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1Quorra "Vixen" Aegis  Empty Quorra "Vixen" Aegis Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:36 pm

Vixen Aegis

Vixen Aegis

   Quorra "Vixen" Aegis  Wallls11
   ""Un mort est une tragédie, un million est une statistique""

Name(s): Baroness Quorra/Angelique Aegis
Nickname(s): Vixen, Baroness, Angel (True Persona only.)
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Birthday: 21/07/X763
Sexuality: Sexual (Everything, animate, inanimate, all genders, all species)
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Chaotic Evil)
Rank: D-Class
Guild: Phantom Lord
Guild Tattoo:  Right above her special place.
Face Claim: Err just a random Wallpaper I found attractive. That's about it.


Height: 5'4
Weight: 130
Hair: Black
Eyes: Vibrant Green (Left), Steel Grey (Right)
General Appearance:



Extra: Split tongue, 6 piercings (Lip,Nips,Both Ears, Special Place, Belly Button), 9 Tattoos (Butterfly tattoo on her chest, "La mort est une bénédiction" on her left arm, "R.I.P Angelique Aegis" on the back of her neck, the Cancer Zodiac symbol on her left shoulder blade, Her family tree on her right shoulder blade extending all the way back to her mid back, twin marionette versions of herself choking each other on her right thigh, red tribal tattoos on both sides of her upper cheekbones & her guild tattoo)


Personality: Quorra has split personality disorder with her having two both being similar is some ways but otherwise being completely different. Both however has the same thoughts regarding life as a whole as well as sex with the latter being used as a method of exchange and complacency between the "False" and "True" personalities respectively.

Quorra/"False"/Dominant Personality - Quorra is in control the majority of the time and comes across as aloof or spaced out for the majority of the time however is highly observant but prefers to wait and observe everything around her before speaking. This causes most people to miss her or forget that she was there until she speaks shattering any thoughts of her being timid or quiet with her words. Quorra rarely, if ever shows any form of emotion other than indifference and boredom as she is rather apathetic towards living things.

This cold indifference is even reflected in her eyes as they seem to become cloudy or dim and lifeless despite her looking at something. Her face generally stays blank occasionally shifting ever so slightly with the intake of breath or when she needs to wet her lips. It is not that she is incapable of expressing emotion she generally refrains from doing so around other people save for her subtle sadism. Despite her outlook on people she is unfailingly polite however she also has the habit of giving people backwards compliments as her upbringing has made her unable to insult someone if it's not in a "nice way".

Angelique/"True"/Submissive Personality - Unlike her counterpart the "True" personality is rather expressive and gives others a view of just how deranged she truly is. Her sadistic streak is magnified and rather than finishing off opponents quickly she prefers to take her time drawing it out as long as she could before they either die from pain or the "False" personality takes over again. She has a child-like demeanor and views everything in her life as a game while the other people in it are just toys that she can play with. She often makes remarks on word counts, forums and internet, all things that make no sense to anyone who actually listens to what she says.

Despite this child like innocence this personality is rather blunt to a fault and prone to violent outbursts and mood swings without any concern for the consequences of her actions. She is highly self destructive and has no concerns about her life other than beating the game, something not even Quorra understands. She views herself and Quorra as separate entities and hates her passionately often going on long rants on how much she would like to "kill" Quorra. This extends to every part of her being as her eyes become filled with life and raw untamed emotion, even with this seemingly spontaneous force she is highly intelligent in her insanity, or in her words "She's a very good player."

- Quiet
- Piercings
- Occult objects & things
- Magic in general

- Prudish People.
- People touching on her in platonic ways.
- Loud things & people.
- Mirrors

* Reading - Quorra likes to study anatomy, as it is her favorite subject, be it human, animals or even plants (Botany). The reason is because she is extremely curious in how things originate and stay alive, she has much deeper reasons for her fascination however she tries not to linger on it for to long lest her "True" personality catch on to why she has such an interest in reading. Because she doesn't like incomplete information this fascination has extended to any sort of information she could acquire that has substantial "worth" towards her goals.
* Sex - For both personalities Sex is the commonality between them, as unlike most she does not have it simply because of an innate need to procreate or a unique pleasure source. For her sex is a escape, as well as an addiction and is one of the few things that she enjoys in the world due to the simple fact that it gives her peace of mind.
* Grave-robbing - This was originally an interest, however now it has become a hobby of hers to go to cemeteries and dig up bodies to add to her "collection" to her a lifeless corpse is the ultimate form of art. As it is life, in its purest form, devoid of everything that corrupts, embodies it. Because of this she also actively collects the bodies of those who interest her...or at least the pieces of what is left of their body.

* She has always been fascinated with death ever since she was informed that she had a twin sister, and everything in her life began to make sense. When she discovered that she had the ability to use magic she quickly found herself delving into dark magic which revolved around it. While in all honesty Quorra would of preferred to be live as a noble with an interest in becoming a mortician but Angelique decided being a mage would be..."more fun"

* Quorra is obsessed with mastering the art of necromancy in part due to her struggles with Angelique, in hopes that one day she'll be able to produce a new body and transfer Angelique's conciousness to it. To that end she will do anything just so that she could be free from the curse of having to share a body with her psychotic otherself. To that end she has no qualms with exploring magic regardless of the price as to her, her life is not her own until she is free from her past.

Fears: - Philophobia - Fear of emotional attachments and falling/being in love. This fear stems from her observations of people that are in love and her innate paranoia as she fears that if she forms a connection with someone she will lose her free will and become a slave to them like those she has seen around her. She had never forgotten the feeling of betrayal from her parents and translated that feeling into her relationships with others, her fear of being hurt becoming her fear of getting attached.
- Fear of Mirrors & her reflection. Quorra is hates mirrors with a burning passion, not because she's ugly or does not like her appearance and what not the reason for her hatred of mirrors is based heavily in fear. Her psychosis has caused her to visualize her "True" personality every time she looks at her reflection and that person is the thing she fears the most in the world.
- Fear of herself & being erased from existence. Both personalities actively fight each other for control with the "False" personality winning most of the time however Quorra constantly lives in fear that one day her "True" personality will take its body back and she will cease to exist. Her "True" personality lives without fear due to the fact that her entire existence is devoted to having as much "fun" playing this "game" as possible with no concerns other than that.
Positive Traits:
*Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
*High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
*Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.

Negative Traits:
*Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
1. Philophobia - Fear of emotional attachments and falling/being in love. This fear stems from her observations of people that are in love and her innate paranoia as she fears that if she forms a connection with someone she will lose her free will and become a slave to them like those she has seen around her. She had never forgotten the feeling of betrayal from her parents and translated that feeling into her relationships with others, her fear of being hurt becoming her fear of getting attached.
2. Split-Personality Disorder - (Explained in Personality)

*Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.

*Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!


Magic: Necro Mélanger/Life-Force Necromancy
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Necro Mélanger involves the reanimation and subsequent control of corpses of both magical and non-magical origin. This reanimation and control involves the use of blood, flesh or bone to bind the undead corpse to the user's will rendering them completely and utterly under their control. In addition once under the user's control these undead corpses can be modified, fused together, boosted as well as another things which entails their use by modifying the contracts by means of mana however in more complex spells additional life force. The range of what can be reanimated of corpses vary from small insects to powerful demons with the stronger the reanimated corpse the more life-force that is required to create said contract. In addition the life-force payment requires the blood of whomever is donating their magic to make the contract with the user's magic being the thing that binds it while a payment can be extracted from other sources not exclusively from the user.

Strengths: Expanding upon the ability to control corpses that she has established a contract with her reanimation abilities allow her to manipulate them in battle to fight for her. Usually un altered the corpses retain the host bodies original durability prior to being reanimated. Stronger bodies mean stronger minions however she is only able to reanimate the dead using her magic not turn living into dead or anything of the sort. Once she has established contracts she is able to alter them increasing their durability, fusing corpses together to create larger and more powerful abominations while retaining their physical characteristics.

While controlling the corpses she is capable of re-creating their muscle memory allowing her to control them according to how they moved while they were alive. Meaning if they were capable boxers they would retain that skill due to the body naturally becoming more accostomed to making such movements likewise it is more difficult for her to turn a weak corpse unaltered into something deadly. This weakness is granted by fusing and sampling corpses taking some of their abilities while crossing it with others to create undead abominations which embody this magic. Her creations feel no pain nor are they hindered by emotions or anything allowing them to function as mindless drones to aid her in combat.  

Her magic as a whole revolves around sustaining her creations, buffing, altering and manipulating them, the establishing of the contract is what siphons life-force however everything else requires her own mana to supply. This of course does not mean she is not capable of utilizing spells which consume additional life-force those are merely stronger than what she is able to do normally. This includes the transport of her contracted corpses as well as their storage "graving" as well as repairing them in battle. In addition it also revolves around the number of corpses she can control in battle personally, as well as "animating them" allowing her to program them with orders which they carry out pseudo-autonomous however they are unable to act out of her programmed order until she personally changes them in battle.

This magic uses up alot of mana with overuse being enough to easily result in the user succumbing to exhaustion in the process of preforming the magic due to constant drains on her magic to keep them active beyond their normal limits. Reanimation is costly and when they aren't reanimated, they are considered "graved" embedded in the ground where they were last reanimated. For that reason in combat they can only be reanimated for a limited time before a constant drain price is attributed to them to keep them active beyond their normal limit. The amount of magic spent depends on the power of the creature raised with small non-magical animals being up to small amounts, non magical humans being being larger, mages setting the standard however the spells required to reanimate mages are more intensive that the middle class spells of other brands of magic, large magical creatures can drain her of large quantites of magic rendering her useless for short periods, dragons and powerful mages draining her completely and leaving her without mana for days and demons and extremely powerful mages draining her utterly and can reach up to weeks or even in some cases months where she is unable to do anything of a magical nature. Because of the sheer cost of the magic it is not one that can be used lightly however its power is substantial enough to warrant such use. Likewise since Quorra is only human she herself has a finite amount of mana to spend and must be careful never to give up more than she can afford to, as it's cost will leave her useless and forced to rely on others to protect herself. In addition this magic takes a lot of set up without corpses it is unable to be utilized and the process of establishing contracts requires her to set up prior to fighting opponents as a result she is unable to directly fight opponents head on without first accumulating corpses for use.

This magic does not however allow her to utilize the corpses magic as that isn't something native to her, their physical abilities are all under her control but their magic is of their essence and thus can not be touched. This however doesn't extend to magically resistant hide or how some creatures are immune to certain things like heat or cold due to where they dwell naturally nor does it extend to magic which physically alters the composition of the corpses body permanently or if they are in said altered form when they died. When her corpses are completely destroyed her contracts are likewise destroyed in addition her own death will result in her animations ceasing to function seeing as it is her magic which powers them. Her magic is likewise useless if she is unable to procur dead things as seeing as it only extends tot he dead and not the living in the absence of corpses she is as useful as a person without magic.




Quorra's story started back when she was in the womb, before she was even aware that she was alive as she had to compete with the other occupant in her living space. They fought for nourishment, space and the right to live, something which manifested in rather frequent "kicking" according to their mother. However the usual sibling rivalry simply didn't apply here, it was odd but perhaps it was a hormone imbalance or something like that, but the more active twin was prone to messing with the more passive twin. This persisted throughout the pregnancy resulting in a stillborn during delivery, the first twin came out to be a healthy girl who their mother promptly named Quorra while the second didn't make it a tombstone being the only thing to remember Angelique by.

In the first moments Quorra was a rather active baby however nine hours into her life she suddenly stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated terrifying both parents as they feared their perfect baby girl was going to be taken away from them like her sister was. Of course seeing as they were very well off she had the best of medical treatment and made a full recovery, the only thing different being that she became much more reserved. Growing up Quorra was labelled a child prodigy her intelligence astounding her parents who provided her with private tutors allowing her to be far ahead of her peers in matters of the world.

She was raised in a loving environment with everything she asked for made available to her, even though it sort of bothered her father that she was so obsessed with learning. Her mother reassured him that nothing was odd about it she merely wanted to learn about the world and it was merely harmless curiosity. Of course both were rather dismayed when she, at the age of nine, stumbled upon the family secret and they were forced to tell her about Angelique.

It was as if something clicked in her head, everything began to make sense, the person who she thought was her in her dreams yet seemed so different, it wasn't her at all but someone else. Twins especially identical ones, apparently are said to share a special connection seeing as they were originally one, but a realization like this completely shocked her. The more she thought about it the more it consumed her and the more she felt alien in her own body, soon enough those thoughts tipped her over the brink and she began to hear someone else in her head.

Her parent's never noticed, for some reason the voice was eerily silent when they were around, waiting until both of them were alone before screaming at her with rage she was completely unfamiliar with. If Quorra was withdrawn before this made her even more so, she began to be afraid of herself and closed herself off emotionally viewing everything with out experiencing it for herself. Eventually things that used to bring her joy like gymnastics seemed pointless, useless, not of worth and as such not to be bothered with. She began to try things, things to see if she could feel, to be happy nothing attracting her interest other than death, and by chance sex the latter being on her thirteenth birthday to her betrothed who was three years older than her.

By the time her paranoia had developed into full blown psychosis and she now had a split personality who referred to itself as Angelique and how Quorra wasn't supposed to be here, in her own body. They began to fight with Angelique ruining anything Quorra tried to get into and Quorra claiming what was hers with tattoos the first being "R.I.P. Angelique Aegis". In one of these bouts she had attracted the ire of her grandfather who was visiting one day and saw what his granddaughter had become effectively removing her from the family tree.

Her father pitied her and gave her one of his inconspicuous properties and transported the majority of her clothing to said location and him along with her mother continued to contact her until her mother got pregnant again. Quorra didn't second guess why she lost contact with her loving parents, it was as clear as day, they now had another child one that wouldn't disappoint them like she had and as such she was no longer needed. She was angry, extremely but even more than that she felt betrayed, and vowed never to trust anyone and let them in like that ever again.

It was around then that she made a discovery, at the lowest point that she was able to use magic, a mage or whatever they called them. She began to research the differing types becoming drawn to only the most dark and having to constantly argue with the other person so as not to delve into more destructive arts. When she eventually did find one she liked she put her all into it for it would suit her needs well, there was no greater need than for her to be rid of that personality that called her fake, a thief, "False" while it was the "True" occupant of her body.

She would listen to it and give into its urges while bidding her time until she was able to finally deal with it permanently, no matter the cost. Others would see her and call her Dark, or evil without truly understanding her reasons, but it doesn't matter it wasn't as if being labelled something was going to stop her. Though it would be smarter to group herself with like-minded individuals, and such she had to search out a guild which wouldn't judge her regardless of the magic she utilized. Only one in particular caught her eye Phantom Lord perhaps it was because of where it was located, or perhaps it was something more. She joined right on her 16th birthday and preferred to stay in the background and observe everyone rather than take missions.

Now however she's ready to make her move.

Angelique actually thing I'm going to tell you about me? I would think someone already covered all of that boring stuff. Actually I could summarize it for you, you think your rid of an annoying parasite yet just when your in the clear they come back and steal your freaking body. But its okay, I got her back, and I'm going to have as much fun as possible until she finally loses it and I'll get what's mine back. Hmm..did I miss anything nope I don't think so, or you actually want me to tell you what I was doing throughout this?

Ha Ha...No. Actually what am I saying maybe I'll tell you it all later let's see how this role-play will go who knows maybe you'll figure out exactly why I hate that b**** so much.

Notes: Hey um I know you might be concerned about Angelique's fourth wall breaking but it's nothing more than comic relief. No meta-gaming or whatever like sure she might make a comment about someone's actions but to everyone else, its crazy talk and it never affects her actions IC. Also it only extends to Angelique, Quorra's...normal well as normal as she can get, besides Angelique hates Quorra so even if she made a comment it wouldn't be trusted because they have that type of relationship.

Last edited by Vixen on Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:55 am; edited 3 times in total

2Quorra "Vixen" Aegis  Empty Re: Quorra "Vixen" Aegis Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:02 pm

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Just a few things.

This really depends on what kind of creature you are and if you used some sort of magic to extend your life. So you can make your character whatever age you want so long as it doesn't exceed the realms of believability. Also, you won't be "dying" from old age because of the comments coming up in your magic.

Any of the Phobias and personality disorders you have can be stated but you need to take the trait dealing with mental disorders, and pick a positive trait to balance it. You have two personality disorders [The fear you have counts] So you will need to have a positive trait(s) that equate to 6 as well.

Add another motivation.

Please copy paste the traits you have chosen, so that the numerical value and the blurbs explaining the traits are shown. State what the dark secret is next to the dark secret trait.

The whole "Life Force" aspect needs to be removed. I apologize and while it is creative, all spells and anything related to your magic drains your mana pool only. Not your life force. We have no system to calculate that, and that seems like a massive hindrance that I personally can't let you have. We have necromancy here in some form, you do not have to kill yourself to use necromancy. Your magic seems balanced so long as you realize how spells work here. As in you can't buff them or manipulate the undead without the proper spell to do so. We also do not use days and things like that, anything you "raise" will have to be done via spell. Like a spell called raise dead or in that realm. Upon doing so you will have a set duration of posts in which you can keep that dead raised. You can however make a passive aspect of your magic that will let you raise dead but at the cost of a hindrance not as extreme as life force draining but not something lame like extended magic cost. Hell, outside of combat situations you can have the dead last as long as you want but when combat starts you will have a duration on how long you can sustain them.

In short, remove mentions of life-force. Rebalance your hindrances.

3Quorra "Vixen" Aegis  Empty Re: Quorra "Vixen" Aegis Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:56 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Approved, dun make silly spells little madame :D <3

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