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1Yuuki Sousetsu Empty Yuuki Sousetsu Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:12 am

Yuuki Sousetsu

Yuuki Sousetsu

   Yuuki Sousetsu 161411
   "Music is the most common language in the world.”

Name(s): Yuuki Sousetsu / Sean Strifewood / Jin Seung Woo
Nickname(s): Yuuki/Sean/Jin
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Birthday: December 13 x768
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: D-Class
Guild: Sabertooth
Guild Tattoo: Left shoulder - Black
Face Claim: Takeshi Yamamoto - Katekyo Hitman Reborn


Height: 177 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Hair: Short Black semi-spiky Hair
Eyes: light brown eyes
General Appearance:In terms of Physical appearance he has an average height and has a short black hair that is a little bit spiky but not really too spiky. Partnering his dark black hair is his light brown eyes that was said to suit his hair's color.

Yuuki is known for his themed outfit, even in battle he still wears suits, though in fight he sometimes removed his tuxedo for easy movement purposes. He usual wore a black suit partnered with a tie but even sometimes he wore different colored suits but still aligned in a formal style. He always wore his tie lowered so he can open the upper buttons on the his clothes. There are very rare times when he wear casual clothing but this are like one out of hundred chance.

He is known for his happy-go-lucky attitude that makes him looks him all the time even not, a smile is always in his face whatever emotion he has, though in rare occasions he can be seen not smiling.

Extra: His partner, his sword, is always with him wherever he go.


Personality: His patience is one remarkable personality he has. Being patient is one of is key traits, he was known for being patient both in and out of battle. He can wait as much as he can even the people around him are tired of waiting, he developed his patience after waiting for his parents to return even now he is still waiting for them. Another thing he is known for is his warmness to other people, he is nice to nice people he treats them warmly especially those who are close to him but when it comes to enemies he can be as cold as the winter when treating them. Because of this he has tendency to become merciless in battle especially when the enemy he is facing has done lots of bad things which goes against his meter of which is good and bad.

Also he is known for his happy-go-lucky attitude. He tends to smile even in the deadliest situation that makes him hard to understand, people around him are not sure whether his happy they got in that situation or he just wants to be happy to forget that they are in that kind of situation. He still smiles even when angry but you can still distinguish his happy smile to his other smile, the confused smile, the sarcastic smile and other smile technique he know.

Another thing remarkable to him is his concentration in things. When it comes to concentrating he is one of the best among everyone, he was trained to concentrate ever since he was a kid.


  • Cold Weather - The reason why he always wore suit is because he grew up in a cold place and he was used to the weather ever since. Even leaving the place he still feels like being home when he's wearing the suit.
  • Waiting - somehow waiting becomes a hobby for him, he enjoys waiting. Not all people likes to wait but him unknowingly he likes it and for him it can be a good past time.
  • Training - He likes fighting too, but he prefer it to be always a friendly fight not a fight for someone's life. He doesn't really want to get into this kind of fight but still it might be unavoidable since he is a mage.
  • Cold Foods - ranging from ice cream to cold noodles nothing can stop him from eating something cold. This doesn't mean he doesn't like hot foods he likes them too but not as much eating cold foods.
  • Music - This is actually one of the things he like the most . He feel at ease listening to any kind of genre of song it makes him alive somehow.


  • He hates dark guilds more than anyone, it's not like he'll attack them when he see them but he do hates them and there won't be a chance he will be acquainted with one dark mages.
  • Any place that is too hot, i mean really hot like near a volcano. Summer doesn't count here.
  • Seafoods, he doesn't like the taste of it
  • People who like discouraging other people in attaining something. Stereotype people are also included here


  • He continues his life(avoiding death) until he fulfill his first goal, the return of his parents.
  • Another thing that motivates him to become stronger is becoming the wizard saints, becoming well-known wizard he believes his parents will recognize him and soon return back to him.


  • Being recruited in a dark guild and having a symbol forced into him
  • Hear a bad news about his parents(especially death)
  • Being excommunicated in his guild

Positive Traits:

  • Zealot(Sword) (+4)
  • Agile (+3)
  • Swift (+3)

Negative Traits:

  • Compulsive Honesty (-2)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Trusting (-2)
  • Phobia (-3)(Large Group of Bandits)
  • Night Blindness (-2)


Magic: Psychokinesis Magic : Cryokinesis
Caster or Holder: Caster Type
Description: This magic has almost the same form as the ice molding magic but instead of making direct ice, this magic is under the Psychokinesis Magic meaning using the user's mind to change the temperature of particles around him. Lowering the particle's temperature to a freezing point generates ice. The difference of this magic into molding magic is that in molding magic the user's accuracy of making ice spells depends on their usage of their hand. Two hand makes the ice-molding magic more accurate and using one hand makes their ice-molding less stable. In Cryokinesis the difference is the user's concentrating and visualization affects the quality of their magic, this kind of magic can be much slower compare to molding magic but it can be much more powerful(not saying it is but it can be). The mostly on all spells requires long casting time for them to be able to visualize the form of their magic. Another difference is that instead of the magic appearing from their hand their magic can appear anywhere and can be in different forms. Their magic might be able to appear anywhere but the distance covered will be dependent on the user's rank and the magic's spell rank.

Strengths: It has more possibilities compare to molding magic. The user doesn't actually make ice but lowers the temperature enabling them to make a cold wind , cold temperature around the area, generate snow/ice, and even a stronger mage can create massive spells.
Weaknesses: The magic's main weakness is most of the skill requires cast time and during this cast time the user is rendered immobile unable to defend itself. This magic isn't really good in one versus one battle. The user's mind affect the magic quality therefore if the user's mind is at unrest the magic will be much more unstable. The user's concentration also affects the magic quality so if the user is distracted by something he/she will probably cancel the cast time or even backfire the magic itself. Cryokinesis can only lower temperature not raise disabling them to generate heat or anything but they can raise temperature a little bit up to only 0 degrees but can't raise above that. Another main weakness of this magic is excessive heat, that overpowered the user. Higher rank magic will easily counter this magic, any fire/flame/heat magic.


History:  Yuuki has three names and yes It was rooted from different language. When he was born his parents can't decide what name they should give to him so they decided giving him three different names. One from his brother,whom he never met, another from his mother and lastly from his father. He was often times called Yuuki and close people sometimes call him Sean and rarely Seung Woo. Going back to the history of the character not the name. He grew up with his parents like mentioned before he never met his brother. Why? Well he actually met him but he was still little to remember so including that is a little bit off. Going back(again), Yuuki at an early age was trained by both of his parents in the art of meditation. They knew that when he grew up he will need this to help him concentrate and as always their bloodline always have the same kind of magic, Psychokinesis Magic, the mystery left is what kind of Psychokinesis magic.

Later when he was older(obviously) he was rigorously trained by his father in concentrating things to the point that he was asked to try to levitate things, which is another kind of magic, telekinesis. While training one time, he accidentally created a small blizzard around the object freezing it instead of levitating it. His mother who possess biokinesis, which is a rare one, was happy to have a non-telekinesic son, it was very common.

Now that he had learned what magic he has his father never stops training him day by day improving his patience and at the same time his mind's endurance. But one day the training had stopped it was not because his father become tired or died(...) but because a group of bandits ransacked his home. He was living in a town drenched in snow but when this certain bandits ransacked their homes was burned down. The bandits weren't just simple bandits they were able to defeat his family(clan) which was all users of Psychokinesis Magic. He managed to escape thanks to his father but his father returned back to save his mother, he waited for his return but he didn't. When he returned back to the village the next day he hadn't found a single body he knew that his parents managed to escape but unable to return to him so he tried to live all by himself from that day on wards.

He grew up alone but not lonely he knew that his parents are waiting for him. That his father might just want him to become stronger and later come back when he is strong enough. He then decided his goal to become one of the Wizard Saints, disregarding the rank, he just have to be one. He knew for that to be true he needed to join one of the guild. When he was thinking what guild to pick he was really going back and forth with lamia scale and sabertooth, not knowing which to pick he finally just randomly decided and landed on sabertooth.

Years passed while in the guild he trained himself and managed to become a ranked-C wizard.Also at that time he managed to learn ways of using a sword and become more agile and quicker than before so he doesn't need to rely on his magic when facing an enemy one on one. He knew being in C-rank is still too far from his goal so he decided to take things more seriously and he decided having at least a team would help him. Setting his mind to his goal more he needed to train more and later finally meet his father and mother, and even his brother whom he haven't have any idea. He has an idea but it was just eavesdrop and he doesn't want to believe in it because it was too dark for him to believe. This is one of the reasons why he hate the dark guilds.

[Dark Past of His Brother]
It was before he even learn his Cryokinesis when he overheard his parents talking about his brother being in a dark guild. Yuuki's father was scared that yuuki might end up the same. His mother cried and that was the first time Yuuki saw his mother cried, that was the moment Yuuki set his mind that he will find his brother and know the truth. He thinks that the dark guilds poisoned his brother's mind and forced to join. He didn't want to end up like him and he knew from that time he needed to train harder.
[just a short one]

Last edited by Yuuki Sousetsu on Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:12 am; edited 2 times in total

2Yuuki Sousetsu Empty Re: Yuuki Sousetsu Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:53 am


Hello, Yuuki.

  • You need 2 more dislikes.
  • Add an elemental weakness to your magic.
    "their magic can appear anywhere", do note that this can only be done in a certain range, that of what your rank allows you.
    "The user like molding magic can use forms to make their magic stronger. In Psychokinesis Magic putting their hand on their temple makes the magic powerful or faster to cast(like memory make) one or two hand doesn't affect.", take this part out.

3Yuuki Sousetsu Empty Re: Yuuki Sousetsu Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:14 am

Yuuki Sousetsu

Yuuki Sousetsu
Done :)
Added 2 more dislikes
Added note about the range depending on rank
removed that part :)

4Yuuki Sousetsu Empty Re: Yuuki Sousetsu Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:53 pm

Yuuki Sousetsu

Yuuki Sousetsu
Bump 3 days passed

5Yuuki Sousetsu Empty Re: Yuuki Sousetsu Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:29 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Well you fixed it all, and it looks good. So approved.

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