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1Sendo "The Outcast" Empty Sendo "The Outcast" Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:28 pm



Sendo "The Outcast" 0iwi
”Death is the only thing I know for real”

Name(s): Has no given name but goes by Sendo
Nickname(s): The Outcast
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Birthday: 11/1/X754
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: D
Guild: Eisenweld
Guild Tattoo: Right shoulder
Face Claim: Twisted Fate, from League Of Legends


Height: 7ft
Weight: 230ibs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blood red
General Appearance: He has long black hair that goes down to his shoulders. His eyes are red and glow when the light catches them right. He has a short beard which he keeps nicely groomed along with his moustache. He wears an old western styled hat which he likes to use to cover his eyes and nap. He always wears his long brown coat which flows in the wind. On his feet he wears stylish cowboy boots which are warm and help shield his feet from the elements while he travels. He keeps the brand on his neck covered with a red bandana

Extra: He has a tattoo on his back of black wings which span from either shoulder blade to his waist. Has a demonic brand that appears on his neck on the left side.


Personality: Sendo is a very intelligent and cold man who is very blunt with the truth not holding anything back no matter the situation. Because of his intelligence, he has a habit of viewing others as slow and not worth his time. He is a cruel person who has no qualms about causing suffering in others besides that it would take extra work. He is lazy and prefers to do things rather quickly when he can as far as work is concerned but loves to travel the world in search of new things to quench his growing curiosity about the world and himself. Sendo can be described as absent minded as he doesn't always keep his thoughts on track. He is bipolar so his mood can swing from a high to a low in only moments. Sendo likes to think things out to the last detail when making decisions so he can be described as indecisive. Reckless and proud by nature, Sendo doesn't show fear in the face of anything and refuses to accept help from anyone no matter what he is facing. Sendo is judgmental and because of his brute honesty, has a nasty habit of telling people their flaws flat out without holding back which is a fact that gets him into trouble often. Sendo has amnesia and cant remember anything from the past few years of his life save for the day he awoke with no knowledge of who he was or where he was.


  • Night
  • Water
  • Swimming
  • Camping
  • Traveling
  • Warm Weather


  • Cold weather
  • Flying
  • Over working
  • Cacti


  • He is driven by his want to always be improving himself so that he wont ever have to lose his memory again, and so maybe when he finds who or what took his memories from him he can be strong enough this time to beat it.
  • More than anything he is driven by his want to find a way to regain his lost memories, no matter how afraid of them he is they are a part of him and he refuses to have them left behind. He refuses to lose himself no matter who he was or what he was, the memories cant change the kind of person he now wants to be if he doesn't want them to.


  • Sendo fears the past that he can't remember, what it could reveal about himself and the people he knew.
  • Sendo also fears not remembering his past, because a large chunk of himself and possibly everything that made him who he was could just have up and disappeared.

Positive Traits:(23 Total)

  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Blind-Fight (+4): You know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes.
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.
  • Zealot (+4): This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon. This weapon can be mentioned behind the Zealot feat within brackets to claim it upon approval. (Red bladed katana with launcher sheathe)

Negative Traits:(23 Total)

  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.
  • Amnesia (-1): You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself, or your family. Your life is a blank slate. However, your past may someday come back to haunt you.
    The rest of the flaws you pick are unknown to your character; over the course of your progress, your character will slowly discover them.
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Branded (-2): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime.
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.
    This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himself to the limit at every available opportunity.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! Sendo was born a bastard by the unholy combining of a human mother and a demon "father". He may not know this himself, but this is a very dark thing to be sure.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
    Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical—penalties.
  • Bipolar Mood Disorder: The character oscillates between the mood states mentioned above, sometimes staying in one mood for weeks at a time, sometimes rapidly switching from one to another. Also known as manic depressive.
  • Compulsions: The character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering.(moves his fingers inwards toward his palm in a random order while thinking)
  • Inattentive (-1): Your mind has a habit of drifting off at inopportune moments. It flits from one thought to the next so fast that you have trouble getting it to concentrate on the here and now. As such, you are particularly unaware of your surroundings.
  • Indecisive (-1): You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
  • Lazy (-1): You will never do any more work than is absolutely necessary. You will rely on your companions to do things such as build campfires, cook, and keep watch throughout the night. Generally, you will neglect details of preparedness in order to grab a few extra minutes of sleep. Failure indicates that you think the time would be better spent napping or laying under the shade.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.


Magic:Demon Blood

Caster or Holder:Caster

Description:Those whom have had this power bestowed upon them have been blessed but also cursed, with the powers of a demon. Given to humans born of a demon and human, those with this power are naturally outcast and branded either on their chest or back the sign of the demon [insert picture here]. The powers given can have a wide range depending on the demon that fathered (or indeed mothered) the individual. Seeing that most of the spells used in this type of magic relate to the body in some way, people who have archived this magic refer to its element as a blood type because of the name they had chosen and the effects of certain of the spells/abilities.

Those with demon blood have the ability to use their powers to augment their own physical abilities which can range from sight to strength. It can also allow them to harness the full of their demon blood to morph for a time, into their demon form (Only one demon form can be obtained and ever used). In this demon form, some of their abilities will be unusable and some will only be usable in said form. When strong enough those using this magic can even attack others using their blood but it comes at the cost of (of course) their blood count and losing too much can result in death or feinting.

Strengths: The half demon or “demi demon” can transform into its demon form in combat to gain the increased physical abilities that such a thing would give along with any physical attribute it would be given depending on the form. In this “demon form” any magic used will have slightly increased effects because of the user being closer to the root of said magic. The magic itself can span from many things that can help increase the abilities of the user physically. As well the most "crazy" of these users can also use their own blood as a weapon which can be very powerful. Because the user is considered a demon, darkness and such other magics have reduced effect.

Weaknesses: Weaknesses that come with this magic type can stem from a verity of things. Though the demon form gives increased physical attributes and can make certain of the users spells stronger, some magic can not be used in said form and some can only be used in said form. The user will carry a brand on their person that will mark them as a “demi demon” which can cause a variety of unwanted happenings among people. If the user is crazy enough to attack using his or her own blood as a weapon then the consequences can be tremendous, if they lose too much blood it can cause feinting or even death. Because the user is considered an evil half demon, holy magic will have increased effects on them.


History:(808 Words)
Sendo can't remember a thing before the day he awoke. But that memory will stay with him forever. He awoke on the top of a hill covered in blood but without physical wounds. He was laid out against a broken stone wall atop the hill that was more than likely once a watch tower but had long since been abandoned and ruined. He was disoriented as he pulled himself up off of the ground asking himself a flurry of questions contained in his thoughts. Who was he? Where was he? Why was he covered in blood? All these questions circulated in his head with no answer. His eyes darted around him in curiosity, even though he knew not who he was or why he was there, he felt no fear of the situation. Upon investigation, he noticed that a blade had been sitting in his lap sheathed while he was sitting passed out and had slid off of his lap. He bent down and inspected the sheathe and blade, both were strange but they felt right in his hands, like they were meant for one another. He held the blade in his left hand and rolled his shoulders trying to shake himself awake. He looked down the hill and saw that men, armed with blades of their own among other things. They seemed angry and were marching up the hill. He wondered who they were but he had no doubt that they were there to kill him. The thought once again brought no fear, but caused a grin to dance across his face. He had a plan already thought out as long as he could keep his mind on track. He turned and climbed up what was left of the tower, causing small pieces to crumble down. Then when he got as high as he could and could see them men approaching he waited. Trying as hard as he could to keep his mind on track he counted out six men, three armed with swords, two with guns and one with a staff who was most likely a mage by the mark on her arm.

Drawing his sword, he lept from his hiding place as soon as the enemy gathered around the base of the tower. He aimed his jump so that he flew out toward the closest gun wielder and drove his sword into his chest. He turned as the rest of this dead mans party reacted in shock and swung his sword in one fluid motion to take the head of the other gun wielder spraying blood into the eyes of the closest man wielding a sword. He sheathed his sword and dodged a miss aimed swing narrowly, taking the tip of the blade in his shoulder. He then quickly pressed the trigger on the sheathe as natural as ever and grabbed the hilt of his sword as it flew from the sheath, using the momentum to slice through the blinded mans flesh and killing him. His grin had grown wider from the sounds of the dieing, he revelled in the sounds of the death around him and the blood covering his blade. Even though he could not determine any memories, this felt right to him. Dispatching the last two men, he turned to the woman wielding a staff. She was in sheer shock of the brutality he displayed and dropped her staff. She dove for it and tried madly to grab hold of it. Expressionless, he kicked it away from her down the hill before she could grasp it. She sank back screaming in a language he could not understand “Anata ga iru Sendo!!” he watched as she scrambled to her feet and threw herself down the hill as if she was on fire. She tumbled to the bottom and ended up cracking her head on a rock. Not an unfitting fate, in his eyes, to one who would choose to run instead of fight and live. Something she said he liked though, Sendo, he enjoyed the sound of it. So in that moment it was settled for him, he took the name Sendo. That moment was the earliest he could remember, and it was two years ago. Since then, he has roamed the land in search of purpose, trying to better himself and trying in vein to get his memories back. He found out that a tattoo on his shoulder belonged to a magic guild, something he had to be told by a female barkeep that decided to be friendly to him despite his demeanor. Thanks to her he now knew what his purpose was, he had belonged to this guild, that was where he would have to start his search for his memory. A part of him had to be there, so he set out for the guild, hoping for the best.

Last edited by SendoKasai on Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:00 pm; edited 4 times in total

2Sendo "The Outcast" Empty Re: Sendo "The Outcast" Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:24 pm



3Sendo "The Outcast" Empty Re: Sendo "The Outcast" Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:22 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hello Sendo, I'll be grading your app today.

First off, can you add the origin of TF please? Granted people may know, others may not.

Next up, your one trait over in negatives than your positives. Please even that out.

Now your magic. You explain the origin of where it comes, but you do not see how it works or what it can do, which is what the description includes. Please describe what kinds of things your magic does.

Bump when edited

4Sendo "The Outcast" Empty Re: Sendo "The Outcast" Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:11 pm


Aoi Mitsurugi wrote:Hello Sendo, I'll be grading your app today.

First off, can you add the origin of TF please? Granted people may know, others may not.

Next up, your one trait over in negatives than your positives. Please even that out.

Now your magic. You explain the origin of where it comes, but you do not see how it works or what it can do, which is what the description includes. Please describe what kinds of things your magic does.

Bump when edited

Alright, added TF's origin (unless you meant the history x-x)

Fixed the negative to positive ratio

Wrote under what i already had in the description to add the explanation as to the things it does.

Thanks for looking it over ^^

5Sendo "The Outcast" Empty Re: Sendo "The Outcast" Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:33 am


Hello, Sendo.

  • Remove the "(249 words)" from your Personality.
  • Use the list code for Likes, Dislikes, Motivations, Fears, Positive and Negative Traits.
  • Motivations: explain why these motivate your character.
  • Fears: you need at least two fears.
  • Add what your Dark Secret is within the description.
  • Remove the "(808 Words)" from your History.
  • Magic: Be more specific of what the magic can do. Look at other magic descriptions which you can use as an example. Same goes with your Strenghts and Weaknesses. Weakness example: what magic will overpower or is stronger than Demon Blood? Like Darkness Magic is weak to Holy/Light Magic.

6Sendo "The Outcast" Empty Re: Sendo "The Outcast" Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:39 am


Eve wrote:Hello, Sendo.

  • Remove the "(249 words)" from your Personality.
  • Use the list code for Likes, Dislikes, Motivations, Fears, Positive and Negative Traits.
  • Motivations: explain why these motivate your character.
  • Fears: you need at least two fears.
  • Add what your Dark Secret is within the description.
  • Remove the "(808 Words)" from your History.
  • Magic: Be more specific of what the magic can do. Look at other magic descriptions which you can use as an example. Same goes with your Strenghts and Weaknesses. Weakness example: what magic will overpower or is stronger than Demon Blood? Like Darkness Magic is weak to Holy/Light Magic.

Alright I think I got it all

Got rid of the word counts

Added my dark secret and bolded it so that it could be found easily.

Added two fears, though the reckless trait needs rewording since it doesnt in fact remove all fears as its description says.

Did my very best to better explain .etc my magic and bolded what was added so that it could be found easily.

Hope that got everything this time

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