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1Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Empty Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:19 pm

Masuke Kagami

Masuke Kagami

   Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) HMeTAbS
   "I am the harbinger of pain and son of death"

Name(s): Masuka Kagami
Nickname(s): Son Of Death
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Birthday: 20/May/763
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Rank: A class
Guild: Phantom Lord
Guild Tattoo: On the center of his back.
Face Claim: Akashi Seijuro- Kokuro No Basket


Height: 5'8" (173cm)
Weight: 150 lb
Hair: Red
Eyes: Heterochromatic, Left Yellow, Right Red
General Appearance: Masuke is short 17 year old with spiky red hair and vertical large eyes that look similar to a snake's eyes. His skin is tan, and he has a normal sized mouth. His eyes are often seen as narrowed, because he always is in focus at the environment around him. Masuke's clothes are made from powerful fabrics that are not destroyed when he uses his poison magic. He likes to dress in black, white, blue pants being his top three favorite colors. Due to his build and strong physique, he has a six pack that is revealed when his shirt is removed along with powerful abs. He is muscular, ripped toned, which reflects in Masuke's powerful strikes. He has a scar on his back directly above his guild tattoo from training with his dragon too seriously and getting clawed. Normally, he wears black shorts with a purple belt along with a white coat with a blue undershirt covering as abs. Masuke always wears purple wristbands on each hand as well. On his feet he wears black sneakers that blend with his shorts in an akward sort of combination to his outfit. In addition, to complete his outfit he wears a snake necklace under his shirt that represents his dragon that he was trained by. In hot weather he removes his undershirt and only wears the coat along with the shorts and black sneakers to keep himself from getting too hot. Masuke's sneakers have a object that keeps them from getting untied so that he never has to worry about tying his shoes. He has average eyebrows that narrow with his eyes, and slightly larger than average hands. Masuke has ruffled hair that originally had bangs, but were cut off.
Extra: Toketsu wears black sunglasses that keep his eyes completely concealed from others so that no one knows of his multi-colored eyes except those extremely close to him.


Personality: Masuke Kagami is extremely aggressive and cold-blooded in order to keep his mind focused on becoming stronger. Since his childhood, Masuke has proven himself a ruthless killer, merciless like most magicians. Throughout the first half of his training with the poison dragon, whomever he was told battle he tried to kill. His only sign of mercy is when he let his comrades live when they battled, taking delight at the notion of his comrades being weaker than him as punishment enough. Masuke swore that he would kill any magician that ever stood in his way with no feelings and pure ruthlessness unless they prove their worth. Becoming powerful was his ultimate purpose in life, and he was willing to go to the deepest parts of hell to become powerful, however, he was smart enough to see through anyone that tried to deceive him.

Masuke is a cold and his sole purpose of existence is to hone his fighting skills by battling and destroying strong foes. He, being a dark mage, has signs of pervertedness, and especially likes beautiful women. He respects women, but wants to find a nice women to settle with, so he would have no problem talking with a nice woman. He takes his training very seriously, and deals brutally with those who dare interrupt him, because he sees them as a block in his path. In combat, Masuke almost never withholds his power against his opponents, because his cruelty leads him to want to destroy his opponents as much as possible. In battle he becomes very decisive in his moves, and uses his skills in deduction to deceive his opponents and strike while they are weak. If he cannot find a weakness he will fight them in a normal battle that tests each other's abilities.

Masuke is presented as an extremely smug, bad tempered, egotistical, rebellious, fiercely independent and arrogant individual who believes that he's the strongest above all else. He is very prideful and thinks very highly of himself, but inside of him is a nice little boy who was traumatized with a visual that he will burden forever. He has always been shown to hold a rivalry with his friends, but aside from them, Masuke happens to have hatred for everyone, mainly heroes. He feels that they are just jokes that make people weak since they believe that heroes are always there to protect them. Masuke looks down on them, believing himself to be superior to them in every way, shape, and form. However, a notable aspect of his personality he shows in battle was that he seemed to have some degree of respect for enemies that create a challenge for him, because it fuels him to become stronger.

  • Strong Challengers
  • Women
  • Fighters
  • Poison
  • Confidence
  • Power
  • Winning


  • Do gooders
  • Losing
  • Hit and runners
  • Cowards
  • Weaklings
  • Holy Magic
  • Rune Knights


  • To be the most powerful mage ever of all time.
  • To defeat the most widely known powerful mages in Fiore.
  • His love for fighting with powerful foes.
  • Reaching his true potential so that everyone will be forced to respect him


  • Dying before reaching his goal as an incredibly powerful mage.
  • Being tortured intensely.
  • Being killed and chopped into pieces like his parents were.

Positive Traits:

  • Enhanced Stength(+3):Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • Acrobatic(+3):You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Fortitude(+3):You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
  • Swift(+3):You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

Negative Traits:

  • Cruel(-1):You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.
  • Daredevil(-2):You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing themselves to the limit at every available opportunity.
  • Derangement/Insanity(-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    Obsessions(Becoming the most powerful and evil mage in all of Fiore): The character cannot help thinking about an idea, image, or impulse incessantly, often involving violence and self-doubt. These ideas are frequently repugnant to the character, but they are so strong that during times of stress (such as combat) she may be unable to concentrate on anything else, even if doing so is necessary for her survival.
  • Overconfident(-1):Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.
  • Greedy(-1):Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.
  • Proud(-1):You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Reckless(-1):You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.
  • Arrogant(-1):You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.
  • Envious(-1):Everyone else seems to have it better than you do. They have more money, better toys, and a prettier wife. You tend to get envious over the smallest things. You're often disliked due to the constant mutterings and complaints you utter, along with the dirty stares you offer those you deem as better off than yourself.



Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) XyWw3S8
Magic: Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Poision Dragon Slayer magic allows the user to produce and manipulate poison magic from the body that can both poison the opponent, as well as deal blunt damage to them. As a dragon Slayer lost magic taught straight from a Dragon, the user can eat any form of poison to rejuvenate themselves back to full health. It is first generation dragon slayer magic making it the purest of dragon slayer magic. The user can manipulate the poison that is manifested by toxic gas that the user can transform the poison into as well. The poison has a tangible physical form that infects any life it touches when striking, therefore weakening, or in the most powerful form, even killing whatever it touches. Poison dragon slayer magic's weaker forms (D-B) only debuff those who come in contact with it, while its more powerful forms (A and above) can poison opponents slowly withering away their life. The most powerful form can instantly wither away and decay whatever it comes in contact with. When using this unique rare magic, the user's body becomes purple and scaled reflecting the poison flowing through their body. The magic is useful in all sorts of forms, making it an all-purpose magic. It can be manipulated with incredible speed by the user in order to lock onto a target.
Strengths: Poison Dragon Slayer Magic has powerful blunt force that can deal serious offensive damage to the opponent. It is primarily made for offensive and debuffing properties, however, the magic can conjure a powerful defense that can neutralize debuffs that affect the user. Like a doctor shot, it makes the cells work harder to destroy the buff quickly, and the magic can also use its physical capabilities to defend against magical attacks and physical attacks, nullifying their strength. It is best against fire magic, because it absorbs the carbon dioxide in making the fire attacks weaker. The poison can form into anything the mage wants to cast like projectiles or weapons that are made from the poison magic. It can become an antibody to diseases. The main capability of poison buffing is adding the weakening effects of the magic to the user's strikes.
Weaknesses: The weakness of Poison magic is water magic, which disregards the effects of the poison and instead bypasses its toxins. Water Magic neutralizes its physical form and turns it into only toxic gas causing a water spell to travel right through it. Also, since poison is very rare to find, the user is not likely to be able to replenish themselves through it, being since it is not easily found. Being that is a manipulation magic, if the user loses control over the magic, then the spell automatically disappears. The user is limited in terms of supplementary magic to about four spells that assist them since poison is not made to assist people(except as an antibody). This magic has no healing spells purposes since its purpose is to deteriorate rather than assist. Since it is always flowing through his body he has motion sickness, and cannot learn any other magics.

Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) B02cd004226177eb57e200a31f1d099c
History: Masuke Kagami is the child of a writer mother along with a ex-rune knight father who has acquired enough jewel to live off of for years. They has Masuke in order to fulfill their dream of having a child who carried on their legacy. They gave birth to him at home in a house they built for him in the outskirts of Fiore where he lived for his entire childhood. He was the most attentive student in school since he had no friends, because they believed he was a freak due to his heterochromatic eyes. Masuke neglected the need for friends, and used his time studying since he had no magic to train. His parents were deeply in love, and cared for him with all of their ability to make sure he felt loved.

Masuke did not know that he had mage potential at this time. Every day he would go and babysit the babies in his village when the parents went to go get crops. Masuke wrote a story every day about what took place during his babysitting. His father and mother both were never bothered in the house, and he just continued on studying a multiplicity of subjects involving sciences. He was becoming very diligent in the subject of reptiles, especially snakes and their unique deadly venom. Masuke was also taught how to write upper level essays and increased his IQ, constantly impressing and making his parents proud. He remained top of his class throughout his years in school, which was not surprising since his parents were incredibly intelligent. He eventually was told stories by his father about the glories of being a mage and challenging other mages in battle. Masuke became obsessed in being a mage as well, but did not have any magic so he would just study magic.

By the age of eight he had learned lots about how magic worked and the fact that it was impossible to generate it without a source, making your magic defined by the environment. That seemed like a hindrance to many mages with magics like earth or fire fighting in a un-supplied environment. Then, Masuke realized that you could use science to cast some spells that could be generated, however, it was not naturally generated. He just thought that if they had been able to generate the magic then it would be even more effective.

Months into that year his parents started acting differently which got him worried. They boarded up the house, withdrew him from school, and kept him in the house for three months. One night Masuke woke up to noises in the living room, and when he came to see what was wrong, he found a masked man with a machete in his hands. He looked behind him and there was his parents chopped into pieces. He froze, and then ran out the house away from the seen off into the forests where he cried. He was traumatized, and could not handle his mental destruction until he fell asleep. Masuke was awoken by a roar, and he wiped the piles of tears and snot off his face revealing an enormous dragon staring at him. He backed up to a tree scared, because he had still been scared after what he had witnessed.

The enormous dragon opened up his mouth, and spoke to him, making him startled and curious as to why it was able to speak. "I am a dragon mage master in poison magic. You seem like you have no home, would you like to stay with me?" He said. Masuke had shook his head telling him that he was away from home, and the poison dragon began teaching him. Everyday they would train in purifying his body and contaminating it to increase his immune system. This was necessary for his body to sustain the mass amounts of poison that would be flowing through him while he casted the magic. Masuke was happy that someone had took him in as the dragon became his new father, and he was even more estatic about becoming a mage. Within four years he developed a dense immune system that was able to survive poison in the body. To test this, the dragon made him swallow a small bit of poison that felt like nothing to him. With this, twelve year old Masuke moved to the next stage of his training, manipulating it.

He practiced the dragon's ancient martial arts, and learned how to control his chi, and he began to feel his body. He lived off of vegetables in a nearby crop field that the dragon had been caring for, and he learned to feel the food going through the body. Masuke tried swallowing poison again, and could feel it, and after several times he was able to control it. With some more practice, the dragon decided to fill his body with his poison with an incredibly painful procedure that filled his very veins with poison. His body was turning into a dragon with all the time he spent with his new father, and the poison rested in his body. Masuke spent three more years training to the point where he mastered manipulating it, and the next step was making spells. The poison dragon told him it was time for him to join the human world again as a new person. With tears in his eyes, he said goodbye to the poison dragon who would always be at home when he needed him. Masuke left with his new abilities, and at age fourteen he returned to the home where his parents were slaughtered three years ago. Their bodies were still there, and he bursted into tears, and buried their body parts behind the house.

The scene brought back too many memories, so he moved out and traveled to Oak where he joined phantom lord up to current date, and has improved on his abilities since he first left. He has been a part of Phantom Lord for two years. He wanted to become a powerful mage that would change the fate of the world that he believes is corrupt. There Masuke has been training to become more powerful each day. He has been training there as a dark mage devoting his time to advancing his evil each day. He watched as everyone around him had beautiful families as he slept each day alone, and kept wishing they could come back to life. Masuke dwelled on his parents in his first month of joining Phantom Lord, and felt that finding a girlfriend or wife would be his salvation. As of then his second goal after becoming a powerful wizard was to have a beautiful, cool partner to settle down with. He doubted it would come soon, so now he journeys as a mage with a guild mates that he hopes would help him reach his goal.

Last edited by MasukaKagami on Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:16 am; edited 31 times in total

2Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Empty Re: Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:14 pm

Masuke Kagami

Masuke Kagami
bump this application is ready for review

3Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Empty Re: Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:12 am

Scarlet Thunder

Scarlet Thunder
Age - Because we are not in August yet, your character wouldn't be 17 yet, they would be 16. Make the necessary changes.

History - In the last paragraph, please state how long you have been a member of Phantom Lord for.

Bump when finished

Last edited by Scarlet Thunder on Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:14 am; edited 1 time in total

4Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Empty Re: Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:13 am

Masuke Kagami

Masuke Kagami
edited, bump and ready for review

5Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Empty Re: Masuke Kagami- Phantom Lord (Done) Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:20 am

Scarlet Thunder

Scarlet Thunder
Your app has been APPROVALIZED!

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