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1Kirn Terentine Empty Kirn Terentine Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:02 pm

Kirn Terentine

Kirn Terentine

   Kirn Terentine Haruka-Nanase-3-free-35427809-480-678_zpsd254b27a
   "There is a 99.87% chance your loss was fated by the stars."

Name(s): Kirn Terentine
Nickname(s): Emotionless Robot, Ice King.
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Birthday: 29/8/762
Sexuality: He has no real concept of emotions.  Probably heterosexual, eventually.  He has not given it any real thought.  
Class: Mystic
Alignment: True Neutral.  He is on the side of logic.  
Rank: B
Guild: Phantom Lord
Guild Tattoo: The outside of the left shoulder in dark blue relief.
Face Claim: Nanase Haruka - Free!


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Piercing Ocean Blue

General Appearance: While his height may be slightly on the shorter side of average for a young man, Kirn's physique is anything but.  His muscle structure is highly-toned from constant, repetitive training from which he earned his nickname as a robot as if he had been programmed to do the same task despite the pain he would have to go through to accomplish it.  Devoid of the blocky, bulk muscle usually achieved by those who have dedicated their lives to lifting large objects, Kirn's body is one that is more similar to a gymnast or dancer with lean muscle tightly packed into every possible crevice of his body in order to achieve the maximum amount of thrust and movement with minimum resistance from a large amount of body weight holding him back.  His physique combined with his cool demeanor has given him quite a few fans in Sorcerer Weekly.  However, his reasoning for why he trains so diligently has nothing to do with narcissism.  

Raven black locks of hair hang down about Kirn's tanned features to around the level of his chin, effectively framing his slightly angular face.  This provides a rather stark contrast to his eyes which are a hue of ocean blue so intense that they are usually unsettling for other people.  They are entrancing, yet disturbing at the same time, which usually either leads to people staring at them more unable to tear their gaze away or avoiding his gaze entirely.  It has become one of his main features in Sorcerer Weekly which has been dubbed "The Shadow's Gaze" due to being a member of Phantom Lord.  This intensity is only accentuated when he uses his magic, so Kirn tends to wear slightly tinted glasses when he is not actively intending to use magic which waters down the effect.  

Kirn will typically wear whatever happens to be at hand since he has no actual real preferences.  However, he can be seen wearing a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up more often than not.  This is because it allows for him to look more professional which he has noticed allows him to have more flexibility and leeway when dealing with people socially while working for the guild.  Rolling up his sleeves still gives him the flexibility to be able to use his arms effectively without it being too restrictive.  A pair of slacks and sturdy boots made from supple leather round out his attire.  In fact, boots are one of the things in which Kirn pays the most attention since he thinks that a good-fitting shoe allows for better movement when in the middle of combat or even on a long journey.  

Extra: Kirn wears slightly tinted glasses to prevent his eyes from unsettling most people.  Also, around his neck he wears a silver chain with a badly-deformed silver ring hanging from it.  The ring was made by his younger sister who was attempting to show her older brother her gratitude for all he does to earn money for them to live.  Usually, Kirn has no attachment to beautiful things, but it has been the first and only real gift he has accepted.  


Personality: Stoic and blank-faced most of the time, Kirn is an odd character in that he lacks the ability to really feel strong emotions.  Love, fear, pleasure, and being uncomfortable are all commonplace to most people, but for the young man they will likely be forever out of his grasp.  If not for his sharp intellect, social cues regarding those emotions would likely elude him completely.  At least he understands when it is socially appropriate to laugh and smile.  However, he rarely does so.  His knowledge about social protocol is usually only used to gain an advantage.  Kirn is far more proficient at using logic in an argument or discussion than appeals to emotion.  

Being without emotion does not mean that he is ambivalent to everything.  This is quite incorrect, in fact.  He has his own likes and dislikes in terms of preferences, but they do not stir things inside him.  He tends to prefer reading or intellectual pursuits most often.  Most surprising, however, is the fact that he takes care of his younger sister quite diligently and is sensitive to all her requests.  It actually seems like he dotes on her quite a lot, though he lacks the emotions to be really attached to her.  While he seems listless, his sister seems to be one of the main things that anchors him to the world of the living.  Despite his caring for his younger sister, Kirn is not above remorseless killing of children or whatever else happens to get in the way of a mission.  If something is preventing him from completing a task, he will excise it without a second thought.  This is not malicious in any way, however.  The task at hand is simply important.  
This can be seen in the manner in which he conducts training his body which can only be described as obsessive.  He is fully aware of the risks of being a magician in a guild that takes requests that often put one's life in peril.  Even with all his talent, Kirn knows that he is just a misstep away from being dead.  So, the only logical thing one could do is prepare oneself.  That extra push up or pull up could be the one that gave the extra strength required to reach the top of that cliff after being thrown over by a Vulcan when one's magic was spent and body was bruised and beaten from having finished off many others.  An unprepared magician was one that was likely to be dead in short order.  

Some would argue that he is in an enviable position.  After all, wouldn't it be amazing to be a highly talented magician without fear or remorse?  To be able to stand tall despite the odds?  However, those same people would likely shy away at the cost of never being able to actually smile from their heart or feel the stir of a heart in love.  It is both a blessing and a curse, but to Kirn it is simply another day in his life.  


  • Reading
  • Chess or other strategy games
  • Looking outside at the rain or feeling rain on his skin
  • Quiet moments


  • Blatant disregard for logic
  • Overly boisterous people
  • Hot, sunny days
  • Organized Religion

Motivations: Kirn is a magician mainly because it is one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn money.  Since he and his younger sister live together without any other provider, he does his best to provide for his younger sister's school fees as well as their rent and food expenses.  What allegiance he holds for the guild is largely because he was taken in and allowed to join at a time when the young man needed the money desperately in order for he and his sister to survive.  He tends to view the other members of the guild as colleagues rather than friends, and comes off considerably aloof and standoffish (hence his nickname).  However, those that have worked with him have found that he performs his role admirably and coordinates with them well.  There are many in the guild who wonder at just what would happen if Kirn no longer needed the money and did not have to provide for his younger sister because it seems like he has no real motivation that stems from himself.  

Fears: While fear is an extreme emotion that Kirn cannot feel, he is aware of several things that would make him uncomfortable or disrupt his homeostasis.  

  • Family: Kirn's younger sister Hitomi is who he lives for at this time.  If something happened to her, he would be obligated to make sure that she was safe.  While not the same as loyalty, it could be considered a form of it.  
  • Guild Expulsion: If he was ever forced to leave the guild, it would be difficult for Kirn to earn money which would in turn make his life more difficult.  While he is not above dirtying his hands, logically speaking working for a dark guild is not sanctioned by law, which would cause him to have to pay legal fees.  This would in turn impede his earning capacity which would be inefficient.  

Positive Traits:

  • Agile (+3)
  • Alertness (+2)
  • Appraise Magic Value (+4)
  • Diligent (+2)
  • Persuasive (+2)
  • Regeneration (+4)
  • Zealot (+4) (Dual Tonfa)

Negative Traits:

  • Bad Reputation (-1)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Daredevil (-2)
  • Dark Secret (-1) (Kirn is living on borrowed time.  The Reaper is coming for him at some point in the near future)
  • Dependent (-3)
  • Derangement - Obsessive Training (-3)
  • Harbinger of Ill Omen (-1)
  • Insanity - Sociopathy (Lacking Emotion) (-3)
  • Intolerance (Those lacking logic) (-1)
  • Overconfidence (Logic is undefeatable) (-1)
  • Proud (-1)
  • Reckless (-1)
  • Righteous (-1)


Magic: The Eyes of Fate
Caster or Holder: Caster Type
Description: Kirn's magic is quite unique in both its origins and usage.  It is non-elemental and focuses on the usage of probabilities, analysis, and area control using only one's eyes as its medium.  It is from this that it gets the name "The Eyes of Fate" as it seems that strikes that would usually hit him are avoided before the opponent even struck in the first place.  Another example is that it can also analyze the structure of objects or structures to find the weakness in it to break it more easily.  

Strengths: The Eyes of Fate can be a very dangerous type of magic to fight against for those that are unprepared as it has the tendency to snowball in strength as combinations are put together.  Because of its ability to exploit the weaknesses of physical objects, this ability of the magic type can be very strong against elements or magic that use physical objects like Earth, Ice, or Requips.  The Eyes of Fate can also be very difficult to dodge since they involve simply making eye contact most of the time instead of physical manifestations of magic.  

Weaknesses: While a very powerful magic, The Eyes of Fate have several main weaknesses.  The most obvious weakness is that they require the user to be able to see the target.  If the user has been blinded, they are rendered completely ineffective.  For the best effects, a good deal of setting up is necessary to combine spells which can take time--it is very difficult for this type of magic to come out of the gate in a fight with strong spells.  It is much better suited to a longer time in combat with a more drawn-out battle.  There are also very few direct damage spells involved with this type of magic which requires the user to find an alternate means of dealing damage--a weakness that Kirn tries to compensate for with his physique and battle prowess.  It should also be noted that the area control of The Eyes of Fate is only in a limited area.  The prediction ability also has the weakness that it can be weakened by people fighting completely randomly or in a significantly different manner than their usual fighting pattern.  This is very difficult to do for those of a certain level of skill as habits are naturally formed with long hours of training and practice.  So, the prediction ability is actually weaker against those with less skill.  Breaking objects with insight is obviously limited to objects.  So, this particular ability of the magic is rather ineffective to magic that deals with intangible elements like Fire or Water.  


History: Kirn was born in the city of Clover as the son of the famous magical researcher Kincaid Terentine.  While the family was not particularly affluent, Kincaid's reputation for creating new and interesting magic had already long since spread over the continent.  While he worked alongside the Bureau of Magical Development as a consultant, Kirn's father never joined the Bureau proper despite constant invitations and requests.  This was largely because he felt that joining the organization would leave him with less time for his family and less creativity which he viewed as the keys to his success in magical development.  So, the family of four lived a relatively peaceful life in a refurbished farmhouse on the outskirts of town where Kincaid could run his experiments without fear of collateral damage affecting Clover itself.  

Kirn's young life was a happy one, full of memories of playing with his younger sister and learning about magic at his father's feet despite his mother's constant worry about the danger of having a child in a laboratory devoted to researching something as volatile as magic.  The family was largely self-sufficient and made use of the farm land to actually grow their own food and used what was left over to sell in the nearby town in order to supplement their own income when it became necessary.  

However, this all changed with Kincaid's last discovery.  

Kincaid's last work involved magic that altered a person's fate.  If used correctly, one could see the fates of others and prevent their death from occurring.  It seemed as if the famous magical researcher was close to creating magic that allowed people to avoid premature death.  The magic itself was largely complete, but its release was taking quite a long time due to the fact that it had some very serious side effects.  However, it seemed that some people were not content to wait.  In hindsight, creation of magic that powerful would be likely to attract people who wanted it for themselves without sharing it with others.  

This is precisely what happened.  Hearing about the power of the new invention, a dark guild caught wind of where Kincaid's workshop was located and attacked it, killing Kirn's mother in the process.  Faced with the decision of the side effects that were not fully eradicated and the invention getting into the hands of a dark guild, Kincaid chose to insert the magic into his son by force.  No one counted on how bad the side effects would be.  It was a testament to what happened when one rushed the creative process.  The Eyes of Fate were a powerful magic indeed, but it stretched the user beyond their limits.  A human's mind was not meant to go to such analytical heights, and to compensate for this the emotions were removed from Kirn's brain by the magic in order to make room.  But, this was not the worst thing to happen.  

Before the young boy's eyes, he saw the image of a Grim Reaper before him who showed him the way he as supposed to die himself.  The precise day, time, and location.  It turned out that the magic was not one that allowed others to circumvent Fate--Kincaid had not gotten that far in his research as yet.  All it did was allow one to see Fate and live their life according to it.  The magic was incomplete.  And now the price Kirn had to pay was the unavoidable day he would die in exchange for having the power of the Reaper to see into the areas no mortal was meant to see.  

With the death of his father and a dark guild chasing after his sister and him, Kirn escaped with her into the city where he sought refuge at the guild Phantom Lord.  The best way to counter a dark guild was with another. He and his sister were just children, but they were children with nowhere else to go.  The guild master ignored them at first, but the young boy knew there was no other option for the two of them.  Once they left the territory of the guild, the dark guild was more likely to attack them to extract what they viewed as a powerful magic by whatever means necessary.  Even though his father had ended up cursing him with the magic in the end, Kirn did not hate him.  He knew it was the right thing to do even though it had destroyed his life.  What was important was that at least Hitomi should be able to survive and live a normal life.  Whatever he had to do in order to do so was irrelevant.  

So, the young boy ended up kneeling in front of Phantom Lord on a daily basis, his body dirty from having to live on the street in front of the guild house.  Eventually, others from the guild took his sister and him in and confronted Rias about letting Kirn into the guild.  At least then if the two couldn't survive it would be because Kirn himself wasn't working hard enough or wasn't strong enough.  But, it would shame the guild if they turned away a potentially strong magician without a second thought.  

Eventually, most of the guild got used to the fact that Kirn had no emotions despite the difficulties he had adjusting through those younger years.  However, sometimes it seems as if time in his life stopped ever since that night.  

2Kirn Terentine Empty Re: Kirn Terentine Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:46 am


This application is approved.

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