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1Boujin [The Djinn Swords] Empty Boujin [The Djinn Swords] Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:37 am



Name: Boujin

Type: Axe and Hammer

Class: Legendary

Slot: Main-Hand and Off-Hand

Damage: B-rank

Elemental Alignment: Earth

Background: Nobody recalls when it happened, but long, long ago, a Djinn called Boujin got itself sealed into this item. The Djinn is not aware how it happened either but has come to accept that he has to cooperate with its wielder in order to find out one day what happened.

Djinn's Appearance: Boujin is humanoid in appearance, aside from the markings on his body as well as his eyes and arms. His hair is white in color and his skin is of tanned complexion. His eyes glow white and although he has irises, he doesn't have pupils.

Djinn's Personality: Boujin is a hot-tempered and stubborn Djinn by nature and is known for charging head on at the enemy without a second thought. A powerful combatant, Boujin displayed both a strong will and an absence of fear in less-than-positive situations and fought his adversaries relentlessly until he was victorious when he unsealed. Due to his stubborn nature, Boujin rarely accepted the aid of others and prefered to get out of messes on his own. However, despite all of that Boujin is a good-hearted warrior djinn.

Description:  The sword itself consists of a giant axe and hammer, linked end-to-end by a flat thin leather-like rope.


  • The item is indestructible.


  • Name: Boujin's Rampart
    Rank: C
    Magic Cost: 20
    Requirements: Boujin
    Class: Supplementary
    Element: Earth
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user rises both the axe and hammer and makes a gigantic rampart rise up beneath their feet, by shaping the ground and increasing the amount of earth with magic. This raises the ground beneath the user up to 10 meters, but can also be lower if the user wishes.
  • Name: Boujin's Shockwave
    Rank: B
    Magic Cost: 30
    Requirements: Boujin
    Class: Offensive
    Element: Earth
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams the hammer into the ground creating a quick shockwave within a ten meter radius that causes everyone to lose their balance slightly. The user is only prevented from being shook by holding onto the hammer that has been pressured into the ground.
  • Name: Boujin's Guard
    Rank: A
    Magic Cost: 40 (20 mana sustain)
    Requirements: Boujin
    Class: Defensive
    Element: The user rises both the axe and hammer into the air and summons a wall of earth that can withstand up to 2 A-ranks before crumbling down. The wall is 4 meters high and 2 meters wide. The user must pay 20 mana sustain costs if the wall is still standing after the initial post and the user wishes to keep it up.
  • Name: Boujin's Palm
    Rank: A
    Magic Cost: 40
    Requirements: Boujin
    Class: Offensive
    Element: Earth
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams down the axe into the ground causing a fissure in front of the user that stretches out twenty meters from left to right and has an opening width of ten meters. The fissure has a depth of thirty meters. This allows the user to create distance or a chance to escape.
  • Name: Boujin's Fist
    Rank: A
    Magic Cost: 40
    Requirements: Boujin
    Class: Offensive
    Element: Earth
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams down the hammer into the ground causing a giant fist of earth to shoot out of the ground within a fifteen meter radius underneath a target and launching them into the air. The fist stretches up to 5 meters out of the ground and is roughly the size of a van.
  • Name: Boujin's Counter
    Rank: S
    Magic Cost: 50
    Requirements: Boujin
    Class: Defensive
    Cooldown: 6 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user uses the axe to cut through an earth elemental spell that is not higher than S-rank.
  • Name: Boujin's Resolve
    Rank: S
    Magic Cost: 50
    Requirements: Boujin
    Class: Supplementary
    Element: Earth
    Cooldown: 6 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams the axe into the ground and then slaws the hammer on top of it to burrow the axe deeper. The user then holds onto both the axe and the hammer and turns into a statue for the duration of a single post. This move does not provide defensive properties but rather ties the user to the ground and prevents them from being blown away by any force regardless of its power.

Last edited by Shinsei on Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Boujin [The Djinn Swords] Empty Re: Boujin [The Djinn Swords] Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:38 am


Kizmaru's reclaim.

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