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1Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea.  Empty Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea. Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:04 am

Lucy Striker

Lucy Striker

       Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea.  Water%20ocean%20vocaloid%20dress%20hatsune%20miku%20blue%20eyes%20animals%20fish%20long%20hair%20blue%20hair%20bubbles%20barefoot%20twintails%20sitting%20black%20dress%20underwater%20hair%20ornaments%20bare%20shoulders_wallpaperswa.com_46
       "The water's always changing, always flowing"

   Name(s): Lucy Striker
   Nickname(s): Ocean
   Age: 18
   Sex: Female
   Birthday: 16/4/X764
   Sexuality: Straight
   Class: Mystic
   Alignment: Chaotic Neautral
   Rank: C-rank
   Guild: Phantom Lord
   Guild Tattoo: Phantom Lord Tattoo upon her right shoulder blade that has a coloring of purple.
   Face Claim: Hatsune Miku


   Height: 5"11
   Weight: 52KG
   Hair: Blue
   Eyes: Blue
   General Appearance:

Lucy or as she is better known as Ocean stands at a height of 5"11, being a rather tall female she has a somewhat athletic build most likely due to her magic utilizing her body more than most magics. Her hair is incredibly long and is generally split into two pig tails that flows down until it reaches the bottom of her bum. Aqua blue in color this natural colouring came to her after gainign the magic of the ocean dragon. Her eyes having always been a sea blue many believing her eyes to twinkle more than the sparkliest of sapphires.

Her attire is incredibly simple, In fact she rarely wears much at all, Her beautiful pear drop skin is pretty much on view twenty four seven, Possibly due to the fact that her dress starts at her chest and only comes down to her lower thight. Naturally covering her modesty. This dress liek the two scrunchies in her hair are pure black. Though she normally goes around in bear feet if shoes are required she shall wear small black pumps.

   Extra: As her brand she has the numbers 102 upon her shoulder, This shows that she was held within the royal prison for commiting a dastardly crime. 



Loyalty is her most defininf quality, This being the loyalty to Phantom Lord and it's guild master. Lucy or as she is also known Ocean is an incredibly sweet girl even when in battle her sweetness never seems to falter. This is probably why she is so dangerous. Her reputation and aura of power are what she exudes other than her sweetness. When angered or when needing to be feared she is capable of switching into a demonic female with nothing but anger and destruction to quell her.

Like many mages in this day and age she has what is known as a violent tendancy. She is willing or even doesnt mind getting her hands covered in blood, This being shown when she murdered the king. She shows no remorse or guilt when taking lives that are required to be taken while she can tear up if she were to kill someone whom was not her target or did not deserve death. Mercy is something she is known for able to give it out if she feels those deem it. She is the type of person whom will always be first to help out her Guild and her guild mates.

Though a member of what can be viewed as an "Evil" guild. This young female is not evil in the slightest. She is kind and caring yet strong and determined. Violence can solve many things and she is not afraid to use it. She will blindly follow the guild that being the only thing she knows after having her accident.


  • Lucy adores all form of water, Being the Ocean Dragon Slayer, She adores all forms of it for it rejuvinates her and makes her feel whole.

  • Though she may not remember it, Lucy is in love with fizzy juice. Literally anythign fizzy that tastes delicious she would happily ram down her throat.

  • She likes and will protect her guild with her life, Phantorm lord being the only place that she remembers. Its members make her feel safe.

  • Due to her abilities she likes to train her body in the art of gymnastics. This is due to the fact that ater training her whole body for years she has increased her abilities.


  • Her dislike is her phobia, She completely hates and is terrified of spiders. Those things make her wig the hell out. Creepy crawleys are just a no no.

  • Following this she actually doesnt really like bugs to be honest, all bugs give her the creeps but the only phobia she has is spiders. The others she can deal with.

  • She doesnt really like any vegetables its kinda one of her peeves that well i mean come on all vegetabels taste like crap and are completely icky.

  • She detests lightning mages, This being that there magic is super effective upon her and caus her superior pain.


  • Regaining her memories is something she hopes to achieve, But her true motivation is of course the Guild she is sworn to protect.

  • Lucy aims to clear her name and show that the kng that she killed was a dangerous and discpicle man, Perhaps this shall halt her from being hunted by the royal guards.


  • She is terrified of her guild being destoryed. Due to her undying loyalty she knows full well that the guild building means nothing as long as the members are safe but she does hope to never lose her team mates.

  • She is also terrified of actually dying and leaving this world. Death itself is not what is feared but the fact that there may be nothing but true darkness terrifies her beyond everything else.

Positive Traits:

Negative Traits:


   Magic: Water Dragonslayer.
   Caster or Holder: Caster
   Description: Dragonslayer magic is a type of lost magic taught to mages of the world by dragons themselves. Generally dragosn who have took in an orphaned human child. Through this magic one can learn to turn there physical bodies in to that of a dragon as well as utilize the elements granted to them through there body. In this case the Ocean dragon slayer utilizes the power of Water. Able to unleash Dragon force. They can eat the elemtn they have mastered and rejuvinate there selves.  As water mages they have great abiltiy over water and can breathe underwater as well as having enhanced swimming capabliles.

  • As a water dragonslayer Lucy is able to inhale water based spells that are one rank above herself.

  • Fire based attacks do one rank less damage

  • Can utilzie water dragon scales

  • Able to breathe and move at faster speeds in water

  • Can manipulate the heat of water increasing it and decreasing [Can not use Ice] Can boil water to melt ice.


  • Lightning magic spells increase in strength by two ranks.

  • Can not eat there own elemental spells.

  • Motion Sickness on vehicles.

  • Unlike water magic users, The Ocean Dragon Slayer can not turn there entire bodies into water like Juuvia. They may coat there bodies and manipulate it but can not transform there bodies.

  • All but scorching techniques are weak against ice. Scorching water techniques are strong against it.



Born within a beautiful hut right next to the Ocean on a small island. Lucy was born of course to a mother and a father that she would never get to properly know. Her island was ruled by a very very famous king whom everyone loved and adored. Yet they loved and adored his ruse for he was actually a very evil man. he murdered and pillaged and raped many people Oh yes people not just women but men too. He owned many islands and every time he took one over his ruse was put into place. He would take over and rape and pillage slowly, Yet no one would ever hear back from those he had kidnapped for upon finishing with them he would end there life.

Well it would so happen that both her parents her true biological parents would become his next victims. They would be happy as they were called to the castle. Though his father would seen recieve a rather painful sting to the behind as she was forced into sexual acts. Lucy only 2 at the time would of course not be taken believed that she owuld simply die off. It would seem that may happen had the clouds and the sun not been cut off by the massive body that flew over. She had heard the cries of the child. This large dragon known as Uvian the ocean dragon would take the child in as her own.

Trainign this child for years within the caves near the ocean, it would eventually come a time were Lucy herself like Uvian became a myth. Why though and how? You see her training of becoming the next vessel for the dragonic like power involved her living underwater. Able to survive udnerwater due to her skills as the Water dragon slayer meant that she could essentially live her life within the safety of the blue world. Though the king became scared as the sightings of the dragon of the Ocean became more and more. Eventually the king of now around 26 islands managed to track her. Though she sunk 15 of his islands it was not to be. And Lucy would witness at the age of 14 her mother Uvian the dragon who taught her everything being killed.

Rage of course filled her upon seeing this and sucha  fit, She managed to destroy the knights. She was a much smaller target with the power of a dragon. The islands would sink as she exploded with power and rage. Yet she allowed the king to live. She tracked him into his castle and there she murdered him. Slicing his head off with the Water dragon power. Naturally she was found and was dragged away. This was a crime no one would let her forget, She had murdered the king that everyone loved.

Being thrown in the royal jail which only select fugitvies go, She was branded with the number that woudl show she was in this jail and would be for life. Though resources allowed her to escape being on an island with water filled everywere she was able to easily escape. Now her life from ehre would fill her with dread for she was always hunted. Yet she showed her branding off. At teh age of 17 she managed to join the guild known as Phantom lord and soon became a C-rank level mage. Upon a mission for them she would succumb to a rather gruesome injury that though not leaving any permanent marks would caus amnesia.  Now the only thing she knows is Phantom Lord is the place were she belongs.



Last edited by Lucy Striker on Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea.  Empty Re: Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea. Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:13 pm

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
Remove this: Immunity to Water based attacks [Can drink all water based attacks]

Remove this: Motion Sickness

Add another motivation

3Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea.  Empty Re: Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea. Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:29 pm

Lucy Striker

Lucy Striker
I edited the immune to all to one rank above.

I kept motion sickness in being a dragonslayer i think it fits :3

And i made another motivation.

Thank you for checking my application. I hope its up to an approvable standard now ^.^.

4Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea.  Empty Re: Ocean, Dragonslayer of the Sea. Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:47 pm

Warren Dent

Warren Dent

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