Name: Fight Club: (Round 3)
Requester: Bart
Request Difficulty: A
Location: Magnolia
Requirements: Completed 'Fight Club, Round 1 and Round 2'.
Reward: 3,000 exp and 5,000J
Request Roll: None
Story: Time for the third round of the fight club. Proceed to Magnolia Bath House wearing a swim suit at midnight. The fight takes place in the h springs. You fail this Request if you lose the fight, or talk about the club. The loser of this fight dies.
Extra Information: 1 x S Rank Water Manipulation Wizard. If you are a female this Wizard is a male and makes lewd comments during the fight to unnerve / upset you. If you are a male, this Wizard is a female and does the same.
Requester: Bart
Request Difficulty: A
Location: Magnolia
Requirements: Completed 'Fight Club, Round 1 and Round 2'.
Reward: 3,000 exp and 5,000J
Request Roll: None
Story: Time for the third round of the fight club. Proceed to Magnolia Bath House wearing a swim suit at midnight. The fight takes place in the h springs. You fail this Request if you lose the fight, or talk about the club. The loser of this fight dies.
Extra Information: 1 x S Rank Water Manipulation Wizard. If you are a female this Wizard is a male and makes lewd comments during the fight to unnerve / upset you. If you are a male, this Wizard is a female and does the same.