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1Steel Hawkshade wip Empty Steel Hawkshade wip Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:35 pm

Steel Hawkshade

Steel Hawkshade

“It is not living that matters, but living rightly.”


Name(s): Steel Hawkshade
Nickname(s): Stigma
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Birthday: 12th April
Sexuality: Hetero
Guild: Abyss Scion
Tattoo: Upper back, left side
Face Claim: Ulquiorra Schiffer - Bleach


Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190 pounds
Hair: Jet black
Eyes: Bright green
Description: Being quite slender and yet relatively muscular, Steel is tall male with messy black hair. His wild hair regularly falls between his eyes- not covering his vision. His eyebrows are thick yet not as messy as his hair is. He has black- green lines descending from the bottom of his eyes, making it something that one another could easily recognize him by, aside from his very pale skin which makes him resemble as some may call an alien-- not the economic type, the one from outer space. Because of his ten inch long member he usually is seen wearing pants that give him enough room to easily move around. Regularly he is also seen wearing a half-sized mask, that covers the left side of his skull- not blocking his vision however. This mask has a horn attached to it, peaking a few inches vertically into the air, aside from cosmetic reasons this mask serves no use. His face carries a neutral position from the majority of the time. This changes rarely, as smiling is a physical expression alien to his face, resulting into something awkward when he does smile.

In terms of clothing he wears nothing but traditional things, which usually consist of jeans and a certain shirt- he does prefer remaining somewhat professional. Suit jacket, blouse, polo's(if you can call that professional) are types of things he tends to prefer wearing. Most of what he wears is purely contextual, a tux to a gala, something easy should he want to train. One of the odd parts about his gear is that he sometimes wears combat boots, they feel warm and nice- whereas sometimes he wears thin boots that allow for easily movement around pavement. Should they exist in this universe, converse shoes are his favorite, should the intent be a casual gathering.

Steel appears toned, muscled and strong. Even though all those three things mean the same thing, it just goes to show how strong he seems. While also thin and lean, one might suggest that because he seems so thin, his muscles show more. Someone who has more meat on their bones would show less muscle, because it would be covered up more. As described up above, Steel is very pale. He is so pale, that diving into a pile of snow would mask him, if not for his black colored hair. His white pale skin makes it difficult for him to hide in a set of bushes at night time. He's considered rolling in mud in order to hide himself some more during night time operations.


Personality: As stoic as he could be, Steel speaks often if not rarely. When he speaks, his words spoken hold intense hold of the situation. Because of his lackluster facial expressions, most of the things that he expresses physically or emotionally often leaves a strong impact on the one perceiving them. It takes someone intelligent through and through to figure out Steels body language, someone who has to connect to him on an emotional level. His personality could be described as anti heroic.

Enter the anti hero. Steel isn't as fascinating as other people might find him to be. He shares habits and peeves of many who also call themselves anti heroes. An anti hero is a character in a story that lack conventional heroic qualities; one of those qualities being idealism, courage and a degree of morality. A (anti)heroine is not something you smoke, but the female version of the anti hero. Resembling, but slightly different as women and men experience emotions differently.

Steels firm glare sends shivers up the neck of weak men and women. Those strong, fierce and determined feel no fear from Steel. Of course, high expectations is something that Steel upholds at all times. He sometimes seems gritty and determined. In combat, he is spontane about his actions and will act on thought more often than on heart. Will he let his loved ones die in order to achieve victory? He has a lot of faith in himself, by making snap decisions that could decide whether the life of someone he cares for is robbed away from him or not is something he is prepared to do at all times. Because of what he has seen, he remains cautious, even when alone- especially when alone; letting down his guard is rare and only done in his bedroom if at all. He shows no hesitation in his steps, seeming confident to those who try to question his authority. Which he rarely exerts onto others. His cultural aspects made him the man he is today. Personal space does not hold a lot of relevance to him.

He respects the personal space of others, rarely finding himself breaking into it without some kind of social cue that would let him invade others personal space. Given enough reason, he finds himself to make decision he otherwise would not make. Psychological warfare and strategic planning is his forte, but so is fighting on the field. Many opponents in the past have described him as a one- man- army. He can micromanage himself, and plan out the best possible strategy to ensure victory. He is quite analytical even though he seems straight-forward. He lacks a romantic side, perhaps something he might find himself pursuing in an endeavor.


-- Power: As part of his ambition, power comes into play. Something that Steel values, thus he will occasionally seem treacherous when it comes down to obtaining powerful seeming items.

-- To inspire fear: As part of his power, he wants to own large areas- similar to how old fashioned mafia mobsters worked, they would 'capture' territory. Inspiring fear could be a part of this.


-- Certain human behavior: Monsters aren't scary, they're predictable - often evil - and usually cliched into many stories. Humans, on the other hand, become unpredictable, sly and cruel. Even though Steel is also partially this, he knows the destruction he can cause- therefor he realizes the same being possible of anyone else.

-- Alpha and omega: He who represents god in the Christian religion.

-- Failure: Steel considers failing to be one of his fears, he tends to retort to the extreme in order to avoid a failure. That could include his death, which inevitable will dawn upon him one day.


-- Combat: Fighting one another in a test of skill is something Steel enjoys doing, so be it if the goal of the purpose of that combat is the death of one another, he enjoys to see the tactical and strategical prowess of his opponent. Not to mention, it's a relief of anger. He finds himself connecting easier with people he fought with.


-- Politics: Steel doesn't like the idea behind politics, the shadow government made him leave a light guild when he was younger.

-- Anger: When someone is angry, at Steel in particular, it usually sparks off to him- like some kind of contagious disease, he becomes angry as well.

Positive Characteristics:

  • Enhanced Strength (+3)
  • Swift (+3)
  • Agile (+3)
  • Athletic (+3)

Negative Characteristics:

  • Ambitious (-1)
  • Aloof (-1)
  • Branded (-2): The black-teal lines will glow bright green upon close contact with Rune knights. Minor pains are actively given to Steel as he is close to them, from the lines on his face. See: disfigurement
  • Disfigurement (-2)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Envious (-1)
  • Greedy (-1)
  • Overconfident (-1)
  • Righteous (-1)
  • Inattentive (-1)


Magic: (Name)
Type: (Caster or holder?)
Element: (Which element is the magic aligned to? If none simple state none)
Description: (Describe what the magic does. Check out the banned magic list to be sure that you're not describing a banned or restricted magic with a different name.)


History: (Describe the character's history in 400 words up till now)

2Steel Hawkshade wip Empty Re: Steel Hawkshade wip Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:25 pm


Steel Hawkshade wip Happy_by_sherimur-d478zal
Hi! We haven't heard from you in a while!
Please bump this application within 7 days
if you plan on finishing it or else this will be archieved.

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