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1Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  Empty Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:21 pm


Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  JpbFPge
Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  QsnE9P5 __________________________________________________
   “There is no good or bad. Just what I want and how I'll get it.”


Name(s): Evelyn Clarisse d'Pryde
Nickname(s): "Apep"
Age: Appears to be 18
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 12th
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: D
Guild: Dragon Maw
Face Claim: Nadeko Medusa | Monogatari


Height: 5 feet, 4 inches
Weight: 121lbs.
Hair: Pure White
Eyes: Bright Crimson
Description: Clarisse is not only a young woman of small stature, but she is also crafted to what many would consider perfection elegance. Standing at a height of five feet, four inches, her delicate figure comes accompanied with an athlete and study build. Yet, despite the delicacy she may portray, she holds a cold, deadly aura around her.

The young serpentine woman is also very snakelike. Not only does she tend to act like one, but her eyes resemble one. Whenever she enters her ‘Apep’ mode, her pupils will shift to that of of a snakes. Image shown here. Yet, not only are they for sure, but Clarisse's bright crimson eyes also emphasis her pure white hair beautiful as well as her pale, light skin.

Clarisse almost always is seen wearing her ebony black, signature fedora. The only exception to her not wearing the fedora, besides personal hygiene and sleep, would be whenever she enters her ‘Apep’ mode -the reason for her nickname. Furthermore, she wears what is comfortable although she does tend to have a liking towards leather.


Personality: Evelyn Clarisse d'Pryde is woman who loves the unknown. She was born into a family of what had been considered by the outside world as traveling mercenaries although no evidence of this had been given. Not only is she adventurous and carefree, but she is also strictly professional and "unemotional" as it is crucial for her line of work; a agent for a secret organization. At a young age, she was taught the quickest and deadliest ways to get in and out of places to gather information. As such, Evelyn is practically dead in an emotional sense, only pouring herself into her work and hobbies.  Evelyn has a side that a few rarely see and that is what most would consider it her psychological state. Venus was not a stable child as she can easily jump to sweet and loving to deadly and unremorseful. Clarisse is a what some would consider a sociopath.'  It is therefore a rarity to see her laugh and joke for she oftentimes has a serious look upon her face.

In her free time, Venus can be found hard at work working out in the gym or in her garage working on her many motorcycles. Oftentimes, she can be found in the library cruising through old archives. Quite recently, Evelyn has found a liking to history and mythology, especially those of Egyptian and Greek origin. Venus also enjoys heading out to the shooting range to improve her accuracy. Although she can fight with the aid of a gun, she prefers hand to hand combat. It gives her the opportunity to test her skills in case she has no weapons with her. As such, Evelyn usually seems as the hard-to-approach type of person, but perhaps it is due to it being a rarity to see her laugh and or even joke around. She almost always has a serious look upon her face, yet with family and friends, she carries herself with a warm demeanor. The only exception to this is when she is doing what she loves. It is then that Evelyn wears a warm, happy smile on her face.  

As been taught to her at a young age by her father, Venus is not one to easily trust and it may take some time until she finally warms up to someone. Once a person has gained her respect and friendship, the person will find her to be an invaluable friend and asset. In her free time, Venus loves to read and explore. She is incredibly smart, priding herself with her eidetic memory. In battle, Evelyn definitely is not one to be afraid to be in the midst of it all. She rather enjoys the grand bloodshed and feelings of terror going on in a battle. She also isn't one to start brawls and or fights, but she will end definitely them. Venus isn't one to back down and will give it all she's got to be the last one remaining standing. Evelyn is full of patience yet, when it runs out... Beware! She prefers to bring a fast, quick death to her enemies, but has no problems with torturing methods to gain valuable information. Evelyn is an amazing leader and will take the role if no one does. She works well with a team, but she, at times, prefers to work alone especially dark at night.

1. Serving her ‘Master.’ To the one who would employ her as well as obtain her full trust, Clarisse will serve without question even if she may be considered a lapdog due to it.
2. Balance. In the world, there must be balance both in and out oneself. As such, Clarisse strives towards the goal of obtaining balance in life.
1. Apep: Clarisse fears the takeover of Apep. She knows what Apep’s ultimate goals are and, regardless of the outcome, she does not wish for it to happen.
2. Falling In Love: Clarisse is an assassin and infamous "underground" informant. Therefore, due to the secrecy that surrounds her and the fact that her job brings about death and destruction, love is something she cannot afford.
3. The End: Clarisse fears the day that it all ends for her -her reputation, her work, her life to be completely taken away from her. This is something she knows will be inevitable and thus awaits the day with a held breath
1. Snakes & Serpentine Creatures. Clarisse is a woman who hosts the soul of the Egyptian god (considered a demon in countries outside of Egypt) and, thus, holds a strong connection towards them.
2. Mystics. In correlation with the Apep’s influence on the young assassin’s body, Clarisse holds strong connections to that of the Spirit Realms.
3. Inventions & Technology. Clarisse loves tinkering with anything she can grab a hold of. Hence, she has a well crafted knowledge of technology and how to create better advancements in it.
4.  Information. As Clarisse is a highly specialized informant, she values the gathering of knowledge and information. After all, what would she be without her technique of taking and selling information?
1. Wasting Time: There is no greater pet peeve for the young serpentine than wasted time. Time is valuable as well as money. If you happen to waste her time, you better watch out.
2. Immoral People: This, without a doubt, is vague. Here, though, the "immoral" persons she is referring to are those that do not keep their end of their bargain, those that crave and act upon constant sexual desires, etc.
3. Undecisiveness: Clarisse works for a price yet, when her clientele cannot make up their minds, she hates that with a passion. She is someone who cannot tolerate the indecisiveness of people and may even end up walking away from a job or team
4. Back Talk. Clarisse isn’t one who would accept back talk or insults in silence. Yet, if she were ever to keep quiet, it would be due to the fact that she would be thinkinking of a payback.

Positive Characteristics:
1. High Society (+2): Despite her occupation, Clarisse is of royal blood. Yet, as to what faction she belongs to, only she will ever know.
2. Nimble Fingers (+2): Working underground has provided the young assassin the gift of quick hands as well as using them for the art of theft.
3. Agile (+3): Due to the work Clarisse does as an assassin and informant, she is always on the move and, as such, has been able to expand her physical capabilities when concerning reaction time and movement.
4. Regeneration (+4): As per her genetics of that of a huntress as well as host for the snake demon Apep, Clarisse is able to regenerate herself to the allotted health amount.

Negative Characteristics:
1. Aloof (-1): Clarisse prefers to stay alone and communicate with those she deems necessary to reach her goals. Anonymous-ness is also needed in her line of work and, as such, tends to be cold to those around her.
2. Bad Reputation (-1): Clarisse is the type of woman who people may refer to as ‘in the bad crowd.’ As such, she has gathered quite a reputation among the locals.
3. Curiosity (-1): Clarisse isn’t afraid of what lies beyond the visual. Therefore, she is very curious in nature.
4. Dark Secret (-1): Clarisse is host to the demon Apep. Due to this very fact, she may be hunted down if it were ever to get out.
5. Greedy (-1): Clarisse does for the highest bidder. After all, time is money. When a large sum appears for a job, she may take it without hesitation.
6. Intolerance (-1): Clarisse hates those who commit crimes against innocent animals. She understands in self defense, but will not tolerate people hurting them ‘just for fun.’
7. Judgmental (-1): People are judgmental in nature, but Clarise takes it further. She observes them and their behavior. IF she doesn’t like them, then she will stick to it until the other person works hard to change her views.
8. Daredevil (-2): Clarisse is an adventurer. That said, she is not afraid to stare Death in the eyes.
9. Disfigurement (-2): Despite being human, Clarisse was born with fangs. A disfigurement caused by the inhabitance of Apep within her.


Magic: The Turn: Apep -Magic of the Snake
Type: Caster
Element: Shadow/Darkness
Description: This magic is granted to Clarisse through her merging with the snake demon of chaos and destruction demon during infantry making the magic almost, if not completely, impossible to duplicate. As such, Clarisse holds many of the characteristics of that of a snake and the demon's abilities. The snake demon magic provides the user with the abilities to control shadow and darkness so as to manipulate to their liking. This magic is moreso in correlation with what is otherwise known as 'hell' due to Apep being the underground god of the portal between hell and heaven.


History: It was nearing twilight on the day of the 13th of March when cries of an infant could be heard echoing throughout the hall of a luxurious home. It was a house that belonged to none other than to d’Prydes -the leaders of the infamous Hunter clan.The very one Natalia d’Pryde has been born into and ultimately expelled from. As story would have it, the couple were one of the great pillars of the well established supernatural society; a wealthy family holding and producing a wide and strong lineage of well trained hunters for the many generations to come. As such, it was no surprise that the powerful family would have a tradition that would ensure the continuation of the great hunter family and clan. Yet, it was not to be. For, upon the day Clarisse Pryde was born, the great snake demon known as Apep traveled through the village raining destruction in its wake. The young couple, in order to protect their child before they went out to fight sealed the young girl within the heart of the city -adding barriers to keep any threat at bay. But, as if it were a curse within that very family, Clarisse’s fate was sealed.

Meanwhile, while the infant was sealed within the confinements of her home, the Snake Demon of of chaos and destruction was overpowering the hunters. Even though significant damage to the beast, the demon Apep was still putting up much of a fight. Yet, when the demon had begun to reach its maximum, it swiftly escaped into the village for a place to hide. As the story would continue, Apep eventually made its way into the heart of the village and began to search for a place to hide and recuperate. The barrier around one of the houses caught its attention and, with minimal effort, made its way inside. During that time, the hunters of the clan were currently running after the demon in hopes of being able to ‘do away’ with yet. Yet, when it was found out where the demon had headed, panic began to fill the mind of the clan. For, it would seem, that yet another Pryde would fall victim to the very beings they hunted. It was therefore, when they entered the house, it was no surprise to find that the demon had entered the young infant.

Without any further hesitation, a bind was created to merge the infant and the snake demon together in order to seal the two souls into one being. During the transformation, Clarisse’s physical appearance began to change for her pure black hair and turned completely white. And, as if it were not enough, Clarisse's eyes turned bloody red as they took on the characteristics of that of a serpent. Fangs began to protrude from the child’s mouth which provided the final physical change the child had undergone. No longer being able to care for the child, the parents sold their daughter to a smaller hunter clan in hopes that they, the adoptive family of the infant, could teach the young child how to reign the spirit of the Snake demon. As the infant grew up, she was taught not only how to hold in the soul of the demon, but also the ways of a hunter and assassin. Clarisse, much like her sister before her, quickly made a name for her. Yet, unlike Elizabeth, she was more of an ‘insider’ than revolutionary. Having heard that Elizabeth had disappeared to another dimension, Clarisse adapted her technology to travel as well, ultimately making it to the world she now finds herself in to this very day,

Last edited by Clarisse on Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:04 am; edited 1 time in total

2Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  Empty Re: Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:44 am



3Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  Empty Re: Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:20 am


Quick review:

  • You may only spend up to twelve points on characteristics. Please reduce the amount of characteristics you have.
  • You may not use the magic you have applied for as it as a limited magic that can only be obtained once a character has been made or through a claim. I'd recommend something with snakes to go along with your theme.

4Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  Empty Re: Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:06 am


Mkays. I believe this is done

5Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  Empty Re: Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:46 am


Congratulations, this application has been approved. Since you have applied for Dragon Maw, please wait for Illiad Odyssey to approve this application as well.

6Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  Empty Re: Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:19 am

Illiad Odyssey

Illiad Odyssey
Approved~ Welcome to Dragon Maw

7Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde  Empty Re: Evelyn Clarisse 'Apep' d'Pryde Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:29 am


This application has been completely approved now.

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