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1Bonus spells for training Empty Bonus spells for training Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:45 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Name: Sky God's Pulse
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Wind
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Tali claps her hands, creating a black wind pulse outward in all directions, centered on Tali herself. This pulse pushes anyone within five meters of Tali backward five feet.

Name: Sky God's Intervention
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10/5
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Supplementary
Element: Wind
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: 6 posts
Effect: Tali increases the wind resistance for her opponents, making them slower and their hits weaker. Anyone within five meters moves 5% slower and their hits do 5% less damage.

Name: Sky God's Barrier
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Defensive
Element: Wind
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed
Effect: Tali conjures up a wall made of churning, black air that serves as a shield. The shield can block 2 D rank spells, 1 C or higher rank spell. Those numbers are half for any fire based attacks. The shield is ten meters high and wide and appears adjacent to Tali.

Name: Sky God's Gathering
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Wind
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Tali gathers black winds around her hands, which she then raise over her body, creating feather-like shaped winds from her arms, and sends the wind at the target in the form of wings. These winds are sharp as a blade and can cut flesh easily. Although the cuts are not too deep, there are many of them which can sometimes be just as bad. The wings of feather winds can extend 10 meters at 10 m/s.

Name: Sky God's Scythe
Rank: B
Magic Cost: 30
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Wind
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Tali's arm is engulfed by black wind which she swipes, sending the wind forward in form of an arched, black line towards her opponent. This blade travels at 20 m/s and has a max range of 20 meters. Anyone struck will suffer cuts down to muscle and the scythe is strong enough to cut a tree in half or cut a large gash into a mountainside, being objects that can't fight back.

Name: Sky God's Mail
Rank: B
Magic Cost: 30/15
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Defensive
Element: Wind
Cooldown: 5 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed.
Effect: Tali engulfs herself in black wind, giving her an extremely intimidating and almost demonic appearance. This spell acts as armor, protecting her from attacks. In addition to physical protection, the mail also provides a large gust of wind surrounding Tali. To break through the armor requires 1 B rank or higher spell, 2 C rank spells, or 6 D rank spells, but those numbers are halved for fire spells. Weak, nonmagical flames are snuffed out in this spell's area of effectiveness.

Name: Sky God's Shackles
Rank: A
Magic Cost: 40
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Supplementary
Element: Wind
Cooldown:  6 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed
Effect: Tali creates a large orb 10 meters in diameter to capture someone or something within it. She gathers a large amount of black wind and throws it up to 10 meters away, capturing the target on contact. The orb can be destroyed by 8 D rank spells, 4 C rank spells, 2 B rank spells, or 1 A or S rank spell. Those numbers are halved for fire spells. It can be destroyed from the inside, or from the outside before it even reaches its target, though it may be difficult as the orb travels at 10 m/s. The target is able to move inside allowing him to cast a spell within it, but in doing so the target combats the winds inside the sphere. Because the sphere is elevated off of the ground, actions such as jumping are impossible. The inside of the sphere is essentially a tornado like effect, with the wind blowing at high speeds, causing anyone trapped in it to spin. Tali can also dismiss the sphere at a moment's notice, launching anyone who was trapped up to 30 meters away.

Name: Lift of the Sky God
Rank: A
Magic Cost: 40/20 per additional 5m/s
Requirements: Sky God Slayer
Class: Supplementary/Flight
Element: Wind
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: Until dismissed
Effect: Tali manipulates the wind around her, causing it to lift her up and propel her through the air. She controls the wind, and thus her flight, by sheer thought, willing the air to move her as needed. The air around her while she is flying is black in color, just like any other wind produced by God Slayer magic and appears to be as though Tali is covered by a black aura and flying while being followed by a black jet stream through the air. This effect is purely for show and deals no damage, though it can intimidate at times. She flies through the air at 5 m/s.

Last edited by Tali on Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:48 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:17 am


Sky God's Pulse: It is just a D-rank spell and it covers a radius instead of being a projectile etc. So no damage. Instead, you could say that it pushes back opponents five feet.

Sky God's Intervention: Change the Duration to six posts.

Sky God's Barrier: The shield can block 2 D-rank spells, 1 C-rank spell. It is halved by fire-based spells.

Sky God's Replication: This is denied. It has nothing to do with a God Slayer's capabilities. God Slayers have only limited control over outside elements, all their spells stem from themselves, while elemental mages are external.

Sky God's Scythe: The spell could cause minor internal bruises and minor fractures to the bones on impact. No severed limbs.

Sky God's Mail: 6 D-rank, 2 C-rank or 1 B-rank will destroy the shield. Fire based spells are stronger versus wind based spells. They half the previously mentioned numbers.

Embodiment of the Sky God: This is denied. Only elemental mages are capable of changing their bodily properties to that of their element.

Lift of the Sky God: Change the speed to 5m/s. Include that speed can be increased in increments of 5m/s for an additional 20 mp cost per increment that turn.

3Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:45 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah

4Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:22 am


Sky God's Pulse: This is approved.

Sky God's Intervention: This is approved.

Sky God's Barrier: This is approved.

Sky God's Gathering: This is approved.

Sky God's Scythe: Give some examples on what kind of objects to indicate the damage/strenght.

Sky God's Mail: Fire based spells are stronger versus wind based spells. They half the regular strenght/mentioned numbers. For example: 3 D-rank instead of 6 D-rank etc.

Sky God's Shackles: Describe how the opponent can destroy the orb from the inside while not able to move?

Lift of the Sky God: This is approved.

5Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:55 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah

6Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:30 am


Scythe: Deep cuts is too much for a b-class spell.

Mail: This could work for candles but when a strong wind blows a fire on many other properties it increases their base, therefore expanding it. Snuffing out is therefore no.

Shackles: "Those numbers are halved for fire spells and doubled for earth spells." Why is it doubled for an earth spell? Change speed to 10m/s

7Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:02 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Eve told me that earth was weak against wind. Is that not the case?

8Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:48 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Edited per both of your specifications

9Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:24 am


You may train these now.

10Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:19 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah

A thousand apologies for the delay

11Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:25 pm


Training accomplished. The spells have been added to your profile.

12Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:08 pm

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine
Pulled for spell revisions.

13Bonus spells for training Empty Re: Bonus spells for training Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:11 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Back into the approved pile they go.

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