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1FIONA MILLARD  Empty FIONA MILLARD Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:12 pm

Fiona Millard

Fiona Millard

       FIONA MILLARD  RkAcu8s
       "What I wish for beyond anything, is to find my happy ending.
And even if I cannot find it. I will try to help others discover theirs."



   Name(s): Fiona Millard
   Nickname(s): Fi, Milly, The Innocent Maiden, Klutzy Fi.
   Age: Twenty
   Sex: Female
   Birthday: 14/4/X760 | April 14th, X760
   Sexuality: Heterosexual
   Class: Scout
   Alignment: Neutral Good
   Rank: D-Rank
   Guild: Fairy Tail
   Guild Tattoo: Above her right breast, the color beige.
   Face Claim:  Tear Grants - Tales of the Abyss


   Height: 5'6
   Weight: 125
   Hair: Dark Beige
   Eyes: Ocean Blue
   General Appearance:

Fiona is a woman often considered by some as 'beautiful' while by others 'cute'. She is said to be very feminine but easy on the eyes. At least- that's what people had always told her. While others see her as a beauty- she sees herself plain and she often tries to show this with her lack of makeup and plain- mute colored outfits which are neither too covered or too revealing.

For starters, she stands at the meager height of 5'6, weighing at 125 pounds. Her build is thin but healthy and she has seemed to have filled out in all the right places nicely. Besides her wide hips and above average cleavage she doesn't really stand out compared to other woman these days. Her skin though fair, is healthy and near flawless from what skin she does show. Her arms are thin, but not stick-like and her legs and thighs are (to her) embarrassingly thick, despite being firm and smooth.

A curtain of dark beige hair hangs softly against her back past stopping at her buttocks, with a fringe of hair that covers her left eye. Speaking of her eyes they are both a soft ocean blue, though light enough that they can be almost mistaken as sky blue instead. Her lips are full and a light natural pink, accenting her soft facial features and her natural beauty. For clothing as stated before, she dons simple and purposely drab clothing in order not to 'stick out' as much as she usually does.

Though partial to dresses (either black, brown, or dark greens or purples) she will also wear more casual clothing such as a simple dress shirt and a modest skirt and even will wear boots if the terrain calls for it. Despite what people may say of her true or not Fiona has very little belief that she may actually be 'beautiful' and though she may react, she doesn't truthfully believe their words. She was just herself, Fiona Millard.

   Extra: --



Fiona has always and will always be a delicate person. She is a person who has a hard time expressing herself when around more than five people in a room. Extremely shy she suffers from a less extreme case of social anxiety, born from her very secluded and sheltered lifestyle. To her strangers are scary and intimidating, since she doesn't know them. For Fiona, the castle, the prince, and the servants were all she ever known. To see people outside of them is both daunting and confusing for her.

In a way she is like a little girl who just went to her first class with other children for the first time. Wanting mommy and daddy while staying cautious of the children around her. She has a very black and white view on the world, to her good is good and evil is evil- something that had been instilled in her by the books and fairy tales she read growing up in captivity. Though not completely adverse to change or a different point of view, she is still very much stubborn in her beliefs that she created out of what she read. Shy, submissive, and reserved she is a tiny adventurer- in the big wide world she had suddenly entered.

However, she is not without her good traits. As a slave her owners had grounded her very quickly. She is very humble and polite, showing proper respect and courtesy to those who deserve it. And while she may be almost depressingly meek, she still has moments of confidence which stems from her desire to do what she believes is right. Though this emotion can often be confused with something akin to stubbornness, it would be the farthest truth.

One of the one things she absolutely dislikes is when others are in danger. In those rare occasions when backed into a corner she will call upon an inner strength she never knew she had. A burning flame comes roaring to life within her heart and very soul in with it a burst of confidence and courage, with the strong desire to fight in order to protect those close to her.

May it be known that Fiona Millard is NOT a coward. Weak willed at times, yes- but never a coward. Life is something she cherishes as well as the memories she makes in life. And even she may think the world is scary and full of dangerous, uncertain things- she is willing to brave those fears and venture off into the unknown in her desire to know herself and find her place in the world.


  • Literature (preferably history and fairy tales).
  • Freshly brewed tea.
  • Breezy, sunny days.
  • Experiencing new things.
  • Helping Others.


  • Alcohol.
  • Isolation.
  • Being Alone.
  • Thunderstorms.
  • The sight of blood.


    Make True Friends | Throughout her life she had lived a life of seclusion. She had no friends or even acquaintances beyond the walls of her home. The few that claimed to be her "friends" were either sucking up to her or told to by their parents. Thus she holds bonds as a near sacred thing to her. The few people she can treasure and love, and who can treasure and love her back are something she would never give away. Thus her friends are what motivate her, to being able to protect them in some small way she is willing to do anything within her power to keep said bonds. To wake up to see their smiles radiating with happiness and appreciation is one of the things that Fiona dreams of most. And to lose all of that is just as bad as being caged again... She fears being alone once again and thus holds onto her friends like a lifeline. Her motivation, her namaka.

  • To Fall In Love | Her secondary motivation to achieve her 'happy ending' is to eventually settle down with the man she loves and start a family. Though he doesn't need to be a perfect gentleman he needs to be honest and truthfully care for her. The last thing she wants is to used again. Other than that she desires to one day have children but that is later down the road, far later.


  • The Loss Of Her Friends | To lose her friends is her biggest and greatest fear. The feeling of loneliness is something she never wishes to endure again. To lose her namaka is like losing a piece of her soul and with her friends gone she might as well be back in her "home" locked away feeling hollow and empty... She shudders at the mere thought of that happening and hopes that she will never have to feel that cold, dark suffocating presence again...
  • The Sight Of Blood | There are many things that she fears, but one of the major ones stems from a rather traumatizing past event. The sight of blood is not something pleases her. In fact it frightens her beyond normal rationality. When in the sight of blood all she can think of is it's coppery smell and the red, oh the red! She will instantly freeze up and go into shock at the sight of it near or on her. The farther away she is from it, the better in her opinion.

   Positive Traits:

  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Animal Affinity (+2): You are good with animals.

   Negative Traits:

  • Shy (-1): You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible. When you become the center of attention you freeze. Don't expect to make any public speeches.
  • Squeamish (-1): You don't want anyone's blood on your hands. It's perfectly okay to get blood on your underling's hands, but you don't like to do the deed yourself. Of course, you don't always follow up on things to make sure the job actually gets done--after all, the sight of blood has always disturbed you.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
  • Clumsiness (-1): You have the unfortunate habit of dropping things, knocking things over, or tripping. Once per battle the opponent can call upon your clumsiness and easily dodge one of your attacks.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
  • Phobia
    A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. (Hemophobia)


  Magic: Divine Blessing
  Caster or Holder: Caster

 Divine Blessing is Fiona Millard's main type of magic. It is primarily healing magic combined with protection spells. With it she can heal the wounded and the ill as well as protect the injured with well timed barrier spells. Despite being a support and healing type of magic, she is more than capable at turning the blessed energy from support to offense. Summoning divine magic to destroy the wicked and evil with it's powerful light. This is also an advantage as her magic being 'light' based is naturally strong against it's opposite- shadow magic.

Though when it comes to the other elements her magic reacts to it neutrally meaning she gains no benefits or weaknesses against other elemental spells. There is unfortunately a downside to her magic. Just as she is strong against shadow magic, her light based magic is weak against the dark and shadowy magic as well. She is also unable to cast any of her spells while she is moving. She cannot heal, buffer, cast offensive spells or put up barriers when moving due to the need for her to gather the holy energies within her body to cast her spells.


Fiona's magic is naturally strong against shadow based magic. It is also a very versatile and capable of being used in three major areas of combat. Offense, defense, and support. She can use her magic to heal using her holy magic. She can also use that same magic to erect barriers for a short time span to protect others from harm. Lastly she can use her holy magic to go on the offensive and deliver judgement to the wicked- harming them with the fury of heaven's light.
Unfortunately her magic has weaknesses as well. For one she cannot cast her magic unless she stands still for the proper amount of time to cast each spell. This roots her in one place least she break her focus and fail her casting. Thus she is left wide open for attacks by the enemy while she is tending to someone's wounds, or putting up a barrier. Even attacking requires her full concentration. Next, she her magic is naturally weak against shadow magic, just as shadow magic is weak against holy magic and thus her greatest asset could be her greatest weakness.



The peasant becoming the princess, the princess lived in the castle with her prince, the princess having all she had ever desired being waited on hand and foot... This way something out of a fairy tale...

But unfortunately for Fiona this WASN'T her fairy tale come true.

The peasant turned into a princess alright- but that 'princess' was nothing but a trophy. A trophy to the MUCH older prince who she was betrothed to. She had whatever she desired but only because 'prince charming' allowed it. She was a slave in all but name, locked inside the castle with no hope of escape. This is her story. This is the tale of Fiona Millard and her escape from her false happy ever after... and her journey into the wild and strange reality that awaited beyond her fairy tale ending. Where she would find her own "Fairy Tail" just not the one she was expecting...

her fate sealed

Fiona Millard was not born into a life of privilege. She was instead born as a slave. Her parents before her were slaves as were their parents. Four whole generations of slaves existed in her family, her being the start of the fifth. As such she had very little and knew nearly nothing. Slaves weren't meant to be smart- to be useful beyond their jobs, to be anything but dirt beneath the rich's feet. This was the life she knew- the only existence she had.

And for the first ten years of her life it was what she continued to know. That was until someone took notice to her... It was a man- well in his 30's who was searching for a potential "bride". He was a prince from a land to the west who desired a lovely 'wife' to rule by his side when he eventually gained the throne from his father. But he was a perverse man who only desired the most young and beautiful woman to be his chosen lady. And that's when their eyes met and her fate was sealed.

Fiona was taken away from her parents who she was assured she would never see again. In which that case they were right. Her parents eventually died during a slave rebellion costing their lives in the crossfire. While that had happened Fiona was introduced to the upper crust of society. They bathed her, did her hair, and put her in pretty dresses to further impress her husband-to-be. They told her it was an "honor" that she was so "lucky" to be married to such a "charming" man. But it was all lies, all of what they spoke was lies. She was not a 'princess', she would not rule beside him. She wasn't his equal in anyway shape or form. She was a trophy only because of her growing beauty- that was all.

So she continued to live, locked up in her room with only her books to comfort her. Sure she had the servants but they were constantly busy. If she asked for them to play with her they would simply flash her a fake smile and say the same sentence as always- "Sorry. Maybe another time mi'lady." It sickened her, it sickened her until it couldn't sicken her anymore. And after years of living this way she eventually stopped caring all together. There was no escape from this prison... There was no "happy ever after", this was her bleak and unending reality...

hope is here

But despite her belief in freedom nearly completed drained, she still had a glimmer of hope. And that tiny shard of light that glimmered gently in her heart was born from one person... And his name was Ferris. Ferris was one of the many servants in the castle, fairly new he was still learning the ropes. They first met when he was told to call the 'princess' down to dinner for her evening meal. He had no clue what she looked like but the moment he did he was smitten.

That would become one of many encounters he had with the mysterious 'caged bird' known as Fiona. As they met more and more they began to finally start socializing and for once Fiona was happy. She had someone willing to speak to her, to tell her stories about the outside world beyond the high castle walls. And the most important thing of all... she had someone who would listen... Even if it was something as irrelevant as a dream she had, or a drawing she drew- he listened. And for the first time in years she found herself a friend and like him found herself falling in love...

But it was not meant to be. They both knew their places in life, he was a mere servant and she was a princess forever bound to the monster of a man who was her "husband". But Ferris had a plan... One that would involve him and her escaping, far away from the small kingdom they lived in and into a brighter future. They were going to run away... And for once, she believed in fairy tales, that she had a chance at happiness. For the first time in her life, she had hope.


The night they planned to escape finally came... The night of her wedding. She was going to run away to another land- one called 'Earthland' a place where he and she could live in peace away from this hell called 'home'. It was a delicate situation, one where every minute counted- but the managed. First he slipped her out of the castle towards the gardens under the guise of her wanting to "get some air". From there they made it past the guards and to the lakeside town where the castle lived by using their little funds on hand to pay for a ferry ride across the darkened waters. Following that they took their travels via horse ride to the edge of their small continent and finally made it to the ship that would hold their freedom.

But things quickly went wrong...

They were cornered, the evil prince and his guards had caught them just just as they made it to the port town. The prince was enraged at Fiona for trying to flee "after everything I've done for you!" he exclaimed before yelling about their "love" and how she had "everything" as though HE was in the right! Something snapped with the usually quiet and submissive girl that caused heads to turn towards her. She- in a moment of dire need tapped into the untouched well of mana that flowed through her body. And even though it was pretty much just a light show it stirred fear within the guards and their prince causing one of them to lash out with a sword intending to 'slay the witch'.

In the land they lived in where magic was rare and hated it was only natural that they would react such a way. However, before the blade met it's target Ferris- her love jumped in the way, taking the stab right through his heart. The wound was fatal as the blood splattered on her face. She cradled his body as the blood soaked her shirt, she tried stemming the wound but it was useless- even as the strange white glow surrounded her hands in attempt to heal him it was too late.

But he managed to a few sentences, saying that he loved her and for her to run and get to the ship. She cried for him and his death but did what he said and ran towards the ship while everyone was still in shock at the turn of events. The villages finally woke up to the injustice that their so called 'protectors' had done- finally showing their displeasure for the state of their land that was only mounting the past few years due to the crown's tyranny. As the peasants revolted Fiona and the crew managed to slip away unnoticed and make their way towards Earthland.... her new home.

just keep believing

Her story did not end here however... Two years later after leaving her old life behind her she discovered what she could do was called 'magic' and that only a certain percentage of humanity could use this gift. She sought training and gained it in the form of a monastery willing to teach her control her most precious gift of healing and protecting.

After that she thanked her teachers and began traveling eventually she heard the exploits of a guild of mages known as "Fairy Tail". And maybe it was just because of the name that she sought them out. But apart of her hoped that they would give her the happiness she craved and desired. So that she could find her 'happy ending'. And what better way to end a fairy tale, then by starting a new one? A new story and a true chance of a happy ever after.

Last edited by Fiona Millard on Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:12 pm; edited 5 times in total

2FIONA MILLARD  Empty Re: FIONA MILLARD Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:25 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Hello, Fiona, and welcome again to the site! I'll be doing the pre-review of your character app. Let's get started:

Magic: There seems to be some type of formatting issue. Please do not edit the code provided. While we do encourage you to be creative, and add spaces if you feel to make it more readable, editing the code is kind of a pet peeve. Feel free to use the link provided to see the proper format! Format

Magic Strengths: This has to be 75 words in total, and not in bullet format.

Magic Weaknesses: Same as the above.

Traits: Be sure to copy the full description of the traits and paste them in as well. Just makes it easier for when we have to quick reference your character sheet, or even if you have to yourself!

Motivations: Please add a title to each of them. The first one could be "Make True Friends: ".

Bump when edited!

3FIONA MILLARD  Empty Re: FIONA MILLARD Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:56 am

Fiona Millard

Fiona Millard
Fixed! (I think?)

4FIONA MILLARD  Empty Re: FIONA MILLARD Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:34 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Alright. Looks good! Sending this up for the final review!


5FIONA MILLARD  Empty Re: FIONA MILLARD Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:55 pm

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss

I am truly amazed. This is perhaps the best application I have seen in throughout my entire career of being a staff member on role-playing sites. You have tremendous talent. Have fun role-playing as your new character! APPROVED!



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