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1Kaelyn Empty Kaelyn Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:47 am


Kaelyn PxwK1p5

Why so serious?

- - -

General Information

Name: Kaelyn
Nickname(s): Lynn (very close friends)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 16th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: B
Guild: -
Tattoo: Black, imprinted on her tongue.
Face Claim: Luthica Preventer - Sword Girls


Height: 6'
Weight: 143 lbs.
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Red
Description: Kaelyn is a slim, slender female with a toned, athletic and seemingly lithe frame. She has waist-length, aquamarine hair that does not require much maintenance, but feels like silk strands when in contact with skin. It also helps in complimenting her captivating crimson irises and her perfectly structured face, a lively, intelligent face on a woman with a full, sensuous mouth and sparkling optics. Her tender, blemish free skin appears a healthy pale with a hint of a glow. It makes her easily identifiable in a crowd for those who are already familiar with her.

Although she likes to experiment with trendy clothes, Kaelyn's regular outfit is basically the same. It is a rather exposing combination. For other (special) events, her wardrobe is limited to clothing with few colors, usually being dark. Kaelyn clothes herself in apparel that is expensive and of fine quality, allowing her to be more comfortable in her own wear.


Personality: Kaelyn has a personality that is, in a way, split. There are periods when she is calm, sometimes even bubbly and sort of shy. And there are periods when she is simply unhinged; a psychopath, however having perfect control of both conditions. She is the type of person who will do whatever she wants, when she wants to. Due to having little to no attention to what is happening most of the time, Kaelyn may forget things temporarily, only to remember later, maybe minutes to hours after the event due to the short attention span, but will not have trouble recalling it thanks to her Eidetic memory. Kaelyn is also quite intelligent, unexpectedly, full of knowledge from her past experiences and the experiences of others she had heard of. She trusts few people, especially those who claim to be her family. After everything that has happened in her life, Kaelyn cannot afford to give out her trust so easily anymore since it is the trust she gave to the wrong people that tore her apart.

The girl naturally gives off a menacing vibe to the people around her as she walks and speaks with poise and confidence, inserting in them a sense of inferiority towards her. Plus, it is a chore for people to identify her, with the help of her unique eyes. Born with the uncanny ability to lie, Kaelyn may be one of those people you'd never share your deepest, darkest secrets with, but accidentally do.

Kaelyn had learnt to achieve the ability to pull different identities when encountering different people, be they dangerous or simply harmless, to prevent certain mishaps in her life from repeating. She is never the same person. Having built up her barriers with much effort from the very moment she was tossed at life to face alone, the girl barely lets her true self show.

Kaelyn also likes to play around with people’s emotions and lives - those of whom she deemed worthless anyway. Her vision of the world is as wretched as her life from the moment she was abandoned; revenge is beyond her reasons to live. Having more enemies than friends, the girl knows very well how to play her strings. She knows who she wants as enemies, and who she wants to be on the good side of. She still doesn’t trust anyone though, and that may only change for the very few people that she might come to think matter in her world.

- Magical Prowess: As a mage, one of Kaelyn's aims in life is to achieve magical prowess, to hit one of the top spots and be known for her use of magic.
- Family: After having the most fucked up family she could imagine, Kaelyn dreams of reinventing her experience as a family member, having her own 'family'.
- Ethereality: Kaelyn once had a vision of the future of all beings and that is that they were all growing towards ethereality. Until she experiences this herself, she has yet to thrive.

- Failure: One of her fears is that she will end up a pathetic failure without achieving her goals.
- Clowns: An incident earlier in her life had brought out this fear.
- Death: Not in the way that you may have guessed, but more in the sense of falling into oblivion, becoming irrelevant, unknown and gone.

- Muffins
- Blue
- Cold

- Noise
- Crowds
- Drama

Positive Characteristics:
- Agile (+3): You can dodge an attack up to B Rank, so long as it is feasible for you do to so (AoE excluded). Usable once per thread.
- Daunting Presence (+2): Players of lesser rank cannot initiate combat against you, but are capable of defending themselves.
- Diligent (+2): Reduces training cost of spells by 10% in word cost.
- Regeneration (+4): C-rank damage healed every post.
Negative Characteristics:
- Aloof (-1): You can't act nice to people and you can't make friends easily.
- Amnesia (-1): You can't refer to anything about your past. The rest of your flaws or not nulled by this characteristic but rather unknown to your character.
- Derangement/Insanity (-3): Coulrophobia
- Disfigurement (-2): You have a visible major disfigurement. (scars on her body)
- Inattentive (-1): You must drift off at least one out of five posts.
- Intolerance (-1): You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike (drama) comes into play.
- Overconfident (-1): You are easily goaded, and anyone attempting to taunt you will succeed.
- Righteous (-1): Your beliefs guide you so strongly that you are willing to kill an entire village that's harboring a thief, if it kills the thief too.


Magic: Static Genesis
Type: Caster
Element: Lightning
Description: Static Genesis is a type of magic that utilizes electricity, more specifically, lightning, as a form of offense and defense. Basically, mages who possess the ability to utilize this magic are able to generate lightning from their bodies, and manipulate them, even shaping their attacks as they wish. Users of Static Genesis are also capable of utilizing lightning from a distance, such as from the ground near them, or down from the sky. Lightning attacks work by electrocuting the opponents to various degrees, and there are spells that are said to be capable of completely paralyzing enemies, due to the extremely high voltage of the electricity employed in their use. Because of the high amounts of light produced with its use, Static Genesis can also be used to blind opponents, albeit for a short amount of time, and various other forms of techniques that might come in handy in battle. Unlike other lightning wielders, Static Genesis allows for the user to modify the color of the lightning, which in Kaelyn's case would be blue, and with the added effects of winter (not too much, just making them chilled enough to satisfy herself), making those she have used it against to call it 'Cold Lightning'.
Similar to other types of element-infused magics, Static Genesis can allow the user to transform their body into the element they control: by transforming into a lightning bolt, the user is able to avoid physical attacks, and have the added advantage of traveling around at very high speeds and damaging everyone or everything they come in contact with, much like real lightning.


- - -

Do you seek ethereality?

An echoey metallic voice spoke in her head. In fact, around her. Kaelyn blinked rapidly in an attempt to rid the stinging in her optics, a blurred sight before her. Her head felt heavy. She could tell that where she was now was neither her  bedroom nor anywhere she had ever been to. It was a reflective, flat landscape, one void of vegetation and elevation. When she was granted vision with crystal clarity, she was almost blinded by a brilliant light at the far end. What separated her from the light seemed to be a glassy river of black water. It was not flowing.

Do you wish to free yourself from this wretched shell?

The sound of water trickling down into a puddle rang loud and clear within her ears. She listened on, guessing the voice had more to say, when...distorted figures emerged from the river, limping almost in slow-motion towards the light. Kaelyn flinched, widening her trembling eyes and gasping in shock at the sight of such hideous beings. Goosebumps broke out all over her pale skin as she stumbled back, falling on her rear. She carefully observed as the foreign figures reached the light, and at that very moment, if her eyes were not playing tricks on her, the light flooded into their bodies, filling them to the brim and spreading out. The creatures became the opposite of what they were previously - beautiful. Even from quite a distance, Kaelyn could see their beaming faces, now lit up with happiness and freedom. Recalling the voice that spoke before, Kaelyn began nodding her head eagerly.

Your mind and body.

Kaelyn gasped once again as the heads of said creatures turned to her with reassuring smiles before the edges of their bodies began blurring and blending in with the light as she was brought back to reality. Her head started hurting, causing her to grunt in frustration. The voice was barely a whisper now while she transitioned from the otherworld-

...grow towards ethereality...

-back to Fiore, Earthland. Holding her head between her soaking wet hands, Kaelyn lifted herself out of the stream she was washing herself in. The blood that oozed out from the bottom of her spine seemed to have disappeared completely.

Last edited by Kaelyn on Mon May 09, 2016 12:29 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Kaelyn Empty Re: Kaelyn Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:01 pm


Bump for completion.

3Kaelyn Empty Re: Kaelyn Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:39 pm


Pulled because I missed something, sorry

Regeneration is +4, so you're gonna need to add -2 characteristics

4Kaelyn Empty Re: Kaelyn Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:10 am


Sorry about that. Fixed.

5Kaelyn Empty Re: Kaelyn Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:00 pm



6Kaelyn Empty Re: Kaelyn Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:18 am


Moved - so this hoe can claim an actual FC.

7Kaelyn Empty Re: Kaelyn Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:34 am


Haha done bitch.

8Kaelyn Empty Re: Kaelyn Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:00 am


Are you for real? Lmao approved.

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