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1Layla Faye's Character Sheet Empty Layla Faye's Character Sheet Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:28 am

Layla Faye

Layla Faye
Layla Faye's Character Sheet 96neko13
"Everything is to be discovered, everything to be obliterated."

Character Sheet:

  • Layla Faye


  • Palm Strike (D)
  • Palm Split (D)
  • Speed of Palms (D)
  • Palm Shield (D)
  • Dance of Palm Strikes (C)


  • [url=linktoapproveditem]Item name (Rank)[/url]


  • [url=linktopet]Pet Name (Rank)[/url]

Finished Requests:

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Finished Topics:

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Ongoing Topics:

  • Unusual Silence
  • Dinner for Two?
  • Returning Home
  • Spring Fields

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