother. They would always go one jobs and leave Casper to her aunt on her mother's side.

Her father was determined to keep his wife and his daughter a secret. Authorities were always out on the hunt for them. In her free time, her mother would work as a florist and settel boquest together giving each flower a meaning. Hinita taught her daugher how to tender and care for flowers. She named her daughter after flowers that held a meaning. Everyday, her mother would tell her "You are a Carnation" of course she would smile.

Things I do not want to Remember

"   "

As time grew on, Casper's ghoulish instincts were raging out of control. She would be in constant hunger if she didn't get enough to eat or when her powers were raging out of control. Zeus would take his only daughter out into the woods and try to teach her how to control her powers. Though, he was a human and couldn't fully understand everything. Full blooded Ghouls could control their powers as for her she couldn't. When she was about eight years old, her starvation gotten so bad that she sneaked outside. Roaming the streets, she let her powers and hunger for human flesh overthrow her true human nature. The night was young and great for a fresh kill. Her nose picked something up, picking up that scent and her hunger making her extremely hungry. She found a man stalking her this whole time as teh footsteps were behind her. Killing him upon sight, she starting feeding away at all body parts and oragans. After her feeding, her father found out and dragged her home. He took care of the body and buried it.

Her mother tried to get ahold of this situation and get some outside help to get her some human meat since it was illegal to kill. This was a safer way as they took care of bodies that are already dead. This went on for a year until that one dreadful day.

"I remember that day...

The investigators had found out about Zeus's wife and daughter's whereabouts. The news spread on quickly and they had to skip town because once they found out, there was no going back. It was their only option. Zeus had his wife and daughter attempt to go to the Seiker family for safety with the protection of him and his good friend, Warren. Getting out of the town, they were spotted. Her father look at his daughter and told her these words:

"No matter where you go, no matter what happens. You are a good person! I love you sweetie. You will always be my little Carnation"

Her father gave his necklace with that belonged to the Seikers. He patted her head and hugged her. Watching her father go away and then her mother who didn't listen to her husband. They both were going to protect their little girl. Her mother smiled and hugged her telling her to be good and they will be back. Warren took her away from the sight. Looking back, she noticed their lifeless bodies on the ground Warren carried her far and away from that wretched town. All she had was him. They stayed hidden in a small cabin in the Torino that was surrounded by forest. Warren provided for her and helped her hone her magical skills the best he could. He had very little knowledge about Ghouls and how half-lings worked.

2Casper Seiker [WIP] Empty Re: Casper Seiker [WIP] Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:22 pm


Casper Seiker [WIP] Happy_by_sherimur-d478zal
Hi! We haven't heard from you in a while!
Please bump this application within 7 days
if you plan on finishing it or else this will be archieved.

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