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1Sammey White ~Done~ Empty Sammey White ~Done~ Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:55 pm

Sammey White

Sammey White

   Sammey White ~Done~ 5087-810
   "The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower"

Name(s):  Sammey White
Nickname(s): Snow White
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Birthday: 25/October/764
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D-class
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Guild Tattoo: Left Thigh
Face Claim: Vocaloid Snow Miku


Height: 5'6
Weight: 130
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
General Appearance: A youth pale woman whit blue eyes and white hair up in two pony tails going down to her lower back. She wares a light blue tank top whit a white sleeveless button down shirt what a light blue line on the bottom of her shirt. She also wares matching white sleeves that go on her arms starting form about three inches form her shoulder's to her her wrist. She has a light blue skirt that stops two inches form her knees. She also has a pear of white boots going up to her almost to her skirt whit blue lining the top and bottom of the boots.
Extra: N/A


Personality: Is really shy at 1st but ones she get to know the person she has a smile on her face and giggle most of the time win feeling save. She loyal to her family, friends and guild mates as well. She is a lot more shyer around Boys/Man more than Girls/Woman and stays back a little bit more form the Boys/Man than the Girls/Woman. She doesn't like to be the center of attention so she really do a lot of big special things because she tends to be shy during these things. She does more little thing that most people don't even see or knows about it. Just like every girl/woman ones mad than she well go after you even if she knows she well lose. She most of the time people don't even see her even thou she has light blue hair her size puts her under some times and it doesn't help she hid's behind others. Ones she ones up she is loving and show more of her personality. She talk in a soft voice and even win she yells it come out soft. She sometimes over thinks things making her walk/run into wall, doors, etc and sometimes into other people.






    Heat (Fire)

    People who kill others




    Proving everyone wrong

people think sine she is small and a girl she can't become a great wizard like guys can.


Her father dead trying to keep her and her mother save and the last thing he stayed "I wasn't powerful enough but i know you can be 10 x as powerful as me".

    Getting over her shyness

She whats to go out a make friend and get over her shyness so she can become more powerful.


    being alone

She fears she may lose everything she has and loves and have nothing or no one by her side.


She know becoming a wizard she may die and she doesn't what to die and lave her friend behind.

    black magic

She fears it may one day kill everything and everyone.

Positive Traits:

    Swift (+3)

You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
Explanation: You have a passive C Rank speed buff at all times.

    Athletic (+3)

You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
Explanation: Ability to jump 10 meters in a single bound.

    Positive Traits (+6)

Negative Traits:

    Bruise Easily (-2)

Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person.
Explanation: You will take extra damage from bludgeoning damage, whether it was done through a spell or not. The damage received from bludgeoning damage is increased by one class if it's a spell.

    Clumsiness (-1)

You have the unfortunate habit of dropping things, knocking things over, or tripping.
Explanation: You are simply clumsy. You must perform an act of clumsiness in one out of five posts. In combat, you screw up an attack in one out of five posts.

    Shy (-1)

You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible. When you become the center of attention you freeze. Don't expect to make any public speeches.
Explanation: You can never speak first when entering a thread with someone. This includes initiating combat.

    Trusting (-2)

You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
Explanation: If someone lies, you automatically believe it.

    Negative Traits (-6)


Magic: Ice make
Caster or Holder: caster-type
Description: She uses ice make magic to make items and other static constructs. It is able to to make weapons and shields and other little non combat.
Strengths: Her ice make can be sued defensive and supplementary as well as offensive, being as likely to conjure a weapon as a bridge. The one thing she isn't very experienced with yet is holding her contracts for an extended amount of time. She practices every few days to keep up her magic at a okay level to be able to help if needed.
Weaknesses: The weakness to her magic is pretty much, fire. A fire spell would overrule an ice spell most of the time, granted it would depend on the strength of the ice and fire spells being used, but if someone sees a fire mage and ice mage fighting, most people would go towards the fire mage. If she casts her magic in a hot place, such as a desert, then the effectiveness of the spell will be significantly diminished.



On a cold weather night high on top of a mountain lay'ed a little village a loving family had a baby girl. The people of the village was what'ed to know what the newest member of the village was going to be a tall man walked out of the room holding something. He than say'ed "her name is Sammey" than walked back into the room giving the new to a snow white woman. Than a older man and woman walked in and asked "Sam my son why did you name her baby girl sammey?". Than the mom say'ed we what'ed a one of a kind name for a one of a kind girl".

As a kid Sammey was the shyest and smallest out of the most kids her age. Her dad named Sam worked as a woods man cutting trees and hutting food for the village. Her mom named Faith just stays home doing house work and tacks care or the kid. One night win the family was going to eat the dad looked over at Sammey and seen her hair was like a light blue/white color now. The next day people in the village was asking "why is her hair like that?". Over time it dead down the villagers just moved on life in the village was back to way it was. One Sammey was seven years old her dad showed her how to use ice make magic.

Six years later Sammey was able to do some magic her dad showed her. Her and her mom was heading back to the hut to start fixing dinner. Ones they got home Sammey seen her dad and a other man at the hut. She ran up to her dad "Sammey go in the house NOW! you and your mom" not whating to disobey she ran in side the hut. She looked out the window to see her dad and the other man start fighting. Sammey mom than pulled her away form the window and drop to the floor and covered her head. Five minutes later her dad comes frying through the window. She run to her dad crying out "DAD!!" her mom is looking in fear that he was dead. The other guy walks in the hut Sammey than looks up and jumps in fort of the man to stop him. He starts laughing at the little kid "look at that she what to try and save here little daddy HAHAHAH!!". As he grab Sammey by the throat and picks her up "Well? were you not going to stop me?" in a evil voice. Her mom than started to run to save her girl ones the man seen her coming he through Sammey at her making her fall back. Her mom looked at her as Sammey lay'd passed out ones Sammey was awake she seen her mom crying over her dads blood covered body.

Five years later Sammey told her mom she was laving her mom looked at her "if this is what you really what dear than its ok whit me". She looked at her mom and side "i'm going to join Fairy tail and become a wizard like dad use to be". She than started to pack and before laving the village the hole village had a little party for Sammy. Ones it was over she than started her long journey to become a wizard.

Last edited by Sammey on Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total

2Sammey White ~Done~ Empty Re: Sammey White ~Done~ Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:54 am

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Hiya Sammey. All the corrections that need to be done in your app can be found in the list below;

  • Please fix your alignment. The Alignments can be found here.
  • In your magic area; The Forty-Twenty mintues thing, please either remove it or replace it. Time Units (Minutes, Hours, Seconds) can be easily manipulated in RP. That's why we work with posts. You can say that she can't keep her magic activated (or sustain her spells) for too long. Also, this sounds more like a weakness than a strength.
  • Expand your Magic description a bit more. State that you can only create static ice make objects (Like Gray) if that's the case, how your magic can be used for many purposes, etc.
  • In your Positive and Negative Traits, please include the Explanation that usually appears under each special characteristic in the topic about them.

Bump when corrected. Overall, you have a nice app, but you should watch out when typing, as I've noticed you seem to make a lot of spelling errors. Just watch out for that, and I'm sure that, if you don't make those small errors, you're going to have an excellent app ^^.

3Sammey White ~Done~ Empty Re: Sammey White ~Done~ Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:04 am

Sammey White

Sammey White
Okay hopefully this works ~Bump~

4Sammey White ~Done~ Empty Re: Sammey White ~Done~ Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:08 am

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield

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