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1Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Empty Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:53 pm

Rias Astrid

Rias Astrid
Name: Rebellion
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 5MP
Requirements: Requip Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Duration: N/A
Effect: A simple double-edged sword that has been passed through Rias' family for almost longer than any other Devil Arm. It holds almost no actual special abilities other than the fact that it serves as a bridge between Rias' demonic blood and the remaining Devil Arms in her family's vault. Mainly used as a basic, normal sword. Attacks with Rebellion deal D-Rank damage every second strike that connects.


Name: Beowulf
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10MP
Requirements: Requip Magic
Class: Supplimentary
Element: Light
Cooldown: N/A
Duration: N/A
Effect: A set of gauntlets and greaves made from crystalized light. The gauntlets and greaves allow Rias to expell bursts of light from either end to increase her speed and striking power.

Beowulf Spell

Name: Demon's Light
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10MP
Requirements: Beowulf ReQuipped
Class: Supplimentary
Element: Light
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 1 post
Effect: Rias is able to expell bursts of light from either end to increase her speed and striking power. One example is that when punching she can expell light from her elbow to make her punch travel faster which would increase the damage done on impact. Another example is that when running Rias is able to expell light from the bottoms of her greaves to give her a jet of extra speed. Punches and kicks enhanced by Beowulf's light increase damage by 25%. When enhancing her speed Rias is able to move 25% faster. The increase in speed lasts for 1 post while the increase in damage lasts only as long as the attack being boosted.


Name: Nevan
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10mp
Requirements: Requip Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Lightning
Cooldown: N/A
Duration: N/A
Effect: Nevan is Rias' most prized and treasured possession. Being the first Devil Arm she obtained from her family's vault she has used it not only for it's actual intended purpose but as an actual guitar as well. Nevan is normally in the shape of a demonic looking electric "V-shaped" guitar. However Nevan is a Devil Arm with a hidden secret and is capable of taking on a combat form where the guitar converts into a scythe like shape complete with serrated "teeth" coming off the scythe's blade. In scythe form it can be used with either one or two hands. Rias is also able to use the guitar's strings that remain on the handle/neck of the weapon while in scythe form, however this does nothing and will not charge any electricity into the weapon. While in guitar form Rias isn't able to use it as a phsyical weapon to hit people with, any attempts at it will automatically convert the guitar int a scythe and while playing the guitar to build an electrical charge in it Rias is unable to defend herself from oncoming attacks. Nevan is roughly 5 feet in length, about the size of her wingspan. When in scythe form the length of Nevan does not change, considering the fact that the staff section of Nevan is made up from the neck of the guitar form, but the "V" section of the guitar does flip out and unfold into a roughly 4 foot blade.

Nevan Spells

Name: Thunderbat Swarm
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10MP plus 5MP sustain cost
Requirements: Nevan is ReQuipped
Class: Offensive
Element: Lightning
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: 2 posts
Effect: Playing the strings on Nevan while in guitar mode Rias is able to call forth a swarm of bats made out of pure demonic lightning. These bats appear black with purple electricity running along their outlines and sometimes over their bodies. While appearing to be living creatures these are actually just what they are, pure demon electricity that seek out their target. Swarms usually consist of 10 bats at a time. If 1 to 5 bats manage to connect they do negiligable damage while if 5 to 10 bats manage to connect they do a total of dull D Rank damage to their target. The swarm can reach out roughly 5 meters away from Rias and move at 5m/s.

Name: Thunderous Applause
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10MP
Requirements: Nevan is ReQuipped
Class: Offensive
Element: Lightning
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: 1 post
Effect: While in guitar form Rias is able to play the strings on Nevan and build up an electrical charge that actually coats the weapon. By converting Nevan into scythe form Rias is able to discharge this built up electricity through the scythe blade by slicing her opponent. Regardless of if her attack connects or not the electricity is still discharged. While in guitar form Rias is able to discharge this electricity in the form of a stream of lightning fired by playing a specific set of cords. This stream is 1 meter by 1 meter big and travels outwards of 5 meters at 5m/s. Both forms of discharge deal D-Rank damage.


Name: Artemis
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10MP plus 5MP per arrow used
Requirements: Requip Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: N/A
Duration: N/A
Effect: A demonic bow and arrow that mounts to Rias' left forearm and hand. Extending the arms turns it into bow mode while collapsing them turns it into a sort of armored gauntlet mode.  In gauntlet mode Artemis is thick enough and durable enough to withstand one D-Rank attack.When in gauntlet mode Artemis is unable to use it's offensive abilities, due to the fact that gauntlet mode is typically used as an easier way to transport it or maneuver with it attached without the bow arms to get in the way.

Artemis Spells

Name: Hunter's Shot
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 5MP per arrow used
Requirements: Requip Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: 1 post
Effect: In bow mode Artemis is able to fire off arrows created from demonic energy that are capable of stunning their target with every third arrow that hits. This stun lasts for 1 post. Being made of demonic energy Rias has access to an almost infinite amount of arrows that can be discharged from Artemis but at the cost of an addition 5mp per arrow used and each arrow travels at 5m/s for a distance of 5 meters. Each arrow must be created and as such Artemis is only capable of firing one arrow at a time.

Last edited by Rias Astrid on Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:24 pm; edited 8 times in total

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hiya Rias~

I'm Alyssa and I'll be reviewing your application before it can be approved by the Administrators.

The first issue that I see is the description of Beowulf. Could you please describe how much more force the user can output by using the 25% speed buff in terms of attacking? When you mentioned: "One example is that when punching she can expel light from her elbow to make her punch travel faster which would increase the damage done on impact.", you did not mention a specific value in which your attack increases by. Please do so.

The second problem that I see lies with Agni. Firstly, I believe you will have to specify how many shots of fire Agni can emit. There has to be a set cooldown because it is very much like a spell. If not specified, you could easily just throw endless amounts of flame at your opponent. Secondly, you mentioned that there is a 40% chance of burning the opponent. I have a question. How will you be able to determine when the 40% chance comes into play? Pleaes make it something more reliable or provide a means for readers to understand or determine when the 40% probability chance comes into play. Thirdly you mentioned that if this effect comes into play, the opponent will be burned for the next three posts. Please mention that this is a first-degree burn and clarify what the opponent would be feeling during that burn.

The third problem I see lies with Rudra. Rudra shares the same problem with Agni in the fact that you said it can shoot gusts of wind. There has to be a set cooldown because it is very much like a spell. If not specified, you could easily just throw endless amounts of pressurised air at your opponent. Much like a machine gun. After you fix this, there should be no further problems with Rudra.

The final problem lies with Artemis. You stated that it can stun at every third arrow. Although I realise that the total magic expenditure you would have to pay would be 25 MP, it is still a very strong spell. As a result, in order to limit this spell of it's current overpoweredness, I'm going to have to ask you to state a drawback for such an event. You must also state that you can fire one arrow at a time or else you will be able to instantly stun an opponent by unleashing three arrows at a time, skills that seem illogical for a D-Rank to master or wield. Lastly, your gauntlet is able to withstand one D-Rank attack. Does this mean that it is essentially the defensive mode of Artemis? Meaning that if you transform it into gauntlet for defence of the actual weapon itself, you will not be able to use it's abilities? Please specify.

As always, it has been a pleasure to read your magic application. If you have any further question or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either Tali Zorah or me. We would be more than happy to help you. Best of luck with your edits.


Alyssa Strauss

Rias Astrid

Rias Astrid
Ok so I fixed this up. I talked to Tali prior to it and she said that the total mp cost on Artemis is enough of a drawback and it doesn't need anymore.

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Rias,

Your weapon Agni now presents another problem. If it deals D-Rank damage per fire shot and it can shoot twice per post, essentially it would be doing C-Rank damage if both attacks were to find their target. 2 D-Rank attacks = 1 C-Rank attack. A D-Rank attack doing C-Rank damage is just not acceptable and way too overpowered for its rank. Please edit this. This problem also applies with Rudra. If used in conjunction with one another, they could cause B-Rank damage altogether if all four attacks hit. Again, too overpowered. Please edit this.

As always, it has been a pleasure to read your magic application. If you have any further question or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either Tali Zorah or me. We would be more than happy to help you. Best of luck with your edits.


Alyssa Strauss

Rias Astrid

Rias Astrid
Fixed. I hope.

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hey Rias,

I deem this application ready for final approval. Good job!



Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Good day Rias,

I'll be grading your spells for final approval. Let's get started!

Beowolf: State how long this buff casts. Also state how much MP it requires to activate. All ReQuip items have an active ability that costs magic past the initial summoning of the item. The only thing that is a passive effect that wouldn't cost mana is an elemental resistance. State how much of a cooldown activating these incure.

Angi: State how fast those flames shot out travel. You cannot have dual elements. Either the twister is pure wind, or pure fire. Please choose. Also state a cool down for both the streams of fire and the twister. Shooting streams of fire every post, alongside a fire twister is just...excessive.

Rudra: Same as with Angni. I recommend something like "Rudra can fire two streams of wind at a time that do D rank damage on contact, travel at x m/s (or feet should you prefer), are xm by xm in size. This ability has a 3 post cool down".

Artemis: How long does this stun last? Please state how fast one of these arrows travel.

Bump when edited!

Rias Astrid

Rias Astrid

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Beowulf: Effect: A set of gauntlets and greaves made from crystalized light. The gauntlets and greaves allow Rias to......? To what? You also did not state how long this buff lasts. If it's a sustained buff, make it reflect as such. Also, if it lasts 1 post, state that.

Nevan: Please state that charges cannot be gained while this is in Scythe form.

Thunderbat Swarm: Please state a solid number of bats.

Bump when edited.

10Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Empty Re: Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:34 am

Rias Astrid

Rias Astrid

11Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Empty Re: Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:58 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Demon's Light: Increase the Cooldown to 3 posts.

Thunderous Applause: Denied. No sound magic.

12Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Empty Re: Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:21 pm

Rias Astrid

Rias Astrid

13Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Empty Re: Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:26 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Devil Arms Wave 1: Rias' Starter Spells Approv10

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