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1Vera Ozerov Empty Vera Ozerov Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:07 pm

Vera Ozerov

Vera Ozerov

  Vera Ozerov 2013_12_20_624092
   "Wouldn't you like to know~"

Name: Vera Ozerov
Nickname: Vera
Age: Nineteen
Sex: Female
Birthday: 13th October X760
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Rank: C rank (Free Rank)
Guild: Phantom Lord
Guild Tattoo: Left side of her neck
Face Claim: Zero – Drakengard 3


Height: 5’8”
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Silver (right) Red (left)
General Appearance: The young woman seems to have won the genetic lottery – at least in regards to physical appearance. Taller than the average, Vera is blessed with a voluptuous figure that complements her height perfectly. She holds herself with the poise and grace of one fit to be a monarch, elegance belying her mannerisms. The young woman consists entirely of slightly differing shades of silver and white, an eye catching combination to say the least. Her skin, unmarred by any visible scars or blemishes is soft alabaster. Perhaps a shade too pale – which, if it were combined with dark hair she’d look like the perfect vampire. Luckily for her though she’s saved from looking like someone from the newest vampire flick. Her well cared for hair was of a pale silvery hue and suits the color of her skin instead of making her washed out. Gifted with delicately fine bone structure and high cheekbones, Vera’s face is classically beautiful; ascertaining that just one look at her wouldn’t be enough. The girl’s wardrobe is limited to differently styled clothes all in the same color – white. The materials are usually of fine quality and she isn’t above sacrificing a bit of comfort for the sake of fashion.  Her clothes while perfectly tailored to her form; do not show much skin – she finds that rather crass. Instead, they subtly draw attention to her lovely figure. All in all, the only splash of color on her is her vivid red eye which stands out in contrast to the rest of her. Vera is someone who knows she’s worth looking at and she’s comfortable in her own skin.

Extra: A faint, barely visible scar cuts diagonally across her right eye. The scar, though, isn’t what stands out the most. Bleached same as the indescribable color of mist, her iris is devoid of its natural hue. A symbol - blood red in color, brands the iris. However, it is never seen by anyone but herself since it is always covered up by a beautiful white flower – a lily.


Personality: On the surface, Vera is a charming young woman with the just the right amount of confidence and poise. Witty and eloquent, she always seems to know what to say. The truth of the matter is that she is a grifter – and as such, she has many different facets. It is quite possible that no two people would know the same ‘Vera’. Each personality is carefully calculated to suit her current mark. Vera knows that people have a psychological craving for human companionship. Everyone needs someone; be it a lover, a sister, or simply a friend. The trick was to become that person, that ‘someone’ they could open up to..  And then exploit that connection. It could take time and infinite patience – things she’s got in abundance. Vera enjoys the wait if it gains her what she wants.

What then, one might wonder, is her true face? The phrase ‘layers of an onion’ seems to have been coined specifically for her, from the looks of things. The young mage has worn her masks far too long that she herself has forgotten her ‘true’ self, if it even exists. A difficult and near impossible task though it may be, it is possible for someone to get close enough to start unraveling the many layers of intrigue. At heart, she enjoys toying with people. Their actions and reactions serving as her entertainment. She can be quite the tease, flirting with both sexes if she finds the person interesting enough though she herself is only attracted towards men. She also enjoys witty banter and conversing with those who are charming, eloquent or intelligent – as such she is naturally drawn towards those of the like. Her view of the world is very simplistic – categorizing people into two groups. Those that may prove to be of use to her, and those that aren’t. She does not bother herself with the latter group, however nice they might be. Despite her less than fortunate circumstances, she takes pride in her lineage and country. Vera is proud to be who she is and holds her head high.

Lying comes as naturally as breathing, to her. Gifted with a silver tongue, she could charm a snake and sell ice to an eskimo. She feels no remorse for it as in her mind it is a much better alternative to violence. That, and blood was quite messy. It tended to leave stains. She could pretend to be noble and claim that she did it for her own survival. As a necessity. Though it wouldn’t exactly be a lie, she reveled in it far too much for it to be considered just survival.

If life had taught her anything, it was that trust was a precious commodity and as such should be given out sparingly if at all. Over the years she had developed a bit of an unhealthy paranoia and refused to let her guard down – leaving her quite the lonely young lady though she had yet to realize it. It was a bitter outlook for someone so young, that much was true. But it was practical at least.

Though she acts like the very sound of kindness and understanding, her empathy is rather selective. Most people’s problems were miniscule, over exaggerated, plain stupid or just cries for attention. She would lend them a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to and provide a stream of kind words and smiles all the while not actually caring. She’s extremely good at hiding her emotions though, so no one ever picks up on it. As for destruction and death on a large scale, she finds them to be tragic, sure. But so long as they do not hinder her, she wouldn’t get involved or attempt to put a stop to it.

She is well-read and quite knowledgeable about worldly matters, courtesy of her upbringing. Vera is a proper lady through and through and abhors all kinds of profanity and bad etiquette. A life on the run has honed her skills of perception; coupled with her already incredible skill of reading people makes her quite the tactician. Vera prefers to tread cautiously, not wanting to get into unnecessary fights. She would rather flee from the situation if she has nothing to gain from it, rather than seeing the fight to its bitter end. Unlike most people, she has no ego that demands she do the honorable thing by staying. If pushed into a corner however, she will fight, and she will fight without mercy.


  • Thunderstorms -  Vera has always loved storms, ever since she was a little girl. Especially ones with lots of thunder and lightning. She’d sit at her window and stare outside, flashes of lightning illuminating her pale little face, her eyes filled with wonder. Now an adult, she still indulges in the same behavior, though a bit more subdued than before.

  • Finely crafted weaponry - Surprisingly, the girl has a good eye for weapons of fine make. She has a fondness for them and unlike a collector, her admiration leans toward the practicality of it. Vera is a fair enough swordswoman and loves to spar every now and then – with one she considers a worthy opponent.

  • Luxury – Born and raised in wealth, she’d never been without the finer things in life. It was part of who she was, how her world worked. When a twist of fate occurred that caused her to lose it, she somehow managed to get back on top again a scant few years later.

  • Music – Perhaps the only thing that is truly her, is her love for music – especially the violin. She’s quite good at it though she’d never play for an audience or even agree to knowing how.

  • Attractive men – Vera has an excellent eye for beauty, and this extends to people as well. As any young woman, she can appreciate a handsome face or charming smile. She enjoys flirting with them though it usually doesn’t lead to much more than that as she isn’t the type to stick around any place for long.

  • Flowers – As cliché as it might be, the girl loves flowers. They are beautiful and delicate, with a vast array of different varieties that would appeal to even the most cynical and hardened warrior. She often visits the local florists to find something to grace her current place of residence with. Vera’s regret is that she cannot have her very own garden, at least not until she is free to settle down.

  • Baths – A warm, bubbly, relaxing bath can rejuvenate the body almost as good as a proper night’s rest. It is one of the most soothing things in the entire world, in her opinion. That, and it makes the person smell nice.

  • Cold weather – Winter and Autumn were the most beautiful seasons to her. Her resistance to cold weather is above most as her homeland is plagued by rather long winters. She would prefer a blizzard any day over an afternoon at the beach in summer.


  • Physical labor – Vera is by no means fond of doing any sort of hard work. She considers them to be dull, menial tasks far more deserving of, say, anyone but her. Fortunately for her, she knows how to charm, trick or persuade others to do it in her stead.

  • Stupidity – Vera’s elitist colors shine through sometimes and this was one of those things that thoroughly annoyed her. Stupidity of any kind – ignorance, obliviousness, gullibility; anything that could be termed ‘stupid’- should be considered a crime, in her opinion. People like that were just asking to be taken advantage of, and it was a fitting punishment the way she saw it.

  • Self-sacrifice – For someone who’s entire set of instincts revolved around survival, she simply could not grasp the concept of sacrificing oneself let alone doing it for another person. She had far more important things to do than stick her pretty neck out for others. However, everyone else was free to go on sacrificing themselves for whichever purpose they chose. It was amusing in a baffling, incomprehensible sort of way.

  • Any faction or person that demands one to abide by a certain set of rules or beliefs – be it religion or government or even something as simple as (over the top) parental authority – Vera absolutely despises it. She spent most of her life having every action dictated and decided for her. To her, it is oppression plain and simple.

  • Children – Often overlooked and underestimated by people, children were far smarter than they were given credit for. They tended to notice things others did not, and proved to be annoyances in one way or another. That, and they got away with everything.

  • Hot weather – Vera absolutely loathes the heat. The sun’s vicious rays burn her delicate skin and hurt her eyes. She would avoid anything that has her wandering around during the day, if she could help it at all.

Freedom: Though she is many miles away from the far reaching claws of her family, she’s constantly looking over her shoulder for any sign of her past having caught up with her. Vera certainly wasn’t ready to settle down just yet but it would be nice to have that option instead of the paranoia. All she wanted was to put her ghosts to rest and live out her life freely without all the worry and fear.

Mastery of her magic: Her magic is something that she considers both a blessing, and a curse at times. She knows firsthand how dangerous uncontrolled magic can be as well as the devastation it can cause. Vera wants to fully understand and master her own magic – channel it to her will instead of the other way around. Its all fine and well when you intentionally cause destruction and unleash chaos. When its accidental, not so much. The property damage was a nightmare to take care of.


  • Large dogs: The Ozerov family’s security personnel were one of the best;  fast, efficient and merciless. They summoned Hellhounds – Large, shadowy beasts with sharp fangs and burning eyes - to hunt and track down criminals. Because of her crime, Vera was condemned to the same fate and hunted by the packs. Though she escaped in one piece, the experience scarred her for life and gave her recurring nightmares. Due to this fact, she’s developed a fear of large dogs – delving into phobia.

  • Losing her beauty: Call her vain and self-absorbed but the truth of the matter was that attractive people generally got the better lot in life. It was an unspoken, uneasy fact of life. Beauty was a large part of who she was and it helped her way of life. She believes that if she were to somehow lose the physical beauty she was born with, a lot of things wouldn’t go as easily for her.

  • Death: As someone who’s been at death’s door one too many times for her liking, she’d really rather stay alive. Thoughts of ‘what comes after death?’ lingered in her mind too often and it was the fear of the unknown rather than death itself.  

Positive Traits:

  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.

  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.

  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.

Negative Traits:

  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. (Vera killed her sister and was exiled for it.)

  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. (Ignorant people annoy the heck out of her.)

  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Phobia of large dogs.


Magic: Kamekaze [Divine Wind]
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: This magic allows the user to channel their magical energy and manipulate the air flow and currents, being able to create and shape it as they wish. It is extremely versatile, ranging from localized blasts of air to hurricanes that cover as wide of an area that the caster can manage or even refine the wind to such a fine point that it serves as a sharp blade. With the power of the wind at the caster’s fingertips, they can use utilize its devastating offensive capabilities, create a defensive current around themselves or aid them in other ways such as flight or increasing one’s speed.
Strengths: Wind magic’s greatest strengths lie in its remarkable versatility. It can has a wide range of offensive capabilities such as creating vacuum waves, razor sharp blasts of wind or even tornadoes that cover a wide area. Despite its obvious strengths in causing destruction, it can also serve as a defense if used properly – such as shifting the air flow around the caster’s body to create a shield of sorts. It can also be used in a variety of more practical ways such as increasing one’s speed or even a basic levitation. It has an elemental advantage over Lightning and Water.
Weaknesses: Something as unpredictable as the wind can often be difficult to control, and requires the caster’s complete concentration for it to be used optimally. As for the elemental matchups, Wind magic doesn’t fare too well against Fire or Earth.


The small but prominent city of Adamas was nestled in the heart of the kingdom of Bellum. One of the most powerful cities, its society was notoriously decadent. Ambition and magical ability were the hallmarks of the ruling elite – the noble houses. They believed that those of magical blood were far superior to those that weren’t. The House of Ozerov was no such exception to this rule. Boasting a potent bloodline that spanned generations and generations of mages, they had a secure foothold in the highest echelons of society.

The heads of the family, proud new parents looked at their beautiful, silver haired baby girl – the Ozerov heir. Barely a few hours old the perfect little infant might as well have held the weight of the world, for her parents already had extremely high expectations of her. Every aspect of little Vera’s life, her future had been meticulously planned out and decided.

The best teachers in the land taught her art, music, history and social etiquette along with swordsmanship and combat. Nothing short of perfection would do for her highly critical parents and the girl ran herself ragged as she tried to live up to the expectations heaped upon her slender shoulders. No matter how difficult things got, no matter how much she felt in need of a rest, she persevered on, for the pride she saw in her parents’ eyes made it all worth the effort.

A second child, another girl was born into the family not long after. Vera’s feelings for her sister were indifferent; mostly because the two girls rarely ever saw each other. Their schedules left no time for each other, playing or anything that most children took for granted. Valeriya and Vera grew up without really knowing each other, bound by blood and living under the same roof but still very much strangers.

The days blurred together into one endless series of lessons and training as the years passed. She had seen ten winters since her birth, but any sign of magical talent had yet to show. Whispers of disdain and mockery grew into rumors that spread like wildfire. The Ozerov heir lacked an affinity for magic.

Vera’s parents tried everything from coaxing, to force in order to get her magic to rear its head. Nothing worked, much to their growing horror and anger. They began to resort to more and more inhuman methods in order to get the girl’s magic to manifest, for they were certain that someone from their bloodline couldn’t possibly be magic-less. The ordeal would have killed the terrified young girl in time had fate not intervened in the most remarkable, perhaps even cruel way. The younger sister, Valeriya came into her magic. This caused the brunt of her parents’ attention to focus on something else instead of Vera.

Everything changed drastically for Vera from that point. She was no longer the golden girl, the perfect little heir but the black sheep. Quite suddenly, nothing she did was good enough, would ever be good enough because in her world, she was now of lower rank than a serving girl. Vera was now regarded as a failure, the dark stain on the vibrant tapestry of the Ozerov bloodline. The following years were cruel, difficult and filled her with more misery than she’d ever known. Inevitable as it was, jealousy of her sister festered in her young heart and bloomed as a dark and twisted flower.

Valeriya rose up as the new heir, her magical abilities potent enough to make her the pride and joy of her house and the envy of others.  She took every opportunity she could get to mock and ridicule her older sister. Vera though, wasn’t one to simply stand there and take it just because the other girl was higher ranked. The two girls’ bickering would sometimes lead to sparring matches – which Valeriya always won. Their parents condoned it since they saw it as good practice.

However, things took an unexpected turn for the worse one day. Vera’s latent magic burst forth during a sparring match with her sister, spurred on by her emotions and spilling out in an uncontrollable wave. Caught in the blast that decimated half the courtyard, Valeriya died instantly. Her parents arrived to see Vera standing over the body of her sister, destruction and debris providing a macabre backdrop to the already incriminating scene. Enraged at the loss of her precious child, Serafina Ozerov cursed her firstborn and branded her a murderer.

Vera fled, for the mark made her free game for any of the noble houses along with her own. By some miracle she managed to evade the hunting parties and flee the city, eventually the country. Sixteen year old Vera ran for her life, as far away from the ever reaching claws of her influential family. She begged, deceived and used any means necessary to gain allies wherever she could. After three long years of running from place to place, she made her way to Fiore.

RP sample:

Last edited by Vera Ozerov on Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total

2Vera Ozerov Empty Re: Vera Ozerov Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:22 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
This looks good aside from the magic description which I will have for you later. I will tell Scarlet to add you to the PL group. Until then feel free to start up a social rp, since you dont have your magic yet. :D


3Vera Ozerov Empty Re: Vera Ozerov Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:36 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Please copy and paste for your magic and you will be approved.

[b]Description:[/b] A variant of the Lost Magic God Slayer Magic, Darkness God Slayer Magic is learnt through the same manner as other God Slayers – typically through ancient texts which have been lost for possibly hundreds of years. As a Darkness God Slayer, a user of the Magic has access to Darkness Magic which can exceed that of a Darkness Dragon, and which is generally used for either offensive or defensive purposes. However, unlike typical Darkness type Magics, Darkness God Slayer does not enable for the external manipulation of Darkness Magic, so they are incapable of producing shades of Darkness Magic. As well, a Darkness God Slayer is capable of consuming external sources of darkness to replenish their strength and rid them of fatigue. As a result of their abilities to consume and internally manipulate the element of Darkness, a Darkness God Slayer possesses an almost complete invulnerability to Darkness Magic. It is noteworthy that although they are capable of consuming Darkness, including that of a Darkness Dragon Slayer, they themselves are incapable of consuming their own Darkness Magic produced.
[b]Strenghs:[/b] The Darkness God Slayer Magic is a form of Lost Magic that allows the user to increase his physical strength and vitality to one comparable of a God, in this particular case using the manipulation of Darkness Magic to provide these powers. The main focus of this Magic is that it provides the user both with the ability to harness the same Darkness Magic of the Gods in projectile-like attacks, and be able to coat their limbs in the power of a Darkness God, adding a greater amount of force to them. A user is capable of consuming any sort of Darkness except for their own to replenish strength and restore their internal fatigue.
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] Although Darkness God Slayer Magic enables for an incredible array of offensive and supplementary effects, it does not possess a great deal of defensive-oriented spells, thus demanding that a Darkness God Slayer remain on the more offensive rather than prolong a battle. As well, while a Darkness God Slayer can consume other forms of Darkness Magic, they cannot consume their own Magic, therefore in a battle where no other sources of Darkness Magic are utilized, the God Slayer is incapable of restoring their own fatigue.

4Vera Ozerov Empty Re: Vera Ozerov Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:43 am

Vera Ozerov

Vera Ozerov
Awaiting approval :3

5Vera Ozerov Empty Re: Vera Ozerov Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:46 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Character is approved.

6Vera Ozerov Empty Re: Vera Ozerov Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:26 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Moved back for magic change.

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