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1Linedwell Rainrex Empty Linedwell Rainrex Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:34 pm

Linedwell Rainrex

Linedwell Rainrex

   Linedwell Rainrex Iori_yagami_by_geos9104_d3lhxc9
   "What's wrong?"

Name(s): Linedwell Rainrex
Nickname(s): Lie
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Birthday: 22, January, X761
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: D-class (A-class if I'm accepted into the Rune Knights as the Special Forces Captain)
Guild: Rune Knights
Guild Tattoo: Located in the center of his back. Color is purple.
Face Claim: Iori Yagami - King Of Fighters


Height: 5'11

Weight: 168 lbs

Hair: Red

Eyes: Red

General Appearance:
Linedwell is 5'11 and 168 pounds. He is slowly moving towards the "tall" side and maintains a thin, toned frame. The clothing that Linedwell usually prefers is usually dark in appearance, but also comfortable, allowing him to move in any which way that he needs to during combat. Out of his entire family, he has always been more on the stylish side of things, this mostly coming from his numerous travels around Fiore. On Linedwell's body there are many remnants of the runes that were once inscribed upon his body after taking up the art of Blood magic. These runes once allowed for Linedwell to activate his blood magic without the use of incantations, but the method used to inscribe them cause a pain that is almost indescribable. Because he no longer is able to make use of this method of casting Blood Magic, he hasn't had use of these runes anymore. This has caused the runes that were inscribed physically in his flesh to slowly begin to heal, only leaving scars as evidence of where they once were.

Extra: There is nothing that particularly stands out about Linedwell except for the hairstyle that he wears. He also has an allergy to mold.



Linedwell is a complex individual. At times he can be rude and dismissive, but at the same time he can act quite serious and caring. Linedwell has also been known to be very arrogant, yet unknown to others this actually hides a self-confidence that he has in himself. No matter how strong he is in actuality, he always feels as though it isn't enough. He doesn't go out of his way to disturb the lives and ambitions of others but should they come into conflict with his own desires he will not hesitate to bring an end to whatever impedes him. He lives his life based on his his own wants and desires and nothing else, and if a situation can be altered to his benefit he won't hesitate to take advantage.

Those that he sees as his friends he thinks of as his family and would protect with his life. On the same token, he also finds it hard to trust new individuals. He can be rather oblivious to the feelings of others and can be rather abrasive at times, not taking the cues from others that there is something particularly wrong with how he may be acting at the time. This has led to many fights in Linedwell's young life, but the fact that he relishes battle has never truly caused him to think ill of this quality. Though he enjoys combat, he never truly fights out of anger or hate, and never usually acts out of this emotion. Most of his fights only occur out of either testing himself, or fighting for a reason that benefits himself. When he is pushed to the point of anger or hate, he has a tendency to hold grudges against those responsible for this. Those grudges usually don't end.

Likes: Fighting, Money, Music, Drinking, Celebration, loyalty from his subordinates, a strong and confident woman, and meeting his own needs.

Dislikes: A person who's arrogance exceeds his own, Valasca, Valasca's pet known as Farren Claret, weaklings, betrayal, long winded conversations, getting too close to people, anything that impedes his goals.


1. To maintain order within the world of magic.

2. To obliterate the family he feels destroyed his own.

3. To reclaim the power that he once held before the accident that robbed him of it.


1. Drowning - Linedwell has always had a phobia concerning the idea of drowning. Though many people have a fear of dying, his fear is more or less having to do with the manner of death. The idea of dying in a way in which you're fully conscious but unable to react or save yourself while dying is something that bothers him.

2. Never reacquiring the power he lost - Being a former S-ranked mage before his accident, he always regrets losing his strength in the manner that he did. He always fears that he will never be able to get back to the strength in once possessed without use of his runes.

3.Never being able to topple the Claret line - Linedwell's goal since the time he was younger had been to show the Rainrex line to be just as powerful as the Claret's. Over the years this desire has changed from simply proving the power of the Rainrex's into simply obliterating the remaining Claret line. His fear is that he'll never acquire the power necessary in order to accomplish this goal.

Positive Traits:

    Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.

    Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

    Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.

    Blindsight (+4): Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are no more than five feet away from you. Darkness and Invisibility are irrelevant, though you cannot detect non corporeal beings.

    Blind-Fight (+4): You know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes.

    Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.

    Zealot (+4): This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon. This weapon can be mentioned behind the Zealot feat within brackets to claim it upon approval. (Tyrfing)

Negative Traits:

    Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.

    Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.

    Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.

    Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.

    Overzealous (-1): You are incapable of having a weak opinion. Everything you believe, you believe as if your life depended on it. Everything you don't believe in, you hate with a passion.Once in a while your flaw gets you to strongly defend one of your opinions, no matter how inappropriate the time and place, nor what the circumstances of such an outburst may be.

    Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.

    Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.

    Greedy (-1): Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.

    Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    o Mania: The character has a fairly constant euphoric or possibly irritable mood. Symptoms include a general increase in activity, talkativeness, increased self-esteem to the point of delusion, decreased need for sleep, being easily distracted, willingness for dangerous or imprudent activities , delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior. Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himself to the limit at every available opportunity.

    Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. (drowning)

    Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.

    Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.

    Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.

    Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application. (Allergic to Mold)

    Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.

    Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.

    Envious (-1): Everyone else seems to have it better than you do. They have more money, better toys, and a prettier wife. You tend to get envious over the smallest things. You're often dislikes due to the constant mutterings and complaints you utter, along with the dirty stares you offer those you deem as better off than yourself.


Magic: Blood Magic

Caster or Holder: Caster

Description: Blood magic is almost self-explanatory in that it's magic that makes use of the users blood. With blood magic the use of it depends on the user, but almost all users of blood magic use it to give form to objects of their choosing. Though, it is rumored that there are more dark and insidious uses of this magic than many people currently know about. In order to make use of Blood Magic, the user usually creates a wound upon their body (in most instance this wound is a simple cut). Once the wound has been made the user can then allow their blood to flow from the wound and start to give shape to it in any form that they wish. Once the blood has been formed into something, the bleeding from the wound stops until the mage decides to make use of their blood yet again to give form to another object.

Strengths: The benefits of using a medium that is a liquid, yet also contains the elements of a solid is rather powerful. Those who make use of this magic make use of the liquid form of their weapons to the fullest, allowing it to snake around their opponent and move in ways that would not be expected of a normal weapon, yet when the weapon makes contact with the opponent, the blood is hardened using the iron contained within it, causing extreme damage to the opponent.

Weaknesses: As with all magic, there is a drawback to using this. In order to make use of blood magic, one has to make literal use of their own blood in order to give form to their magic. Blood magic users are only able to use their own blood in order to use this magic, using the blood of others in order to supplement their abilities or powers is not possible. If weapons are continually created over and over, this soon creates a deficiency within the body and causes the user to become weak and suffer many other symptoms of blood loss. Users of this magic soon usually develop anemia, and their skin also becomes pale as a result. If this magic is overused, or the user does not carefully watch the amount of blood they are using it can result in death. Another downside of this magic is that it involves many incantations, but the downside of this can be avoided if the user is willing to have the necessary runes inscribed into their flesh. By doing this, they're able to use their blood magic on a whim. The downside of this method though is that the method involved with inscribing these runes is one of the most painful experiences that anyone can go through.  In some cases some users of Blood Magic attempt to circumvent this need by making use of ancient and powerful holder weapons.


History: Linedwell was born into a wealthy and once prestigious family that had been well known around Fiore for centuries. His mother had passed during childbirth and he had been left to be raised by his father. Linedwell's father, Aarne, took the loss hard, but he never once attributed his son's birth to the loss of his wife, and he did his best to raise his son into a man that she would be proud to call her own. The family that Linedwell had been born into had a reputation of being ruthless and valuing power above all else, so much so that they delved into the dark arts of Blood Magic in order to obtain the power that they held. It was a practice that Aarne had always been ashamed of. Not necessarily in the practice of Blood Magic, but in the pursuit of unnecessary power that in turn ended up corrupting all those that went in search of it. It was a path that Aarne had seen his own father go down, and it was a path that he would do all in his power to prevent his son from going down.

Though this was a noble goal, within the realm of Blood magic, power is something that naturally becomes sought after. The Rainrex family had learned this the hard way over 400 years ago when they became subservient to another clan of Blood users, known as the Claret's. Within the doctrines of blood magic, it is stated that the strongest family of blood magic users that exist will be known as rulers within the realm of that power. All others who make use of the ability and are not of said bloodline must become subservient to those that are of the most powerful bloodline. Like it was said before, blood magic and its users respect power above all else. If a family had managed to become the strongest within respect to this magic, then it was obvious that they were the pinnacle of what all blood magic users should aspire to be. It was only natural that others would fall in line behind them.

The Rainrex's had previously been the family that had been thought of as the strongest, and, once rumors had surfaced that claimed the Claret's had thought of them as the betters, a long and bloody feud was waged between the two families, ultimately ending in the near annihilation of the Rainrex bloodline. The Rainrex's were then employed as the personal servants of the Claret family as punishment as well as to send a message to all other families of what could potentially happen to them.

Though Aarne was a man that held great pride in his Rainrex bloodline as well as great mastery in the arts of Blood Magic, he wasn't a man that would hold 400 year old grudges. In his years, he had learned that it was better to live on for the future and not to harbor the hatred of men that had long since died. He had seen his father harbor this hatred, and it had ultimately costed him his life. It was not a path that he wished to go down, and more than anything he needed to be an example to his son. Aarne doted on his son, and Linedwell looked up to his father and loved him, but there was something that his son was able to see that Aarne was not privy to.

All Linedwell could see from his father was inaction, and it was an inaction that he could not understand. While growing up, his father would always train him in the ways of blood magic so that if anything happened he would be prepared to defend himself, even going so far as to inscribe Linedwell with the runes necessary to bypass incantation when making use of blood magic. Linedwell had always seen firsthand just how powerful and skilled his father was, and had always been in awe of his prowess...but this soon caused confusion for the boy. In knowing just how powerful his father was, how could his own father take a knee to those that had slaughtered their family long ago? How could his father serve the people that killed his own father? Why had he not yet taken his magic to these fools and slain them all? Did he carry no shame in bending his knee in such a way? Maybe he had something planned and Linedwell had just not been privy to it? Yes, that had to be it. Linedwell had always began to assume that his father would one day show these fools just how weak they truly were....and that day never came. This slowly but surely instilled a deep seated hatred in Linedwell's heart for the Claret's, as well as disappointment in his father. To see such a strong man be so weak was sickening. Though he would always love his father, he knew he needed to travel down another path. He could never be the same as the man he called his father.

As the years went by things changed within the structure of the Claret family line. The "King and Queen" of the Claret bloodline had perished due to natural causes, and soon the estate as well as the title of the head of the Claret family had been handed over to their daughter, Valasca. She was a woman that was three years older than Linedwell. Valasca and Linedwell had been great friends as children. Valasca never truly had any friends that she could call her own, and as a child, friendships are a way to build social skills. As such, the "King" decreed that Linedwell would be her playmate, something that Linedwell, as a child, was unaware of. He merely thought of Valasca as a friend, and Valasca thought the same of him. As the two grew, they began to drift apart. Valasca was one that still considered Linedwell to be her best friend, yet Linedwell had replaced the friendship that he held in his heart for Valasca with contempt and anger. To Linedwell, she was the cause of all the dishonor and shame that had been placed on his family.

Once Linedwell reached the age of 18, he requested from Valasca that he be released form his bonds of servitude in order explore the world. Linedwell realized over the years that as he was, he'd never be able to match up against Valasca. Though only three years his senior, she had surpassed him leaps and bounds in the art of blood magic, and this infuriated him...but not more than the sight of that Farren "Claret", the boy that Valasca had taken in and had obviously began to groom as her successor within the Claret bloodline...something he was not even a part of. The thought of serving the Claret's was something that had always caused Linedwell's blood to boil, but now the thought of his family serving those that were not even of the Claret bloodline caused an anger that he knew he would not be able control if he were to stay. He decided it was for the best if he left, though he had no intentions of abandoning his father. He'd be back soon enough, and through the use of the power he obtained during his experiences on the outside, he break his father free of the shackles of the Claret's. Valasca agreed to this and wished her friend farewell, yet Linedwell merely left without a word.

During his travels around Fiore, Linedwell gained quite the reputation as guildless mage, taking on jobs that many others couldn't accomplish. His skills as a blood mage also set him a part, being that it had been a magic that many had never seen. It gave him a sort of infamy that also added to his allure, and many people actively began to seek him out to offer him jobs, just out of curiosity. In the mage world of Fiore, Linedwell was no considered S-ranked. Soon enough, Linedwell began to rack up more than just fame and fortune, but also experience and new found mastery over his abilities. So much so that he became arrogant, and his thirst for power began to consume him. This soon boiled over in an attempt to take his powers to new heights. He began to research further into the runes that had been inscribed on his body as a young boy, and began to realize that the power to ascend to higher heights with this magic might be contained in the runes. He began to delve into ways to add, or change the pattern in just how these runes were transcribed. No others had ever dared try this because the understanding in what exactly each individual rune was capable of had been lost, but Linedwell ignored this. Caught up in his own arrogance he began to assume that he would be the one to figure it all out, and this soon all culminated in an accident. This accident left Linedwell completely drained of magical power, and also closed his body off from making use of his runes, causing him to lose the ability to cast blood magic. Following this accident, his father sent for him and he was transported back to the Claret estate for recovery.

It has been a year since then, and a majority of it has been spent with Linedwell continuing to recover from his injuries. Though he is well now, his magical power and abilities have never returned to the level that they once were before his accident. Though since then he has been able to decipher even more information about the runes that he attempted to tamper with and has since learned the mistake that he caused, also allowing him to form a streamlined version of these runes, in which he has a single rune inscribed into his chest, allowing him to once again cast blood magic without incantations.

He has now taken up a position with the Rune Knights as the Captain of the Special Forces, taking care of requests from the Magic Council that require secrecy and discretion, though Linedwell's personality can be seen as the opposite of this. Because of this, it makes him a great fit for this job. The existence of this squad has always been put into question, and a majority of people don't believe in it. Because of Linedwell's reputation, nobody ever suspects that he would be in the employ of the Magic Council, except for those within the circles of the Rune Knights and the Magic Council. Though he works in the employ of the government, his true allegiance has still continued to be to himself and towards his goal of obliterating the remains of the Claret bloodline, while also using the Magic Council to unwittingly assist him in this endeavor.

Last edited by Linedwell Rainrex on Sat May 03, 2014 12:16 pm; edited 4 times in total

2Linedwell Rainrex Empty Re: Linedwell Rainrex Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:40 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hello Linedwell! I'm Aoi and I'll be looking over your application today!

For your traits, please add the allergy in which your character has in a set of brackets of parenthesis at the end of the trait.

As for your magic, please change it to caster, as there is no weapon or object from which your derped ant on wielding in order to use this magic.

Bump when edited!

3Linedwell Rainrex Empty Re: Linedwell Rainrex Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:52 pm

Linedwell Rainrex

Linedwell Rainrex
Linedwell Rainrex OhCRIhz

4Linedwell Rainrex Empty Re: Linedwell Rainrex Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:22 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Lastly, as I'm just remembering basic use of blood mages for all fairness, include in your weaknesses that this magic can only use the casters own blood.

Bump when edited~

5Linedwell Rainrex Empty Re: Linedwell Rainrex Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:45 pm

Linedwell Rainrex

Linedwell Rainrex
Linedwell Rainrex 127206

6Linedwell Rainrex Empty Re: Linedwell Rainrex Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:54 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Omg that gif tho... jesus christ that guy must have been in some pain XD

Back to the subject, approved!

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