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1Yunneth Sinclaire Empty Yunneth Sinclaire Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:26 pm

Yunneth Sinclaire

Yunneth Sinclaire

   Yunneth Sinclaire R77jYTW
   “House Sinclaire may have fallen, but I must persevere. My servants gave their lives to protect me. I can not allow their sacrifices to be in vain!”


Name(s): Yunneth "Tsubaki" Ridell Sinclaire
Nickname(s): Yune, Camellia
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 20th
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: D
Guild: None
Tattoo: The tattoo would be on her belly, above her belly button and would be teal.
Face Claim: Azusa Nakano: K-On!


Height: 5'2"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Chocolate Brown
Description: Yunneth is fairly short and petite with long hair reaching her waist. Her bust is fairly small, being at a b cup. She is pale and young looking. A distinguishing feature would be the brand of her house in her right eye, proving her legitimacy as the next Arch Duchess. The brand in her eye is shaped like a rose with the thorny vines shaping a circle. Two leaves are seen sticking out on the side and are facing downward. The brand is small and requires one to look closely into her eye to see it fully. She has pierced ears, two small hoops on each ear. Around her neck is a amulet with the family crest with sapphires encrusted in the rose. On the back the inscription "Reach for the light, Embrace the dark" can be read. Yunneth is seen wearing normal clothes, similar to the clothes of the normal Fiore born teenager but when on a job, she wears light armor.


Personality: Yunneth is very kind and benevolent noblewoman from the neighboring kingdom of Valara. Due to her noble upbringing, she has developed a sense of duty to those below her station and has learned to see beyond social class as she has been able to make friends of her servants and late body guards. She believes that the nobility in power serve the citizenry and not the other way around and is willing to place her life on the line for even the poorest farmer. She is kind and loving but is not with out her faults. She tries not to kill if she feels that it isn't necessary and is naive of the world around her, leaving her vulnerable to lies and deceit. Though she is kind towards peasants, she has a sharp tongue towards pirates, brigands, and other nasty sorts as she has seen what those types have down to villages and holds nothing but contempt for them. She also feels unsure of herself as the next leader of her people. Yunneth has no wish to place her people in the hands of an unfit ruler and worries about her ability to lead. Despite her worries and prejudices, she is a loyal friend and ally to those who have earned her trust and friendship.

Motivations: Her main motivation is to become stronger and return to her country someday. She wants to right the wrongs that her countries king has caused and take her place as the Arch Duchess, a birthright that was wrongly taken from both her by her uncle after he slaughtered her mother, father, and brother. She also wants to dethrone the current king as he was the one who ordered the execution of all the nobles and noble houses who opposed him. She wants to liberate the people of not just her province but the other provinces as well but can not do that with her current power which infuriates her greatly. She not only wants to protect her people but to protect the people of Fiore if she can help it.
Fears: Yunneth fears spiders and snakes. She is also afraid of Eggplant, only for the reason that she is deathly allergic to the veggie and she becomes unable to breathe and is in terrible pain. Lastly is the emotional fear of failure. She knows she has towns and villages back home under tyrannical rule. Her friends in the other noble houses are being tortured or under threat of being put to the sword. She is unsure of what to do. Does she beg the king of Fiore to aid her or does she join or form a guild willing to jump on a boat and retake her home of Seraphim? She feels unsure and even guilty for thinking about placing the lives of outsiders in a possible civil war that does not concern them. However the feeling of failure is suffocating. She fears to be too rash or too slow. In short, she fears for the future of those she may put in danger as well as the future of her province and kingdom.
Likes: Calamari, sweets, tea, flowers, singing
Dislikes: bitter food, spiders, snakes, fighting, corrupt nobles, eggplants, criminals(pirates, brigands, ect.)
Positive Characteristics:

  • High Society (+2)
  • Zealot (+4)
  • Nimble Fingers (+2)
  • Persuasive (+2)

Negative Characteristics:

  • Clumsiness (-1)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Intolerance (-1)
  • Fragility (-2)
  • Judgement (-1)
  • Dark Secret (-1)
  • Bruise Easily (-2)
  • Harbinger of Ill Omen (-1)


Magic: Summoning Card Magic
Type: Holder
Element: none
Description: Yunneth uses a deck of cards to summon her familiars. There are a very large variety of summons from humans, to beats, to automatons. Yunneth specializes with Mythical Creatures that she summons. In order to summon, she needs to be holding the card and recite an incantation. Removing the card while it is in her hand or breaking her concentration prevents her from summoning anything. She is able to summon up to two familiars at her current level

With out a weapon or secondary magic, Yunneth is defenseless when she is unable to bring out any more of her familiars. Summoning also takes up a lot of spell slots.


History: Yunneth was born into nobility in another kingdom of out side of Fiore. A kingdom known as Valara. Along with the king, there are 8 Archdukes or Archduchesses. Yunneth happened to be born in such a family, known as House Sinclaire. Her father, Alexander Sinclaire ran the province of Seraphim, a beautiful province of beautiful greens and bountiful harvests. She had a loving and caring mother who was from one of the other noble houses, house Ridell, and had a brother who would be taking over for his father once it was time for him to ascend to the title of Archduke. As the girl grew up, she was given the best education in academics, fencing, and in her province's known talent of Card Summoning. She was not perfect but she did well enough to where her family would be pleased with her efforts. Life seemed to go just the way she wanted it to until the beginning of the end began with the crowning of the new king. A vile man by the name of Yurius. His father had died of "mysterious" circumstances and was crowned king much to the displeasure of some of the dukes and duchesses. Within years, crime and famine increased, even in the most plentiful of areas. The nobles who were openly against the king would soon meet their end. A month prior to her exodus from Valara, 5 of the 8 noble houses were attacked and sacked along with the towns they resided in. The leading Archduke or Archduchess being captured or executed on the spot if they showed the resistance, the same with their families. Yunneth, along with her family tried to fight off the royal guard only to be over powered. By her fathers orders, he ordered his body guard with a small group of vassals to take his daughter to the harbor and get her on a ship to Fiore, knowing she would be safe there. The guard agrees but before he could get Yunneth away from more bloodshed, she watches as her family is slaughtered before her. They were already injured. They couldn't fight anymore. But the soldiers had cut them down and now were after her now, dead or alive. Now on the run, she watched as the kings royal guard ruthlessly destroyed the town she loved dearly. Women were kidnapped, valuables stolen, and anyone who had dared fight back was cut down like an animal. Once at the harbor, the guard brought her to the ship that would be leaving for Fiore. Before the ship could sail, more soldiers came to destroy any ships from leaving. Her servants defended the ship she was on until it was off. During this time she felt so powerless as she watched as those who allowed her to escape were cut down. Yunneth spent a month on the voyage, trying to get over the destruction and death she saw and wondered if her people were ok with out her. She wondered if they felt like she abandoned them. The guilt was intense. As atonement she swore she would come back stronger than she was that night. She would either return and build her forces from the inside or bring back a force of her own. However the girl had no mind for war. She preferred peace however she knew better than to think that Yurius would want the same. That night showed his answer. Once the voyage was over, Yunneth began to take jobs as a mercenary, keeping her noble lineage a secret as she was unsure if the people knew of her land or its monarchs. She is still trying to decide on her best course of action but in the mean time, she travels around Fiore, familiarizing herself on it's culture and even enjoying herself, though she keeps her mission a top priority and a great secret.

Last edited by Yunneth Sinclaire on Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Yunneth Sinclaire Empty Re: Yunneth Sinclaire Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:43 pm


Okay, before I grade this, I just want to let you know a few thing about your magic. This is all you need;

A basic explanation of the concept of summoning
Stating the fact you use a deck of cards to summon
Stating the theme of the things you summon (beasts, demons, mechs, ect.)
And of course filling out weakness with things like "The summoner is defenseless on their own unless they have a secondary magic" and "Summoning takes up many spell slots"

That's all you need for summoning, you don't need nearly as big as a desceription.

No worries though, bump when finished!

3Yunneth Sinclaire Empty Re: Yunneth Sinclaire Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:19 pm

Yunneth Sinclaire

Yunneth Sinclaire
its been edited!

4Yunneth Sinclaire Empty Re: Yunneth Sinclaire Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:31 pm


1 theme only on the summoning, sorry to say.

Appearance is 53 words short.

History: Please say another kingdom outside of fiore, not in it, since Fiore itself is a country

I also have a bit of an OCD for correctly sized avatars, so I made this for you if you want it - let me know if it's not what you want or if you need cooler or cuter or something

Yunneth Sinclaire R77jYTW

5Yunneth Sinclaire Empty Re: Yunneth Sinclaire Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:52 pm

Yunneth Sinclaire

Yunneth Sinclaire
that was honestly a typo and i am happy you caught that. As for the picture it is fine, thank you! I hope i manged to at least meet the requirements this time.

6Yunneth Sinclaire Empty Re: Yunneth Sinclaire Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:00 pm


Oh, I meant the avatar for, well, your actual profile picture on the side there

Oh well, you're approve, have fun!

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