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1Cairn Russell Empty Cairn Russell Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:41 pm

Cairn Russell

Cairn Russell

   Cairn Russell Cloud_ff7_screenshot_by_orexian-d533flf
   "The Thunder Calls"

Name(s): Cairn Russell
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Birthday: 21/3/X762
Sexuality: Heterosexual, straight.
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D-Class
Guild: Sabertooth
Guild Tattoo: On his left upper torso, over his heart.
Face Claim: Cloud - Final Fantasy


Height: 6 Feet, 1 Inch.
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
General Appearance: Cairn has quite a large frame and is tall compared to most.  His golden blonde hair is never seen straight, and seems to defy gravity, forming spikes near the front half of his head.  His pale skin and blue eyes almost make him seem cold and calculated, but those who know him can see into his warm heart.  His attire varies from day to day, but usually he is seen in all black.  His right sleeve is cut off, leaving his entire arm up past the shoulder exposed.  Over his left shoulder, he has a black leather cover, with a metal engraving of a tiger on it.  
Extra: Occasionally wears a pair of all black sunglasses.


Personality: Cairn is an extremely caring and trusting person.  Throughout his life, he has looked out for those he cares about, and will always sacrifice his time or body in order to protect his friends, family, and guild.  He enjoys understanding and tries to gain wisdom wherever he can, but can have a bad tendency to let his curiosity get the best of him.  In addition, he often assumes that no one could lie to him, and will believe most people to the very end.  He is extremely outgoing, and will often try to meet new people and socialize with guild members and other mages across Fiore.  

Cairn can sometimes be seen by the opposite gender as flirtatious.  He doesn't intend to come off like a player, but will go out of his way to please girls who he is romantically interested in.  For example, if a girl walked past him and caught his attention, he may follow the female and offer to buy her something.  In the case where he becomes in a committed relationship, this attitude seems to die down, and he is very loyal to his partner.

In opposition to his caring personality and charming looks, Cairn is a warrior and a fighter.  Those who stand in his opposition will feel the full force of his magic, and he will not stop until his mission is accomplished.  His positive thinking and visionary outlook on life serve him well when working on the big projects and requests of his guild.  If it needs to be done, Cairn will finish it.

  • Making New Friends
  • Increasing his Magical Abilities and Powers
  • Good Food and Drink
  • Seeing the different cities and towns of Fiore


  • Dishonesty and disrespect, to himself or others
  • When people dislike him
  • Losing
  • Failing his friends.


  • Becoming a Wizard Saint - Cairn has always desired becoming the best in the land, and what better way than to be on the Top 10 wizards list.
  • Frequent mentions in Sorcerer's Weekly - We all like to be recognized, and Cairn is no exception.  He hopes his good looks and magical ability will land him many news articles and photo shoots.
  • Finding a Partner - Cairn is also driven by his quest to find a girlfriend, and a fiancee, and eventually a wife.  He hopes he can one day find someone who shares the same ideals and enjoys spending time with him.


  • Extreme Heights - Cairn can be in the air at ten or twenty feet with no reservations.  He could even stand to be in a building at very tall heights from the ground.  However, he has extreme fears of climbing steep mountains, crossing large passes, and other areas where the tall heights could cause his death.  If there is a feasible way he could fall a hundred feet, he is afraid.  
  • Disappointing Others - With such a caring personality, Cairn as extreme anxiety if he feels he has let one of his friends down.  It is one thing if the circumstances were outside his control, but if he personally led to the failure of a mission or a favor, it will be difficult for him to stop thinking about it.

Positive Traits:

  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
    Explanation: You have a passive C Rank speed buff at all times.

Negative Traits:

  • Bravado (-2): You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows. You either face it and stop it, or get hit in the progress. In addition, you cannot fight defensively.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing themselves to the limit at every available opportunity.
  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.
  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?


Magic: Lightning God Slayer
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Lightning God Slayer magic utilizes the properties of lightning within the body, in forms of attacks that are imperfect versions of the elements.  This magic is capable of producing and manipulating lightning around their body in order to electrocute their opponents.  These strikes often occur at very high voltages, which can have devastating effects on opponents.  It has been feared enough to call it "God Slayer," a magic said to be able to kill deities.  Since God Slayer magic is imperfect, Lightning God Slayer magic is characterized by black lightning.
Strengths: Attacks that occur at high enough voltages can often cause momentary paralysis, interfering with the electric signals the brain requires in order to direct physical motion.  This lack of mobility can make it easy to follow up with another strike.  In addition, Lightning God Slayers can consume other sources of lightning to increase their power.
Weaknesses: Lightning magic can be redirected by "lightning rods."  Although a large conductor would be needed to absorb all of the voltage of the lightning, it is possible to redirect spells.  God Slayers, while able to consume a variety of lightning-based spells, may not consume Demon Slayer magic.


History: Cairn Russell was born into the noble and well regarded House Russell of Eucalyptus Town.  He was the first born son of his family, and was raised and treated to take over as head of the household.  Tutors and educators of all kinds had filled his schedule daily, and he was trained in etiquette, speaking, strategy, and science.  His family had taken a more reserved role in his early life, as his studies took the vast majority of his time away from him.  He thought he needed to focus on what was important, and that was being able to lead House Russell after his father had retired.

Around the age of seven, Cairn wandered off from the Russell estate and got himself lost among the wilderness.  He had flipped through a spell book that he had found about an incredible lost magic.  He began to sneak off of the estate, just for the chance to read more and revive the God Slayer magic he had read so much about.  Throughout his early teenage years, he progressed greatly, and developed his power as a mage.  His studies at the estate were nearing completion, and he was soon recognized as a full adult and member of the House.  

Soon after his induction into the House, a large ball was thrown in celebration of his accomplishments.  Masks filled the ballroom of the estate, and Cairn welcomed his masquerade with open arms.  Many of the surrounding families were invited, and Cairn began to talk with a number of the females his age.  While he thought he was doing pretty well, the ladies seemed to reject him each and every time.  Cairn contributed this to the mask, but his current flirtatious attitude seems to have developed because of this.

Around the age of eighteen, Cairn was looking for something more in his life.  He did not just want to continue on in managing the estate of his father.  His days of magic and learning God Slayer spells called out to him, and he decided that an adventure to a guild would be the right path.  After parting ways with his family, he traveled to Balsam village for a much needed change of pace.  The parties and events that frequented the nights drew him in, turning what was an overnight stay into a new home.  In the process of looking for work in the village, Cairn stumbled upon the Sabertooth guild.  He hopes to develop his talents even further in the future, so that he may honor his guild, and be fully accepted by all of the members.

Last edited by Cairn Russell on Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:02 pm; edited 4 times in total

2Cairn Russell Empty Re: Cairn Russell Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:46 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
The only problem I see is the guild. We only allow one of each limited magic per guild and Sabertooth currently has a Dragon Slayer. Right now the only guild with an open Dragon Slayer spot is Crime Sorciere. Please change your guild to Crime Sorciere or select a different magic.

3Cairn Russell Empty Re: Cairn Russell Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:50 pm

Cairn Russell

Cairn Russell
Edited. Modifications were made to Special Charicteristics, but the net zero points rule has been maintained. In addition, magic was modified to God Slayer, as there appeared to be openings in the Banned Magic category of the Lists and Rosters section.

4Cairn Russell Empty Re: Cairn Russell Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:56 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Excellent choice. Normally, staff members make the banned magic descriptions, but what you have is about what I would have said anyway, so I'll allow it this time. Just two very small things. Include in the description that the lightning is black in color, as is the standard trait for any God Slayer magic. Also, include in the weaknesses section that you cannot consume the lightning of a Demon Slayer.

5Cairn Russell Empty Re: Cairn Russell Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:03 pm

Cairn Russell

Cairn Russell
Edited. Changed description to accommodate color and demon slayer weakness.

6Cairn Russell Empty Re: Cairn Russell Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:04 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Fantastic. Approved and congratulations.

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