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1Mio Hirasawa  Empty Mio Hirasawa Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:43 pm

Mio Hirasawa

Mio Hirasawa

   Mio Hirasawa  4854710
   "are we heroes keeping peace? or are we weapons? pointed at the enemy so someone else can claim a victory?"

Name(s): Mio Hirasawa
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Birthday: 08/04/773
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: B-class
Guild: Rune Knights
Guild Tattoo: Right Arm
Face Claim: Mio Akiyama K-ON!


Height: 5'4
Weight: 119
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
General Appearance: Mio stands at 5'4 and weighs 119. She is nothing really special when it comes to looks. Her hair is black and go's down to her butt and some hangs over her shoulders. Her eyes are grey nothing too cool about them but she likes them. She wears nothing really special about her outfit. It just a school uniform whit a white shirt under a black dress jacket and a black skirt white shocks and black shoes.
Extra: N/A


Personality: Mio is a nice person and is always happy to hang out whit friends and yes that means people in the guilds. She is loyal to the Rune Knights and to her brothers and sisters in arms. She almost always has a cool head even when time are hard or looking bad To her the number one thing to do is make sure everyone comes back safe. Mio doesn't always fallow a order that doesn't sound right to him or could hurt/kill one of her  brothers or sisters in arms. Mio trys to keep a smile on as much as possible to help keep people in more calmed mood as best she can.

Mio is one of those people how doesn't like to show there pain to others so she uses the smile to hind it all. Mio when she gets mad she goes out for blood. This is something like a last defense tip thing to help keep people safe. She uses it to try and help in times of need like a life or death event.

~Mew and Woman
~All kinds of rock music
~Her brothers and sisters in arms

~rats and mice
Motivations: To one day became a captain in the RK

  • snakes

  • rats and mice

Positive Traits:

  • Athletic (+3): You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
    Explanation: Ability to jump 10 meters in a single bound.

  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
    Explanation: You have a passive C Rank speed buff at all times.

Negative Traits:

  • Bruise Easily (-2): Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person.
    Explanation: You will take extra damage from bludgeoning damage, whether it was done through a spell or not. The damage received from bludgeoning damage is increased by one class if it's a spell.

  • Night Blindness (-2): Your night vision isn't worth squat, due to a physiological deficiency. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
    Explanation: During night time in threads, or facing someone who uses Dark Magic, you have a hard time seeing more than 10 meters in front of you.

  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
    Explanation: If someone lies, you automatically believe it.


Magic: Lightning
Caster or Holder: caster-type
Description:  Lightning allows the caster to create and control lightning. The caster can summon lightning and sculpt it into various things. Also allows for physical augmentation. Lightning Magic is a branch of Elemental Magic that utilizes electricity, but more specifically, lightning, as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their bodies, and manipulate them. However, unlike other types of Elemental Magic, users of Lightning Magic are also capable of utilizing lightning from a distance, such as from the ground near them, or down from the sky. Lightning attacks work by electrocuting the opponents to various degrees, and there are spells that are said to be capable of completely paralyzing enemies, due to the extremely high voltage of the electricity employed in their use. Because of the high amounts of light produced with its use, Lightning Magic can also can also be utilized to blind opponents, albeit for a short amount of time.
Strengths:  lightning magic is strong against water. It allows the caster to attack at a range also, calling lightning from the ground or sky. The user can utilize techniques to close the distance on enemies quickly and attack them at a distance when they get away.
Weaknesses:  lightning is weak against wind and ground. because of  reckless use of lightning it leaves him with minimal defensive capabilities and focuses heavily on offense at the expense of self protection.



2Mio Hirasawa  Empty Re: Mio Hirasawa Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:18 pm

Mio Hirasawa

Mio Hirasawa
Okay this is it ~DONE~

3Mio Hirasawa  Empty Re: Mio Hirasawa Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:52 am

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Looks good enough


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