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Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
NOTE: If you are unsure of what an Elder sign is, look in the Weaknesses section of Eli's magic. There is an explanation of what an Elder sign is and a picture of one to boot. Link

Name: CQC Spooky Armor!
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Must have the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Defensive
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed
Effect: Eli creates a shroud of solid darkness over herself that behaves like armor. Not only does it conceal her features, but it also stops up to 2 D rank or 1 C rank damage. Or just one light spell before being destroyed. This darkness armor has no weight and Eli can still move quite normally and comfortably while this spell is active. At the current rank of this spell Eli does not have enough control over her magic to give her armor any physical mass. So as of this rank it can only block magical attacks. If Eli loses her holder weapon the spell immediately fails and disappears, because of the magic sustaining it is within her Unspeakable Bar Thing.

Name: CQC Energy Blasts!
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Sustain Cost: 5 per post
Requirements: Must be in possession of the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Offensive
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 3 posts unless dismissed earlier
Effect: Eli awakens her crowbar, causing it to start glowing with a pulsating sickly green light. Each swing of the crowbar shoots out waves of darkness two meters wide. Extending the range of her attacks. These darkness projectiles have a maximum range of five meters. And deal D rank damage on impact. These spells can be blocked with any defensive magic, physically getting an object in the way (like cover, or deflecting it with a weapon if needed), or be completely negated with an Elder Sign like all of Eli's offensive magic.  Only one projectile comes out per swing. Eli can swing her crowbar three times per post.

Name: CQC Darkness Grenade!
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Must have the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Offensive
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Eli creates a Grenade out of darkness which she immediately pulls the pin on and lobs at her opponent. The grenade travels up to five meters and explodes on impact with a surface. Obviously it can only explode if it comes into contact with a surface within 5 meters, for Eli cannot throw it further than 5 meters. Throwing it 6 or 7 meters is impossible. And throwing it 10 meters is right out at this rank. The explosion has a 3 meter diameter and anyone caught within the explosion suffers D rank damage. Like with every one of Eli's offensive spells, the damage can be avoided with a strong enough defensive spell (At this rank even a D rank defensive will do), or be completely negated with an Elder Sign. At this rank even some cover will save someone from the blast's damage.

Name: Create Shoggie
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Sustain Cost: 10 per post
Requirements: Must have the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Offensive
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 5 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed
Effect: Eli creates an amorphous blob like creature out of darkness that's sole purpose is to seek out Eli's opponent and destroy it. It will attempt to do this by forming many appendages up to, tentacles, claws, spikes, mouths, whatever is necessary to harm the opponent the creature will grow and attempt to harm the target with. The creature is non intelligent, only capable of blindly following Eli's orders. It deals C rank damage and can take two D rank damage, one C rank damage, or one light spell before being destroyed. The creature is three meters tall and can only travel 10 meters away from Eli without being destroyed. It's attacks have a 4 meter range and it can travel at 5 meters a second. It can also be destroyed if it comes into contact with an Elder Sign.

Shoggie's Appearance:

Name: CQC I'm Going to Catch You!
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Sustain Cost: 5 per post
Requirements: Must have the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Supplementary
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Until Dismissed or Destoyed
Effect: Eli creates a jetpack out of darkness on her back. This jetpack makes her faster, allowing her to hover slightly off the ground, but she cannot truly fly with it. While this spell is active Eli has a 25% speed increase. The jetpack can be targeted and destroyed with a D rank spell, or a light spell.

Last edited by Eliara Mitsurugi on Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:24 pm; edited 6 times in total

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump for finishing~!

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hey uh.. who are you again? O-o (See what I did there? :P)

Anyway sis, i'll be starting the overlooking of your spells now~

CQC Armor: -State that this armor cannot block physical attacks, as it is just a creation of darkness and has no such phhysical parameters to block them.
-Increase cooldown to 3 posts.
-Dos the armor diminish if the holder loses possession of their weapon?

CQC Energy Blasts: -State how the spells can be blocked.
-Is it a bolt or a wave? You have to pick one or the other for this.

CQC Grenade: -Does this spell explode on impact or is there a time limit on it?

Shoggie's skipped for updated to C rank, for guideline purposes.

CQC I'm Going to Catch You: -Change duration to "until destroyed or released.
-Can the jetpack be destroyed? If so, how?

Bump when edited

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Okies, fixed according to Specifications and I fed the Shoggie. Bump~!

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Armor: Approved

Energy Blasts: State the size of your waves.

Grenade: Add in the way this spell could be stopped.

Shoogie: You can get rid of the 4 post part. If you have a sustain there's no reason have a set post amount, THEN the added on until destroyed or released.

Catch You: Approved

Bump when edited ^-^

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bumpity Bump~!

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Energy Blasts: Approved

Grenade: Change it so that if it hits a surface within the 5 meters it will explode.

Shoogie: Approved

Bump when edited

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bumped for reiterating the obvious. XD

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
All for being thorough silly. Approved. Koba will pop second thoughts on anything if needed

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Heya Rias! I'ma take a look at your spells!

CQC Energy Blasts: How many projectiles are fired per swing? How many times can she swing per post? And...what is an Elder Sign?

CQC Darkness Grenade: What is an Elder Sign?

Create Shoggie: ...Elder Sign?

Bump when edited!

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump, I have a description of what exactly an Elder Sign is, a picture of one, and how it affects Eli's magic listed under her magic's weaknesses. I don't think I need to reexplain it here for every spell, but I put a link in there to my magic and where to find the elder sign if you need to look.

Lemme know if you think otherwise and I will go and explain what an Elder Sign is again for EVERY SPELL for ya XD

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
CQC Energy blasts: Put a limit on how many times she can swing per post please.

Bump when edited.

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump done

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi

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