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1Aloura Dijin Empty Aloura Dijin Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:52 am

Aloura Dijin

Aloura Dijin

Aloura Dijin 1fuXedx
"Death is inevitable, once you realize this fact you can truly be at bliss. "

Name(s): Aloura Dijin
Nickname(s): Blue
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Birthday: 6/26/X762
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: C-rank
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo: On her right bicep muscle in blue.
Face Claim: Ashe - League of Legends


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Sapphire Blue
General Appearance: Aloura long, thick silver hair flows down to about her mid back, however, the hair which compliments her Sapphire blue eyes is typically covered up by a dark blue hood with a flowing gold design. this hood is attached to the cloak that she is constantly wearing. She rarely takes it off outside, however, when ever she is in an area she believes she s trusted in, such as a home or guild, she will take it off, revealing her normal attire.

Her normal attire consists of blue, finger-less gloves with only the middle finger being covered. Like her cloak, it too has gold, wavy designs on it. As for her shirt, it is sleeveless, and reveals some of her boob. However, on the dark blue shirt are gold leaf like designs which rest over her breasts. Despite this, a few inches under her boob is white wrappings which go down to just under the waist, which is were the dark blue skirt with solid gold trimmings flourishes out. The skirt is fairly short, ending just 5 inches past her waist. However, an inch past the skit starts her long, blue boots. These boots go down past her knee and down to her toes, with gold trimming around the edges.

This entire outfit, along with her hair and eyes, compliment her pale, beige skin. Despite the fact that she spends more time outside then in hunting with her bow.Her bow appears to be made out of a sort of crystal, giving off the appearance of ice, as do the arrows. She usually has the bow either in her hands, or on her back.
Aloura Dijin:


Personality: Aloura is a very complex girl to read. She is anything but an open book in the fact that one would rarely see her. She is often out hunting with her bow, hunting for food or keys. However, she does enjoy a good job, and due to her over confidence, she often finds herself taking jobs alone that she cant handle. Despite this, due to her pride she will rarely except help or be apart of a team. this is, however, unless the other person(s) have proven themselves to not be a burden.

Despite her over confidence and pride, Aloura suffers from a bit of depression. Due to a past of watching her mother get harmed constantly, she has learned to give off an aloof type of personality. This often leads to her being alone, which she likes. She is a bit overzealous in the fact that she thinks that she is better off alone, despite her curious personality. However, not only is she curious, but she is cautious. She is always planning ahead, and has trained herself to catch minor details where others haven't seen them. She is also very agile, and is aware of what she can do with her body. this allows her to preform various acrobatic moves such as flips or tightrope walking, which believe it or not can become very handy.

Aloura uses these acrobatic abilities in combat, along with her spirits and bow. However, she rarely ever rushes straight into battle. She often is a step or two ahead, and likes to plan out the battle in her mind. to start off a battle, she usually will only block and dodge attacks as she thinks. It is then she can conclude which of her spirits is best in this specific situation, and when the spirit is summons, she typically fights from behind the spirit, shooting arrows at the target. However, do not underestimate her hand to hand combat! She can fight from close range, she just chooses not to most of the time. 


  • Spirits
  • Nature
  • Hunting
  • Being alone
  • Running
  • Sour candy
  • Blue
  • The cold


  • Fire
  • Reckless people
  • Violence 
  • Sweats
  • Hyper-active people
  • People in general 


  • Staying out of the limelight. She did some terrible things before she joined a guild, (part of her dark secret), and thanks to the help of a medical mage, she is unrecognizable now. 
  • She wants to see the world. Aloura is a wanderer, She doesn't like staying in one place at a time. She loves 


  • She has a fear of being in love. She is scared to get close to someone, because she doesn't want to be hurt. Her mother fell in lvoe with her father, and he was a cruel, abusive man to her. But because of "love", she stayed with him.
  • Spiders. She loves snakes, but spiders she cant handle. Due to being bit by a venomous spider as a young child, and having to be sent to a medic mage, she can't stand them. 

Positive Traits: +18

  • Acrobatic (+3)
  • Agile (+3)
  • Alertness (+2)
  • Zealot (+4)- bow and arrow
  • Fortitude (+3)
  • Stealthy (+3)

Negative Traits: -18

  • Aloof (-1)
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) - Depression
  • Ambitious (-1)
  • Bravado (-2)
  • Cautious (-1)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3)- Phobia of spiders
  • Judgmental (-1)
  • Merciful (-1)
  • Over Confident (-1)
  • Overzealous (-1)
  • Proud (-1) 
  • Righteous (-1)


Magic: Celestial Spirit summoning
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: Celestial Spirit summoning is a magic which allows the user to summon great beings for offensive, defensive, and supplementary purposes. Each being belongs to a different key. When a key is found, the user must create a contract with it, and thus the relationship between gate keeper and spirit begins. However, if the user breaks this contract, the spirit can go away. The contract can be broken by breaking a promise, going to jail, or being unable to use the spirit such as being in a coma, or dead. 

There are two types of keys, gold, and silver. Silver are the most common, and they very in rank depending on how powerful they are. Most of these spirits are humanoid, however, a few are known to be beasts. Gold keys, however, are all humanoids, and are the most powerful of all the spirits. However, no two spirits are the same. Each spirit has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, whether they be physical or mental weaknesses. 
- Allows the user to summon great beings which can aid her in battle
- Each being is completely different, meaning that there is a wide range of techniques and elements used. This gives the user a bit of an upper hand as long as they see the opponents skills before summoning.
- At higher ranks, the user can summon multiple gates. 
- The spirit never dies! It can only be sent back to the spirit world were it heals up.
- Most of the spirits have a mind of their own, meaning that they can be arrogant, and do not always have to do exactly what the summoner tells them to. 
- If the user makes his/her spirit mad, they can close their own gate.
- This is an expensive magic. Keys are not only rare but they cost a lot of magic because of it.
- As each spirit has its own, unique strength, it also has its own weaknesses. 
- Once a spirit is damaged to the point where they are sent back to the spirit world, they cannot be summoned again for the rest of that thread. 
- The spirit can only be summoned if the user has the key.
- The spirit is summoned at the exact same spot as where the gate was opened. 



Aloura had a fairly decent child hood, or so she thought. Her mother, being the love struck fool that she was, married a man just weeks after they met. the man got her pregnant, and thus Aloura was born. Her mother loved her father, and it was a blind love. Every now and again, sense as far back as Aloura could remember, her mother would always have some sort of injury. It would either be because she well down the stairs, or ran into a tree, however, these were all just excuses. It was one night, when Aloura was 9, that she walked in on her mother being beat by her father. Aloura was horrified. She took a few steps back and watched in horror. As her father noticed, and chased after her. She ran outside and soon found her way towards a run knight. It was at this point in her life, that her father was arrested. they did a full scale search, and realizing what had been happening, he was put away.
After that, her mother was a wreck, and by the time Aloura was 10, it was decided that ti would be best for her and her mother to go and live with her grandparents. Her mother and father were very rich people, and her grandparents were not. So in stead, her grandparents moved in with her mother. Her grandfather was kind, spirited man. He was also a hunter. When he first moved in, Aloura saw his bow and was so intrigued by it. He then bought her one. It was nothing special, just a blue bow. However, Aloura thought it was beautiful. 

It was then, still age ten, that Alorua was taken out to hunting trips with her grandfather. She wasn't very good at first, however, throughout the years she got better and better.
the next few years of her life were fairly uneventful. At the time she was 15 she was shooting arrows at deer. it was rare she ever missed, however, she took missing as a sign that it was time for her to take a break. her family saved so much money using the meat her and her grandfather brought home. It was at this age that her grandfather bought her a gift. it was a bow, a long, blue bow which appeared to be made out of crystal. Aloura thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen! She took it with pride, and from this day, she knew that bow would stick with her for the rest of her life. (it is the bow she uses now)
Despite the good life, when Aloura turned 17, things took a turn for the worst. her grandfather fell ill, deathly ill. She didn't want him to die, however, she knew it wasn't her decision. However, it was on his death bed that Aloura learned an interesting fact about her grandfather, he used to be a mage. He told her about how he used to have so many keys, a plethora. He had 3 gold, and a few silver even. She also learned about his guild. She heard so many wonderful stories about the people in Sabertooth, she wanted to be a member as well. However, a few months after stories were shared, her grandfather died. he died holding Alouras hand, and when he passed, she realized he had placed something in it, a gold key.
A few days after her grand fathers death, aloura left. it wasn't running away, she made sure she said good bye to her mother, however, she left all the same. She went on a search for sabertooth, a wild goose chase really. No one knew where they were, so she set her hopes lower. She decided to join Lamia scale. She heard fairy tail was a bit roady, and blue pegasus was... well, blue Pegasus. On her travels, she happened upon a silver key.
Now, at the age of 18, she had traveled Fiore. It only took her a few months, but she saw it. She was ready to join lamia scale. She is still going to travel, but now she has a place to settle. A place she can return to without worry.

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