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1Marth Daven (WIP) Empty Marth Daven (WIP) Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:23 am


Marth Daven (WIP) 6134d66443bc4dfc27169f35aa458bde    
   “Why is the rum gone?"


Name(s): Marth Daven
Nickname(s): "Davy"
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 9th
Sexuality: Homosexual
Rank: D
Guild: N/A
Tattoo: Left Shoulder Blade
Face Claim: Matsuoka Rin - Free!


Height: 182cm
Weight: 82kg
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Red
Description: (General description of their appearance in 150 words or more)


Personality: (Describe their personality in 200 words)
Motivations: (What motivates your character)
Fears: (What does your character fear? If you want silly fears, come up with at least three)
Likes: (What does your character like)
Dislikes: (What does your character dislike)
Positive Characteristics:

  • Please visit the regulations and view the characteristics. Users are allowed to choose up to 12 points in positive characteristics but in return must compensate by choosing the exact amount or higher in negative characteristics. Feel free to use less points. Simply copy paste the characteristics and use a bullet for each one.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Please visit the regulations and view the characteristics. Users are allowed to choose up to 12 points in positive characteristics but in return must compensate by choosing the exact amount or higher in negative characteristics. Feel free to use less points. Simply copy paste the characteristics and use a bullet for each one.


Magic: Sea Magic
Type: Caster
Classes: Offensive, Debuff, Healing
Element: Water
Description: Sea Magic is a variation of water magic. Although it came from water magic, users of sea magic have no control over purified water. In order for the wizard to manipulate any water, it must have some level of salt in it. This isn't to say that the magic is useless inland, however it will be less powerful when not close to an ocean or bay. In addition to manipulation of salt water, Sea Wizards also have a degree of control over the salts within that water. When near the ocean, sea mages are at their most powerful, however, inversely they are weakened if no salt water is nearby.
Weaknesses: If the user is more than one thread away from a town adjacent to the ocean or a sea, spells are reduced in power by one rank.


History: (Describe the character's history in 400 words up till now)

2Marth Daven (WIP) Empty Re: Marth Daven (WIP) Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:19 pm


Marth Daven (WIP) Happy_by_sherimur-d478zal
Hi! We haven't heard from you in a while!
Please bump this application within 5 days
if you plan on finishing it or else this will be archieved.

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