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1Azorel Attus Empty Azorel Attus Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:26 am

Azorel Attus

Azorel Attus

  Azorel Attus 1373307786178
   "Don't underestimate me just because of my appearance."

Name(s): Azorel Attus
Nickname(s): The Fist of Failure
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Birthday: 6/July/X761
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo: Back of the right hand.
Face Claim: Saika Totsuka - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU


Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair: Azorel has grey medium length hair, stopping just above the base of his neck. His hair tends to be somewhat shaggy, and every now and then his hair may fall in front of his face.
Eyes: Azorel has light blue eyes which seemingly give off an air of innocence and purity to those who meet him.
General Appearance: Azorel Attus has a distinctly feminine appearance, that of a rather meek female. His slim upper body looks devoid of practically all fat and for the most part muscle as well. At his thinning waist slight hip bones protrude out giving him an even more girlish figure. His legs however, are quite toned and have more muscle mass than his arms. His face has soft features and he almost always appears to be a little nervous, especially around other people. He has a pale skin tone which somewhat enhances his femininity.

He normally wears plain t-shirts of practically any color, along with shorts or pants. In a way you could say his style is “gender neutral”. Often around the winter, autumn, or the occasional rainy day he will wear a blue jacket, almost always leaving the hood up as though he doesn’t want anyone to approach him.


Personality: Azorel Attus is quite timid and shy around, and often appears nervous, rarely ever smiling. Upon meeting people a couple of times and getting to know them he opens up a little bit more, eventually becoming emotionally attached to them. So long as they’re friendly that is. He tends to be a bit of a loner and normally won’t approach anyone unless it’s for a good reason. The same thing goes when it comes to talking to people, he waits for them to speak to him instead. At times Azorel may be completely unresponsive, lost in thought thinking how to respond. Ironically despite being shy, Azorel is actually the type of person who would like to get along with everyone, he just finds it hard to actually get a conversation going.

Azorel is also quite innocent and to an extent dense. He never fully realizes if anyone is actually flirting with him or not and figures people are just acting nice. During stressful situations he may try to cheer everyone up despite having a hard time doing so. He always feels like he needs to comfort those that are down, even if he isn’t the best at it. When in battle Azorel almost always feels an uneasiness, but at the same time this thought causes him to give it his all, as though it is the only way to progress. If seriously angered (which rarely ever happens) Azorel may attack regardless of the danger fighting, at full offense. Of course Azorel almost always keeps his cool.

And finally, Azorel dislikes being called a girl. Though that isn’t to say he has a hatred of it. He merely dislikes it when people get his gender wrong and tease him about it. Crossdressing is something he doesn’t particularly like either, but he will do it if it means being able to complete a mission and keep everyone safe.

  • Helping those in need

  • People who recognize his actual gender.

  • Spare time to think and reflect.

  • Reading

  • Bakery goods (Especially pastries)


  • Those who harm the innocent or any of Azorel's friends.

  • When people make fun of his appearance.

  • Dirty Tricks (fighting)

  • Womanizers

  • Piercings (Especially when a person's body is covered in them.

  • Most insects.

Motivations: Azorel Attus is driven by the desire to make the world a better place, and to be someone people can rely on.

  • Large/deep bodies of water - Drowning: As a young boy Azorel went on a small trip with his father to a lake and almost drowned when he slipped. (I should note that Azorel can tread water, but due to his lack of fat it is only for a short time, doing so expends a lot of energy)

  • Insects (excludes certain non-scary bugs such as mosquitoes/gnats/worms) He merely finds these annoying.: Azorel has always thought that most bugs were gross and disgusting. His fear worsened when a bunch of ticks landed on him one day.

Positive Traits:

  • Agile (+3) You are particularly flexible and poised.

  • Diehard (+2) You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.

  • Swift (+3) You are fleet of foot. When running you move three times your normal speed.

  • Stealthy (+3) You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn’t even notice that you were there.

Negative Traits:

  • Bad Reputation (-1) Azorel Attus has a reputation for being a useless girl who’s also unlucky. Punches from a frail girl aren’t that intimidating. Of course this isn’t true, seeing as how Azorel isn’t a girl, and due to his magic can actually punch much harder than his body should be able too. However, because of circumstances making it seem like he played a small role in a missions success. He has made a title for himself known as the Fist of Failure. Something, he is not fond of.

  • Cautious (-1) You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure. You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action.

  • Inattentive (-1) Your mind has a habit of drifting off at inopportune moments. It flits from one thought to the next so fast that you have trouble getting it to concentrate on the here and now. As such, you are particularly unaware of your surroundings.

  • Intolerance (-1) (those that harm innocent people or Azorel’s friends)

  • Fragility (-2) Due to a serious vitamin deficiency in your youth, your bone structure is unnaturally weak, and you are overly thin.

  • Misfortunate (-1) Lucky breaks are something that happen to other people. Your luck isn’t terrible; you wouldn’t have survived as long as you have if it were. It just isn’t very good.

  • Shy (-1) You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible.

  • Tongue-Tied (-1) This disadvantage comes up whenever you try to discuss anything of importance and relay pressing information and such. You have the tendency to incorrectly state facts, forget or mix up names, and generally say the wrong thing.

  • Trusting (-2) You don’t like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good right?


Magic: Body Channeler
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: By channeling mana into the body speed, strength, and even perceptions can be increased allowing the user to fight very effectively in close combat. The caster may even channel mana into certain parts of his or her body allowing the mana to build up and fired like a gun or burst. It can even form a dense aura around the caster allowing the caster to hit harder, resist damage, block/deflect (weaker) spells, and even break through barriers a normal punch wouldn’t be able to break through.

Strengths: Body Channeler magic is great at enhancing the performance of the caster, especially in melee. Great defensively as well, as a strong aura can block/deflect lesser spells and partially stop more powerful spells. It even has a few long range spells useful for taking out solitary or even large groups of enemies. Some enhancement spells do not create an aura and instead enhance the body from inside, however these are B rank at best. Finally magic of this type is of no particular element making those with elemental resistant properties lose their advantage.

Weaknesses: The weakness of this magic is that anything distorting the mana aura (Strong winds for example) are able to nullify most of the effects of any aura the body channeler creates, thinning the aura even more than before. and while a body channeler does have ranged spells, its variety is quite limited in this regard, as most of the spells are based on close combat. Not to mention the ranged spells do have a cooldown making the wait time even longer. This basically allows any defensive ranged unit to pick the caster off from afar. Furthermore, certain high-level spells may leave the user feeling a bit tired. Of course spells of this caliber are no laughing matter and should not be taken lightly. Finally, the aura created by the spells, gives off practically no illumination, but it does make enemies quite capable of seeing you from afar. Using it in pitch black situations is not recommended.


History: As a child Azorel Attus had somewhat of a rough life. He was often mocked for his appearance, and completely devoid of friends and was more or less an outcast. Azorel tried to hold onto the last few friends he had, but quickly they gave into peer pressure and started taunting him as well. To make matters worse, Azorel lived in the small town of Clover. Making it almost impossible for him to develop any new friends. One particularly bad day at the age of 9 a group of bullies actually chased him around the area, and while Azorel was quite fast. He eventually ran out of breath as the kids surrounded him. “Fight like a man.” One of them yelled as the kid threw a punch at Azorel’s gut. “You’re a man aren’t you?” Another boy said while kicking him in the back knocking Azorel over. Azorel tried to get up but a swift kick to the stomach knocked him down again. At this, Azorel started to tear up. “What’s this? is the girly crying again?” mocked another boy. Azorel began letting loose all of his emotions and began to cry. “He really is a girl.” Said another kid as he lifted his foot and stepped on the back of Azorel’s head. “I am the king.” Said the boy as he struck a triumphant pose. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU ROTTEN BRATS?” Yelled a man as he came running forward, intent on stopping the situation at hand. “Run!” Yelled one of the children as they all took off.

The man ran up to Azorel and inspected him. “No serious injuries, you’ll be just fine.” Said the man as he picked Azorel up in his arms. “Where do you live?” He asked him. Azorel continued crying but managed to tell him. “Down the street to the left.” After a short walk the man dropped Azorel off at his home. “I’m sorry those kids did such a thing to you. To think they would terrorize a little girl” Azorel looked at the man and sniveling said. “I’m a… I’m a boy” The man looked surprised and tried to change the subject a little bit. “Anyways, you be safe now alright? Maybe we’ll meet again one day.” Azorel looked back up at the man and before he could leave grabbed his sleeve. “Thank you.” He muttered softly whilst looking away. “Don’t mention it.” Said the man as he smiled back towards Azorel. “Anyways I’m off now. Maybe we’ll meet one day again.” Said the man as he walked off to who knows where.

After that incident Azorel refused to go outside out of fear that the bullies would attempt to attack him again, much to the parents dismay. Azorel’s father tried coaxing him multiple times but Azorel would not have any of it. “I’m not going out there.” Azorel said while flipping to the next page of his book. Eventually his father got so frustrated with Azorel that he forced him to go outside and have “fun”. Azorel walked around a bit unsure of where to go or what to do. Walking along he saw a nearby bakery and decided looking at some of the food wouldn’t hurt. It wasn’t often he was able to eat pastries, so why not look at them and imagine what they taste like? After a bit of looking around he decided to head back home figuring he had been outside long enough. As luck would have it, he managed to stumble into the same group of kids who had beat him up the past few months ago. “Just my luck.” Azorel said as the kids all began to notice him, all charging at Azorel. Azorel immediately turned around and booked it. I’ll have to take the long way around now. He thought to himself. Looking back Azorel realized the kids were having trouble keeping up with him. “Hey, maybe I’ll be able to escape this time.” Azorel continued running forward only to suddenly find that more kids were in front of him. Did they split up and cut him off? Azorel  turned to the left intersection and noticed even more kids. “I...I’m completely surrounded.” Azorel turned around and realized there was nowhere to go. Backing himself up against a wall he started to panic. “Don’t hurt me.” He whispered. “What was that? You want us to hurt you again? Alright, here goes.” The bully through a punch with all of his might at Azorel. Surprisingly Azorel was able to dodge it this time at the last second, as the poor boys fist landed against the wall causing it to spurt blood. The kid started screaming and the rest of the kids to worried about their injured friend left running away. “I...I’m saved.” Azorel started to smile faintly knowing he had overcome the bullies at least once.

Suddenly the same man who had helped Azorel a few months prior also reappeared. “That was a nice dodge.” He said smiling. Azorel was stunned, why was the same man from earlier here? Was it a coincidence? “Th...thanks.” Azorel said, unsure of exactly what to say. “You know, you have some pretty good reflexes, how would you like it if I trained you. If I trained you how to enhance your body with magic? Of course, this will take quite a while, and it won’t be easy. It’s up to you.” He said enthusiastically. Azorel nodded, out of curiosity, and because doing something like this seemed like a rare once in a lifetime chance. “Great!” Said the man as he picked up Azorel. Suddenly a thin blue magical aura appeared around him. Small fragments of it seeping off into the air. The man started running vigorously jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Azorel panicked a bit wondering where the man was taking him but remained silent, somehow feeling that everything would turn out alright. Not a minute later they were back at Azorel’s house. Where the man explained the situation to his parents and that he wanted to take Azorel as an apprentice seeing as Azorel had agreed beforehand. Figuring that Azorel could gain some confidence his parents happily agreed. For 5 days each week Azorel trained with that man. With two days being days off for Azorel to regain his strength after all the hard work.

Eventually Azorel had mastered the basics and the man, now Azorel’s master, decided it was time for him to graduate and start his journey. Azorel felt the need to ask one final question before he left. “Master? Why exactly did you want to teach me all of this? Wouldn’t someone who was stronger than I surely be a better candidate?” Azorel’s master smirked at this. “Who’s to say you aren’t strong Azorel? I have a good feeling about you, and I believe even with your shortcomings, you can become a great mage.” Azorel smiled wide at this, something he barely ever did. “Alright, I won’t let you down.”

After quite a bit of time of yet more practice and growth Azorel felt ready, as he left home, and set off for the nearest guild Lamia Scale.

Last edited by Azorel Attus on Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:15 am; edited 1 time in total

2Azorel Attus Empty Re: Azorel Attus Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:58 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Delete the part about replenishing mana altogether.

3Azorel Attus Empty Re: Azorel Attus Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:16 am

Azorel Attus

Azorel Attus

4Azorel Attus Empty Re: Azorel Attus Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:44 am

Azorel Attus

Azorel Attus

5Azorel Attus Empty Re: Azorel Attus Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:25 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Approved. You may have to wait until Rias comes back in a day or two to receive your color, but you are free to begin RPing.

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