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1Itami, Yūdai Empty Itami, Yūdai Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:25 pm

Yuudai Itami

Yuudai Itami

   Itami, Yūdai XDWa41Z
   "Life is naturally empty, you gotta fill it."

Name(s): Itami, Yūdai.
Nickname(s): Reaper.
Age: 18.
Sex: Male.
Birthday: December 25th, X762.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Class: Cleric.
Alignment: Neutral.
Rank: C-class.
Guild: sabertooth.
Guild Tattoo: Right Shoulder-blade.
Face Claim: Namikaze, Minato [Naruto.]


Height: 6'1.
Weight: 173lbs.
Hair: Blonde.
Eyes: Ocean Blue.
General Appearance: Clear as crystal as and bluer than the richest, cleanest oceans, many believe you can peer directly into the depths of Yūdai’s soul. A deepened innocence is locked within his stare, and emotions are easily translated through his gaze: rage, melancholy, passionate—these feelings—these sensations are presented with an untold kinesthetic in the form of a gradual, purposeful gape.

Wrinkles root the space just outside his eye sockets and the overall shape is a narrow, enticing almond. He appears tired most of the time, nonetheless, in the enthralling aspect of the world; his eyes have been comparable to that of bedroom eyes—meant for inviting the opposite sex in heightened moments of intimacy. Sensual, striking and mesmeric, it’s safe to say Yūdai’s strongest feature is his set of ocean blue pools.

Yūdai’s hair is characterized as lush cascading waves of vivid, golden blonde; though such a hue is only truly recognized beneath the watchful rays of the sun. Thick to the root, the demon’s hair is rough, though surprisingly soft to the touch as its almost sun-tinted appearance compliments strong facial features and calm eyes.

Slim though not too brolic, Yūdai’s form is chiseled from years of life and weighted experience. Tall in stature, muscles protrude from his visage and while not hulkish, his form is very much masculine. A strong upper body isn’t compromised by a weaker lower half as Yūdai’s legs and thighs are as equally toned and worked. Hair covered some regions of his body, though not prodigiously obvious as the Angel’s shaped features must be seen by all.
Extra: Always wear a fashionable Haori.


Personality: Two things will forever remain constant in this world and the hereafter: the truth, and Yūdai’s need to be. He doesn’t need to exist within the hearts of loved ones, the eyes of his enemies or within the conscious thoughts of those lingering in-between the two; that marginal space that coexists within those borders subsists only for him. A man who couldn’t care too little, or too much, a sane predisposition to live or die can properly characterize his persona, or rather, the thought of either, at their highest points, reaching him. Passive, still-minded and jovial to a slight extent, Yūdai properly renders an even-tempered, casual-thinking young man.

Though like most of his kind, this is merely a façade, a means to justify not what he truly is, but what he once was. Homicidal, insensitive and completely ignorant to the concept of living and the value of a life (human or otherwise), merely three years, the Mage was known by many as Shinigami (lit: “Reaper”). Not for his overwhelming strength or tactical usage of what power he had, but simply for the pure fact he killed, and for the fact that he enjoyed it—thoroughly.

Though with life, even a demonic one, comes revelation and with his came a new sanity-- a new reality. He’s replaced former thoughts of malice with those of sunshine; gaining a new prospective of careless, instead of being overly anxious to take life, or to save it, he simply moves alongside the two and watches as a dedicated, though patient spectator. This doesn’t mean that he’s impassive, or heartless, but rather he exists only for himself and only interjects when it’s profitable or ethically idiosyncratic.

Yūdai considers himself to be incredibly thorough and easy suspicion and curiosity are not beyond his recognizable personality traits. Trusting fewer and only believing in fact, the Demon tends to question everything that doesn’t hold a concrete consistency. While not paranoid, Yūdai prefers not to be caught off guard and takes all the needed precautions to ensure this.

His manner of speech is casual, and charming has been a title given to his character over the course of the decades that spans his life. A people-pleaser by trade, a trait adopted when he used such antics to manipulate his prey, he can move within a crowd and blending into clichés and scenes has become almost second nature the man with a dark past. This goes without saying he’s highly intelligent, able to discern most and target fallacies as well as adopt trends with relative ease.

  • People-watching: A naturally analytical person who tends to mimic traits to blend, this mage has a certain fondness for watching others. Be it for studying their mannerisms or to simply pass time, its his best-suited hobby.
  • Drinking- There is nothing like being intoxicated; it fits all situations, crude or joyful.
  • Combat-oriented Scenarios- No matter where the mage ventures, either conflict follows him or he creates his own.
  • Sex- Gotta love a woman's touch.
  • Women- This doesn't need a description!
  • Studies- A proponent for education and being intelligent, nothing excites the man more than growing academically; save for women, fights and booze, of course.
  • Summer- While born in the winter, Yuudai is awfully fond of the summer. The cold air and winter white simply doesn't fit well into his character.
  • Being Alone- He's a loner, always has been and always will be. People cause emotional ties; emotional ties get people killed.


  • Arrogance- While confident in his own right, those who exude a air of superiority without being superior are the worst tempered individuals.
  • Weak Magic- Magic is relative to the user; weak users simply need to stand clear of this Mage.
  • Guilds- He's only apart of one for the currency earnings; this whole teamwork dynamic really kills his vibe.
  • Friendship- simply put; emotional ties can kill a person; righteousness, loyalty, these better serve fairy tales as opposed to real life. No one is truly worth dying for and if someone out there meets some divine need for Yuudai's own life, he hasn't found them yet.

Motivations: Yūdai is motivated by one sole concept; preservation. Dying will come to all eventually and he knows full well no one is perpetual. Nonetheless, while bone can wither away and rot, blood can dissolve and lives can extinguish in time, legacies are everlasting. All the Mage truly cares for is leaving his name in the halls of history; this could be from good or bad sources, it doesn’t matter to the man who simply yearns for an eternity. At its lowest level of inspiration, Yūdai simply wants to exist, and coexist with others without being a part of such clichés.

  • Lack of Legacy- if his only goal is to make something of his life, having nothing to shine following his eventual death will force the mage to turn in his grave.
  • Love- its the only true emotion--or combination of emotions-- that can drive even the most impassive of men into a frenzied state. The mage never wants to experience the need to survive and exist for someone else; the responsibility in that alone outstrips his level of comfort.

Positive Traits: [12]

  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.

Negative Traits: [12]

  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himsefl to the limit at every available opportunity.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!
  • Compulsions (-3): The character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering. [Taking off shows before entering a building]
  • Intolerance (-1): Having come from a background of insistent and enthusiastic murder, Yūdai knows how easily it is to get lost in power. The line, however, thins and become nonexistent when those who become lost stay lost. Arrogance is a quality of men the Wizard just can’t acknowledge. Those weaker than him, stronger than him coexist within his range of bigotry and it doesn’t take much to set him off in the presence of those with a superiority-complex.  
  • Lecherous (-1): You have a lusty nature and a tendency to pursue the pleasures of the flesh. A woman or a man (however your tastes run) is an almost irresistible temptation to you. You give in to these temptations easily.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.


Magic: Lightning Magic.
Caster or Holder:Caster.
Description: Versatile and highly effective, Lightning Magic is an elemental caster pedigree used multi-dimensionally. Offensively, this variety of magic can be exerted from the body to augment strikes or to send projectile/concussive waves towards an opponent in the form of electricity—namely lightning.  Yūdai is able to freely produce such lightning and manipulate it to the extents of his own power and imagination. Casters of elemental magic can also change and morph their physiology to match the characteristics of their magical affinity and this magic isn’t an exception. This works well defensively as the caster can change himself into lightning bolts to hurriedly evade incoming attacks or dismiss their effectiveness completely by simply allowing attacks to pass through him. The lightning used electrocutes the opponents to various degrees depending on potency and duration as adverse effects as paralysis can easily be induced from the high voltage intake. Unique to lightning element users, lightning can be summoned from a distance, to strike from the ground or sky as conventional examples making this brand of magic not only lethal, but high in utility as well.

In regards to true flexibility, lightning magic, if used in such manners, can augment the body by increasing nerve reception and stimulating muscles. Electro-transportation becomes a feat doable when this type of magic is employed for transportation and the infusion of such magic with objects to increase piercing damage is within reach. Dependent on the mage’s skill, Lightning becomes the most inventive magic from an elemental standpoint.
Strengths: Lightning’s truest potential is found in destruction. From summing bolts of lightning to strike a foe, or augmenting limbs for close-quarter combat, the ranges for such a magic isn’t limited. Generating tangible constructs from this element and using it to electrocute opponents into unconsciousness or paralysis—if not worse—are feats realizable. Barriers of lightning can be produced and flares of intense light can be generated to disorient foes—even the production of thunder to further confuse is within reach. Truly, Lightning is by one, far of the more elastic magical skills. Water is extremely weak against this brand of magic.
Weaknesses: While one of the strongest, Lightning is also one of the scarcest elements to find occurring naturally in the world.  If elements gain a solidified quality, the potential of piercing them become reduced depending on separation in skill and power. And while its brightness works in the favor of the user, it can also work in that of the opponent if the caster isn’t versed in its uses; this elemental usage isn’t transparent.  Although fast-moving and an offensive powerhouse, Lightning doesn’t hold any true defensive talent (as in fending off opposing powers directly) its defense is found in less conventional means. It should also be noted that this brand of magic can be tiring on mana. Wind is the most resistant and thusly has an advantage over Lightning magic.


History: His childhood bears several holes in its remembrance for Yūdai is a man who cares little to remember. He had a father, a mother, and a younger sister—all who his heart held love for dearly. Respective Mages, his parents spent many a years traveling Flore on missions to support their small, though growing family. This left the at the time a lad to care for his younger sibling. His father was classified as an A-class Wizard and his mother, slighter lesser in rank; they were well-trained and highly powerful as a duo. Missions became routine and a even income was second-nature to the family of four. On the eve, however, the two parental units didn’t return home. Their whereabouts were anonymous and after months of searching, the two were ruled Missing-in-action.

Some months following their parents’ mysterious absence, the blonde’s sister fell terminally ill to a virus even incurable by magic. Her life, forfeited by the hands of nature, her burial consisted of a timber gravestone carved by Yūdai and a service given beneath a raining sky. The firmament added to this life-manipulated dejection that captured the child and for a week, he stood by his sister’s grave, only to leave when food and resources became sparse in his household. A son of a respected mage, no one even bothered to look at his son in a time were guidance was needed the most. Yūdai fell stray the ways of the wicked and immoral.

It started small, petty thief to maintain some degree of health. However, as time pass and years hardened a child’s heart black, the crimes became more aberrant and dark. Recruited by a dark guild, Yūdai’s natural affinity for magic—namely Lightning—was exploited and the child was used as mercenary tool for murder and destruction. Becoming a hired-hand, the blonde soon loss his identity and adopted the moniker “Shinigami,” the Reaper.

His crimes spread further than his epithet as bodies piled in response to his jaded acts of violence. In this period of the boy’s life, an omitted thrill replaced the sensation of pain that flushed through his veins stemming from a childhood fit for no child. He was notorious, though many couldn’t place an appearance to the name; his murders were as mysterious as the person who many assumed committed them. His attention for detail and lack of compassion made these tasks easily and for quite some time, imbursement and security came until one day, an accident led to the inopportune death of someone who shouldn’t have died, at least not by his hand.

As swift as the Reaper’s legacy grew, the young man vanished. The deaths ceased and all crimes involving prior motives were silenced beneath inactivity. Information regarding his sudden leave couldn’t be produced and over time, his name was loss beneath new surfacing wrongdoings. Some believe the Reaper still exists, working more stealthily within an organization for hire. However, the truth is simpler. Yūdai took ranks within a Guild to halt actions he previously committed beneath a restored identity and sense of self.  

Having joined a Guild that stands on the notion of camaraderie and solidarity, the Wizard still insists on working individually. He enters the Hall, takes missions then leaves subsequently afterwards.   It goes without saying, his disgust towards  guilds and their lifestyles stems from the disappearances of his parents and while he cares for it, Yūdai tends to do what’s only obligatory and doesn’t too implicated or attached. As mysterious as his own past, the blonde Wizard walks a lone life and accommodates his living with very casual, humble means. He has no need to senselessly kill, though it’s not directly beneath him and even in the darkest of moments, the cravings for blood still call out to the young man.

Will the Reaper reemerge?

Last edited by tae on Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:48 am; edited 5 times in total

2Itami, Yūdai Empty Re: Itami, Yūdai Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:35 am

Yuudai Itami

Yuudai Itami

3Itami, Yūdai Empty Re: Itami, Yūdai Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:19 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
State your intolerance.

For your magic.


These are the only two elements you need to talk about. Fix that.

4Itami, Yūdai Empty Re: Itami, Yūdai Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:24 am

Yuudai Itami

Yuudai Itami
Hope its what you were looking for.

5Itami, Yūdai Empty Re: Itami, Yūdai Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:31 pm

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Good enough, Approved.

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