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1Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Empty Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:11 am

Alexander OHowell

Alexander OHowell
Alexander O'Howell (Edited) 24515710

Name(s): Alexander O'Howell
Nickname(s): Alec, Xander
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Birthday: 17, March, x760
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: D-Class
Guild: Phantom Lord
Guild Tattoo: Throat, Left Side
Face Claim: Alexander O'Howell - Ayashi no Ceres


Height: 6'1"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Sapphire Blue
General Appearance: Slender build yet well muscled. Walks around with a doctors coat over whatever he happens to be wearing. He owns very few full outfits, but he owns several dozen doctor's lab coats so that he would never end up with a tattered one. His long blond hair is almost constantly kept in a braid that runs down to the middle of his back and there's always a long bit of hair that falls into his face. His adam's apple is hidden by a simple black collar that he wears around his throat. He's rather willowy and a bit feminine in shape. Seeing the long braid down his back and the curve of his hips from behind tend to make many mistake him for a female.
Extra: He wears a small pair of spectacles. They have small round frames. Mostly blind without them. Small black collar that he always has around his throat.


Personality: Alec has always been a very open kind of person. Ever since he was a young boy, he found he wanted to help those who were injured. While he can be gentle, kind, nurturing, there is a dark side behind that sweetness. When backed into a corner or told that he can't do what he wants to help someone, he can use his skills for a darker purpose. He isn't afraid to hurt another soul if it means he can heal whomever he is currently focused on. He is loyal and true to those he considers a friend and will do whatever necessary to protect them. At the same time, he can hold grudges and will remark on past irritations over and over again, should he feel he's been slighted. Having grown up on his own after his only family died of an illness, he tends to be overly protective of those he see's as important to him. Due to this loss, he has become rather fearful of death itself and wants to full rid the world of it. While a part of him knows that its impossible to put off death forever, the chance to at least remove the chance of death from disease or illness is what he strives for the most.

  • Genuine Smiles
  • Honesty
  • Good Food
  • Scalpels


  • Liars
  • Needles
  • Those Who Leave Injured Untreated
  • Dogs

Motivations: The loss of his only family at a young age drives him to be the best healer there is. For as long as he is alive, he won't stop attempting to find a way to tend to every illness out there.

  • Fear of Spiders
  • Fear of Death

Positive Traits:

  • Nimble Fingers +2
  • Persuasive +2
  • Diligent +2
  • Agile +3

Negative Traits:

  • Allergies -1 Allergic to Tomatoes
  • Curiosity -1
  • Night Blindness -2
  • Bruise Easily -2
  • Vulnerable -3


Magic: Healer-Make
Caster or Holder: Caster-Type
Description: Healer-Make magic is a Caster-Type magic that uses the injured persons energy as well as the Casters power to heal and restore injuries. At its strongest, the Caster would be able to heal near fatal injuries in an instant without having to physically touch the person wounded. It falls into Maker Magic due to the fact that the Caster makes the missing parts to heal the bodies injuries. Basically recreating the body to a previously uninjured state.
Strengths: Strengths allow the caster to heal injuries and stem the flow of blood from open wounds that would otherwise cause one to bleed to death. Can cure sickness like colds and flu's. Mend broken bones or repair internal damage.
Weaknesses: The biggest weakness is many of the spells require a lot of concentration on the casters part. If one isn't focused on what is being healed, then a lot can go wrong. The biggest being that the area to be healed isn't healed or the spell misses completely.


History: Alec's history starts out fairly normal. He was born in a small village and lived with his mother and father. Yet shortly after his birth, about two years after, his parents were killed. The person behind the attack was never found. His uncle, who was the twin brother of his father, then decided to take in the young boy. Conner was a mage and specialized in Maker-Magic. Though he'd never joined a guild, Conner had decided that he would raise Alec to look for a guild that would help him grow, should he show a promise of being able to use magic. For the next ten years, Alec learned about different magics and what they could be used for. All the while, he seemed to have trouble learning what his own abilities would be.

It was during this time that Alec came to learn that his Uncle was dying. Conner had an incurable illness. One that Alec had soon come to try to learn everything about and even attempted to learn how to cure. Yet by the time he'd stumbled upon his own brand of Maker-Magic and the healing powers he'd achieved, his Uncle had succumbed to his illness, leaving the twelve year old boy alone and without family. With nothing to hold him back, Alec soon began studying up on magic more and more. Attempting to learn more about the type of magic he was able to use. While he studied medicine on the side and is on the way to finishing up a doctorate, he continues to perfect and change his own Maker-Magic, hoping to one day be able to cure anything with its power.

Of course, this lead him to the Phantom Lord Guild. While exploring about the various guilds and which would give him the best access to practice his skills, he'd found himself caught between two different choices. Fairy Tail, with its large collection of guild members who tended to get wounded on an almost every day basis, and Phantom Lord, with its penchant for causing trouble or at least being a part of it most of the time. A dark guild versus light guilds. Sanctioned and unsanctioned. The facts had been before him and his choices took everything he had come to learn into account. In the end, he knew a light guild would not allow him the free reign to test his magic fully. This being said, he chose to turn to Phantom Lord, where he hoped his skills and unique magics would be welcome. He wasn't a fighter. Far from it, in fact. Yet if a skilled healer was required, well, he hoped to be the one they all turned to.

Last edited by Alexander_OHowell on Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Empty Re: Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:02 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-You need to make the categories such as "age" "appearance" "personality" etc etc bolded with the [b]text goes here[ /b] code. Without the space obviously.

-Expand on the appearance.

-Being Neutral Good in PL doesnt work out too well, it's not a guild for people who are good, even if it's deep down, just warning you. You can keep it if you want, if you're picking it for character development, go right ahead.

-1993 is not a year here, the current year is x781. So just subtract your age from that and you'll be good to go.

-Also, you sure about a purely healing based magic? o.o You could make a support one with buffs. This isnt really a maker magic because all you do is heal, maker magic involves making things. Even if you make objects to heal people, you'd have like maybe two spells per rank, one for wounds, and one for anti debuff. Just giving a suggestion is all.

3Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Empty Re: Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:16 am

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Thanks for the edits, approved.

4Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Empty Re: Alexander O'Howell (Edited) Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:19 am

Alexander OHowell

Alexander OHowell
Thank you. The suggestions were helpful, though I still have an idea for him that I want to stick to. So I do thank you for the help. I find every series needs its people who aren't fighters. The people who are in the background, supporting the rest of the team. While Alec may be a little on the obsessive side toward his research, backing up his guild is what he lives for.

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