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1Leon Draisaitl (COMPLETE) Empty Leon Draisaitl (COMPLETE) Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:10 pm

Leon Draisaitl

Leon Draisaitl

  Leon Draisaitl (COMPLETE) Badass10
   "How about I give you an advantage? Cut me anywhere you want..."

Name(s): Leon Draisaitl
Nickname(s): The Walking Dead 
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Birthday: July 6, X753
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Mystic
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: D-rank
Guild: Sabertooth
Guild Tattoo: Right Pex | Black
Face Claim: Kenpachi Zaraki | Bleach


Height: 6'2" (188 Cm)
Weight: 185 lbs (84 Kg)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
General Appearance:
Physically, Draisaitl is a tall, muscular man with a decent body weight along with what some would deem a wild appearance. His cheekbones tend to stick out thus causing the skin behind the bones to cave inwards. An interesting feature about Draisaitl is that he has hairless eyebrow ridges. For a guy who is not too much into fashion, Draisaitl has two ways of doing his hair; keeping it in many stiff strands or keeping it somewhat downwards. Another distinguishing feature Draisaitl bears his the scar that runs down the left side of his face, causing him to look a tad bit more menacing.

Clothing wise, Draisaitl is not a man of fashion. When it comes to clothing, he tends to wear the same thing over and over again, wearing it out and upon doing so, he just purchases the same thing once more to keep the cycle going. Currently, he tends to wear a sleeveless haori, a hip/thigh length kimono-like jacket, over top a separate black outfit. Wearing it so much has caused it too look ragged but that more so suits Draisaitl. This outfit is worn by Draisaitl either in battle or formally. Lastly, Draisaitl bears a black eye patch over his right eye, more so appearance than anything. He is capable of seeing out of the right eye but tends to keep it on for the hell of it.


  • Scar running down the left side of his face
  • Eye patch concealing his right eye


Draisaitl is a stubborn, strong-willed fella without a care of those around him. He can be somewhat selfish and even self-absorbed, something that most people might not see on a daily basis. Something he does show openly though his has blatant hatred towards different figures of authority. With this in mind, Draisaitl feels little incentive to follow rules that have already been placed out by others. The only rules he will follow are his own but even then, he can tend to question his own rules and disregard them. He has a reputation for being rather foul mouthed which mixes well with his intimidation factor.

Sparring wise, Draisaitl does not show mercy all that often but when it comes to fighting mages that are a lot weaker than he is, he will only use spells accordingly unless pissed off. Along with this, sparring allows Draisaitl to further his strength in both magic capabilities and hand-to-hand combat.

Draisaitl can also come off as a sarcastic person. He tends to poke jokes around without a care for who he will offend. In his eyes, if he is being sarcastic, no one should get mad but this is also hypocritical. If someone were to poke a joke at him, he himself would get upset and cause an uproar, causing him to act tough and lash out at whoever joked around. A drunk Draisaitl is a whole different story. Drunk Draisaitl means a fun Draisaitl. Whenever he can get his hands on alcohol or wine, he drinks it all up and tends to act a bit over his head. He can become a drama queen with out knowing it. While being drunk, he will often tend to use his magic to impress everyone and cause crowds to form, something that he likes very much is attention. He loves having all eyes on him as it makes him feel like man of the hour.

In short, Draisaitl is a man with many sides. He can be goofy at one moment and serious in the next. He can be caring another moment and hateful the very next. Everything that determines the mood Draisaitl is in is basically based off the flow of whatever is happening around him. However, this can cause Draisaitl to be unpredictable which can be good. Basically, all this is a recipe for disaster.


  1. Freedom
  2. Power
  3. Alcohol
  4. Sparring


  1. Rules
  2. Tight Spaces
  3. Insects
  4. Darkness


  1. Fighting: Draisaitl is one that enjoys fighting very much. It is one of his most prominent motivations. Whenever he fights, he feels a sense of freedom and an adrenaline rush - a feeling he cannot explain. It is also a great way for him to measure how far he has come since getting a grasp of his magic.
  2. A Rival: Draisaitl longs the day to have someone he can call his rival. Draisiatl is a rather strong mage in a league of his own so it can be hard to find someone on par with his strength. However, he very well knows that once he finds himself a rival, his strength will be pushed to the limits and he will truly become stronger.


  1. Tight Spaces: Draisaitl has a fear of tight spaces, otherwise known as claustrophobia. Ever since he was a child slave, he was contained in a tight space, never being allowed to be in the open. To this day, tight spaces remind him of his dark past and thus, have led him to develop a fear for them.
  2. Darkness: By the term darkness, this refers to no light whatsoever. During his time as a slave, Draisaitl was isolated within in a tight space that offered no natural light. He spent his entirety in the darkness never seeing the light till he he escaped. He does not ever want something like this to occur once more.

Positive Traits: (+19)

  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses
  • Blind-Fight (+4): You know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes
  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe

Negative Traits: (-19)

  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.
  • Branded (-2) - Former Slave (Scar dug into on left side of face): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime.
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing themselves to the limit at every available opportunity.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

  • Extravagant (-2): You enjoy living in the lap of luxury. Ale is never good enough if you can get fine wine instead. You aren't happy with anything less than the finest room in the inn. In addition, any equipment or services you purchase cost 10% more than the standard rate for the locale you are currently in. The best of the best always costs more, after all.
  • Greedy (-1): Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.
  • Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard down. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.
  • Intolerance (-1) -Insects-: You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
  • Night Blindness (-2): Your night vision isn't worth squat, due to a physiological deficiency. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.


Magic: Blades of Requiem | レクイエムの刃
Caster or Holder: Caster
Blades of Requiem is unlike any other summoning magic known to man. The creatures summoned take on a form like that of a human, however each summon is capable of undergoing a transformation to become a sword. Essentially, this type of summoning is known only to the true swordsmen.

Each summon is capable of speech and communication with those around them like other summons. However, each summon is also capable of undergoing a transformation to become a sword that another summon may wield. This is the most prominent use of such magic. This allows for a wide variety of offensive spells along with supplementary uses. However, the biggest drawback of said magic is that it allows for no defensive spells whatsoever. Since each summon is capable of wielding another summon, this covers both long-range and close-range areas giving the magic great depth.

In terms of element, this magic does not have one. All the summons that are created forth rely on the use of their spiritual prowess to use spells and attack. This can be both a good and bad thing depending on how you look at it.

Strengths: The greatest strength of its magic is its immense versatility in offensive structure. This magic allows for the coverage of both long and close-range battles. Like other summoning magics, the user can have quite a few summons battling at once with each wielding one another. This allows for many great options in battle. Elementally, this magic has no weakness as it does not have an element.

Weaknesses: The biggest flaw of this magic is that it offers NO DEFENSE whatsoever. This magic was not meant for defense thus the user cannot create defensive spells. Like other summoning magics, Blades of Requiem are rather taxing on mp, draining quite a bit of mana meaning the user has to always be weary. Also, the user himself is not capable of wielding a summoned blade as only the summons are for an unknown reason. Elementally, this magic has no strength as it does not have an element.


 Born on July 6, X752 was a healthy boy. This healthy boys name was soon to become Leon Draisaitl, his first name being that of his father and his last name being the family name of course. His parents went by the names Leon and Vivian Draisaitl. With what seemed to be a royal sounding last name was in fact the exact opposite. The Draisaitl family was that of a poor village near the outskirts of South Fiore. They had a nice house for themselves along with a little garden in which they grew their own crops to earn money. Every other family apart of this unknown village lived the same way, relying on crops for money. Upon getting their crops ready, they would take it to the larger towns deep within Fiore and would sell them to shops there in exchange for solid money. That is what Draisaitl grew up doing for the sake of his "beloved" family.

Draisaitl began this money making trek at the age of 5 when he could first speak. He continued to do so until he reached the age of 7 making quite a bit of money as he did. However, he was never able to use this money for the things he wanted as this money would go towards paying off the house mortgage the family owned to the village leader. The interest of the houses were so high that it was impossible for any family to pay off any type of loans they took from the leader. No matter how much money they made, it was not enough and things took a turn for the worst when Draisaitl's 8th birthday came. Upon turning 8, Draisaitl's family was struck by a tragedy no one saw coming. Vivian, his mother, was struck with a terrible disease that paralyzed her entire body, putting her in the bed forever. This news struck the family hard, especially Draisaitl as he loved his mother very much, more so than his father. However, not only did this news burden the family emotionally, but it also drained them financially as the calling the doctor and performing X-rays cost a lot of money and thus, the family would have to pay off even more interest towards the leader. At this point, nearly everything had turned to hell for Draisaitl.

Life was just not getting easier for Draisaitl as his mother was no bed-ridden and his father was an alcoholic, spending most of the earned money towards alcohol more than anything. At this point, his father had only one option to help pay off his wife's bill and that would be to sell Draisaitl to the leader in exchange to reprehend the payments for his wife. Draisaitl was unaware of this and thus was going to see the leader blindly with his father. Within a week of thinking of this, Leon took action and took his son to the leader. Within minutes of useless bargaining, the leader had bought Draisaitl from Leon and thus, he was now apart of the leaders army. In the first couple of days, Draisaitl was told that he was here to help pay off his mothers medical bills but he learned the hard way that was not true. Upon noticing there were hundreds of other kids along with some adults trapped in the area that Draisaitl was working the fields, he found out that he was now a slave all because of his father. Little did he know the reason why he was a slave but all he needed to know was that his father bailed on him and thus Draisaitl would do the same. He rid himself of his first name and sword that he would only go by his last name, never wanting to hear the name of his father again. This event signified a change within Draisaitl and would awaken the beast within him. 

Now at the great double digit age of 10, Draisaitl had managed to rise to the leader of the slaves and had made sure every person trapped with him would listen to his every words and that they would. He made promises to them, struck fear into every tiny heart there was and that was what any great leader would do in his eyes. At this point, who would have thought children could revolt against an entire village? None of them really did but with Draisaitl by their side, they would rise to the top. Draisaitl went ahead and began the revolt. The slaves went up against the leader and their soldiers. It was fierce battle fought till the very end and no matter how many lives were lost, Draisaitl came on top. In the end, all the members of his party and the leaders party were killed off, leaving Draisaitl to be the head as he himself killed the leader. However, he had sworn off this bastard of a village as he found no reason to help the people who betrayed him. With that, he left the village alone and became a nomad, wandering wherever his feet took him.

Upon entering a newly found village at the age of eleven, Draisaitl's life would change for what was seemingly the better. Within this town, Draisaitl met an elder man, one that was a legendary swordsman within the little village. He was the user of a rare magic that relied on the use of swords as a mean of offense. He promised to teach this magic to Draisaitl if he became his disciple and eagerly, he accepted. 

The elderly man took Draisaitl under his wing and together, they trained for four long years. He had taught Draisaitl a rare from of swordsmanship magic combined with that of summoning. He referred to it as a lost magic, something so rare only a few mages were capable of holding such a magic. Draisiatl had learnt much through the four years and he promised his mentor he would use his magic only for good, a promise that was broken the following day. As mentioned, his magic was one of a kind and he felt he was the only one allowed to have it so in a fit of jealousy, Draisiatl slew his mentors neck before carrying this burden and moving on in life. 

At the age of sixteen, Draisiatl had come across the regal Sabertooth guild. Thinking they could help him with his life, he joined the guild and grew alongside it. Draisaitl now has been apart of the guild for more then a decade and is seen as a prominent figure within it. As for the next leg of his journey? Well, only the future can tell. 

2Leon Draisaitl (COMPLETE) Empty Re: Leon Draisaitl (COMPLETE) Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:31 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Everything looks good to me. Reapproved!

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