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1Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:25 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells 5q56

Name: Gemini
Meaning: The Twins
Rank: B
Magic: Copy Magic
Gender: Gemi (Male) Mini (Female)
Appearance: Gemini are small blueish impish creatures that seem to levitate off the ground. They stand at about a foot and a half. Gemi wears black shorts held up my a single suspender that goes over his left shoulder. Mini wears a pair of orange shorts held up my a orange suspender that goes over her right shoulder. Gemi has a upside down 'v' for a mouth and Mini has a 'v' for a mouth, both having a single, triangular tooth. They have two hairs and black eyes with white pupils's.
Personality: Gemi and Mini alike are both mischievous and love to have fun. As noted by Fairy Tail Wikia, they tend to shift their personality to their owner. Please note Koemi's personality on her character application.
Gemini can be summoned everyday except Monday.

  • Name: Transformation (Unnamed)
    Rank: D
    Magic Cost: 10mp 5mp to sustain.
    Requirements: Copy magic.
    Class: Supplementary.
    Element: -
    Cooldown: 2 posts.
    Duration: Until canceled or mp runs out.
    Effect: Gemini touches the target to temporarily copy their appearance, magic, and even short term memories. Has to be a D-rank mage for it to function. After usage time is up, Gemini returns to its previous state and has to use this spell again to copy the opponent.
  • Name: Flare (Unnamed)
    Rank: C
    Magic Cost: 20
    Requirements: Gemini
    Class: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Cooldown: 3 posts.
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Gemini warps itself in a bright aura that it uses to ram into opponents like a tackle. Can cause loss of breath and bruising.
  • Name: Spell Copy (Unnamed)
    Rank: D
    Magic Cost: 10
    Requirements: Having copied the opponent.
    Class: Same as the copied spell.
    Element: Whatever the element of the copied spell is.
    Cooldown: 4 posts.
    Duration: Same as the copied spell.
    Effect: Gemini can only copy a D rank spell. This spell copies the last used spell by the opponent and gains all the attributes of it. Gemini can use the copied spell once before having to copy a spell again. Note: it doesn't take a set amount of time to copy a spell, as the usage of the copied spell is instant. (Includes holder item spells.)

Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells D5y1

Name: Canis Major 'Cammy' by Koemi
Meaning: The Greater Dog
Rank: C
Magic: Variant of Dog Whistle Magic: Nikora Whistle
Gender: Female
Appearance: Canis has jet black hair and black-gray dog ears. She has very pale skin, similar to dog fur and she has a black tail. She has blood red eyes that give her an evil vibe. She is a regularly tall, weighted and sexually appealing. She wears formal attire, much similar to Koemi's style.
Personality: Canis is very loyal to Koemi, similar to Virgo. She will summon herself sometimes just to walk herself with Koemi. Although she is only able to be summoned on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. She is always busy taking care of her little siblings, the Nikoras.

  • Name: Nikora Summon (unnamed)
    Rank: D
    Magic Cost: 10 mp.
    Requirements: Nikora Whistle
    Class: Supplementary
    Element: -
    Cooldown: 3 posts.
    Duration: 5 posts.
    Effect: Canis creates five magic circles around her, each summoning a 1.5ft Nikora. They are there to be cute and awesome, they disappear after 5 posts. None of these Nikoras can leave a five meter space around Canis. All these little Plues can be sent back to the Celestial World with one D rank spells.
  • Name: Enchant Nikora (unnamed)
    Rank: D
    Magic Cost: 10mp 5mp to sustain.
    Requirements: Nikora Whistle
    Class: Supplementary
    Element: -
    Cooldown: 3 posts.
    Duration: 5 posts
    Effect: Canis casts a spell on all summoned Nikoras, allowing them to absorb magic energy from whatever they touch. However it will not drain their opponent's mana. After a full post of absorption, they grow to 3 meters tall. When casted on a Plue, it increases their offense by 25% and only two at a time can be buffed. At maximum charge, these Plues can pack a punch, and their punches can cause bruising and loss of breath, so far with this enchant... The Nikoras as strictly limited to melee offensive damage.

Last edited by Koemi Takahashi on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:47 pm; edited 11 times in total

2Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:55 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi
Oh and just to clarify, Gemini's two copy spells I would like to consider D-rank spells, because Koemi is a D-rank.

3Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:14 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hiya Koemi~ I'll be lookin over you're spells~

For Gemini's spells, can you edit the rank and cost as to fit the rank, rather than stating it please? I will grade those fully once they are fixed up.

For Cammy's spells;

1. -Can these little chibi's be destroyed?
-Edit out "can be used 5 times per topic"
-Increase cooldown to 3 posts

2. -I do not understand how this spell is spell is supposed to work. Please clarify how it works.
-Add a cooldown.

bump when edited.

4Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:00 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi
Hopefully I explained enough. ^^


EDIT: Ohmigosh, sorry... I forgot to change Gemini's rank. You may grade now.

5Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:56 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Gemini's spells:
1. -Remove the duration. Change it to, until canceled or mp runs out, or a variation that sounds simpler.

2. -There is no such thing as a spell with no cooldown, sweety. Make it 3 posts please.

3. -Change this so it cannot effect summoning of other keys.
-Make the cooldown 4 posts. This spell is its own, therefore it has to have it's own cooldown.

Canis spells:

4. -Make them be destroyed by a D rank spell, being that there are 5 of them.
-Remove the sustain cost since you have a normal duration.
-Limit how far these chibi's can move away from you. 5 meters for D rank.

5. -Firstly, add that this spell, if touching something containing mp (such as a PC, NPC, or anything with a mp bar) will not lose any actual mp.
-Remove the parts of any variant amount of energy gained.
-Lower the damage they can take to 1 D rank spell.
-State the type of damage they can do.
-Let's simplify this. Remove the debuff, limit how many of the Plues get increased to 2, and only those three can get the buff.

Bump when edited.

6Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:42 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi
Bump XD

7Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:53 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Sorry this took long. Approved for final review.

8Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:14 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
For Gemini's Spell Copy, state that it's class is the same as the copied spell, as you did with the element.

9Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:03 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi
Thanks. XD *Bumps*

10Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:30 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
I'm so sorry, but I just noticed one more thing. State the the Spell Copy can only copy a D rank spell. It would make no sense for the copy to be stronger than the original. Again, I apologize. Make that last edit and I will approve.

11Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:52 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi
Bump. :D

12Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:51 am


Spell Copy (Unnamed): "Gemini can use this spell can be used once to copy and unlimited for the copied spell. " This sentence is really vague. With Copy Magic you are only allowed to copy the spell once, you are not able to remember or use it later on after copied it once. That sounds more like Memory Make Magic.

13Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:48 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi
Sorry. D:

Anyways, edited.

14Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:17 pm

Koemi Takahashi

Koemi Takahashi

15Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Empty Re: Koemi's Starter Keys/Spells Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:35 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Approved and added to profile

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