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1Seijuuna Haikyuuren ||W I P|| Empty Seijuuna Haikyuuren ||W I P|| Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:46 am

Seijuuna Haikyuuren

Seijuuna Haikyuuren

Seijuuna Haikyuuren ||W I P|| Yueeee10
Full Appearance:
"I adore those people that can hide everything with just a smile..."

Name(s): Seijuuna Haikyuuren
Nickname(s): Sei/Yuuna
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Birthday: 2/14/X767
Sexuality: Straight
Class: (Pick one of the character classes: Mystic, Scavenger etc.)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Rank: (Everyone starts out as D-class)
Guild: (What guild do you belong to?)
Guild Tattoo: (Where is your tattoo located?)
Face Claim: (Which character did you pick for your appearance and what show is it from? Fill in as Name - Show.)


Height: (Self explanatory)
Weight: (Self explanatory)
Hair: (Self explanatory)
Eyes: (Self explanatory)
General Appearance: (Include their body type, clothing etc. This should be at least 75 words.)
Extra: (Anything noteworthy to mention again? Put it here. Such as sunglasses, scars, piercings, eye-patches.)


Personality: (Requires at least 200 words.)
Likes: (At least 4. It is not required to into detail. Use the list code to fill this in.)
Dislikes: (At least 4. It is not required to into detail. Use the list code to fill this in.)
Motivations: (What drives your character?)
Fears: (What does your character fear? At least two fears. No bullshit fears. They should be realistic. Use the list code to fill this in.)
Positive Traits: (In total your points must remain at 0, this means that you can pick positive special characteristics as long as you have enough negatives to compensate for them and bring your total to 0. Use the list code to fill this in. Only use the characteristics from the rules.)
Negative Traits: (The negative special characteristics compensate for your positive ones to bring your total to 0. Use the list code to fill this in. Only use the characteristics from the rules.)


Magic: (The name of your magic)
Caster or Holder: (Is your magic a caster-type or holder-type? Holder means that the magic is used through an item.)
Description: (Give a detailed description about your magic.)
Strengths: (What are the strengths of your magic? Be sure to list the honest strengths here, otherwise we might deny future spells if they weren't mentioned before as capabilities of your magic.)
Weaknesses: (What are the weaknesses of your magic? Be sure to list the honest weaknesses here. Do not give us a bs weakness. The magic should have its flaws so it could be countered somehow, whether it's some elements or something else.)


History: (At least 400 words)

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