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1Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:28 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest RWKBwZG
   "I've learned a lot as Guild Master, but there's one person who's taught me more than anyone else. And if you so much as touch her, they can fit what will be left of you in a dust pan."

Character Sheet:

  • Kazuki Kobayashi


  • Fire Dragon's Brilliant Desolation (A)
  • Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Exploding Flame Claw (A)
  • Flames of Emotion (A)
  • Fire Dragon's Purifying Flames (A)
  • Resilience of the Fire Dragon (A)
  • Fire Dragon's Roar (A)
  • Premature Detonation (B)
    Fire Dragon's Boomstick (B)
  • Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Shoryuken
  • Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Dragon's Fist (B)
  • Fury of the Fire Dragon (B)
  • Fire Dragon's Firing Hammer (C)
  • Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang (C)
  • Fire Dragon's Growl (C)
  • Fire Dragon's Rage (D)
  • Fire Dragon's Iron Fist (D)
  • Fire Dragon's Protection (D)
  • Consume Flames (D)
  • Spontaneous Combustion (D)
  • Wild Fire (D)


  • Arondight (A)
  • Flames of Retribution


  • Alatross the Exceed

Finished Requests:

  • Will update starting from this point (23 December)

Finished Topics:

  • Will update starting from this point (23 December)

Ongoing Topics:

  • What Happened to My Magic?
  • Ignorance is Bliss
  • Unison Raid

Last edited by Kazuki Kobayashi on Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:38 pm; edited 15 times in total

2Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Prologue Entry Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:34 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
I know Ignis told me I should keep one of these little....journal thingies, but I find it hard to keep track of. I mean, what's the point of writing everything down? It's not like I'm so old as I'd forget things that easily. Still, I suppose it's a simple matter. So, from here on out I'll keep tab on things so that one day when I AM so old that I can't even remember what I had for breakfast I can look back and smile fondly.

Last edited by Kazuki Kobayashi on Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total

3Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Journal Entry #1 Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:08 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
04 January, X780

I...met someone today. Or rather, Kobayashi did. Needless to say, she's intrigued me. Kobayashi isn't the....friendliest of looking people. Heck, most people run in fright at the sight of me, but she just...walked right up and started a conversation. She was nervous, I could smell that. But it was understandable. I mean, the mask and get up that Kobayashi wear are meant to be intimidating.

We talked, for a bit, until someone else came along. Asked to sit down as if some masked, cloak wearing probable maniac wasn't sitting alone in the corner. For all she could have known, Kobayashi was a masked murderer preying on the women of Fairy Tail--and she would have volunteered.

...she's got heart, and a lot of guts. I have decided that I like that about her.

Oh, manners. Right. Anissia, was her name. She doesn't know who I am, of course, only that she's on friendly terms with Kobayashi. Either way, I've said my piece. I have to go bathe before it gets too late.

4Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Journal Entry #2 Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:43 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
06 January, X780

Followed. The great Kobayashi, master of tracking down and eliminating evil wizards...followed home like some....prey! It would have been fine, but she walked up on me after I had just got out of the springs--so I was mask-less. Luckily, I was able to play the part of dashing hero, like Ignis taught me. She had hurt her ankle, fell down a bank I think. Either way, I brought her home to treat it.

Apparently this girl had followed Kobayashi while he was shopping, and tracked him here. She spotted the groceries, and the fact that I was able to heat an entire pot of water to boiling...she put it together. S'a disaster, I tell you. Still...there's something about her.

She smells.

No, not in the bad way, either. It's like...vanilla and something else I can't quite place. Like...woods? Or trees or....I dunno. It's...odd. Either way, she said she liked me better than Kobayashi. Who'd have thought? I suppose he can be a bit of a downer...pretty intense guy.

I made dinner for her, one of the 'manly stews' that Ignis raised me on. Lots o' potatoes and meat. Oh, onions for flavor. After that I allowed her to use my bed. With a busted up ankle, I couldn't have her sleeping on a stone floor...

OH! And she didn't seem to mind that I live in a cave...I mean, I built a shack like door entrance to keep the rain out, didn't bother her? Was weird. I know most people live in town, but this is how I was raised. She' odd woman.

P.S. I think I like this girl.

Last edited by Kazuki Kobayashi on Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:28 am; edited 1 time in total

5Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty 3rd Journal Entry Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:46 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
07 January, X780

Met another woman today. Well, Kobayashi did. She's....not like Anissia at all. I can't quite place her problem....I suppose I should go into detail, but I can't bring myself to.

Kobayashi broke a chair, and her door.

Yeah. It escalated rather quickly. Still, I suppose I should try and describe this woman using Earthland words.


I think that cuts it close. I truly hope I do not run into her again--as Kazuki or Kobayashi.

6Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Journal Entry #4 Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:50 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
08 January, X780


Alright, that's a bit strong. I had a run in today with the other Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail. It was supposed to be a friendly spar, but he got a lucky shot off and shattered my mask.

Or maybe it wasn't luck.

I know it was only a matter of time...the thing's porcelain after all...but still. Anyway, yes. Lucky shot. Mask broke. And...I kind of lost it. I'd never been in a fight as, well, me before...and I don't know what happened. It was like...something took over me. Pride, enthusiasm...I'm not quite sure what it was.

But I scared myself. I went after him like a mad man, fighting even fiercer than Kobayashi did. It' odd feeling, fighting so exposed.

Well, bottom line is: I lost. He railed be pretty good at the end.Think I broke something.

We WILL have a Rematch some day. Mark my words.

Last edited by Kazuki Kobayashi on Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:30 am; edited 1 time in total

7Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Journal Entry #5 Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:26 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
14 January, X780

So....I signed up for the Grand Magic Games. Well, I was pressured to, really. I didn't wanna fight in front of thousands of people unless I was Kobayashi, but with my mask destroyed....

They were all, "You can stand up to Noah?!" "You must be really strong!" "Sign up for Fairy Tail!" And, in typical weak fashion...I cracked. I hope I don't wind up regretting this....

I met another odd person today. A giant, muscle bound talking cat.

With wings.

Yeah, blew my mind too. Still, most people don't want to acknowledge, or don't believe in, Dragons..and they're real. So, I suppose it's plausible.

His best friend was broken farm tool though. So...ya know...that's something.

Anissia was there as well. I find myself spending more time with her, and we even went on a job together. It went well! But...this cat man--who's name was Navi--seemed to put her off. He was pretty loud..but my hearing is better. He kept saying these things like "you get it" and it made Anissia very uncomfortable...odd.

8Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Re: Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:43 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
31 January, X780

Heyhey! Spring is here!

Made it to Crocus, after traveling with some others from Fairy Tail. It was fun, and I met some of the other members participating. Like all Fairy Tail Wizards, they were pretty boisterous. It was refreshing.

Anissia was there, of course. I'm telling you, non-respondent Journal, there is something about that woman. It makes me feel like I can beat down walls with my bare fists.

I mean, I can already but....nevermind.

We went to the Gardens today, for a little sightseeing. Well, she was already there and I was just poking around. Magnolia is a bustling place, but THIS place The smells all mixed together, the low roar of the market makes Magnolia look like a hamlet. If I wasn't a Wizard, I'd want to live here. There's just so many people and it's all hustle and bustle and woosh and....I lost track.

The Gardens smelled nice....they complimented Anissia's scent rather well. We talked for a bit, and then it started raining. Yep, spring rains. We hadn't planned on that, so in a dash to look for shelter I climbed on top of a fountain to find some. Cafe was close by, and I used fire to dry myself. In retrospect, that may have been unwarranted. I felt bad, because Anissia can't do that. She uses Sand Magic...

Now, to the important part. We...kissed. Not going to lie, I really liked it. I've never kissed someone wasn't important. Mainly because Kobayashi wore a mask all the time...and that's not conducive to kissing. I mean it's in the way, right? Still...I was terrified. I had no idea if I was doing it right...still don't. She seemed to like it though.

And then we decided to become a thing. Meaning we're...together? I guess? Yes. Like that. And we don't share one another with others. Ignis made it very clear that when you choose a partner, you are theirs and they are yours. No taksey backsey. Or sharing. And if anyone tries to interfere, you insert your dominance as the stronger male. It's all basic stuff!

I...really like her. I haven't felt this way about anyone. I enjoy her company, the way she smiles and covers her mouth when she giggles. It's just so...endearing. I could see Kobayashi rolling his eyes...well me rolling what? If that mask hadn't of been broken..I may well have never experienced this. It's a curse to have to be out, and fight, so exposed...but it's a blessing too.

9Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Re: Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:49 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
02 February, X780

Holy. Hell.

Alright, so, there was an event today. I wasn't taking part--and there was an event in the previous day too, but I wasn't in that. Wasn't important really. That one raging female was present. She did some hide and seek game. Was boring, but I cheered, if only for team spirit.

But There was this competition strictly for females, and the only female member on Fairy Tail's main team? Yeah, you guessed it.

Now...Ignis made some things very clear, growing up. Females have tails, and they lay eggs. It is the male's job to protect the female, and said eggs. And when they hatch, its the males job to teach them manly stuff. Like fighting, and killing food. Females coddle them and teach them social skills and stuff....which now makes me strangely sad that I had no mother...maybe I wouldn't be socially bankrupt.

Still, Ignis did his best.

But, let me tell you. SHE HAS NO TAIL! There's NO WAY it could be hiding behind what she was wearing. NONE! Unless it's some little...nub thing. Then that's not a tail, it's a stump! How is one supposed to claim her, if she has no tail!? I'm supposed to mark her, but...I cannot do that without a tail!

Not...that it's progressed that far. I mean, I really like her. I do. But...these things take time. There's a whole courting process. But...I think Ignis didn't give me a good overview. Anissia doesn't seem the type to like having a dead animal placed in front of her living arrangements. Noah said every female is different, though. Maybe I should try flowers instead. I've seen men give them to women before, in town. That might be a better route than a blood stained front stoop.

10Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Re: Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:58 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
04 February, X780 was...a disaster. I feel like I let everyone down. Let me explain...

Ignis taught me that there are two types of people in this world: Good, and Evil. There's no in between, and I get that. You either do good, or you do bad. You just don't 'do'.

I had a match today, against a Wizard from Eisenwald. Yeah, a Dark Guild in the Grand Magic Games. Don't ask.

Either way, I did the honorable thing: I gave her a chance to back out, or I explained very clearly that I was going to kill her. If evil won't change their ways, the best way to be rid of it is to erase it. Ignis taught me that too.

But you know what? She started crying. Seriously! Who DOES that? But then she explained that she was only in Eisenwald, and fighting in the Tournament because a stronger member of her guild had kidnapped and held her sister hostage.

Given the circumstances...had someone done the same thing to, say, Anissia...I cannot say I wouldn't do the same. I mean, I'd prolly fly off the handle and try and fight the person first...but if they were too powerful...

It's a shade of grey. And it bothered me. So, I threw the match. And I went after the person she had pointed out--much to her dismay.

There are a few times in my life when I truly felt the drive that I was doing the right thing. Usually when I fight an evil made, it's humdrum. I just do it because it's right. But this guy....this guy, just the WAY he looked...put a fire in my veins. Made me WANT to destroy him. When I leaped down to the Eisenwald stands, I hadn't thought about what would happen with the OTHER wizards there...but they didn't do anything. They were shocked.


Either way, I had beaten him into submission. I was going to kill him, to scrub his filth from the planet. The Grand Magic Games workers would be sweeping him up into a dust pan. But...I was stopped. Not only did the girl that I had 'fought' step in front of the man, Anissia asked me not to kill him.

And I backed down. I let him go. There was something about the look in her eyes. I wasn't sure if I scared her...or if she is genuinely so forgiving that she believes this is the best course of action.

I just hope this doesn't come back around and hurt Fairy Tail, or Anissia. If there's one thing I know about Dark Wizards, it's that they love to exploit people.

Oh, the guy was a Dragon Slayer too. That pisses me off even more. I actually hope I do get to fight him again. He and I will, most certainly, have unfinished business.

11Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Re: Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:06 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
23 March, X780

So, arrived into Hargeon. Grand Magic Games are over, and with Spring in full swing, Anissia wanted to spend some time at the beach. It makes sense, she's a Sand Wizard, AND from the desert. She loves sand.

I hate large bodies of water. And the ocean, is no exception. I was terrified of the prospect, but I tried not to let it show. I just made sure to stay well enough away.

Well, I had to get swimming trunks--if only because lounging on the beach in my underpants wouldn't be socially acceptable. Even I know that.

So we spent the day on the beach. And we kissed again...a lot. She...had moved into my lap and it odd feeling.

I...I am not sure how to describe this. There's a yearning...a craving? A want? I suppose want would be the least extreme. I want her...but in a way I cannot explain. It's like something in me is telling me to do something...but I dunno what! It's frustrating as hell. And with her draped on me in such a manner, it was near unbearable.

Oh, and Ignis. If you ever read're. A. Dick. HUMANS DON'T HAVE TAILS MAN! I ASKED! YOU LIED!

Either way, after that, she parted from me and made a sand castle. In true hero fashion (at least you didn't lie about that, Ignis) I used my fire to make the castle into glass. When we left Hargeon, I brought it back to Magnolia for her. We parted ways at the town gates. I had invited her over for dinner, back in Hargeon, but she looked pretty run down. I decided to let her sleep in her own bed--I know it'd do me some good too.

Sleeping in my own bed, I mean.

The Inn Fairy Tail had in Crocus was decent, but there just ain't any place like home. It's morning now...I think I might go and check on her...

12Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Empty Re: Kobayashi, The Crimson Tempest Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:23 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
23 December X781

Hi, Journal. Uh, this is awkward. Like when you tell someone you'll do them a favor, then don't, and see them in the store? Yeah, that kinda awkward. Haven't written in awhile, my mute emotionless friend, but there's a lot that's happened.

Well, let's start with where I left off. First off, I went to check up on Anissia. Found a guy sleeping in her room. Not like that. I'd have updated the journal sooner in that case, from prison. Anyway, I jumped to conclusions, of course wasn't like that. She was just letting him crash on her floor. She was being the...sweet, kind woman that she is. Anyway, I kinda left sorta angry...and I know I shouldn't have but...what can I say? I felt hurt? Sad? I dunno.

Anyway, after that I went and decided to get me some reading material. I wanted to find out about human....interaction, if you will. Ya know,, sealing the deal, kind? Heh. Can't even say the words aloud without feeling my face get hot.

Which is weird, cause I don't get hot.

Alright. The books were on how to...have physical relations.

Don't judge me, journal. Ignis taught me all wrong, so I had to teach myself. At least he taught me how to read. Somewhat. But the books had pictures, so I was able to follow along pretty well! That..that doesn't make me sound to intelligent, but I'm telling you, sometimes it was pretty confusing. Medical terms and all. I'm a Dragon Slayer, not a doctor!

Anyway, she uh, she came over! And I was making her dinner and was about to go get her. It was to apologize, you know? For leaving like I did before. I didn't want her to think I was angry, cause I honestly wasn't. Anyway, I think it was steaks? We had fun cooking, like we always did. She's a mean woman with a knife and an onion, lemme tell you. And after dinner we, er...we started kissing, like we had in Hargeon. I mean, I kinda planned it to be a romantic dinner. I lit candles and everything. And one thing led to another and we spent the night.


In the same bed.

Those books, uh...they came in handy was...


I can't even begin to describe. Like, it was amazing. I can't speak for her but...I haven't slept so soundly. No, seriously. Ever. But the act of it was...well, I'm not one to kiss and tell. But now I can't lay in my bed and smell her scent without thinking back, and it's like I crave it and her all over again. It's maddening! It's like a faucet was turned on and some jerkface snapped off the lever and just lets it run.

And I'm that guy trying to stuff it with paper but it just soaks right through and keeps on.

Anyway....enough about our escapades. Shortly after that someone attacked Fairy Tail and I fought to defend it, by myself. There were others there, but they were caught up in crossfire and...well, we lost a lot of people. Some of them may have been my fault, but we can't be sure. I nearly burned the guild down, but I stopped her. But then after someone told me they saw Ani inside and the guild hall was on fire and they were carrying out people who had burned alive and I couldn't find Anissia and...I thought I had killed her. Obviously, using the word thought, I didn't, but it destroyed me. I felt....I never want to feel like that again. When we spent the night together I told her I loved her, and I do journal, with everything that I am. Just thinking about her makes me smile like a goofball and all giddy like one of those girls from Magnolia's school district.

Anyway, I found out she hadn't been killed. She escaped out the back and got lost? I'm chuckling as I write this cause, honestly it's endearing as hell, but how do you get lost in the back yard!? Anyway, she got tricked into drinking this potion by this witch and it changed her. Not like metaphorically. It seriously changed her. She's a bit taller now, has lighter color hair--she said it was pink, I think? Ha! Poet and didn't even know it, Journal! Back on track, she has more...curves. I mean, I really like the change, don't get me wrong. And she still smells the same, which doesn't help my predicament in wanting to steal as much alone time with her as I can. But, she was distraught. Worried that I, and the rest of the guild, wouldn't accept her having changed.

So I did what any super awesome dragon slaying boyfriend would do.

I went, found this witch and made her change me too. If she's gonna stand out for having changed, than she won't have to do it alone! I honestly kinda like the new look. Witch lady said the potion kinda backfired and made me a heterochrome....whatever the heck that means. Something about my eyes being two different colors. Eh, it's whatever. Anissia seemed pleased, or at least happy, that I went and changed with her. Now we're two strange peas in a pod.

Speaking of peas, food break.

Oh, right. Then that happened. I became a Vampire. Yeah, the blood sucking cape wearing weirdos from books. Well, there's less cape wearing than you would think. I personally think I look terrible in a cape. But, yeah. Won this amulet from this creepy guy at All Hollow's Eve fair. I put it on and BAM! cursed. Now I can't go out in the day or anything. It sucks. I'd been surviving on beast blood until recently.

Well, let's back up a little bit. I found a cat. A flying, talking cat. No, I'm not starved or drunk, journal. His name is Alatross, and he insisted I put him in here and keep things to the facts. (He didn't get to see what I wrote earlier, or he would have been made at me for saying that stuff about Sia.)

So. Where was I? Right. I became Guildmaster as well. Yep, not even any kids and in charge of an entire guild of people--most who are older than me. Not sure how that works, and I'm doing a 'bang up job' as Alatoss says, but I'm trying.

And then this old man came and visited me. It was weird. He told me there was dark wizards in Blue Pegasus and I went and attacked. Like, I didn't even think twice. It was...odd. I just flew off the handle which, is known to happen occasionally, it was never this easy. Anyway, while I was there I fed on someone, my first human being. It was Blue Pegasus' Guild Master, Tali Zorah. She's very popular. But it awoken something in a beast. And now I've been craving human blood constantly.

I came back to Fairy Tail and told them I started a war. It wasn't intentional, but they all said they would stand behind me. We're a family, after all. I've never had one of those....Ignis was all I had.

I made a friend, Actessa, too. She's new to the guild and can't talk. She had a lot of questions about Anissia, asking about our...personal exploits. She asked if there was blood, and I told her no, and asked why I would have bled. She's weird, sometimes. She came to see me about having lost her magic and I...attacked her, and fed off her. She told me that I should try that with Ani, but Journal, I'm terrified of that. I already crave her physically, and her companionship all the time...I am unsure if I would be able to control myself if I gave in to any sort of compulsion to feed. What if I drank too much blood? She could die. Or, what if she was terrified of me for being a Vampire? They're usually evil, right? It's just....I don't want to lose her. I love her, and I love Fairy Tail, but I could handle leaving the guild. I've been on my own before. I could never handle losing her, because being on your own is not the same thing as being alone. She's everything to me.

But, that's enough of that, heh. That's everything, roughly, that's happened. More to follow soon, I'm sure! Never a dull day as Fairy Tail's Guild Master!

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