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1Anna Okami Empty Anna Okami Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:26 pm

Anna Okami

Anna Okami

   Anna Okami 72trO
   "I can't. . help being a hindrance at times. I'm a bit of a curse."

Name(s): Anna Okami.
Nickname(s): Flame Dancer.
Age: Twenty-Seven.
Sex: Female.
Birthday: 2nd/June/X752.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Class: Mystic.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Rank: D.
Guild: Lamia Scale.
Guild Tattoo: Dark Green, left thigh.
Face Claim: Alexandra Garcia - Kuroko No Basket.


Height: Six-foot.
Weight: One hundred and twenty-three.
Hair: Waist-reaching long hair, somewhat messy, blonde.
Eyes: Feminine, slightly small, light sea green.
General Appearance: At a first glimpse, she has quite an intimidating height, which could easily intimidate someone of a small stature. Despite the fact that she looks somewhat youthful, you could tell with ease that she is indeed an adult looking at her face. Even though she radiates a sense of beauty with her facial looks, there seems to be a bit of a wild side with her messy hair. Her figure also seems to look rather curvaceous, but at the same time she looks at the top-shape of physique.

She doesn't seem to have much of a sense of style when it comes down to clothing, as she would wear whatever is available in her closet despite what it is. Whether it's revealing or not, she doesn't seem to mind in the very least. She tends to usually wear what seems to be a tank top, black or white in colour. Denim shorts tend to also be a choice for her along with any type of boots that she could find. When it comes to special occasions, she has a bit of trouble with choice as sometimes she would come in what she would usually wear or she just comes in something that doesn't really fit in the mood. Her showing up in a dress is a bit of a rare sight, though she doesn't seem to mind wearing one. She just never thought of buying one.

Extra: Red glasses, they don't fix eye-sight but are more or less a little thing that she wears to seem smarter. Least she thinks that others may assume such a thing. Little fox-doll with a tag on it, used for her holder spells. Usually strapped around her waist or in a pocket.


Personality: A woman who's somewhat laid back, with a heart that bears loneliness, Anna can be considered to be a rather strong woman. She understands her faults, analysing them more than a foe and tries her best to improve herself to it. Despite that, she does believe there are some things that she cannot change about herself. She doesn't have much of a sense for danger, pretty much because she hasn't experienced a dire experience before. Even if she was confronted by one, she likely would care much for it and rush right in. Perhaps it's because she's a bit fickle, but she doesn't think of the consequences of her actions.

There are a lot of things that she has yet to understand, the concept of love fully being one of them. She's more of a free spirit, unlikely to tie herself down with one person. If she says she love's someone, it's likely that is saying it in a different definition to someone else. But she considers anyone that she believes as a friend to be someone that she loves. It’s not that she doesn't understand the concept behind boyfriend and girlfriend. She's just a bit warp when it comes to figuring whether she truly does love a person to that extent. Perhaps this is due to that hole that's left within her.

Though she is quite the dumb one at times, she does seem to be knowledgeable in where it matters. As she was trained in the use of magic since a child, her combat skills can put many to shame as she can also pull strategies out of her head as if it was nothing. Though she does have a bit of a problem when it comes to encountering something unknown to her, but can usually deal with such things. But despite this, she does act rather childish. Not in the common aspect, but she is a bit similar to a child in the way she acts to people and talks. Though, she can act like a adult, but just behaves the opposite around the people that she likes.

Though, she does seem to view herself as a curse. It was due to the words of Midori that hit her mentally and created a wound that can never heal with time. She doesn't really care much about it, but she would often bring it up if something goes wrong. If someone were to call her those words again, it would likely hurt her severely.


  • Animal Lover - Ever since she begun travelling, she begun to see sights that she could only dream of. Even a trash-can seemed fascinating to her. But what top this off was the cute animals that were everywhere. Even she found things such as ugly monsters fascinating. She's able to get along with any.
  • Friends - A friend means quite a lot to her, though people pass this word around a lot, a simple say of it would pretty much make her tackle-hug you. Though, she is pretty much able to tell when someone is lying about such things, she isn't 'that' dumb.
  • Delicious Food - This would be the second-most best thing that ever happened to her since she left home. She never know how different things could taste and how amazing it could be. If she was able to, she'd buy a whole restaurant to cook for her for the rest of her life.
  • Inari - Even though she has some bad memories of her past, she also remembers the good ones. She still in a believer in her god and doesn't seem to want to undo her past no matter what. She believes that she owes her god her life.


  • The word "Curse" - Though she refers to herself as it a lot when something bad happens, whenever someone does say the word a shiver gets sent down her spine. She can't help but feel depressed whenever it is said.
  • "Bad" guy - Villians, people that do bad, if she knew such things existed before she left, she may have done so earlier to help people out. She can't stand people who do bad without a reason behind it. Though she does empathise those who have to do bad due to a sad reason such as having kids or forced, which she may try to do something to help them.
  • Lazy people - It annoys her how someone can just laze around and do nothing for a whole day. Normally she would be busy the whole day when she was a kid, doing duties or working so she sees no reason why someone should do that.
  • Being Beaten - Perhaps it's due to the fact that she rarely experienced competition, but she doesn't like being beaten when challenged to something. She she does she'd act like a kid, pout and being to stop talking to the person, though it wouldn't last that long.

Motivations: She doesn't really have much of a motivation in life, perhaps it's due to not having much inspiration for goals and such. But what she does want is to live life to the fullest and just try her best to live in a fun way with others.

Fears: There are two things that she wouldn't be able to cope with, the first one is being along forever. Though she doesn't think there's anyway of this happening with the fact that she could eventually make more friends if others move on, there's a lingering feeling that people might leave her do to her being a curse. Other than that, she couldn't ever cope with seeing Midori again. Even though she's fairly old now, her telling Anna those same words as before would break her and she's quite afraid of what she would do to herself if that did happen.

Positive Traits:

  • Nimble Fingers (+2): You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

Negative Traits:

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.

    Compulsions: The character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering.

    [She seems to insist on saying a sentence or longer before each of her spell. Though she doesn't need to do so, she believes that it makes her stronger.]
  • Clumsiness (-1): You have the unfortunate habit of dropping things, knocking things over, or tripping. Once per battle the opponent can call upon your clumsiness and easily dodge one of your attacks.
  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.


Magic: Inari's Wisp.
Caster or Holder: Holder.
Description: It is a magic that allows the user to create/summon "wisps" of flames and have the ability to control them. These wisps usually have different forms and properties based on the spell cast, at high ranks tending to look more similar to a fox in appearance. The magic seems to be used with a little red fox doll with a magical tag on it, able to be held in hand at ease. Though it's often mistaken with caster fire magic, the difference is the flames have more longevity and much more manipulation for a higher cost.

Strengths: Each wisp is able to be controlled and can last for a while even after hitting a target if the user of the spell if skilled enough. Also a multiple number can be cast and controlled at the same time. As it is fire, it does also cause burns proving to be quite destructive and a good offensive option.

Weaknesses: It has a constant strain on the user, even more if there is numerous numbers of wisps being controlled. The user needs their hands available to control the wisp, else it be stationary till removed. Destruction/Loss of the tag on the doll would also make the user unable to perform and magic. It has the standard fire weaknesses [doused by water, etc.]


History: Anna didn't know of her own parents. She never knew of her past, nor did she really want to. All she knew was that she was abandoned in the streets as a baby, only with a mental clock that was ticking to her demise. Yet, the ticking halted once a masked woman glanced at her, to soon grasp the baby gently as she hurried to shelter. A housing establishment that was ran by people whom were taking care of a shrine known as maidens. Leaving the child there and disappearing, she was soon fed and taken care of by the maidens whom lived here. Still to this day she didn't know who saved her, but those in the area called the woman the spirit of Inari due to a myth.

There were three maidens whom lived there, two that were adults and one that was a teen. They were rather intense believers, as the small town that they lived in seemed to have a rather strong belief into the ideas on Inari. As Anna was believed to be brought to them by the spirit of Inari, her family name became Okami, as for her real name was chosen by them. The maidens all seemed to not have ties to their families, thus they all thought of each other as family. This was why they referred to each other by their first name, only with the exception of Anna who was usually called by her family name.

She was brought up with care, as they did owe a great deal to their god and believed that the child was a divine gift. Midori, the youngest one of the maidens, was the one whom took more care of Anna and had more of a bond with her. The others mainly took care of their daily duties, as they usually were responsible for that before the appearance of Anna. However, Anna thought of Midori as more of a mother, despite her youthful age. Once she was around the mid-age of four, she begun learning about the priestess's beliefs and also helped out though it was a little bit.

But due to her upbringing, she was quite distant from others except the three and didn't know much about the world. As she aged more and more, her studies didn't stop at only beliefs, but she began to learn more about magic. Though their concept behind magic was more of it being a godly-mystical act rather than how mages believe it to be today. Once she had reached the age of thirteen, she was a beginner in using Inari's Wisp and was given a tag that she had to keep with her for all times as it was said that it gives her the blessing of Inari.

Around the same time, Midori, also gave her a little red fox doll. It wasn't anything special and it looked rather old. But the girl who was practically a woman at this time said to her that it always kept her safe and she wanted to give it to Anna to keep her safe. Cause it wasn't magical or anything, just a lucky charm that would work more in Anna's hands as she believed in her mother-figure's words. It was the first time that the child cried since being a baby, as she told her "I love you." It didn't seem at the time that the child would ever leave her home, but things eventually changed.

Eighteen, less than year ago the eldest maiden died due to a unknown fatal illness. Even though Anna was sad, it didn't affect her a lot. But the person that was more affected by it was Midori. She began to become more distant with the other maiden and also Anna. It eventually became to the point where she wouldn't even utter a word to her. Saddened by this, Anna eventually plucked up the courage to talk to her. But things didn't go as planned, as the whole conversation eventually became an argument as she said she viewed Anna as a curse. Of course Midori didn't mean it but she was distraught.

For Anna, a person who didn't experience much hardships when going up to suddenly hear this, It was like her heart was broken into two. She ran, ran from home as she said she'll never be seen again. She did this cause she didn't want to curse Midori ever again. It was hard; she was running into a world that she didn't know quite fully of. It was like she was a lost lamb in a dangerous forest. But she managed, keeping on the road and travelling, hanging on to the lucky doll that was given to her.

She became a traveller and also learned more about the world with it. Each sight made her think; perhaps this was how things were meant to be for her. Midori had the curse of her life gone, whilst Anna being able to see such wonderful things. But she felt as if something was missing, like there was a big gaping hole inside her. But she held it in, kept living her life and seeing and learning, she even fell in love for once which didn't end up well. But the hole still was there, even at the age of twenty-six when she thought she would eventually get over it. But she gradually got into the magic business, putting her magic into good use and eventually joining a guild known as Lamia Scale. Things looked bright for her, but still she couldn't help but still long for something to fill the void.

Last edited by Anna Okami on Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total

2Anna Okami Empty Re: Anna Okami Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:11 pm

Anna Okami

Anna Okami
Bump~ Done~

3Anna Okami Empty Re: Anna Okami Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:18 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hello Anna! I'm Aoi and I'll be looking over your app today! ^-^

So, first thing is your age. It's a common thing, and it happens with me as well. Being that your already 27, and that June hasn't come yet, you will need to make your birth year 752, rather than 753.

Next up, In your magic, can you add that your summons will disperse once you lose possession of the doll, which may happen since you are -as you worded it to seem- a klutz.

That seems to be it. Just bump when edited ^-^

4Anna Okami Empty Re: Anna Okami Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:04 am

Anna Okami

Anna Okami
But it's done with the magical tag that's on the doll, not the doll itself. She just keeps it there cause they are both precious things to her and it'd be less easy to lose them :p.

5Anna Okami Empty Re: Anna Okami Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:59 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Alright, I see it now, and the destruction of the tag. Alright then, approved! ^-^

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