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1Northot  Empty Northot Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:57 pm



   Northot  1e6e39930ccc0c7124fba8a4d828ebcd
   “If we were sensible we would seek death--the same blissful blank which we enjoyed before we existed.”


Name(s): Northot
Nickname(s): Forgotten Soul
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birthday: March 15th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: S
Guild: Guildless
Tattoo: Outer right forearm
Face Claim: Takasugi Shinsuke-Gintama


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 155 lb
Hair: Dark Purple
Eyes: Green
Description: With a muscular yet wiry frame, and a short stature that belies it, Northot stands at a height several inches below that of his peers. His wide array of distinguishing characteristics and eccentricities prevent him from fading into the crowd however. One such feature being his incredibly pale complexion, which suggests very little time in contact with the sun, likely rather spent in seclusion and darkness, or even captivity. The only blemish to said complexion is a series of long and brutal looking scars that run along Northot's back which he takes great care to keep hidden. He does not allow the fear of exposure to affect his general demeanor however, and he carries himself with confidence that borders on arrogance.

Northot's good eye pierces through from under his thick mop of dark purple hair, while the other is most often shielded with several layers of white bandages. The exposed eye is most often glossed over in disinterest, and the bags under it hint at sleep deprivation, but it is very expressive and can often be an excellent indicator of his emotions. Aside from his eyes, Northot's features are sharp and well defined, and his thin lips are generally either curled into a grimace or a smirk depending on his mood. His wardrobe most often consists of dark purple yukatas tied with a black sash at the waist. The pattern of the yukata varies, but are most commonly associated with some flora or insect life. He rarely strays from this fashion choice, but can be persuaded to on special occasion.


Personality: Northot is an escapist at heart, one who attempts to forget the horrors of the past and the worries of today by diving headfirst into his work and any other distraction he can find for himself. Whether it be mercenary work, merry making, or grueling physical training, he prefers most anything to confronting his problems and feelings head on. These beliefs have led to a somewhat hedonistic worldview that perceives pleasure and distraction as the be all end all to the meaning of existence, and Northot doesn't take it upon himself to search for more purpose than that.

His somewhat neglected upbringing left him with little concern for the needs or well being of those around him, and he always considers his own wants first and foremost. His unapologetic stance on life makes him unpopular in many circles, but some to consider him rather pleasant to have around. With a rather sharp wit and an unapologetic view of the world, Northot seems to provide a blunt and sometimes humorous opinion in situations that others might attempt to change the subject or deflect attention from themselves. He is capable of being agreeable and jovial, but only to further his own enjoyment, and not out of any desire to please others.  

He opens up to a very select few, considering most people incapable of comprehending the turmoil he is subject to. This can oftentimes be discouraging and even depressing, but Northot refuses to give in to himself or anyone else, and he strives to continue pushing forward no matter what struggles he is faced with. That determination to not give in to anyone is what drives him forward, and goads him to pursue greater and greater heights of strength and grandeur as he continues on in his nihilistic lifestyle.
Motivations: Freedom, Finding inner peace, Finding an outlet for his anger
Fears: Being chained, bound, or enslaved is Northot's greatest fear. He was held captive during the majority of his youth, and the thought of returning to those days, or even the sight of shackles and chains, is enough to fill the young mage with intense terror.
Likes: Music, Horror Stories, Close Fights
Dislikes: Anyone involved in the slave trade, Elderly people, Large Breasts, Being pitied or looked down upon
Positive Characteristics:

  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
    Explanation: Allows for 1 A-Rank spell to be shrugged off. Damage is still applied, but no pain is shown. Limit of once per battle.
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
    Explanation: Players have a C-rank endurance buff passively.
  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
    Explanation: C-rank damage healed every post.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
    Explanation: You can't communicate easily with non player characters. Somehow they've heard of you and the things they've heard weren't too good.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! (Frequent Night Terrors)
    Explanation: You must think about your dark secret at least one out of ten posts. When things that are relevant to the dark secret are brought up you can't stop thinking about it.
  • Harbinger of Ill Omen (-1): You seem to be cursed to forever bump into a specific person, time and time again. Each time you do, something bad happens not long afterward. This person in no way does this purposefully, it just happens with alarming frequency.
    Explanation: You will have character assigned to you by roleplay department of staff who will enter you threads randomly from time to time. When this happens, staff will change the conditions of your thread against you. Such as heavy storm, avalanches or beasts catching onto your smell.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
    Explanation: You win 10% less jewels from wheel spins.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. (Being chained)
    Explanation: Character is unable to face anything that has it's fear. If you're afraid of spiders and someone uses spider magic, you flee.


Magic: Take Over: Old Ones Soul
Type: Caster
Element: Darkness
Description: This magic allows the user to take the forms of an ancient pantheon of cosmic entities after studying their forms in his dreams. Users are capable of taking either partial forms or the complete visage of the Old Ones, and respective attributes are enhanced accordingly when the transformations take place. These entities have varying physiques, some monstrous and some humanoid, but all of them draw power from the darkness element and may draw on its power to perform a variety of offensive and defensive spells.



The Thing That Should Not Be:

Bright Days and Dark Nights:

Last edited by Northot on Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Northot  Empty Re: Northot Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:39 pm


Bump for completion.

3Northot  Empty Re: Northot Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:08 pm



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