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1Mercedes Genovese  Empty Mercedes Genovese Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:19 am



Mercedes Genovese  SbiLCsy"Whoever said money can't buy you happiness was terribly wrong."
001. basic information

Name(s): Mercedes Genovese.
Nickname(s): The Tyrant.
Age: Fifteen.
Gender: Female.
Birthday: August 17.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Rank: D.
Guild: Guildless.
Tattoo: Out of sight, out of mind, that's to say it's located on her back - in-between her shoulder blades to be specific.
Face Claim: Aki Adagaki - Masamune-kun no Revenge.

002. appearance

Height: Five Foot.
Weight: Ninety-Five Pounds.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Grayish-Blue.
Description: Mercedes is a fair-skinned teenage girl with a petite body, that’s to say she’s small by every definition of the word though something that isn’t unexpected seeing how her mother is also small. She has long black hair which is typically pulled into two loose pigtails by stripped ribbons, her bangs cut in a manner that ensures it doesn’t fall into her grayish-blue eyes thus obscuring her vision if only just a little.

When it comes to clothes, well she certainly has a lot of those, her wardrobe full of dresses, skirts, blouses, jackets, etc.. This means she has plenty of outfits to choose from, though she is typically seen in one of three outfits - one being her school uniform and the latter two being her casual wear. One  such outfit is her school uniform which consist of a white blazer thrown over a pink, button up shirt, a plaid skirt, a blue bow around the collar, black panty-hose, and black dress shoes. A variation of the uniform is a short-sleeved top which is primarily white, though pink at the chest area.

Her first casual outfit consist of a blue dress, khaki jacket, black panty-hose, black shoes, and various pieces of jewelry. The second one consist of long, dark jacket thrown over a white shirt with a yellow collar, a yellow skirt, and the same panty-hose and shoes seen in the other outfits with an addition of a hat.

Outfit 1Outfit 2Outfit 3Outfit 4

003. personality

If there was one trait that gives people a lasting impression of Mercedes, it would definitely be her arrogance or inflated sense of self-worth. Having grown up in the lap of luxury thanks to her parents efforts, she has become accustomed to viewing everyone as being beneath her in just about every aspect of her life. Anything someone else can do, she can do better and if she cannot at that point in time, trust and believe she will later on down the road.

Paired with her arrogance is an inflated sense of self-worth for she believes she’s the best thing that has happened to anyone. That’s to say she believes everyone should be honoured that she has graced them with her presence and though may get a sense she wants people to fawn over her, she prefers people keep their distance since she doesn’t know where they have been. It also means that she will be unfazed by those who throw insults her way or their attempts to knock her down a few pegs.

Because of the way she was raised, Mercedes has developed a strong sense of self-entitlement. That’s to say she expects to get the best money can buy and nothing less and with plenty of money to throw around, she gets exactly that. So, one can assume she has never gotten the second best thing before in her life and how she may react is entirely up in the air, though a tantrum isn’t a bad guess. Yet there are some things money cannot buy and this results in the fifteen-year-old lying, stealing, and cheating in order to get it.

Having never been in a position of need and having never been allowed to interacted with those who are considered poor, Mercedes has a hard time empathizing with them. She views them, the poor, as second class citizens who were lucky if they got to serve people like her and whose only true purpose in life is to serve those above them. The thought of conversing with these unclean citizens honestly disgust the spoilt girl and befriending them is simply out of the question. Yet, despite her disdain for them, she will manipulate them for her own personal gain.

It’s hard to believe that Mercedes has an ounce of good within her for her negatives are pretty out there. Yet, she isn’t all bad and those who at least make an attempt to see beyond her arrogance will see that. For starters, she’s fiercely loyal to those who have shown her loyalty and not even money can sway her, though she may consider it. She also serves as good confidant, the fifteen-year-old having never spoken of a secret shared with her and it’s theorized that she will take such secrets to her grave if need be. Yet, all bets are off once someone has betrayed her.

She’s also extremely charitable when it comes to her friends. If they need something rather it be money or an item, she will give it to them. Now, this isn’t something that everyone may consider as a good trait in a friend, but throwing money and gifts their way isn’t the only thing she does. She does what’s typical amongst those who share a friendship, that’s talk, hangout, and poke fun. She also defends them when they cannot defend themselves. When she forms a bond, she’s in it for the long haul, but don’t betray her for she will turn cold at a drop of a hat and acting as if she has never known you is pretty easy for her.

Though she is seen as being cruel towards people with her snide and overly sarcastic comments, she’s considered to be kind by her immediate family and Sierra Genovese - her personal maid. She’s very responsible and dependable when money isn’t involved. She isn’t quick to anger nor is she easily annoyed unless her dislikes come into play.

Though very few people get to see such a side of her for if they did she wouldn’t be in possession of the nickname ‘The Tyrant’.
Motivations: Mercedes has begun this journey with one goal in place and that goal is to earn a name for herself, rather it be a good one or a bad one. That’s to say she can careless if one regards her as a good, neutral, or evil mage so long as her name is in their mouth, on the tip of their tongue, or within their mind. At the same time, she doesn’t wish to elevate the name of her family since that would shed unwanted attention upon the criminal family and they would rather remain in the shadows where they can perform their activities in secrecy.
Fears: Mercedes fears the day her family’s business crumbles for that means their sole source of income stops which means they eventually have to downgrade in order to support themselves and if they can’t dig themselves out the hole, well they end up poor, being poor means being unclean and that’s the biggest problem. She does not wish to be on the same level as those she sees beneath her, well everyone is beneath her but vermin are second class citizens in her eyes, and she much rather get a job herself then to be reduced to what would be an all time low. Also, the thought of no longer being able to maintain the lavish lifestyle she has become accustomed to isn’t all that appealing.

  • Shopping - Typical of a teenage girl, one might say in great disdain, but Mercedes isn’t the sort of person to care about what they may say. Where some may read and others play sports, shopping is her favourite pastime. And boy does she drop a lot of money when she goes out.
  • Cats & Dogs - When it comes to domestic pets, Mercedes favours the ever so popular cat and dog. Now, she has owned quite a few pets in her lifetime, most of which have died under various circumstances both within and outside of her control, but none have come close to the two. She fawns over them, more the dog than the cat since she’s allergic, but not even they are exempt from her cleanliness rule. That’s to say, though she may wish to pet them, she will keep her distance if they are deemed unclean in her eyes.
  • Musical Instruments - Since she was young, Mercedes has shown herself to be a musical prodigy. That’s to say, learning how to play instruments came naturally to her and so performing various musical pieces, simple or complicated, is no problem for her. It’s because of her interest and experience with various musical instruments that she’s able to quickly and accurately identify them at a single glance.
  • Immaculateness - Mercedes is pretty big on cleanliness, something which is only really noticeable once one gets through her arrogance. Hence the reason she doesn’t allow people to touch her unless they have disinfected their hands, pet every cat and dog that comes her way, and why she’s obsessed with maintaining an immaculate appearance. Though she doesn’t feel the need to force others to also assume an immaculate appearance, she is compelled to ensure her own as well as any object she is going to use. Thusly so, she carries around disinfected wipes and spray, as well as a small bottle of hand sanitizer in her bag. It’s, after all, an obsession at this point.


  • Vermin/Pest - Rodents with the exclusion of hamsters and gerbils, insects, the poor and unclean are consider to be vermin in the eyes of Mercedes. She has come to associate rodents and the poor as unclean, and with her being pretty big on cleanliness, it’s no surprise she holds a great amount of disdain for them. As for insects, well, she simply doesn’t like them since they are unsanitary and carry countless diseases like the rodent friends, but she’s also afraid of them. Anyone who thinks differently is considered weird in her eyes and, obviously, not one to exercise cleanliness if they are so ready to touch one of those things.
  • Children - With the exception of her younger sister, Mercedes hates children, those disgusting, unclean little vermin under the age of thirteen. She simply cannot stand them for everything about them irks her in some way rather it be their lack of self-preservation, insistent need to be the center of attention, their horrible cries and the way they allow snot to run from their nose, and above all else, their uncleanliness just to name a few. She doesn’t find them cute in the slightest, but she does see them as nothing more than a nuisance. So, heaven forbid, unless she’s in desperate need of money, babysitting or even tutoring is out of the question.
  • Fighting - There are many reasons for why Mercedes dislikes fighting people with her own bare hands, but the most notable is that combat is messy and she’s sort of obsessed with cleanliness. If there was some way for her to remain immaculate, she would have no problem with it, but there isn’t so she does her utmost best to avoid it - she would hate to lose because she couldn’t resist the urge to sanitize her hands or her mind obsessed with a stain that found itself on her expensive outfit.
  • Religion - Mercedes thinks religion is stupid and those who are part of a religion are even stupider in her eyes. She understands the reasons people may turn to it, she isn’t stupid, but she doesn’t accept those reasons and so she has nothing but bad things to say about people who follow a religion.

Positive Characteristics:

  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
    Explanation: C-rank damage healed every post.
  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
    Explanation: Players can lie to enemies when being questioned and won't get caught if they're lying.
  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
    Explanation: Players of lesser rank cannot initiate combat against you, but are capable of defending themselves.
  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
    Explanation: You are capable of having threads with nobles. Those without this feat cannot.
    Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
    Explanation: Reduces training cost of spells by 10% in word cost.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    Compulsions: The character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering. [Sanitizes hands, sprays disinfected spray upon entering a room, wipes downs any object she’s about to use, doesn’t drink from the same glass/cup as others, etc..]
    Explanation: The character must do their compulsion, regardless of adverse affects--including bodily harm.

    Obsessions: The character cannot help thinking about an idea, image, or impulse incessantly, often involving violence and self-doubt. These ideas are frequently repugnant to the character, but they are so strong that during times of stress (such as combat) she may be unable to concentrate on anything else, even if doing so is necessary for her survival. [Cleanliness]
    Explanation: Character must think about the target of their obsession one out of five posts.
  • Extravagant (-2): You enjoy living in the lap of luxury. Ale is never good enough if you can get fine wine instead. You aren't happy with anything less than the finest room in the inn. In addition, any equipment or services you purchase cost 10% more than the standard rate for the locale you are currently in. The best of the best always costs more, after all.
    Explanation: You will always pay 10% more when purchasing something.
  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.
    Explanation: You must at least act arrogant one out of five posts.
  • Greedy (-1): Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.
    Explanation: You may act differently when money comes into play.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application.
    Explanation: Whenever this allergy comes into play you must suffer the consequences. The allergy must be something that can actually come and not something strange and unique.

004. Magic

Magic: Explosion.
Type: Caster.
Element: Fire.
Description: As its name suggest, Explosion is a magic that enables its wielder to generate explosions, whose size and power can be controlled and manipulated. It’s obvious, painstakingly so, that this magic is offensive in every sense of the word, the wielder unable to heal, buff, or debuff with this magic. Their form of defense comes from their spells, which is offensive in nature and rely heavily on destroying the threat rather than just outright blocking it. Supplementary spells are however available and how one goes about exploiting them is dependent on the wielder. Of course, in exchange for being unable to use the mentioned spell types, the wielder has a lot of destructive force on their side for enough power can cause a great amount of damage to an area as well as those within it. The magic can be deployed in both melee and range combat. Yet, the wielder must be wary when utilizing spells since they cannot control what sort of debris may be flung their way as a result of an explosion nor can they protect their allies if they were to get within the range of the spell.

005. history

Welcome To The Crime Family.

Mercedes was born August 17 in Ulassai to a wealthy family. Her mother was a popular decorator and her father, well, he was known for owning several successful business with few knowing of his illegal activities - he was diligent when it came to keeping his hands clean. She was their second child, first daughter, the couple having had a son three years prior named Royce. Because her parents had a lot of money, the child had a life full of gifts, extravagant parties, and more to look forward to. Money was not something she needed to worry about and because of her parent’s inability to say no when it came down to purchasing her stuff, naturally she would grow up to be a tyrant.

Isn’t She Lovely?.

Mercedes was four when her sister, Lexus, entered the world on a chilly December night. It was Christmas and she had just gotten through opening up the last of many gifts that her parents had purchased her - they weren’t ones to lie about there being a Santa Claus - when her mother went into labour. She had known for weeks by now that the baby residing in her mother’s tummy was bound to arrive soon, Royce having made it a point to remind her, and she thought herself prepared, but she found herself annoyed as her mother was rushed upstairs. Perhaps it was because it was Christmas or the fact she was going to lose her place as the youngest on such a day, but either way the arrival of her sibling couldn’t have been any more wrong.

Whilst she sulked, her brother bounced with excitement for he looked forward to the new arrival. With the gender of the baby unknown, one could only guess that Royce was hoping for a brother, something which Mercedes wouldn’t have minded since she could remain the sole girl. To get her mind off the impending arrival of the new baby, she went outside with her brother to play in the snow and test out some of the new toys they had just unwrapped. That night, their mother gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Lexus. Neither she nor her brother were thrilled about the news, he didn’t get the baby brother he wanted and she was no longer the only girl.

Because their bedtime was fast approaching, the two didn’t get to see their baby sister until the following day. Mercedes immediately decided that she didn’t like the bundle sleeping in her mother’s arms and she made her disapproval of the new addition clear - scrunching up her nose, calling the baby it, and denying that it was her sister. She also acted out a lot, the three-year-old not use to the attention being on anyone else but her brother and herself. Her efforts were wasted though, her parents ignored her tantrums entirely and so she stopped a several months later. It wasn’t until a little after Lexus first birthday that Mercedes began taking a liking to her little sister.

You Will Be My Maid.

Mercedes was ten the day Nela Kader, renamed Sierra Genovese, entered her life as her personal maid and companion. Having displayed an inability to maintain friendships for one reason or another, her father had decided that picking up a child from the local orphanage was a brilliant idea. It was an idea her mother had disapproved of at first, the woman not sure how she would like someone not affiliated with the family looking after her child, but she kept it to herself. Though she was uncomfortable with the idea, the chance to see her daughter share a everlasting bond with somebody outweighed the cons.

So, with the mother’s blessing, her father took her down to the orphanage. Having developed an obsession with cleanliness at this point, Mercedes didn’t dare allow a single child to casually touch her. Oh no, they had to remain at least seven feet away from and only when she decided that she liked them would she allow them to get any closer - after they sanitized their hands, of course. Nela Kader was just one of many girls she had taken a liking to, although the brunette was rather nervous in her presence despite being two yeas her senior.

Long story short, Mercedes decided that she wanted Nela as her personal maid and companion - two roles Nela would perform to the best of her abilities. So, with the papers signed and Nela renamed to Sierra, the new addition to the family was escorted home.

To Make A Name.

It was a little after Mercedes birthday when she announced her plans to travel the world with, surprisingly, her sister and, unsurprisingly, her maid, Sierra, who had become a good friend of the fifteen-year-old. It was a statement that shocked her parents for the two had never anticipated two of their children wishing to leave the protection of their home anytime soon. Their son had only just recently left the estate to pursue his studies, but he was eighteen going on nineteen and their daughters were fifteen and ten, at the time. Seeing the look on her parents face, she immediately added that she had no plans of leaving right away, waiting for the new year to start before going off on her adventure. This soothed her father, somewhat, but her mother still didn’t like the idea.

Luckily for Mercedes, she had several months to get her mother and father completely comfortable with the idea. She ensured them that she could take care of Lexus and Sierra could take care of them both. She promised she wouldn’t draw unwanted attention to the family and claimed that getting to see the world early on would be good for her younger sister who wish to be a reporter anyways. Slowly, but surely, she convinced her parents that this was good and by time the new year rolled around, she was permitted to go on her adventure.

Though, she would not depart from her town right away. She hadn’t prepared for the long journey beforehand since she didn’t want to waste her time in the case her parents said no. So, she has plans on sticking around in Ulassai until she’s ready to head off to her first destination, Crocus.

Last edited by Mercedes Genovese on Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Mercedes Genovese  Empty Re: Mercedes Genovese Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:57 am


Hey there. The name is Videns and I shall be gradding your App.

  • Beside Compulsion and obsession, could you put beside them in brackets what they are.

  • Secondly regarding your magic, could you just remove the part about being able to reflect spells as that is still illegal.

Ither than that it's a perfect app and really interesting. I also need to wait for Manzo to approve you into the guild.

Bump when dine

3Mercedes Genovese  Empty Re: Mercedes Genovese Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:09 am


First one is already in brackets, second one edited.

Thanks for the review.

4Mercedes Genovese  Empty Re: Mercedes Genovese Sat Feb 20, 2016 3:08 pm


Kk approved, now just need Manzo to approve.

5Mercedes Genovese  Empty Re: Mercedes Genovese Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:09 pm


Edited character to be Guildless since Manzo isn't present.

6Mercedes Genovese  Empty Re: Mercedes Genovese Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:06 pm



Mercedes Genovese  Videns10

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