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1Niwa Nights Empty Niwa Nights Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:35 pm


Niwa Nights 3b85e425-79f9-40a4-9f6c-24e43ca0e277

The city of Niwa, Japan: one of the largest cities in all the world. Its main attraction? The city of Niwa is an epicenter for 'supernatural' activity. A recent wave of genetic advancement is going through the human race, and it has created people capable of things previously believed impossible. Doctors who can quite literally heal with their hands, people who breathe fire of command ice, others were extremely durable bodies or capable of breaking land speed records merely by running..... these, and many more, have gathered in Niwa. This city is the haven for the Meta-Human, and as more appear worldwide, more come to Niwa, and thus the city grows.

However, power has a tendency to attract those who would misuse it, and where people gather in larger numbers there will be crime and corruption. In a city where people can communicate with the dead or produce deadly toxins within their very veins, crime has taken the city as people seek power, money, knowledge, or freedom. The Japanese Yakuza and the Chinese Triads openly war with each other as they vie for dominion over the city. The Hotel Tachibana grows rich by controlling the flow of money throughout the city. The Skulk, a gang of teenage thugs who cause mayhem throughout the city, trusting their future to none but themselves. The Wo Shing Society wraps itself in secrecy while controlling the city from the shadows. The Moirai are information brokers who are trying to unlock the supernatural origins of the meta human evolution. The Niwa City Police Department seeks to maintain order and keep the streets clean. The vigilante organization Vanguard chooses to dispense its own brand of justice to the harbingers of chaos and those who would profit at the expense of others.

In the city so corrupt at rotten at the core, there are double agents and extortionists everywhere. Every soul wants something, and many are willing to go to any ends to achieve it. Among those who seek power, money, knowledge, freedom, or even just to incite chaos, what is it you desire? What will be your story, and do you have the strength to grasp your fate and future with your own hands, or will you just be another casualty of the constant power struggle?

Prove your strength, and take the light from the darkness. That is, if you can live to see the dawn.

*Original organized crime RP featuring Meta-Humans/Humans with supernatural abilities
*Member and group-oriented plots
*Open for 4+ years
*average of 25+ members online daily
Niwa Nights L3_s3_v3

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