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1Inukaiya Sliver Empty Inukaiya Sliver Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:07 am

Inukaiya Sliver

Inukaiya Sliver

   Inukaiya Sliver 0838
   "I will always help someone in need, no matter what!!"

Name(s): Inukaiya Sliver
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Birthday:  23/Augest/X764
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Scout
Alignment: Lawful Good
Rank: D
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo:  Left shoulder blade-Blue
Face Claim: Kunagi Tenrou-Daibanchou - Big Bang Age -


Height: 5'3
Weight: 120 lb
Hair: Has white mid-back long hair she keeps warped behind her with a gold Chinese clamps with a few strands of hair on both sides of her face.
Eyes: Bright yellow eyes
General Appearance: Inukaiya has a slim athletic body with a semi pale skin with a flawless face that goes well with her eyes and hair, it might not look like it but she very strong and toned but her slim look fools many people  believe that she's weak which she uses to her advantage.  She always keeps her hair in this style unless she very relaxes, then she lets her white hair down. Many say Inukaiya's hair and eyes glow in the moonlight which makes her look supernatural and unique since not many people have white hair and gold eyes.

Inukaiya wears a Blue style Chinese split Kimono with a white wrap around her waist that has attache sleeves that starts halve way down from her shoulders and  to her wrist that sorta over shadows a little of her wrist, she also wears thigh high white socks with black style Chinese fighting shoes.
Extra: she has a feathers hair clip in her hair and her family's crest tattoo on her shoulder arm.

Personality: Inukaiya is a very cool, calm a little cold honest girl who very rarely gets worked up enough to get angry. She very calm any any situation unless someone does something to hurt her loved ones, she may not look it but she loves to help others anyway she can from helping to cook to cleaning to fighting, her cold personality might drive some away but she very nice once you get to know her.

Inukaiya is a honest person but sometimes it makes her seem blunt, but she not trying to be mean just helpful, She a big nature lover so she loves to star gaze or be in the forest. She is also very loyal once you gain her trust you'll have it forever unless you brake it then its almost impossible to get back.

Inukaiya is a very strong-willed girl who loves to exercise and is very flexible and will try to invite others to join and might not give up unless you say yes, she's also very stubborn once she gets an idea in her head she won't give up until its complete. Inukaiya can get along with many animals but snakes and spiders are the two she can't stand spiders make her have a phobia attack and snakes are just so hard to talk and get along with so she basically can't tolerate snakes for any reason she thinks their very frustrating.

  1. Animals

Inukaiya loves animals, and you will usually see her with a different animal in her arms everyday, or in the forest playing or feeding them. She loves to be on the roof the most feeding and singing with the birds.

  • Exercise

She loves to work out and practice her flexibility or sword or magic training, she can't go a day without at least moving any part of her body in any workout, it might drive some crazy but its a habit she can't and won't brake.

  • Helping others

She loves to help others all thought her looks makes her look like she doesn't care, she does very much and loves to help anyone with almost anything,she has limits to what she will help with she won't help with anything Illegal, anything that will hurt others or anything sexual.

  • Jobs

She loves to do jobs, any job she can find in her guild that won't go against her code she will do.

  • Those that hurt others

She hates those who attack others weaker then them who can't defend themselves for no reason, she believes if you pick in someone weaker then you then you must not be very strong yourself since you can't fight those who can fight.

  • Perverts

She can't stand perverts, if she she once she can't help but beat the crap out of them then tie them up and let the ones he was peeping on beat him up unrestricted. She can't stand perverts.

  • Traitors

She a very loyal person so she can't understand why people betray each other, its the most offensive thing to her.

  • Rain

Its not that she really dislikes it since rain makes everything smell fresh it's just she can't go on the roof and star gaze when it rain's since it blocks the star's.
Motivations: She wishes to at least bring people together or friendly like since she knows its impossible for everyone to get along fully.

  • Spiders

*shutters* Inukaiya can't stand spiders, no matter what size she always freezes up. She's very paranoid about spiders if she see's one she imagines theirs a lot more around which causes her to have a panic attack unless you calm her down.

  • Snakes

Even though Inukaiya loves all animals she fears snakes  a little since snakes can't be friends with anyone, they always freaked her out a little so she steers clear of them.
Positive Traits:

  • Agile (+3)

You are particularly flexible and poised

  • Animal Affinity (+2)

You are good with animals

  • Swift (+3)

You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

  • Animal Tongue (+4)

You are capable of speaking with animals.
Negative Traits:

  • Branded (-2)

You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime.

  • Curiosity (-1)

You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.
This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) Phobia

A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus

  • Intolerance (-1)

You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all.

  • Proud (-1)

You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.

  • Trusting (-2)

You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?

  • Daredevil (-2)

You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himsefl to the limit at every available opportunity.


Magic: Takeover: Beast-Soul Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Because of their strong connection to animals, Beast magic allows them to change into any Beast they chooses to add them in battle or outside help. Its a rare magic as not many people have beast magic and some don't even know what it is, you got to have a very strong connection to animals to unlock it. Some might call it shape-shifting but its not shape-shifting is when you can change into anything or anyone, this magic is to change into animals only.
Strengths: It allows them to change into any animal at anytime, it gives them the instincts and skills of the animal they change into. If they train hard enough they can use elemental attacks depending on the attitude of the animal, like if she changes into a bird they can only use wind attacks. Because of their strong bond with animals they can ask for help from animals as back up.
Weaknesses:It makes the person a little unstable since they will be over run with beast instinct and it takes them awhile before their human mind comes back depending on how long they were an animal, and remember it doesn't make you stronger or faster then the animals just gives you the same strength and weakness they have. Also  no matter what animal she change's into she will always keep her while hair color and golden yellow eyes, one of the side effect of changing into an animals for to long is she will get animals traits like if she was a bird she will get wings or if she was a wolf ears and a tail, it can last for hours or mouths it depends really sometimes.

History: Inukaiya doesn't like to talk about it much but she was born into a family of slaves as you can see by the brand on her shoulder blade's, she manage to run away when she was 8 and liked in forest until a kind elderly women found her and raised her she was also kind enough to not call the guards when she saw the brand on her arm.  She always feels quality about leaving her family behind but their was no way all of them can escape together but she hopes to free them one day, if their still alive,

Because of the Kimono she can't hide her brand but she hides it by calming it a family crest, which it is in some way, but she still hides from law reinforcement just in-case they recognize the mark, because of her life in the forest for awhile she grew very close to the animals but had a bad run in with spiders when she accidentally  walked into a web of poison spiders were she almost died if the women who took her in haven't found her in time and took her to the doctors, but since then she had a very big fear of spiders of any kind, and when ever she see's one she freezes up and has a panic attack they only way her nana could calm her down was to ether taker her or the spider away.

Inukaiya discovered her magic by accident when she rescued her nana from some bandits when she changed into bird and used its natural power over wind to blow the guys away, were it gave them enough time to escape. since then she been training with them right now she can only change into small or baby animals, and do harmless attacks. She doesn't change into baby animals like wolves and etc much since she will get hurt or killed so she only changes into them during training, scouting or small things like bandits until she can change into bigger and stronger animals. Inukaiya also found out she can only do elemental magic depending on what animal she uses: Birds with wind, wolves and forest animals with earth, cave animals with darkness, water animals with water but she haven't found any creatures yet with light or fire.
  Some years later Inukaiya founds her way to the fairy tail guild were it was very entertaining and they were interested in her magic and didn't care about her slave tattoo on her arm, She been their ever since.

Last edited by Inukaiya Sliver on Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:28 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:58 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
-Please include a last name.
-Please increase Magic Strength to 75 words.
-Please bold "Weakness:" under you magic
-Please extend your History to 400 words.

3Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:59 am


Hello, Inukaiya.

  • Your Personality requires at least 200 words, yours contains 187 words.
  • Add your Intolerance.
  • Your magic seems like Summoning and Take-Over Magic combined into one Magic. Please change this.

4Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:59 pm

Inukaiya Sliver

Inukaiya Sliver
Hmm take over magic how? she not taking over their bodies or anything just their characteristic and features. And i guess it kinda a summoning magic since the calls any animal that's relates to the surroundings, do you have any ideas on how to change it so its the same idea but not like the take over and summoning like you said?

5Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:43 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
I would say the Takeover aspect would come from the acquiring of animal instincts. Remove that part to have purely animal summoning or remove the summoning aspect and have something akin to Beast Soul.

6Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:58 pm

Inukaiya Sliver

Inukaiya Sliver

7Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:59 pm

Inukaiya Sliver

Inukaiya Sliver
Beast Soul? and sorry if am asking to many questions

8Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:10 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Its perfectly OK. You can't learn if you don't ask.

Beast Soul is like what Elfman uses. But instead of turning into a huge monster, you would turn into animals.

9Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:02 pm

Inukaiya Sliver

Inukaiya Sliver
Hmm ok i will change it into beast soul magic

10Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:49 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
A thousand apologies for the long delay. Approved.

11Inukaiya Sliver Empty Re: Inukaiya Sliver Wed Feb 26, 2014 2:46 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Apologies Inukaiya. When I approved your app, I did not notice you had forgotten to name your magic "Takeover: Beast Soul" as needed. I have taken the liberty of doing so for you.

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