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1Vladimir Okosan Empty Vladimir Okosan Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:13 pm

Vladimir Okosan

Vladimir Okosan

  Vladimir Okosan Alucard_1_by_SubakiNoHana__________________________________________________
   "Prey on the weak and you will survive. Prey on the strong and you will live."

Name(s): Vladimir Okosan
Nickname(s): Vlad
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Birthday: 7/October/X754
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: B-Rank
Guild: Raven Tail
Guild Tattoo: Upper Back (Black)
Face Claim: Alucard - Hellsing Ultimate


Height: 192 cm
Weight: 98 kg
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Red
General Appearance: Vladimir is a tall man with flowing jet black hair that seems to have a mind of it's own, blood red eyes and slightly pale skin. On most missions he wears a large red fedora hat. His normal outfit consists of a large over coat, black suit, red cravat and white gloves.
During most situations his facial expression changes slightly. When confronted by an opponent stronger than he is he makes a cocky grin, when confronted by an opponent weaker than he is his face frowns. Most of the time his face appears to have been drained of all emotion.
Extra: He occasionally wears his large circular orange glasses at night.


Personality: Vlad is a quiet man, he usually doesn't talk to anyone unless it has something to do with the man who saved his life. Ever since he made an autopsy on the dead badger he found he wants to become a doctor and to save people's lives, but due to his lack of interactive skills from being alone for most of his childhood he finds it difficult to interact with people.

Before Vlad was saved by the figure he was quite a well mannered boy, when his parents came home he would always greet them with the utmost respect, he always cheerfully made dinner for his parents before they came home. In short he was quite happy with his parents even though he never had any friends.

After Vlad was saved by the figure in the purple robes and after he slaughtered his parents and the locals in his village his life has changed, He became a cold and unapproachable person. He doesn't like to talk about his past, the moment his life was spared by the figure in the purple robe the original Vlad died. Now all that's left is one goal, to search and destroy, to find and kill the man who saved him and he isn't going to let anyone stop him.


  • Opponents who are stronger than him

  • Quiet places

  • Human and animal anatomy

  • Farming and Agriculture


  • Being ordered around

  • Women with attitude

  • Greedy people

  • The man who saved his life


  • To one day find the figure who saved his life and to kill him and to hopefully become a doctor.


  • Dying

  • Not finding the man who saved his life

  • Spiders

Positive Traits:

  • Zealot (+4): This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon. This weapon can be mentioned behind the Zealot feat within brackets to claim it upon approval.

  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.

Total = 6

Negative Traits:

  • Dark Secret - (Murdered his parents and villagers of his home town) (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!

  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.

  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.
    This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.

  • Allergies - (Allergic to cheese) (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping.

  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.

Total = -6


Magic: Blood Manipulation Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Blood Manipulation Magic allows the caster to manipulate one's own blood and use it offensively or defensively, Blood Manipulation Magic can also be used at close or medium range, Vlad is more used to using CQC with his abilities as using medium or long range can be quite risky.
Strengths: Vlad can use his Blood Manipulation Magic to transform his blood to weapons or tools of any kind, this can be useful during battles and off battles. If Blood Manipulation Magic is utilised well, Vlad can deal tons of damage to his opponents.
Weaknesses: Since Vlad's magic allows him to manipulate his own blood some of the things he can do with it can be very limited. He can't use too many projectile weapons as it would be basically throwing away his own blood. If he were to use long-range weapons he can only fire 2-3 projectiles per battle. Vlad's Blood Craft spell limits his amount of Blood Weapons to 4 per battle.


History: Vladimir was born in a small town called Tervalego in a distant country. His mother Carla Okosan worked as a nurse in a local hospital. His father, Andrei worked as a trader in the stock markets in the city. During Vladimir's childhood he never got to socialise with anyone his age as he was taking care of the home while both of his parents were away at work. He was an only child so he didn't have much to do.

Once Vlad was 11 years of age his mother and father taught him how to farm, cook and sell items in the market. One day Vlad was at work at the fields working. As he was gathering the crops he stumbled onto a dead badger. He brought the creature home, laid it on the floor in his room. He saw things that most 11 year olds living elsewhere wouldn't have seen before. He brought out his pen knife from his cupboard and began to make incisions and started exploring the insides of the badger.

As he was looking through the organs, muscles and bones of the badger he finally stumbled upon the heart. He looked at the heart with fascination. As he made a small cut on the heart with his pen knife, blood gushed out at Vlad's face. He was startled, so startled that he ran out of the room and out of his house. As he was running he fell down a small ravine. He was unconscious, severely bleeding and on the verge of death. A few hours has passed, as his eyes opened he saw a shadowy figure. It was wearing purple robes, had blood red eyes that seemed to glow and had a grim smirk on its face.
Vlad tried scurried away from it but found himself at a dead end. As the figure came closer to him it brought out it's hand, it spread out it's palm and from his robe a stream of blood started to flow around his palm. The figure asked Vlad a question. "Child. Do you want to live?" his voice was cold and sinister. Vlad replied "Yes". The figure stood up firmly and as Vlad let his guard down a bolt of blood was fired dead centre at his chest, this caused Vlad to become unconscious again.

When Vlad woke up he was surrounded by the townspeople. They all looked at him with terror and curiosity on their faces. His mother asked if he was feeling okay, but Vlad didn't respond. His father asked why was there blood all over his room, Vlad did not respond. As he stepped out of bed the people got a good look at his eye. It was glowing red, as his eyes began to glow he smiled. Vlad raised his left arm and blood started to swirl around him. He shot a bolt of blood at one of the villagers, his mother screamed and his father tried to stop him. Vlad then used his blood to to slice his father's head off, his mother ran towards her husband in tears. Vlad walked up to his mother with a ball of blood whizzing around his hand. The blood then transformed into a red stake and Vlad stabbed his mother with it. The villagers were shocked at what they saw, as they tried to escape Vlad killed and massacred all of them.

As Vlad was standing in his room alone among the dead bodies a sinister laugh was heard,the figure that saved his life has returned. As Vlad stared at him his eyes have stopped glowing. He looked around and realised what he has done. "Well done child." he smiled. "Bastard... What the hell did you do to me?!" shouted Vlad, his eyes began to glow again. "Child if you wa-" the figure was interrupted as Vlad charged towards him with a ball of blood in his hand. The ball of blood turned into a red sword, he thrusted towards the figure, the sword went straight through his heart. The man smiled as he melted into a pool of blood and left the house.

Vlad began to mourn to his deceased family. "Mother... Father... I swear, I'll avenge you both.". Vlad decided to pay his final respects to the people he killed. He set his house on fire to signify that he has no where to returned to. With courage, optimism and a new found power he set out to Fiore in hope to find the man who saved his life and to one day kill him.

During Vlad's teenage life in Fiore he figured that in order to one day find and the figure who gave him the power to kill his parents he must become a powerful mage. At first he was thinking of a way to make some quick money so that he could possibly rent a place. He spent most of his teenage life training his Blood Magic in Fiore.

When Vlad turned 23 he decided to visited Alambra to see if the town. When he arrives he sees that nature has reclaimed his home town. His burned house remains has now turned into a mound of mud and grass, there are still remains of the house he once knew. As he makes his way to his old home he sees someone standing in front of his house. He was a man, his hair was light brown and slicked back and he was wearing a white and blue cloak. The man turned towards him. "Hey you there, do you know anything about this town?" asked the man. Vlad felt uneasy as he doesn't like talking about his past. "Yes... This was my old home town..." replied Vladimir. Even though the man Vlad was talking to seemed harmless he still felt a very strange aura around him. Vlad asked what he was doing here. The man replied saying he was sight seeing. Vlad got a little agitated, he didn't like the sight of a stranger being in his village just for sight seeing. Vlad's eyes started to glow. "Hey what's with your eyes? Are you alright?". "I want you to leave this place and never return.". Blood started to drip from Vlad's arm and it formed a ball around his palm. The stranger knew that something wasn't right here so he took up a fighting stance.

Vlad charged towards the man, the blood has morphed into a sword, Vlad charged towards the stranger with his blood sword but the man was too swift and dodged his thrust. Vlad then lashed out with a series of piercing strikes, this man that Vlad was fighting was too fast for him. Vlad then morphed his blood into a blood cross-bow, he fired two bolts of blood both hitting the man's shoulder joints. The stranger stretched out his right hand, a flash of light began to swell around his hand, he then put his hand over his shoulder and then he put it on his other shoulder. The two wounds that Vlad inflicted on the stranger was healed in an instant. The man then stood up properly and light began to surround his hand again, Vlad gazed upon his hand in amazement. In a flash the stranger was right in front of Vlad and was about to through a heavy punch. The punch landed straight into Vlad's chest, the man's hand was beginning to penetrate Vlad. Vlad grinned and turned into a pool of blood. When Vlad returned to the surface the man's back was turned and he was leaving. The man was saw Vlad as a worthy opponent. The two exchanged names and promised to one day meet each other one day in Fiore.

Vlad returned to Fiore and decided to join a guild. Raven Tail caught his attention and decided to join them.

Last edited by Rasen Okosan on Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:40 am; edited 1 time in total

2Vladimir Okosan Empty Re: Vladimir Okosan Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:36 am

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
- Mention the colour of your guild tattoo.

- Mention your dark secret.

- Mention your allergy.

Bump when edited. I'd also like to mention that the C, B and A-Rank positions are open for Raven Tail. Change you rank if you wish.

3Vladimir Okosan Empty Re: Vladimir Okosan Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:40 am

Vladimir Okosan

Vladimir Okosan

4Vladimir Okosan Empty Re: Vladimir Okosan Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:13 pm

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
Alright, looks fine now. Approved.

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