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1Eric's Flamel Application Empty Eric's Flamel Application Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:08 am

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel

Eric's Flamel Application Seragaki.Aoba.240.1123222
"Watch your step, there might be a pit fall there if you cross me.”

Name(s): Eric Flamel
Nickname(s): The Slumbering God
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Birthday: May 13th, 755
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Rank: S Rank
Guild: Fairy Tail Guild Master
Guild Tattoo: Base of his neck between his shoulder blades in a dark green color
Face Claim: Seragaki Aoba :: Dramtical Murder


Height: 5 Foot 10 inches
Weight: 165 pounds
Hair: Long Blue with hints of white
Eyes: Yellow
General Appearance:
Eric is a rather flashy mage. He often times wears expensive clothing. His long shaggy blue hair is normally let free only being tamed up when he has formal occasions to go to. The clothing he wears is normally very lose fitting and often made of silk or other fine materials. His desire to own fine things is easily shown due to him always having gold and rare gems dotting his jewelry, normally a necklace or bracelets.
Extra: Both ears are pierced twice, right ear has an third one.


A snob if there ever was one, Eric Flamel is a man that was brought up with a spoon of gold, not silver, in his mouth. Eric is a person that does not only look down on those that are a lower class than him but goes out of his way to avoid them. Eric’s family was once in the lower class but thanks to his great-grandfather’s trade business they were able to claw and climb their way out of the cesspool to the place that they are at now. Because of this Eric is not the type that will be seen on the streets handing out bowls of soup to others. He is though the type that will help those in his guild or friends outside the guild help pull themselves out of the grime and muck to better themselves.

Eric is a very greedy and very merciless person when it comes down to the nity grity. Eric is a type that wants to not only ride the coattails of his family’s fortune and name but also make his own. Eric is an ambitious man that is trying to make his family’s company become the most well known in all of Fiore. He has often done some less than legal things to do this, he has taken jobs that require him to ruff people up a bit. Eric has tried to keep these wrong doings as much under wraps as possible but sometimes certain aspects are leaked that should not have been.

Eric is a rather peculiar person. Since a young age his mother has tried to shelter him from the real world. She would constantly tell young Eric about the awful world that was beyond their home. A world that was filled with poverty and sickness. She tried to frighten Eric from leaving their home. Too bad for her young Eric was born an adventurer. His novels let him escape to all the different parts of the world and live there. In these books it showed that there were other good areas in the world where riches were to still be had. What these books did not prove false was that the germs and sickness that his mother talked about was still there. These germs and sicknesses still lurked in the dark abyss that was the world. Because of this Eric has become a rather crazy germ-a-phobe.


  • Jewelry: Eric often wears and goes out of his way to buy fine jewelry. This stems from his upbringing in a rich merchant family.
  • Gourmet Food: Eric loves to eat some of the country’s most expensive foods. He loves to eat sea food but also enjoys spicy style foods.
  • His Guild: Eric is very loyal and very friendly with his guildmates and often treats them better than he should. His love for his guild has caused him to become extremely protective and overbearing.
  • Novels: Eric takes the time to read novels of adventures and the world that is beyond Fiore often. He is rather proud of the small mini library that he has built up.


  • The Poor: The poor are people that get under Eric’s skin. They are normally dirty and ill mannered. They should take charge of their lives like his great-grandfather did and pull themselves up to a higher class.
  • Germs: Eric has a thing about germs and dirt. He dislikes it. His home is kept extremely clean to the point that even the toilet is safe to eat on.
  • Nosy People: Those that stick their nose in his business or that of his family are quickly taken care of and not in a good way.
  • Danger: He does not dislike danger himself but dislikes it for his friends and family and will try to protect them to his best abilities.

Motivations: Eric wishes to one day take control of his family’s company and expand it to new lands and ventures. He wants to become one of the top names of the world and somehow even wiggle his way to the palace as the master of trade or coin taking the country’s coffers into his own hands.

  • He fears that his family’s secret of smuggling guns and other products into and out of the country will one day be found out and their wealth will be ripped from them. He has plans to somehow stopped this once he takes over but until then he needs to keep it under wraps or he will become one of the people that he despises.
  • Eric has a major major major phobia of germs. He loathes them, he lives to kill them, he will burn a used tissue if need be. This steams from an overbearing mother who when he was a child would constantly tell Eric that he would get sick and die from the plague if he kept playing with the horses in the stables or when he would talk to the poor on the streets. Because of this fear you will see him wearing gloves or washing his hands often and taking whole weeks off from guild work just to scrub his home.

Positive Traits:
Total: 23 points

  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Athletic (+3): You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

Negative Traits:
Total: 23 points

  • Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application.
    Explanation: Whenever this allergy comes into play you must suffer the consequences. The allergy must be something that can actually come and not something strange and unique. Rodent fur (rats, mice, hamsters, etc...)
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
    Explanation: You can't communicate easily with non player characters. Somehow they've heard of you and the things they've heard weren't too good. Womanizer/ violent
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!
    Explanation: You must think about your dark secret at least one out of ten posts. When things that are relevant to the dark secret are brought up you can't stop thinking about it. Family’s wealth is built upon smuggling weapons
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.
    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: This illness manifests in one of two main forms, obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions; some characters exhibit both. OCD about germs and cleanness

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.
    Compulsions: The character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering.Always washes his hands after shaking hands with somebody he is not sure is a clean person, aka all people minus other germ freaks
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.
    Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. Fear of germs

  • Envious (-1): Everyone else seems to have it better than you do. They have more money, better toys, and a prettier wife. You tend to get envious over the smallest things. You're often disliked due to the constant mutterings and complaints you utter, along with the dirty stares you offer those you deem as better off than yourself.
    Explanation: You must act envious at least one out of five posts.
  • Greedy (-1): Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.
    Explanation: You may act differently when money comes into play.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play. Unhygienic people
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play. Those that are unhygienic or down right dirty will not gain Eric’s aid in any situation
  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.
  • Short Attention Span (-1): You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty concentrating on repetitive tasks.
  • Star-crossed (-1): You keep falling in love with the wrong people. You're the common soldier who falls in love with the king's daughter at first sight, or the hero who falls for the villain's daughter without knowing who she is.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing themselves to the limit at every available opportunity.
    Explanation: You can't refuse the opportunity of engaging into combat with anyone or anything that is stronger than you. You also always volunteer and perform tasks that have a risk attached to them when you are in a group.
  • Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.
    Explanation: You will attempt to overthrow friends or foes alike when the opportunity rises regardless if it seems like it's not possible.

Description: Earth God Slayer is an ancient lost to the passage of time that grants the mastery of the element of earth. Earth God Slayer has a variety of ways it can be utilized in both offensive and defensive ways.The user can create earth to use for his spells and also manipulate earth that already exists, both of which turn black in color, showing that it is on its own level. Finally, the caster is able to eat the earth around him to increase his stamina, granting him nearly unlimited energy due to the earth being as plentiful as it is.

Strengths: This magic is extremely powerful offensively and defensively, being able to create and manipulate earth into nearly any shape. It can also be used extremely quickly, depending on the medium the caster wishes to utilize this magic with, while not losing any of its power in the process. The user of this magic also has the advantage of being able to eat the earth created by another wizard, even an Earth Dragon Slayer, while not having to worry about the opposite being used against him. It also has an elemental advantage over wind based magics.

Weaknesses: Due to its element, Earth God Slayer is elementally weak against water based magics, along with most liquids. Another weak point of the magic itself is the fact that even though a God Slayer can eat its respective element to regain stamina, it does not regenerate magical power.[/b]



A bright and sunny afternoon day in the late part of spring a wealthy shipping family gave birth to their first child, a healthy boy by the name of Eric. The family was named the Flamels, a rich family that had made their fortune smuggling weapons, immigrants, and on the occasion drugs. The family though relatively new wealth in Fiore it has quickly gained notoriety. The family married into the older families of the country and soon it was forgotten that they were once just simple dock hands trying to make a living.

Eric was totally unaware that his family was not once the rich and elegant family that it was when he was born. His mother was a woman that came from another rich family one that had a large business dealing with precious metals and jewels. The two families easily made Fiore’s top 10 wealthiest families list along with other tycoon style families.

Now Eric at a young age was diagnosed with a heart murmur. A condition that could very well kill the young child if it was not for the quick thinking and ruthless grandfather that he was born with. His grandfather knew that the family that his son was marrying into held a secret darker than their own. A secret that his father had told him about and his father before him. Eric’s mother’s family, the Dorns, were direct descendants from a mythical mage from the ancient times known only as The Stoneward Mage.  This mage was known for his insane mastery over the element of earth to a point that not even Dragon Slayers could comprehend this power. It was said that he was a demigod, his own mother slept with the god of the land and produced a child who could make earthquakes with just his footsteps. Part of this man’s DNA was saved and passed down from Dorns generation onto the next.

His father and mother begged her parents to let them test the cells on their dying son in a hopes that it might somehow repair his fragile heart. After pleading for nearly three whole months they finally agreed to allow a minute amount of the cells to be transplanted into the boy to see if his body would even take the cells. Almost instantly the cells bonded to the body and quickly reproduced taking over his genetic make-up causing his eyes to become a dull yellow color while heightening his senses and promoting muscle growth and development. The boy’s life was saved and started his rode down to becoming a high ranking mage in the country.

Flash forward eight years. Eric has started to show signs of his magical powers already developing. His father and mother extremely proud and ambitious of their young son decide to send him to a neighboring country where a premier magic school was located. There Eric under went rigorus training in the basics of magic. He learned first and foremost the art of molder magic, his obviously being earth based. At this point in time his developing God cells had still not shown their full potency or potential. He was a quick learner and was shown to have a large magic pool compared to the other children there.

Eric stayed at this school for nearly five whole years until he was approaching his fourteenth birthday. His God Slayer abilities had started to make their way into his molder style magic. His earth was stronger than other earth mages. He felt more close to the earth, he could sense what it sensed, pick up on things that others could not. His senses were sharp, sharp like an animal’s, his body was strong and fast. He was not only gifted in using magic but also using his raw physical strength. It was obvious to most that Eric was going to be one hell of a mage.

At the age of seventeen Eric had decided that he would take a chance and join a magical guild, the one he opted for was Fairy Tail. Eric’s parents were not too pleased with this at the start but soon warmed up to it after a year or so. In Fairy Tail Eric’s skills were quickly put to the test as he found himself taking request after request on behalf of the guild. His magical powers only blossomed more and more as time went on and soon he found himself in the standings of the elite members of the guild. His Earth God cells had developed greatly to the point that he was now known as a God Slayer and nicknamed the Slumbering God, due to his lax attitude that when provoked enough could trigger a landslide, literally, that would swallow his victims whole.

Last edited by Eric Flamel on Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:33 pm; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : Corrected some small things)

2Eric's Flamel Application Empty Re: Eric's Flamel Application Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:31 pm

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
This application is ready to be checked. The magic was left as Provided by Staff due to them having to make it. Will be edited in by myself or staff if/when the magic is made and the application above is approved

3Eric's Flamel Application Empty Re: Eric's Flamel Application Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:18 pm

Scarlet Thunder

Scarlet Thunder
All looks good to me, Tali will post a description and what not for your magic and you will be ask to copy it into your app, once done, bump again and I will approve you :D

4Eric's Flamel Application Empty Re: Eric's Flamel Application Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:59 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Please place the contents of the spoiler into your magic section.


5Eric's Flamel Application Empty Re: Eric's Flamel Application Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:16 pm

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
Added! Thanks guys!!

6Eric's Flamel Application Empty Re: Eric's Flamel Application Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:33 pm

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
alrighty edits made

7Eric's Flamel Application Empty Re: Eric's Flamel Application Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:57 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
And it's Re-Approved!

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