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1Aurora Shinohara Empty Aurora Shinohara Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:30 pm

Aurora Shinohara

Aurora Shinohara

   Aurora Shinohara 100215L
   “Hold onto what's dear to you and never let it go.”

Aurora Shinohara Coolte10

Name: Aurora Ilinca Shinohara
Nickname: Aura
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 12th
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: B-Rank
Guild: Gryphon Quill
Tattoo: Light Blue - Right Shoulder
Face Claim: Rose - Sword Girls

Aurora Shinohara Coolte12

Height: 5'6 (167.64 cm)
Weight: 133 lbs (60.3 kg)
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Description: Aurora has fair, flawless skin, with not even a single blemish, scar, or anything like that. She has a nice and curved figure, with some delicate features, but still has a slight muscular tone to it, due to training that she did before and during her life as a mage. Her blonde hair, she almost always wears down with little to no hair accessories. She may wear a hat at times, but nothing much more then that. She prefers to have her cut chest length.

Aurora will normally wear a short dress/long shirt along with a jacket. Along with that, she will typically wear leggings underneath. For her footwear, Aurora prefers knee high boots without heels. As for accessories, Aurora likes to wear earrings, and sometimes necklaces. Most commonly, these jewelries will have a blue rose, or roses on it. Her favorite colors to wear are blue, white, and black.

Aurora Shinohara Coolte11

Aurora is a woman who has the alignment of lawful good. Every good deed Aurora does is out of full compassion and wanting to do something good for the area. She always wants to uphold the law, unless the law conflicts with her religious beliefs or goes against a right she strongly believes everyone should have. Aurora may come across a situation when she may have to break the law to protect someone. Depending on the situation, she would go with one or the other. Either way, she would be very conflicted. Another trait about Aurora is her curiosity. Ever since she was a little girl, she was very curious. She would always go around to new areas, inspecting them, seeing new sights, and things such as that.

There are aspects that Aurora does not like about herself, but she simply can't stop how she feels. For example, Aurora can easily be envious of others for various reasons. They may have a really nice, high-end outfit, or maybe they have a powerful magic. Something that goes along with envy, is greediness. Aurora will act differently when something she wants comes into play. This is not limited to jewels. This can be anything that Aurora really wants. Aurora is also judgmental. Not as much as others, but Aurora places a stereotype on people based on how they dress, act, etc. without much thought.

Gaining more powerful/rising up in the ranks/Becoming a Wizard Saint
Fears: Skin disease and the loss of power
Likes: Money, Good Deeds, Adventure, Acrobatics
Dislikes: Onions, Beliefs/Religions (other then her own), Dark Mages/Guilds, The Cold

Positive Characteristics:

  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
    Explanation: Character can perform flashy moves such as back flips, cartwheels and various other moves when dodging an attack.

  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
    Explanation: You can dodge an attack up to B Rank, so long as it is feasible for you do to so (AoE excluded). Usable once per thread.

  • Athletic (+3): You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
    Explanation: Ability to jump 10 meters in a single bound.

  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
    Explanation: You are capable of having threads with nobles. Those without this feat cannot.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Derangement/Insanity - Phobia - Dermatophobia (Fear of getting a skin disease) (-3)
  • Daredevil (-2)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Envious (-1)
  • Judgmental (-1)
  • Greedy (-1)
  • Allergies - Onions (-1)
  • Overzealous (-1)

Aurora Shinohara Coolte13

Magic: Aura Magic
Type: Caster
Element: None
Description: Aura Magic is a magic that involves the usage of one's Aura. The person's Aura mixes with the user's magical energy to create spells. Aura Magic is used to give buffs to and heal the user and allies, and give debuffs to their foes. A downside of Aura magic is that it produces a bright light, making it easily detectable, and terrible for stealth missions. Along with that, Aura Magic cannot produce any offensive or defensive spells.

Aurora Shinohara Coolte14

Aurora was born into the Shinohara family, in the town of Roncello. Her whole family was a family of mages. Though some of her cousins joined guilds, Aurora's house hold family didn't want to, and didn't even go on requests. They used their magic for their farm. Aurora's father used plant and heat magic, while her mother used water and solar magic. Their farm was very successful and it was expected that Aurora would take up the farm. However, that's not what Aurora wanted to do. She wanted to explore all of Fiore. She wanted to join a guild and she wanted to use her own kind of magic to help out people all over Fiore. So, instead of obtaining the magics her family had, Aurora developed Aura Magic. With this magic, Aurora would be able to play the supportive role on a battle field. Though she wouldn't be able to fight well with spells, there was always a need for a supportive mage, and Aurora would fill that role. Plus, she didn't think it would be all too hard to gain another magic. Sure, it may take a while, but it would be worth it in the end, right? Aurora's next magic, she was sure would be a good blend of offensive and defensive spells, the types of spells she was missing out on with her current magic.

Growing up, when her parents set her out to the fields to work, she would often drift away from her work and go exploring a bit in the woods that lined the eastern and southern side of her farm. At some point, she would realize that she still had more work to do, and rush back to the farm to finish it. Her parents would be angry if they caught her not doing her work, but it would quickly blow over.

When she was actually working, Aurora's muscles would be built up, and she would be getting stronger. Strength building wasn't the only thing she did on the farm. When she wasn't exploring, doing work, or at school, Aurora stretched, did yoga, and did acrobatics. This resulted in Aurora becoming very flexible and being talented in acrobatics, being able to do all these cool flips and such.

When Aurora was 18, she told her parents that she didn't want to work on the farm anymore, and that she wanted to go out and use her magic for good, and to be an official mage. She wanted to join a guild and travel all around Fiore. She was 18, and her parents really couldn't control her anymore, so they agreed with her decision, and with that, Aurora left.

Aurora traveled to Accadia, which she knew housed the Gryphon Quill guild, which Aurora wanted to join. She liked the idea of how orderly the guild was, and how it was inside the lawful alignment. Aurora managed to join the guild at age 19, and since then, have been in Gryphon Quill.

2Aurora Shinohara Empty Re: Aurora Shinohara Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:17 am


Approved, welcome to the guild.

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