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1Angela Agaricus (Ready for Evaluation) Empty Angela Agaricus (Ready for Evaluation) Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:48 pm

Angela Agaricus

Angela Agaricus
Angela Agaricus (Ready for Evaluation) 803-13

Name: Angela Agaricus
Nicknames: None (currently)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 9th
Sexuality: Asexual
Rank: D
Guild: Guildless (for now)
Tattoo: Right Shoulder Blade

Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 107 lbs.
Hair: White
Eyes: Red
Description: Angela has a light frame and smaller build, this makes her fast but also relatively frail. Her limbs are long and slender, suggesting a certain dexterousness but also showing her upper body strength is somewhat lacking. Her skin is smooth and pale, making it apparent to the casual observer that she has spent most of her time indoors or under the shade of a tree rather than doing hard physical labor under the hot sun. The nails of Angela’s slim fingers have been trimmed and cleaned with the meticulous zeal of someone who cares a great deal about their appearance. She prefers to wear her white hair short so she can keep it clean and out of her face. Angela’s pale skin and hair only serves to contrast her bright red eyes, making them perhaps her most prominent feature and the first thing people notice about her. Her eyes are sharp, clear, and intelligent. Her features are delicate and often have a look of disdain playing across them. Her head seems to tilt slightly upward because she unconsciously looks down at others. When talking to people taller than herself she tends to look at them sideways, not directly, because she does not feel comfortable looking up at someone else. Angela usually wears clothes that cover most of or all of her skin; while this is partially out of modesty, she wears concealing clothes mostly to provide herself with maximum protection from the toxic fungi she works with and conjures.

Personality: Angela is a very proud individual, often coming across as vain and spoiled. Angela is actually quite self-conscious, afraid of people judging her and making fun of her, so she behaves all the more stuck-up to hide her insecurities from the people around her. Angela is intelligent and good at thinking on her feet. She usually looks down on those who seem less intelligent then herself, but can tolerate them when she has to. Growing up in a small town means she is somewhat ignorant about the outside world. This does not make her naïve, but instead more distrusting of strangers and suspicious characters. Angela also loves to be praised, her ego making her easily manipulated by both compliments and insults. Angela tries to model herself after powerful wizards that she either meets or learns about. She respects those who are intelligent and strong, even though she’d never tell anyone out loud. Despite her egotistical personality, Angela is a basically good person. She helps people and follows the law because she knows it is the right thing to do (in terms of alignment she’s probably somewhere between neutral lawful and neutral good). That said, even with her acting altruistically, Angela likes to get attention for her good works whenever possible.

  • Angela wants to become a powerful wizard. She used to believe she was skilled, but when that illusion was shattered she dedicated herself to becoming a powerful wizard.
  • Angela wants to prove herself. Her image and how other’s perceive her is important, so she wants to show others that she is an intelligent person and can become a powerful wizard. In addition, she wants to prove to herself that she’s capable of becoming a powerful wizard.
  • Angela wants approval for others. As mentioned before, she cares a great deal about what other’s think of her, and getting praise or approval from others is another thing she seeks to find.


  • Angela is afraid of not being good enough, that she’ll fall short of both her own and other people’s expectations for her. She’s also afraid of encountering a situation she won’t be strong enough to handle and she’ll end up failing.
  • Angela is afraid of people finding her weak, judging her and talking about her behind her back. She may not show it, but she cares a great deal (probably too much) about other people’s opinions.
  • Angela is afraid of failure. If she fails her goals and has to return to her home town in disgrace she believes she would be letting down herself and everyone else. Even small failures frighten her, as she believes each one has a cumulative effect toward a greater, overall failure.


  • Mushrooms (duh). It’s natural that Angela would feel a certain affection for the subject of the magic she had since she was little. Even as a little girl she kept a small mushroom garden in her parent’s basement for fun.
  • Angela has sensitive eyes so it makes sense that she would be fond of the shade. It’s likely this stems from all the time she spent indoors tending to her mushroom garden.
  • Angela likes it when she receives praise or attention from people, especially if those people are powerful wizards she admires. While she does prefer to get praise from powerful wizards, she’ll settle for devotion from weaker people as well.
  • Fizzy drinks have always been Angela’s favorite type of beverage. She can’t quite explain it, but something about the little bubbles tickling the inside of her mouth is irresistible.


  • Insults, Angela has a very tender ego and gets incredibly upset whenever someone insults her. When people get under her skin she’s very easy to manipulate.

  • Dumb questions. Angela can tolerate stupid people so long as they don’t ask stupid question, she feels like when they feel the need to ask dumb things they’re just trying to show off their ignorance.

  • Bright light has always hurt Angela’s eyes, though it’s unclear if she was born with sensitive eyes or they became that way from spending too much time indoors.

  • Angela dislikes physical pain. While she aspires to be a great wizard, she hasn’t been in many fights and is afraid of the pain mostly because she hasn’t experienced a great deal of it.

Positive Characteristics (+5):

  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised. (Explanation: You can dodge an attack up to B Rank, so long as it is feasible for you to do so [AoE excluded]. Usable once per thread.)

  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss. (Explanation: Reduces training cost of spells by 10% in word cost.)

Negative Characteristics (-5):

  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain someone else. (Explanation: You must at least act arrogant one out of five posts.)

  • Bruises Easily (-2): Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person. (Explanation: You will take extra damage from bludgeoning damage, whether it was done through a spell or not. The damage received from bludgeoning damage is increased by one class if it’s a spell.)

  • Judgmental (-1): You from opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you are concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.

  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it. (Explanation: You win 10% less jewels from wheel spins.)

Magic: Fungomancy
Type: Caster
Element: Plant
Description: Angela is able to fire blasts of spores that have various effects depending on the spell she casts. While the initial direction of the blasts can be controlled, Angela cannot control their movement after the spell itself has been cast. This magic is highly reliant on effects building up to weaken foes so they’re more susceptible to what few offensive attacks Angela has. This magic also has the passive ability to either cripple or accelerate the growth or decay of fungus anywhere in Angela's immediate vicinity (this passive ability does not allow her to grow fungus beyond its normal limits). (For more details see the spell build in magics.)

Angela Agaricus was born in a small, agricultural town on the outer borders of Fiore. Due to the town being isolated from the outside world there was very little magical technology, almost no wizards, and no wizards of with any real power. When Angela was about five years old, the town began to suffer from severe crop failure. It seemed that a particularly nasty fungus was ravaging the town’s harvest and they could do nothing about it. The government didn’t send anyone because they didn’t have the resources and they didn’t want to risk spreading the fungus to other regions by sending officials through the affected area. It seemed the town was lost, but that’s when Angela first demonstrated her natural talent for magic. She was able to save the crops and the town hailed her as their personal savior. From that day on she was doted on and spoiled by the entire town. Naturally all that attention turned Angela into an incredibly vain and self-centered person. As she grew up she was convinced by the town that she was a great wizard, a progeny, and compared to the rest of the town she was.
When Angela was finally old enough to leave home, she traveled to the cities of Fiore with the intention of joining a wizard’s guild so she could further hone her skills while showing them off to others. However, when she went to the first guild asking if she could join, they laughed in her face. Angela had always assumed she was a powerful wizard based off of how her home town had treated her, but the guild explained to her that she only qualified as a D rank wizard, the lowest class. At first Angela couldn’t believe it, and she refused to leave the guild hall. The guild had a low ranking C class wizard throw her out in a rather brutal display. In that moment, Angela had something she had believed her whole life torn away from her, violently and suddenly. She was humiliated, her tender ego taking quite a heavy hit. For a long time she wandered from city to city, filled with self-loathing and without purpose. By chance she happened upon two thugs holding up an old man on the road. The thugs had no real power and she defeated them quite easily. The old man thanked her ecstatically, and for the first time since leaving home Angela was given what she had missed so much: admiration. Her purpose was revived, and Angela made a promise to herself to grow in strength, to become the powerful wizard she had always believed herself to be.

Last edited by Angela Agaricus on Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total


Hey Junsui, just a few things.

Appearance description is about 50 words short.

Personality description is about 30 words short.

Expand on your likes, Dislikes, Motivations and Fears. Also but the fears and motivation into bullet points also. Makes it easier to read.

And lastly your history is about 200 words short.

When you make those edits, reply woth a bump!


In the case you can't log in, I changed your username to the one here as requested.

4Angela Agaricus (Ready for Evaluation) Empty Re: Angela Agaricus (Ready for Evaluation) Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:51 am

Angela Agaricus

Angela Agaricus
Bump! I've fixed all the problems.

(Also, thank you Zane and Videns)


Okay, all looks good. Apprpved

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