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1Actessa Winglet - The Mute Fairy Empty Actessa Winglet - The Mute Fairy Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:26 am

Actessa Winglet

Actessa Winglet

   Actessa Winglet - The Mute Fairy ElaCRN2

Name(s): Actessa Winglet
Nickname(s): Tess, Wing
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Birthday: 4/5/X762
Sexuality: Hetero
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Right Shoulder (Purple)
Face Claim: Fran - Final Fantasy XII


Height: 5'11"
Weight: 193 lbs.
Hair: White
Eyes: Purple
General Appearance: Tess has a very chubby body type, not fat per se, but she definitely has some weight on her. Her hips are very wide, her thighs thick, her arms jiggle a little, her breasts of course are large in proportion to this, and stretchmarks mar her dark skin on her back and tummy. Her outfits can range from day to day, but they tend to follow the same basic formula. For one, she always has a lavender scarf wrapped about her neck, to cover the birthmark on her neck to a degree. Her outfits generally consist of t-shirts, which often end up being a tight fit, covered by an open hoodie, her arms covered with goldenrod fingerless gloves that reach past her elbows but not quite halfway to her shoulders. Upon her lower body, she wears very short shorts, and black thigh-high stockings that tightly hug her meaty thighs. As far as shoes, she prefers something easy to move around in, but has been known to wear heels on occasion.
Extra: A large, purple-hued blemish stretches along the right side of her neck, and it stretches from just below her ear to her shoulder.


Personality: Tess is a quiet girl. Even if she weren't mute, she'd be very reserved and quiet. She has a natural shyness that causes her to freeze up around new people, and she's very slow to adapt to anything new, whether it be a new person or a new skill. Her sort of bizarre appearance, especially her birthmark, have earned her a reputation of being some what of a problem child, one that should always have at least one eye on her lest she try something, not that she would though. She has a strong fear of dogs, not the least bit helped by her vicious allergy of them, and she hides any time one is near. She also has a strong fear of lightning and thunder, due to an experience in her past in which she saw lightning strike a tree she was hiding from the rain under. Tess is often a bit clumsy, tripping over nothing, dropping something she was carrying for no reason, etc. She's seen enough blood (often her own) to have developed a high aversion to it, and feel physically ill when she sees it. She has a high fondness of cats, in contrast to her aversion to dogs, and finds a high level of comfort in their presence. When she begins freaking out about one thing or another, petting a cat is often one of the fastest ways she can calm down. Due to her various ails, she's never really fit in, and she desires more than almost anything to find a place she can belong.

  • Cats
  • Pastries and Cakes
  • Rain
  • Reading


  • Dogs
  • Bitter food
  • Thunderstorms
  • Alcohol

Motivations: Cats, loyalty to those who care for her, to find a place to belong, and becoming a stronger mage to be able to help more people and convince them that she's alright.

  • Lightning and thunder (Astraphobia)
  • Dogs (Cynophobia)

Positive Traits:

  • Zealot (+4) [Calligraphy Brush Staff]
  • Regeneration (+4)
  • Acrobatic (+3)
  • Enhanced Strength (+3)
  • High Society (+2)
  • Alertness (+2)

Negative Traits:

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) [Astraphobia]
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) [Cynophobia]
  • Mute (-3)
  • Disfigurement (-2)
  • Allergies (-1) [Dogs]
  • Bad Reputation (-1)
  • Cautious (-1)
  • Clumsiness (-1)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Shy (-1)
  • Squeamish (-1)


Magic: Solid Script
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Tess uses Solid Script, a type of magic involving tuning words into the concepts they represent. The word fire to create a flame, the word cold to chill an area, the word hole to create a pitfall, etc. The way in which Tess uses Solid Script is similar to a Holder Mage, in that it is partially dependant on an object. Since she is unable to speak, she must be able to write out the word to activate it, meaning she must be able to write in some way. A pen, a brush, chalk, crayon, blood (not that she COULD use blood since she's squeamish), they could all work. Often she will use the rather large calligraphy brush that doubles as a combat staff that she keeps with her to write her Solid Scripts.
Strengths: Can adapt her magic to fit most any situation, through the power of words. Various elements, objects, materials, and shapes can be created through this magic, its possibilities limited by the user's power and imagination.
Weaknesses: Due to the high variety and adaptability of the style, it's power is lacking. The use of Solid Script also depends on the ability to write the word, and if Tess is unable to for some reason, her magic cannot be cast.


History: Actessa Winglet has had problems since she was born. She was born with a birth defect that caused a blemish to appear on a large part of her neck, though the defect wasn't only skin deep. Her vocal chords were unable to properly develop, resulting in her muteness. The family she was born into was a fairly wealthy one, but they were unable to find anyone who could help her speak. Instead, they decided to teach her alternate forms of communications, such as sign language and writing. Despite being a slow learner and her natural clumsiness, she eventually learned to communicate. As a consequence, she always keeps a pad of paper and several different writing instruments on her at all times, usually in a messenger bag.
Actessa has always been a more reserved girl. She servants of the house and her family were for the longest time the only people she felt comfortable being around, because she knew how uncomfortable her appearance made people feel. As a result, whenever guests were over, she'd often hide in her room, or if she had to make an appearance, it was often from behind a servant or parent, crouched nervously with her eyes nervously focused on the stranger. This was not helped in later years, as one guest brought a rather vicious guard dog with him, and even though the guest said it would be safe to pet the dog and even offered to her that she pet it, it lashed out violently when she sneezed around the dog because of her allergies, and she was scarred for life with crippling fear of dogs. Her other main fear materialized when she was caught out in the rain on her family's estate. She took shelter under an extremely old and tall tree, probably her favorite one on the estate. It was under this tree that she witnessed lightning strike, as it hit the tree, setting it ablaze. She managed to run despite her panic, but the sheer power of lightning and thunder frightens her to this day.
When she was bored recently, she decided to write various things in the air like she normally did, swishing a brush through the air in cursive, spelling various words and things she liked, imagining if they were actually there. To her surprise however, this time, things began to appear, and she realized that she was casting magic. Her parents were surprised, neither of them or their families had too extensive a lineage of mages, but they were supportive, and told her she should join a guild. She did research on the various guilds, deciding that she'd try to join Fairy Tail. Despite many literal stumbles along the way, she eventually made it to Magnolia, and applied to join the guild. Her extreme nerves kept her from applying for a solid 5 days after she'd arrived however,and the only reason she was able to is because after visiting the guild hall for five days in a row without talking to anyone, people started to take notice and ask her questions. She's now one of the newest recruits to the guild.

2Actessa Winglet - The Mute Fairy Empty Re: Actessa Winglet - The Mute Fairy Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:51 am

Actessa Winglet

Actessa Winglet
Bump, I finished doing initial edits, ready for round one of editing and modding.

3Actessa Winglet - The Mute Fairy Empty Re: Actessa Winglet - The Mute Fairy Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:07 pm

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Very well done. Your app is flawless and perfectly done. I'm happy to say that this app is...


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