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1Ivy Lloyd  Empty Ivy Lloyd Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:26 am

Ivy Lloyd

Ivy Lloyd

   Ivy Lloyd  2yy49bb
   "There is a place between war and murder
in which our demons lurk."


Name(s): Ivy Lloyd
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Birthday: 17th May, X762
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: A-class
Guild: Arche Erebus
Guild Tattoo: Behind her neck and leaf-green in color.
Face Claim: Riven - League Of Legends


Height: 5 Feet 8 Inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: White in color, cropped short in various angles so that it reaches just below her neck and covers some part of her forehead, with bangs framing either side of her face.
Eyes: Scarlet-red in color and give off an aura of intimidation.
General Appearance: Ivy is a woman at the epitome of health and fitness for her body-type. She has developed muscles in the confines of her physical possibilities and a fair amount of female characteristics-  her body is structured in a way to give her maximum flexibility and reflexivity. Starting at the top, Ivy's hair is neck-length, wavy and free-structured; the lightness of her wisps give off a palely translucent glow to it. Its the kind of hair that barely needs to be given any sort of hair-worshipping. Her average and standard face expression is completely nonchalant; with only her intriguing stare locked onto the person standing before her. Her face is capable of depicting the widest range of emotions and indicators possible.
Held prominently in white, black and green- Ivy's choice of clothing is wide and knows no bounds. She is the kind of woman who'll go for any kind of clothing and is always willing to try. Regardless, she has a nice understanding of fashion and manages to look quite decent and fairly-dressed.
Overall, Ivy is one of the people who's simply gotten lucky with her physical appearance and doesn't really need to do much to look great. However, she does lay emphasis on healthiness though, but would never judge someone based upon their looks. She likes her own appearance but is of course conscious of some parts, as every girl is somewhere deep inside.
Extra: N/A


Personality: Ivy is a girl focused on making the world a better place... For herself. Her primary goal is to find out the meaning in life. What is her purpose? How can she best serve her Guild in this life? She is an idealist and a perfectionist, who drives herself hard in her quest for achieving the goals she has identified for herself.
Ivy is highly intuitive about people. She relies heavily on her intuitions to guide her, and uses the discoveries to constantly search for value in life. She is on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning in underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through her value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help her define or refine her own path in life. The goal at the end of the path is always the same - to change the world.
Generally thoughtful and considerate, Ivy is a good listener and can put people at ease. Although she may be reserved in expressing emotion, she can atleast pretend to have a very deep well of caring for some and that she is genuinely interested in understanding people. This sincerity is sensed by others, making Ivy a valued friend and confidante. If she desires, the young woman can be quite warm to the people she knows well.
Ivy does not prefer conflict, and goes to great lengths to avoid it. If she must face it, she will always approach it from the perspective of her feelings. In conflict situations, Ivy places little importance on who is right and who is wrong. She focuses on the way that the conflict makes her feel, and indeed doesn't really care whether or not she's right. She doesn't want to feel badly. This trait sometimes makes her appear irrational and illogical in conflict situations. On the other hand, she makes a very good mediator, and is typically good at solving other people's conflicts, because she intuitively understands people's perspectives and feelings.
Ivy is flexible and laid-back, until one of her values is violated. In the face of her value system being threatened, she can become an aggressive defender, fighting passionately for her cause. When she has adopted a project or job which she's interested in, it usually becomes a cause for her. Although she's not a highly detail-oriented individual, she will cover every possible detail with determination and vigor when working for her cause.
When it comes to the mundane details of life maintenance, Ivy is typically completely unaware of such things. She might go for long periods without noticing a stain on the carpet, but carefully and meticulously brushes a speck of dust off of her favorite book.
Ivy does not like to deal with hard facts and logic. She focuses on her feelings and the human condition makes it difficult for her to deal with impersonal judgment. She doesn't understand or believe in the validity of impersonal judgment, which makes her naturally rather ineffective at using it. Ivy will generally avoid impersonal analysis, although she has developed this ability and is able to be quite logical. Under stress, it's not uncommon for the woman to missuse hard logic in the heat of anger, throwing out fact after (often inaccurate) fact in an emotional outburst.
Ivy has very high standards and is more or less of a perfectionist. Consequently, she is usually hard on herself, and doesn't give enough credit. She might have problems working on a project in a group, because her standards are likely to be higher than other members of the group. In group situations, she may have a control problem. Ivy seriously needs to work on balancing her high ideals with the requirements of every day living. Without resolving this conflict, she'll never be happy with herself, and may become confused and paralyzed about what to do with her life. She is at her very best in situations where she's working for personal goals and in which she doesn't need to use hard logic.
Conclusively, an Ivy who functions in her well-developed sides can accomplish great and wonderful things, which she will rarely give herself credit for.

  • Pain Of The Enemy
    Somewhere along the line, Ivy developed a bit of a sadistic side for herself. She started enjoying weakness of her enemies. Seeing them withering and cowering in pain became a thing of extreme fascination and she only grew herself more into it. She loves to make them feel as if they're fighting a hopeless battle for themselves, meeting nothing but their end. She's the person you'd expect to sit back and watch the carnage left behind after a battle.
  • Power
    Ivy adores the idea of power. She loves being in control of all situations, but not exactly the center of attention. This might make her seem like a manipulative individual, which by a long extent is true. She is hell-bent on the idea of obtaining more power, having more of it and being around powerful and interesting people. In their presence, she finds herself in better control and also fills herself with a remote sense of power. She find the idea of defeating powerful individuals very amusing and strives her best for it.
  • Money
    Trusting few, Ivy has always trusted money. Its the new language that the world readily listens to, it never fails you, it never lets you down. Money might be the only thing that draws Ivy to a job. Well, that and the thrill of the kill. However, she fears the idea of being broke. One can see her on the edge when she's low on money.
  • Swords
    Ivy had always been surrounded by swords- from the very moment she took birth. (Yes, her father was quite the obsessed swordsman as well.) She had also spent a major part of her chilhood training with these weapons and has now aciheived mastery over it. Besides, her magic revolves around the usage of blades, so why not?


  • Insects
    Ivy dislikes bugs and insects from the bottom of her heart. She sees them as creatures representing the dirt, dust, scum and weak of the world. She could sometimes be seen destroying insects with her magic, not giving a care in the world for anyone or anything around.
  • Roses
    Its more than the allergy that she has. She just happens to hate the red, yellow, pink, white, whatever color flowers. They are, in her opinion; ordinary.  They seem to represent a complete lack of originality or creativity and she loathes the idea of some lovers using the flower to please their partner.
  • Magic Council & Its Minions AKA The Heroes
    The hate might have been triggered due to a portion of her childhood being spent in the streets- where she witnessed the Rune Knights or the Magic Council imposing rules on people. Being the freedom loving person she is, she hates them from the bottom of her heart. But its only magnified when she notices their heroism pouring out on command, senseless talk that holds no practical thoughts and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of saving innocents. Ivy believes that justice in this world is just a bunch of principles, made by those with power to suit themselves. To work under such people will be the greatest mistake ever.
  • Cramped Places
    Small and cramped places make her feel suffocated and as if she just wanted to puke. Besides, being a free soul that enjoys the nature and the feel of wind on her face, there's a good damn reason that she can't stand a crowded place.


  • Moving On
    Humans fail. Then mop around with sadness and sorrow... But nothing comes of it. Even dead people are capable of doing that. However, Ivy likes to stand on her own two legs, believing that if she's to die on day its better to do that without any regrets.
  • Adventure
    Ivy sees the world as an endless abyss; there's so much to explore, uncover and pioneer that the thought of not experiencing it is too strange. She believes that she hasn't seen even a bit of it yet and actually wants to accomplish that feat.
  • Obtaining More Power
    As said before, Ivy loves power and the whole concept behind it. She has an idea that she is quite powerful and can defeat a big bunch of mages on her own. But she also accepts that there are a handful which can defeat her. She wants to get over that, she strives to be the undefeated one.


  • Death
    It's because all the evidence points to there being nothing after death, just an endless state of nothingness, not even unconsciousness, just nihil. Not even blackness, not even thought, an absence of anything, no heaven, no hell, just an eternity of nothingness, no color, not even darkness, just. Nil. And most rational human beings know that no matter how loudly they pray or claim they believe in the magnificent Sky Fairy it doesn't change the evidence one bit. Or alter the reality, that there is nothing beyond. And people find that hard to deal with. Ivy included.
  • Captivity
    Ivy is a free soul. Just like a bird flying in the high sky, she is not bounded or stopped by anything. She believes that she is capable of doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants and in anyway she wants. Even her Guild can't stop or argue about her decisions, she is just that stubborn. So when she thinks about being a captive for someone, it sends a shiver down her spine.

Positive Traits:
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Negative Traits:


Magic: ReQuip : Titan Blade レキップ:タイタンブレード
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: This Magic allows Ivy to store items in a pocket dimension so she can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives her a high level of flexibility in combat. ReQuip : Titan Blade, is a unique type of ReQuip that allows Ivy to use swords and weapons of massive weight and bulk for combat. These weapons are quite difficult to manage for anyone else than Ivy- since most people won't be able to even pick the kind of weapons that she summons.
There is also a very unusual effect to this ReQuip and that is, it heavily depends on techniques and enhancement spells. When calling forth a weapon or amour from her arsenal and then donning or using it- Ivy naturally gains certain boosts and perks. These could be anything from an increase in speed or strength to the ability to teleport. The effects depend on the kind of weapon or armor called forth- but its quite useful nevertheless.
Also what is to be noted is that, there is a limit to how much Ivy's pocket dimension can store. ReQuip can be used for both; simple or for combat-related purposes. Ivy can also use this magic to simply change her outfit if she is in the mood.
Strengths: Allows Ivy to adapt to nearly every conceivable situation; whether that be in battle or out of battle. Allows her to exploit an opponent(s) through Elemental Weaknesses sometimes, if she has the proper Armor or Weapon available (Unbroken). Gives her the ability to use more than just her brute strength at certain points in time (socially). She has an insanely deep arsenal of weapons that she can use with her different types of Armors. Allows Ivy to keep regular clothing items or outfits on deck and ready to shift into magically. Nearly all of her Armors and Weapon, save for a few have added effects within them such as Elemental Boosts, Physical Boosts, or Defensive Boosts.
Weaknesses: Limited to close range. There's a serious dearth of supportive or healing spells. At the same time, it can never be used to help out allies in any way- since there are no spells that can be used for the betterment of your ally. Even Ivy's armor's and weapon's have elemental or technical weaknesses which can be exploited.


History: Born in the beautiful land of Noxus, a city situated on the outskirts of the Peregrande kingdom- a place where magic is used, yet is limited to the magic of weapons. This is mostly due to the fact that the city is so close to the Peregrande kingdom, which has magic banned within its borders. Noxus simply grabbed this culture and inculcated it within its own- thus becoming the kind of people which used magic; yet couldn't be accused by the army of Peregrande if they were ever caught. Afterall, acting alike a simple weapon-wielder is not that hard, right?
In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing - strength is all that matters. In this very city; a small, white haired, bundle of joy took birth in the household of the Lloyds. It was a family which stood among the richest folks of Noxus and thus, were naturally respected. The Lloyd couple expected their kid to uphold the knight-like tradition of their family, but little did they know... that the mother had just given birth to a renegade?
It was with committed faith in Noxus's ideal that Ivy strove to greatness. She showed early potential as a soldier, forcing herself to master the weight of a long sword when she was barely its height. She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. Ivy became a leader amongst her peers, poster child of the Noxian spirit. So exceptional was her passion that the High Command of Noxus recognized her with a black stone rune sword forged and enchanted with Noxian sorcery. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad - perfectly suited to her tastes. Soon after, she was deployed to Peregrande as part of the Noxian invasion. Yes, the little city was planning to take over an entire nation.
What began as war quickly became extermination. Noxian soldiers followed the terrifying Peregrande war machines across fields of death. It wasn't the glorious combat for which Ivy trained. She carried out the orders of her superiors, terminating the remnants of a beaten and fractured enemy with extreme prejudice. As the invasion continued, it became clear that the Peregrandal society would not be reformed, merely eliminated. During one bitter engagement, Ivy's unit became surrounded by Peregrande's forces. They called for support as the enemy closed in around them. What they received instead was a barrage of biochemical terror launched by the enemies. Ivy simply watched as around her Peregrande and Noxian alike fell victim to an unspeakably gruesome fate. She managed to escape the bombardment, though she could not erase the memory. Counted dead by Noxus, she saw an opportunity to start anew. She shattered her sword, severing ties with the past, and wandered in self-imposed exile - on a quest to grow stronger and one day, defeat both Peregrande and Noxus, while completely destroying the latter of the two and wiping its existence from the face of earth.
Why, you ask?
Someone very important to her had been killed in that biochemical bombardment. The High command of Noxus; her mentor, the one who had managed to teach her the magic called as ReQuip... and given her the blade that she wielded to this very day. The man was more important to her than her own parents and he was killed... just because the people and soldiers of Noxus wanted to take over Peregrande.
It was all because of them... All because of the Noxians. Revenge was required.

Last edited by Ivy Lloyd on Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:23 am; edited 2 times in total

2Ivy Lloyd  Empty Re: Ivy Lloyd Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:42 am

Koloktos Ghirahim

Koloktos Ghirahim
You have to help me make her nigga, this is gonna be a pain in the arse. \Approved

3Ivy Lloyd  Empty Re: Ivy Lloyd Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:11 pm

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine

Unapproved for plagiarism of General appearance. Re-write it and bump when you're finished.

4Ivy Lloyd  Empty Re: Ivy Lloyd Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:30 am

Ivy Lloyd

Ivy Lloyd
Meh, lazy me.
Anyways, BUMP.

5Ivy Lloyd  Empty Re: Ivy Lloyd Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:57 am

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine

I noticed there were some things missing that will be needing fixing.

Guild tattoo - State the color of it.

Negative Traits - Include your dark secret. Add in what you have OCD about.

6Ivy Lloyd  Empty Re: Ivy Lloyd Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:23 am

Ivy Lloyd

Ivy Lloyd
Edited, Sir.

7Ivy Lloyd  Empty Re: Ivy Lloyd Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:31 am

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine

8Ivy Lloyd  Empty Re: Ivy Lloyd Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:03 am

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
Rank mended.

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