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1Cyrille Yukimaru Empty Cyrille Yukimaru Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:19 pm

Cyrille Yukimaru

Cyrille Yukimaru
Cyrille Yukimaru Blade_dancer_by_zanktus-d33v29w

  "How much weight can a simple promise carry?"

Name(s): Cyrille Yukimaru
Nickname(s): Cry/Yuki
Age: 21
Chronological Age: 210
Sex: Female
Birthday: 18, November X451
Sexuality: Homosexual
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: D
Guild: Raven Tail
Guild Tattoo: in between of her stomach and lower private part
Face Claim: Deviant Art


Height: 172 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Hair: Short pink hair
Eyes: Olive
General Appearance: in her appearance, she has a cute face and a perfectly toned slim body accompanied by a pink short hair, her body provides sex appeal to those who gaze upon her.

Cyrille Prefers wearing exotic revealing clothes and black undergarments than clothes that covers her body, she wears light clothes, with her leggings extending up to her hips, a pair of brown boots, brown gloves with a black diamond ring and a silver ring, she usually wears only a bikini and short shorts when going out.
Extra: She has a small scar on her right shoulder.


Personality: A perfect combination of Perfect beauty and Sadistic Personality, Cyrille is one of the twisted people and sadistic people to walk into Fiore, She believes that people would follow her as a leader and follow her instructions, She believes that she can have anything she wants and do anything she wants. If there is a woman who she think is desirable, she believes that she deserves to have her and be with her, She Raids Places she Hates and eliminate every being in that place, She Buys every luxurious homes in the area and live there with the girl she desires.

She Believes that every people would serve and bow down to her strength, She eliminates people who defies and insults her, in her opinion, everyone should do as she says and follow every rule she makes, whether it be killing their selves to satisfy Cyrille's Bloodlust or give everything she wants, for her she believes that there is nothing powerful then her. She fulfills her sexual desire with the girl she desires, she doesnt stop until she is satisfied, She never bowed to no one, she believes that she's the most strongest Sword user in the whole world, She loves Torturing people and pleasures herself with screams of people who is in pain, those males who died gets burned and she drinks the females blood when they die and she burns them.
She loves sex, she prefers having sex with the same sex, considering a woman’s body to be far superior and much more of a lustrous treasure, she likes to have sex with the woman who she desires to sleep with and not to the woman she doesnt like, she usually leaves a kiss mark on the woman's neck after sleeping with her. She uses aphrodisiac which she put on women's drink or on herself.

Bloodlust Keeps her going, she loves killing people who she hates and the people who insults her, in fact she loves drinking blood from every hated woman she kills, she sometimes bathe in blood until she is satisfied.

She eats alot than a fat person tho she doesnt get fat at all, she usually eats alone and doesnt share, she wants that all her food is for her only.

She really likes swords since she is a blade dancer, in fact she is a sword collector, she uses light and durable swords and put the old ones in a glass case for her collection, she carefully cuts down enemies with her swords, she cleans her sword after every fight, every weapon can be effective if used with care.


-Women who dislikes her-
She wants someone who can have anything she wants, especially women. so if women rejects her, she goes in a stage of rage.

She really doesnt like people stealing her belongings from her or else they'll end up like the people she killed, people who steal from her usually ends up being killed or being her slave.

She doesnt like receiving help from other people, she usually do tasks on her own even though her tasks are very very hard .

-Heavy things-
She really dislikes heavy equipment, it decreases her speed, she prefers wearing light clothing and light equipments, she doesnt carry much belongings only her swords.

Motivations: Cyrille possesses the strength and courage to be the world's greatest Sword user, she always dreamed of many people fearing her and obeying her orders, those who defy her would meet their demise and an unending pain forever carved to those who died.

-Losing her Sex Appeal/Being Unattractive-
She has a Perfectly shaped and toned body, losing it would mean losing everything to her, she wont be able to have sex to the same because she isnt attractive anymore, she wont be able to use her good looks as her advantage, she wont be able to manipulate someone and people wont take her seriously anymore.

-The Abyss-
She was once a little child who had happy life until Abyss Worshippers took her, stabbed her shoulder to use her blood to open the gate to the Abyss then she was thrown into the Abyss, The Time in the Abyss is Abnormal, She was trapped on the Abyss for 3 days, when she was thrown out on the Abyss by the Core of the Abyss it was already 300 years in the future for her, everything Changed as she goes back to the real world.

Positive Traits:

-Acrobatics- (+3)
You have an excellent Flexible body with an excellent body awareness and coordination.

-Manipulation- (+2)
You Can Manipulate others to betray them or to make them join you.

Negative Traits:

-Arrogant- (-2)
You believe you are the Strongest, you believe that your are the most beautiful/handsome person in the world, you let everyone see on how strong you are.

-Branded- (-1)
You fled from a crime you commited, you have been the most wanted person fleeing from the crimes you commited.

-Cruel- (-2)
You have a sadistic personality that causes you to hurt random people even if they are innocent.


Magic: Void Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Void Magic is a lost magical element branch which is very powerful. It is very very rare. Void Magic takes the approach of destruction, instead of creation. Such as healing, healing with void destroys what ails you. Void is used widely with erasing of things.
Strengths: Void Magic is a Destructive Magic which Destroys anything in its path into nothingness, I eliminates any element barrier in it way, The more damage the person takes, the more power added to the Magic.
Weaknesses: Void Magic is Destructive Magic It doesnt have any Defensive Spells, so the person is always vulnerable when casting spells.


Her mother died when giving birth to Cyrille, She was raised by a Rich Family, She was a very happy girl who lived a happy life with a happy rich family, she had everything she needed, then one day a group of Abyss Worshippers Break into the Mansion and killed every people inside including the family that raised Cyrille, The Child was taken as a sacrifice for the Abyss, They stabbed her shoulder as her blood drip on the ground opening the gate to the Abyss and then they threw her there, she was scared and lonely, until she met another girl inside the abyss which is the Core of the Abyss.

The Core of the Abyss saw the girl which is too young for the sacrifice so she took care of her and she watched the girl grow up, the girl grew up fast because the time in the abyss is abnormal, the Core of the Abyss Disappeared and left her on the 2nd day, Cyrille was very lonely and she is already having hallucinations, Hallucinations of Monster or other things, she was forced to fight those hallucinations until her new found power bursts out of her nearly destroying the Abyss, her Void Powers had some side effects on her, it made her Violent, on the 3rd day the Core of the Abyss threw her out back into reality realizing that it was already 300 years into the future, the plants beside her slowly rot due to the Void Aura when she bursted out a Void Blast.

she doesnt remember anything after she got out of the Abyss only Fragments of her Memory, A group of girls were walking and found Cyrille in the middle of the grassland with rotten plants surrounding her, Cyrille Fainted as the group of girls went to her and looked at her, then one of the girls carried Cyrille and bought her back to their home with the other girls, The girls took care of her for 5 months because she was in a coma for 5 months, when she woke up after 5 months she doesnt remember anything even her real name so the girls Gave her a name with their surname in it and it is "Cyrille Yukimaru", Cyrille lived with the girls and one day a group of Bandits broke into the house kidnapping the girls including Cyrille, Cyrille punched the Bandit as the Bandit threw her down on the ground and kicked her and stepped on her neck, She thought that it was the end until she released a great amount of Void Aura turning the Bandit's foot to crystal breaking it, she stood up with a big grin and her hair covering her face, she used a very strong pressure to crush the Bandit and every other bandit in the area, The girls were very scared and Cyrille helped them up and walked back to the house again and took a bath, while taking a bath with the other girls, Cyrille saw them still shaking and she suddenly kissed each on of them and they stopped shaking and was surprised the Cyrille kissed them and the she lived with the girls while protecting them.

Last edited by Cyrille Yukimaru on Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total

2Cyrille Yukimaru Empty Re: Cyrille Yukimaru Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:13 am

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
Pick a guild. Id go Crime Sorciere. Then id allow you to rp out joining the guild so you don't have to add it to your history.

3Cyrille Yukimaru Empty Re: Cyrille Yukimaru Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:03 am

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
Your magic is restricted to the damage amounts our site allows, remember this. I will allow your magic because all it is, is an extremely offensive magic. Remember this. Approved.

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