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1Get That Recipe Back! (Phantom Lord) Empty Get That Recipe Back! (Phantom Lord) Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:34 am


Name: Get That Recipe Back!
Requester: Wendy Roidler
Request Difficulty: C
Location: Oak
Requirements: None
Reward: 2,000J & 1,000 EXP
Request Roll: None
Story: Wendy Roidler is the owner of Menwoir, a very high-class and find dining restaurant in the center of Oak. For the last three months Wendy has been working on creating a recipe for the best tasting Strawberry Cheesecake in the world, but unfortunately the now finished recipe has been stolen by a rival restaurant. The owner of Sausages & Meatballs, Refery has recently just opened his own desert menu, something that his restaurant has never served before and at the top of the menu is 'The Worlds Best Tasting Strawberry Cheesecake!' After meeting Wendy at her restaurant, she will ask you to go to Sausages & Meatballs after 11pm and sneak into the restaurant through the back. There you will have to find the recipe on your own. As you leave, you will be caught by no other than Refery and he will inform you that he stole it because his business was starting to close down and he refuses to allow you to leave with it. You either have the option to kill him or knock him out. Return the recipe to Wendy to receive your reward.

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