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1Nazyel Stormbringer Empty Nazyel Stormbringer Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:44 am

Nazyel Stormbringer

Nazyel Stormbringer

   Nazyel Stormbringer QlYamrk
   "You can crush my body... But you won't break, MY IRON WILL!"

Name(s): Nazyel Stormbringer
Nickname(s): Naz
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Birthday: 04/08/762
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Right Pectoral
Face Claim: Renji Abarai - Bleach


Height: 5 foot 11 inches
Weight: 12 stone
Hair: Long, unkept and deep red.
Eyes: Deep brown.
General Appearance: Nazyel has a muscular figure with strong body tone and definition upon his abs and chest which are not often on show due to his adored leather jacket. He mostly wears a brown leather jacket with a fur topped neck line, a deep purple v-neck shirt and a loosly fitted black tie with a small white Celtic cross upon the base of the tie which he may or may not have on depending on his mood. Whilst on his lower half he is almost always weaing a pair of deep blue denim and heavy worn jeans with a pair of deep brown military boots to finish it off! Finally on his head he will always be wearing some form of headband to keep his messy hair in place which is deep red in color and very messy.

As for facial features his eyes are a deep hazelish brown and full of depth and conviction along with a cheeky smile that is able to calm a situation easily enough. His face itself is slender with no blemishes but strong cheekybones and a high hairline which is often hidden by his bandana.
Extra: Nazyel has many tattoos covering his body which were placed on him upon gaining his Dragon Slayer Magic, they represent his magic that flows through him as well as his mark as Metallicanna's pupil.


Personality:  Nazyel is a strong willed and at times headstrong young man, he will happily take orders and follow them to the letter but if he believes a mission or choice is one that will lead to disaster he will stand against it no matter who gave the order. He often loves to relax by playing guitar or sitting in trees ( has has a weird connection to nature), he loves to play jokes often with them not being all too funny to anyone except himself and more than often it will end in some form of tussle or brawl. In general Nazyel is very relaxed and easy going, often quiet and keeping to himself excluding when he has a drink then he will be dancing on tables and hitting on the nearest lady (With poor results.) He is suspicious of people who he doesn't know and will often give them the 3rd degree to make sure they are friend or foe to protect the ones he loves. However once someone has Nazyel as their ally he will move heaven and earth to protect them and will not back down. Nazyel is a likable person and often his attitude to his friends is stronger than any other emotion, as he is tied very strongly to his emotions he doesn't let them show too often as he prefers to be the cool and collected guy over the hot head who wants to start a fight for the hell of it. (Although it does happen). Now, Nazyel's temper is something that everyone should look out for, although he will take a good deal of drama and aggravation to flare it up, he does have a short temper once it is troddon on and he will lose it often ending with flipped tables and punching walls or asking to step outside for a 'friendly chat'. Nazyel is not really a ladies man as he doesn't show much interest when around the guild purely out of shyness and his beliefs in being a gentleman, however once he has a few drinks he warms up to the ladies in an attempt to be suave he will either embarrass himself or his friends in the process.

Nazyel is a strategist, he won't often run headlong into battle without thinking out some form of attack plan. He is happy to take point and lead the assault or too take a back seat and do the brunt of the heavy work. He loves to brawl and if someone gives him a good enough reason to fight then he will do so without holding back. This however can he his downfall as he does not know the boundaries of his own strength and can misjudge how much power he puts into an attack. Nazyel also does not like nor approve of fighting women and if he is faced with an opponent who he believes to be weaker he would rather leave the scene than condone to a battle that in the end no one wins. Nazyel does not mind fighting in a team or on his own as he enjoys the capabilities that a team has over being solo but should he encounter a foe 1 on 1 he will stand his ground to the bitter end.

  • Cookies - Naz has a small addiction to cookies and if he's offered one he resorts back to a child or a Puppy. He also says that the woman he will one day marry will make the best cookies he's ever tasted.

  • Friendship - Friendships are one of Naz's strongest values, once he makes a friend he does not turn his back on them or desert them. He believes that if you have a friend then no burden can be carried on your own and you can never be alone.

  • Travelling - He loves to travel, however vehicles aren't his favourite method! Yet the more outrageous the place the better as he adores the wilds and find a lot of comfort in what lies out in the hidden country.

  • Music - Naz is a keen Guitar player and will often play his Guitar whilst sitting in a tree somewhere, although he doesn't often play it in front of others.  


  • Spiders - He hates them. If you bring one near him, he will WILL trample it until there is nothing left but squished mess.

  • Liars- Naz hates being lied too, even if it's over something like who ate the last cookie? If he is lied too you are one step closer to losing his friendship.

  • Dark Guilds- He despises them with all of his heart, the way that they condone their actions and the lengths that they will go to to harm others builds such anger in Nazyel it scares even him.

  • Poor decisions - If someone suggests something completely absurd, Naz would much rather smash his head repeatedly against a wall than listen to them.


  • Protecting the Weak - Naz drives to protect Fiore and the surrounding kingdoms, he was granted a great power and intends to use it to protect the ones he loves and to fight for the justice in the world with the might of Fairy Tail at his side he can achieve anything!

  • Guild Master - Naz hopes one day to take the position as a Guild Master to lead others to a brighter future as well as protect the weak, the broken and the lost as no one was able to save him, he will save those from the same fate as his own.


  • Demons - Nazyel heard of these horrifying creatures and the power they possess. He certainly doesn't want to run into one anytime soon.

  • Losing His Friends - He fears losing his friends more than anything, be it by death or worse by becoming a dark mage, he refuses to let a friend go down a dark path.  

Positive Traits:

  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
    Explanation: You are capable of doing C Ranked damage with all melee attacks. This is not added to spells in any form.

  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
    Explanation: Players of lesser rank cannot initiate combat against you, but are capable of defending themselves.

Negative Traits:

  • Shy (-1): You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible. When you become the center of attention you freeze. Don't expect to make any public speeches.
    Explanation: You can never speak first when entering a thread with someone. This includes initiating combat.

  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.
    Explanation: You are easily goaded, and anyone attempting to taunt you will succeed.

  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.

  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.

  • Intolence is Dark mages, traitors and disregard for human life.

  • Overzealous (-1): You are incapable of having a weak opinion. Everything you believe, you believe as if your life depended on it. Everything you don't believe in, you hate with a passion.
    Once in a while your flaw gets you to strongly defend one of your opinions, no matter how inappropriate the time and place, nor what the circumstances of such an outburst may be.
    Explanation: If someone goes against your beliefs, you violently defend the beliefs, even if the person is your ally.


Magic: Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Iron Dragon Slayer Magic is a form of Dragon Slayer Magic which grants the user characteristics unique to the Iron Dragon Metallicanna, allowing them to incorporate the element of iron (and, by extension, of steel) into their body, granting them the ability to change parts of their body (or the entirety of it) into iron, which can be shaped in a number of forms for different purposes, and to produce iron objects.

The Magic relies around the use of iron for both offense and defense, with the user being capable of creating a wide array of weapons from their body to attack the opponents both in melee and from a distance, and to cover their body with iron in order to drastically increase their defensive power, whilst simultaneously heavily boosting their offensive power. And lastly, this form of lost magic produces iron that isn't normal. It is stronger than the average metal.

  • Natural Resource - Due to the nature of his slayer magic Nazyel is able to devour all metals excluding his own giving him unlimited possibilites to regenerate and gain power.

  • Strength and Durability - Due to his slayer magic Nazyel is able to withstand much hartier attacks than most with the ability to change his skin into Iron.

  • Attack Prevention - As the Iron Dragon Slayer, Naz has the potential to stop metals from stiking him with detection of smell.

  • Magic Resistance - Due to his ability and magic Naz has an advantage over earth, water and wind users as he can withstand such magic with a greater duability.


  • Magic Resistance - As the Iron Dragon Slayer Naz has an elemental disadvantage against all forms of lightning magic as the Metals conduct electricity so well it would be against the dragon Slayer's best interests to face a lightning mage and god forbid a Lightning or thunder Slayer. He also would suffer against Fire users as it could heat and therefore weaken the iron of his body and magic.

  • General opinion - Due to the nature of this Magic people have become uneasy around him with speak of a Dragon Slayer and the unknown power he could possess.

  • Temperature Fluctuations - Unfortunately due to the nature of Nazyel's magic he can be effected by the cold much more which may slow his movements as well as making him colder to the touch.




Nazyel grew up as an only child in a loving family in a small farm outside of Magnolia. His parents Niktor and Ura were upstanding citizens and often you would seem them all well dressed and Niktor sporting the leather jacket his son so clearly adored. On his 6th birthday he was amazed when he ran down to the woodland near his home that in the clearing rested a gaping cave, spanning some 50 feet across its depths had not been explored from fear of a monsterous creature. Nazyel plodded down and would throw pebbles into the cave without fear of what lay in its depths when he began to notice two giant eyes peering back at him. In his fright he dropped the stones but stood his ground as a Dragon sprang from the cave releasing a deafening roar spraying the trees over a huge radius. The dragon was gleaming silver and let out a delicate snort as it stared at the boy; " Child, why do you not fear me? You should be fleeing in terror you insolent child!" The Dragon's voice rang out gruff and powerful. The young Nazyel merely stared in wonder then let out a tremendous yell of excitement as he ran forward and jumped on the fearsome Dragon; " Wow! A real Dragon! Hey can you be my best friend?!" He smiled brightly faced with the pearlescent colour in the giant eyes. The Dragon looked on in complete shock at the insolence but inner strength and bravery of this child so with a thought she gave a gleaming and menacing grin; " Well... Since I have nobody else here and you clearly have no fear then yes... I will tolderate you and I, Metallicana the Iron Dragon will teach you Dragon Slayer Magic... But should you fail to keep up... I eat you."

For years Naziel snuck out of his house too met the mighty Dragon and soon found himself in full bouts as the two clashed in their training. Nazyel also learned that she was not the only one of her kind, there were all varieties of Dragons and all were fearsome and deadly. Naz was trained vigorously, never letting up until he mastered what Metallicana had taught, She treated him like a son and cherished him but was also severely strict with the young boy. The pair lived contently with each others company but yet Naz did not learn how to interact well with other human beings and was requested to keep his magic a secret for his own protection.

Fate would turn ill for Nazyel soon after him turning 15 when his parents were murdered during a cattle raid, as his parents locked him in a downstairs cupboard to keep him safe, members of an unknown guild broke in and murdered his parents in cold blood. The shock and horror of witnessing the death of his parents left him feeling cold and lost, eventually he broke himself free and was left will little options, in fear he grabbed his father's jacket, a bag of food and walked into the night leaving all he held dear behind him. He went to find Metallicana but found that she had left without a word and now he would set out to try to find the one who had truly raised him. He felt utterly lost and completely hopeless without the wisdom and discipline of his beloved Master and surrogate Mother, gradually he found some solitude living on the streets of Magnolia for 2 years fighting against unruly gangs and thugs helping around town to make scraps of money to buy food and clothing but he was never permitted to use his magic acting like a mundane with no power resorting to the use of his fists and wit.

He traveled trying to find others like himself who were Dragons in hiding and others who harnessed Dragon slayer magic so that he may get some answers to qwell the constant agony. Unfortunately he only found people that were scared of this boy who lurked in the shadows and never telling anything of his story. It was shortly after that he fell in love with a beautiful young girl named Mia. He met her whilst wandering the streets keeping a close eye on a gang of youths who were known for attacking weary travellers. As his eyes followed the group he found himself gazing at the most beautiful young woman he had ever seen. Tall with dark brown hair, fair complexion and slim body, to this there was no wonder the gang were looking upon her with hungry eyes. As she moved down an alleyway to connect to another street they attacked. In his desperate attempt to protect this girl he sprung from an above series of steps and crashed into the gang, with no use of his magic he fought hard, with bare knuckle and everything his body would muster until they eventually fled. Nazyel turned and glanced at the shocked tearful face as his eyes darkened and he fell. Shortly after he awoke in a small cottage room with hanging pictures of a man and woman and the mysterious, beautiful girl he would soon find out to be Mia. After their brief and shy acquaintance she tended to his wounds and shortly after in appreciation of saving their daughter, Mia's parents gave him work as a laborer on their farm to which he reluctantly accepted for he did not wish to be a burden upon this nice family. He would spend his afternoons talking to Mia whilst they ate lunch together, laughing and talking about the world and his dream to one day become a powerful mage to one of the great Legal guilds, to protect people as he was unable to protect his parents and his wish to join the guild Fairy Tail and one day become its Guild Master. For this was one of many dreams he needed to see through.

Several months passed and Nazyel and Mia would spend evenings together walking the fields basking in the moonlight, the light gleaming off his deep red  hair and enhancing his dark brown eyes. The day came finally that he asked for Mia's hand in marriage after a walk in the moonlight he knelt to one knee and confessed his adoration and love to her, with this she agreed to be his bride, they returned to the farm house and after some deliberation with her parents they gave their consent and the pair were engaged at just 18 years of age. With the money he had managed to save from his hard work on the farm he returned one day from the Magonlia market with a solid silver ring, which he presented to her shortly afterwards.

Unfortunately she became very ill from a virus that had been passed down through her family and after months of agonizing attempts to help her she passed away over night. The grief that Nazyel felt was truly devastating and tore him down to his very core, he spoke small words at her funeral and decided that he should leave town to follow his dream. To forget all of the pain that had cast upon him and be the man he was meant to be.

After travelling and landing upon Magnolia he found himself at the door step of Fairy Tail. A renowned and powerful guild that had a reputation for trouble and destructive power, Nazyel ventured inside and soon found himself in the position of becoming a lucky member of Fairy Tail.

2Nazyel Stormbringer Empty Re: Nazyel Stormbringer Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:01 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Since Jace left, he is no longer the FT ds.

So, approved.

Liz told us you might want to be gm, but I want to see how active you will be first, before considering that. We'll discuss it at a later time. Go ahead and rp or make your spells, have fun!

3Nazyel Stormbringer Empty Re: Nazyel Stormbringer Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:05 pm

Nazyel Stormbringer

Nazyel Stormbringer
Thank you! ^.^ Is it possible to get you to Pm me your skype? just so i could get some assistance with my magic etc!

4Nazyel Stormbringer Empty Re: Nazyel Stormbringer Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:09 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
jacob.lyons007 my skype is public to anyone on the site :P

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