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1Alistair Christner  Empty Alistair Christner Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:02 pm

Alistair Christner

Alistair Christner

   Alistair Christner  Kazuma_Yagami
   “It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.”

Name(s): Alistair Christner
Nickname(s): Al
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Birthday: 12 July, x762
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Rank: D-class
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Guild Tattoo: Left shoulder, blue in color with a white outline
Face Claim: Kazuma Yagami - Kaze no Stigma


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 152
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Red
General Appearance: Alistair stands just above average, though his build is just right for his size. His skin is a light tan from his youth, playing in the fields of his families estate. He has brown hair that hangs no further than his ears, and crimson eyes that match it rather well. His clothing varies, depending on the time of year, but always consists of dark colors. He usually carries a smirk on his lip, a mischevious glint in his eyes, and always has his hands in his pockets.
Extra: Always carries a note pad with a pen.


Alistair isn't one for words, that is, he cannot speak. As such, in a way, he's a quiet person. Despite his obvious draw back of being unable to speak, he's a very out going person. He prefers to communicate through pen and paper, and allow his facial expressions to convey the meaning behind the words. Such as writing 'hey there' and then winking would show that he meant it in a flirting, or playful manner.

He is always grinning about something, and seems to be very happy go lucky. When given a task or asked a question, he answers—or does—with great enthusiasm. His love for life doesn't stop there though, as he is always seeking new thrills and pushes himself to the limit as often as he can. Some view this as he hates his lot in life—but that couldn't be farther from the truth. He knows his disability could be a lot worse, and he could have been born blind or deaf.

He's a very flirtatious man—using mostly body language and nudges—though he would hardly act on any of them. He's respectful, but not naïve, after all. He loves the company of noisy people, the louder the better. Anyone that can make enough noise for the two of them is welcome in his eyes.

On the reverse side, he hates silence. He has to live with it, day in and day out. Even when he's by himself, he could be seen lazily clicking his pen...anything to make noise. Since he likes noisy people, though, he values their friendship above all else. While not particularly one for fighting, he'll defend his friends to the death.

He's an idealistic, believing everyone equal despite their lot in life. As such, every new person is met with the same large grin and a clap on the shoulder.


  • Apples
  • Sunrise / Sunsets
  • Loud places
  • Magic Council


  • Pears
  • Quiet places
  • Dark Guilds
  • Being Alone


  • Mastery of Magic: Alistair wants to gain a mastery over his magic--to be as strong as his teacher was in the arts of helping others with Wind. While he isn't looking to be the most powerful person on the planet, he does want to be a well valued asset to his Guild.

  • Special Needs School: When he becomes rich enough to support himself and have plenty of money afterwards, he wants to open a school for all children with disabilities. This will be a school where they can attend like normal kids and not be made fun of for their unique traits.


  • Falling: With a love for high places, and high risk feats, he still fears falling.

  • Quicksand: While most people would fear drowning, he is scared of quicksand, and he has no idea why.

Positive Traits:

  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

  • Athletic (+3): You have a knack for athletic endeavors.

  • Nimble Fingers (+2): You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks.

Negative Traits:

  • Mute (-3): Your vocal apparatus does not function, and you cannot speak at all. You can communicate only through other means--typically writing or signing. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.

  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himsefl to the limit at every available opportunity.

  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.

  • Merciful (-1): For a villain, you have a terrible weakness--you don't like to hurt people. Given the choice, you'd rather exile your deposed brother to another country than do him in. Whether this is because you want him to live knowing that you beat him, or whether you just have a small soft spot down in your heart somewhere, the result is the same: your enemies keep coming back again and again.

  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.
    This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous


Magic: Force Magic
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: Force Magic is the use of non-elemental magic to manipulate, control, and command outside forces to do ones bidding. It can be used in all facets, including healing, and is flexible enough to be used for one's suited combat style. The weapon that accompanies it is made of concentrated magic energy produced by a lacrima crystal. Because of this, the blade is also non-elemental magic and has no weight, allowing only the hilts to have any sort of heft.
  • Completely flexible to whatever role is needed, provided that the caster has trained in it.
  • Non-elemental damage gives it no strengths or weaknesses.
  • The ability to use a self made weapon allows the caster to fight in melee if required.

  • Because it can function in all roles it doesn't particularly do any of them to an outstanding degree.
  • The fact that it has no elemental alignment forgoes any advantages it may have.
  • If disarmed, the caster cannot defend themselves.


Alistair was born into a disabled family. His father a mute, and his mother deaf, it was fairly obvious that there would be some birth defects when his mother became pregnant. Despite that, Alistair was a healthy baby boy and grew up on their large country estate playing outside as often as he could.

He was taught sign language when he was old enough to grasp it, and writing soon after. As signing can take a lot of effort, and a misplaced thumb can be the difference between 'hello' and 'die in a fire', he prefers to write. As such, ever since the age of six he had been seen with a pen and paper.

Even though he couldn't speak, he had a lot of friends. His boyish good looks made him particularly popular with the girls in his community, and somewhat not so with the many boys. They made fun of him, calling his name and just staring at him blankly mouthing words. He shrugged most of these off, naturally, as he knew it would be quiet juvenile to write obscenities on a paper and pass them around. Not to mention proof to the teachers! As he grew older, reaching middle school, the taunts turned violent.

They would corner Alistair in groups of two and three, and punch and kick him. The boy couldn't call for help after all, the best noise he could make a rasp when laughing or an occasional squeak when surprised. He would come home every day with new bruises, and his female friends often wondered what happened. Eventually one of them had tailed him home, and—as they always did—the trio of boys cornered him. Alistair never fought back, as violence wasn't the answer he was taught. Never raise a fist to strike someone, only raise it to defend someone else. Seeing that the boy was getting his 'dues' as the bullies called them, the girl interjected in the fight. She wasn't struck, nearly pushed away and yelled at by one of the others. This usually wouldn't constitute a blow from Alistair—as he wasn't one for violence—but the fact that she was only trying to help him, coupled with the anger of always having to be passive—made him lash out. Naturally, it was with a strong gust of magical energy in the transparent form, shoving the boys back...and lifting the girls skirt. The boys yelled in terror, the girl in mortification that her dedicates were put on display, and all of them fled.

Upon returning home, he told his parents about what happened. Immediately he became home schooled and had a tutor brought in to teach him how to become a Wizard. His parents, who had instilled such thoughts of passiveness into their son, wanted him to learn a less violent form of magic. And so, his study of wind magic began. When he finished his home schooling, at age sixteen, the wizard who had trained him in magics told him that he would make a good guild wizard. Alistair himself had spent much time reading Sorceror's Magazine, and most all of the good looking, poster child wizards that were featured were from Blue Pegasus. And so, the young man left home with his parent's blessing and a promise to visit on holidays.

2Alistair Christner  Empty Re: Alistair Christner Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:43 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Excellent. I pass this on for final approval.

3Alistair Christner  Empty Re: Alistair Christner Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:16 pm

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Excellent job,


4Alistair Christner  Empty Re: Alistair Christner Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:52 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Moved back for magic change

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